chapter 14

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Finally my favourite little character had arrived ! Yay!

In the distance a baby cried as if woken up from a nightmare . A mother held the baby close to her rocking the baby ,trying to smooth the baby humming softly . Moving the baby's hair across the forehead smiling lovingly at him singing softly to the baby.

Hush little baby don't say a word
mama's gonna buy you a mockingbird
And if that mockingbird don't sing
mama's gonna buy you a diamond ring
So hush little baby don't you cry
your papa loves you and so do I
So hush little baby don't you cry
your papa loves you and so do I

The baby quieted down gazing up at it's mother giggling . Smiling she leaned down her forehead touching the baby 's .

"I'll always love you my sweet child ." The mother said to the baby humming .

That humming passed though her head as Miyu slept deep inside the darkness of her unconscious as the young innocent version of her lived for her at this moment .

"Mama ." A voice called out to her from the darkness . A small little girl with short strawberry blond hair and a pink dress walked up to her . Miyu Slowly opened her eyes , she was curled up in a ball floating in the air . Looking down she looked down tired at the small girl .

" Hinaichigo ?" Miyu asked triedly Hinaichigo looked up at her with a sad frown .

"Mama, why are you are you still here ?" Hinaichigo asked Miyu in a innocent tone tilting her head to the side .

"I'm tired ." Miyu mumbled her eyes slowly closing by their selves feeling the darkness creeping up on her .

"Mama, please don't sleep . Not now , everyone misses you ." Hinaichigo told her in a worried tone .

"Hmmm...demo I'm so tried ...." Miyu traced off her eyes closed now .

"What about your promise ?" Hinaichigo asked making Miyu 's eyes open a bit .

"Your promise with him if you break it then what will happen then ? And what about everyone else back home ? What about them ? You promised you would return to them again. " Hinaichigo said reminding Miyu of her promise .

"Home ....everyone...." Miyu said to her self waking up from her daze . Looking down at Hinaichigo, she smiled up at her cheerfully .

"What about you ?" Miyu asked her

"I'll wait here for mama to wake me up." Hinaichigo cheerfuly and confidently replied to her putting her arms behind her . Smiling down at her Miyu nodded her head .

"I promise you I'll do it as soon as possible . "

"Okay !" Hinaichigo happily yelled out smiling innocently .

"Mama , I love you !" Hinaichigo yelled out waving her hands out at Miyu . With a smile Miyu closed her eyes before fading away . Opening her eyes slowly she blinked finding herself looking at a familiar ceiling .

I'm back .... sitting up she winced at the pain in her forehead before turning to the book sleeves where her daughter's laid asleep in their suitcases .

Standing up she quietly made her way to her work desk before pulling out a two suitcases with gold roses on them placing them on her desk . Her eyes lingered on the last black suite case placed on the bookshelf on its own with a small frown .

"Alice ..." Miyu traced off before her hand went up to the silver key hung around her neck . The one thing she needed to let her out . Her first doll and daughter every created . Yet incomplete and broken after that day Alice had broke . Miyu had promised to rebuild her again but for some reason she couldn't .

I'll see you again ( Alice  Academy.  / Gakuen Alice )Where stories live. Discover now