Hybrid Harry

By CamrynHemmings10

17.5K 825 672

"How would you feel if you were a freak"?! *** Spencer- Just you average every day hippie skater girly girl g... More

Hybrid Harry .1
First day of senior year .2
The squad .3
Our little adventure .4
Crush. 5
Slumber party.6
Day two. 7
Just a little JaJa before detention .8
Detention .9
roses are red Violets are blue
Fight club .11
The Family .12
Dinner with the Styles. 13
Sexual Edication .14
Skits . 15
Roof top.16
The big reveal.17
So wait...your a cat? 18
Wii sleepover time yay. 19
People talk. 20
Interrogation. 21
The exes.22
So wanna go to the dance with me. 23
Another Hybrid. 24
Homecoming part 1. 25
Homecoming part 2. 26
Quick authors note
Homecoming part 3. 28
Character Ask Part One. 29
Charecter ask part two.30
Running for my life. 31
Authors note and letter to readers
Let's save our boyfriends.33
Home and cat fights.35
Please read!
Back to school.37

Rescue Mission. 34

178 9 37
By CamrynHemmings10

Harry's p.o.v

My eyes shoot open and my head is banging. I look around and see I'm in a completely white padded room. No windows just bright lights shining in my eyes. I try to sit up but I can't. I look and see my arms and legs and chained to the slab of metal I'm laying on. I see I'm only wearing my boxers and my tail and ears are showing. I struggle in the chains trying to get free.

"SPENCER"! I yell.

"Why are you yelling my daughters name"? I hear a speaker say. I look up and see a camera pointing at me. I look at confused.

"What do you mean"? I ask. "Who are you and why am I here"?

"Because you're a freak. And I want to know how an abomination like you knows Spencer"? He asks.

"Spencer Lafontaine"? I ask. That's when I feel the metal chains around my arms and legs shock me. I scream in pain.

"Don't say her name"! He yells. "Now how do you know her, did you capture her"?

"I will speak her name because I love her! We are together. Dating. And if you asked her she would say she loved me"! I yell and he shocks me again. I bang my head against the the table I'm on. "ASK HER"! It stops and I sigh of relief.

"That's pretty brave of you to say". He says.

"Only because it's true". I say. "She's going to get me out of here".

"And we will just find you again". He says.

"Then she'll get me out again. She is a talented girl. But I guess you wouldn't know since you never talk to her". I say. There is silence. Then I am shocked again and I scream in pain.

"The dissection starts in two days you are going to a cage tonight for some testing". He hisses. That's when two people in suits come in and unhook me. I try to break free but the hit me in the head to get me to stop. I see doctors staring at me at me either looking sad, disgusted, or scared. One person glares at me and I turn my head.


"Shut the hell up you freak". One of the guards hisses at me. I close my eyes tightly, hoping this is just a dream. But when I open them I still see the world judging. I have no one here.
Not my friends Niall, Zayn, Liam, Ashton, JaJa...
Or Spencer.
Especially Spencer. What I wouldn't do to see her. She accepts me for who I am.
They guide me into a large room where I see multiple cages. I see some people sleeping and some people are being tested on. I look closer at a girl who is screaming and backing away from a doctor who is holding a needle and see she has long curled horns coming out of the top of her head. I try to break free to see if I can help her but again, it is no use. I look around more and see everyone in each cage is a hybrid weather it be snake eyes and fish scales everyone was like me. I see that they are dragging me to a dark hallway.

"Boss said you get to be alone and locked up". One of the guards says. They open the cage door and shove me in. When I fall I hit my head off the wall making my vision blurry.

"The doctors will be here soon. Have fun you freak". The other guard says. The lock the door and I run up to the bars on the window. I see I'm at the end of a really long hallway and its very dark and the lights that are on are a eery color.

"LET ME OUT OF HERE"! I scream. I know it's no use but I guess it's just an instinct to scream when you're in danger. 

"Goddamnit". I breathe. I bang on the door angrily. What if I never see my family and friends again? What if I never see Spencer again. She'll be able to move on though. If I die I mean. She's a lovely girl. I mean not many can accept her mental disorder but you know I think it's nice. She could have a normal life. Why am I holding her back. Maybe I am a monster if I'm making her life difficult.

I sit down on the mat that's laid down on the floor. I rub my temples and let a few tears fall from my eyes. I guess this was inevitable though. How was I supposed to have a normal life? It was never really going to happen. All good things must come to an end I guess.

I hear the door open at the end of the hall. I stand up quickly and see three people in full body suits walking towards me. I back up until I reach the wall. They open the door and I see they have what looks like a tool box. I back into the corner as they open the box. I see them pull out a very sharp knife and some test tubes. They start to walk towards me with the knife.

"What are you doing"? I ask.

"We need some blood samples". They say in a monotone voice. The hold it up to me and start to try to get away.

"DON'T TOUCH ME WITH THAT THING"! I yell. The grab on to me and pin me against the wall.

"NO"! I yell. "NO PLEASE NO".


Spencer's P.O.V
*earlier that night*

I get into my car and rest my head against the steering wheel. I start to sob really loud. Why did this have to happen? Harry doesn't deserve any of this. He is no monster. He is just Harry. So what if he is a Hybrid. He's not Hybrid Harry, to me he is just Harry.
I cry loudly and stomp my feet on the floor of my car. Why did I just let him go. If we are going to go through this we are going to do it together.

"Alright Spencer get your shit together". I yell at myself. If anyone saw me right now they'd think I was crazy. "Let's go save Harry".

I pull out of the school quickly and start driving into town. I look in all the ally ways to see if I see him running. That's when I see two helicopters fly over head.

"What the"-

That's when five police cars come speeding past me as well.

Well there's Harry.

I speed after the police cars in hopes they will lead me to him. I see the helicopters are hovered over this tall building. I squint to see what's happening at the top. Then I gasp when I realize who it is.
Harry standing there paralyzed in fear. Lights are shining down on him. I get out of the car and look up not knowing what to do. I try to run to the doors of the building but they hold me back. I'm so in shock I can hardly process what's actually happening.

"No please let me through". I say almost sounding dazed.

"We can't do that miss". A cop says holding me back.

"No please you don't understand"! I say not making eye That's when I net drops over Harry. I bring my hand to my mouth. It starts to lift him up into the helicopter.

"HARRY". I scream. The police push me away. I scream and cry as he gets lifted away, nothing I can do about it. I want to save him but I can't. I run back to my car trashing my old plan and building a new one. I speed home trying to remember everything my father said about hunting hybrids. I hear my phone start to ring and I see that's it's Kat. Of all times. I answer the call while I drive well over the speed limit.

"What"! I yell into the phone.

"Woah there Chill". She says.

"I'm no where near chill so what do you want". I ask.

"So Harry's a Hybrid". She says.

"Yes is that all you have to say or are you just going to call him a freak 'cause if so I'll just hang up now". I say.

"No I just wanted to know why you didn't tell me I thought you told me everything. You've been distant lately". She says. I sigh.

"I know Kat and I'm sorry it's just I've been worried sick about protecting him and the one time I was supposed to help him... I lost him while he was saving me". I cry into the phone.

"Hey it's not you're fault. You'll help him okay . If you need anything, anything at all, call me okay"? She says. I smile to myself a little.

"Okay. Thanks Kat you're the best".

"I feel weird that my name is Kat and your boyfriend is a cat". She says. I roll my eyes and hang up. I get to my house that I haven't been in to for a while now. I was living at my aunts apartment for a while because my dad left for the hybrid hunt. My aunt was in Colorado for a while so I was like why not. I walk into my room and grab my clothes change out of my dress and heels into some leggings and a sweater. I then run into the attic where my dad kept all of his 'gear'. I grab a gun, a key card to the lab, and a knife as well. I look for the destination of the lab and finally find it in a pile of paper work.
I run back out the car and drive to the destination. Let the rescue begin.
I pull into the parking lot of the lab after a day of driving . Before I came I literally stopped at a costume shop and got a blonde wig and a doctors coat. I throw them both on and I actually look like a different person. Like a blonde sister that I never had. I tuck the small gun into my boot and put the knife in my pocket. I take he I.D. And walk towards the door trying to look confident. I swipe the card and it says my name is "Amelia Pond". I shrug and walk inside with my head hung low. I honestly feel like I'm a spy in a movie. But let's not get to excited seeing as you could be saving your boyfriend from certain death.
I look around and see certain doors and room. I look into the windows and see hybrids strapped to metal tables then all of a sudden they look like a jolt of electricity is shocked through them. I bite my lip. Did that happen to Harry? I try not to think of that. I see a door that's marked "testing facility".
I look around and see what looks like fifty different cages. I see different types of hybrids all in these cages. I see what also looks like all the doors seem to be connected to one data base. Yes I sound like a nerd but it forms a plan in my brain.

"Hello Doctor"! An older man says to me. I look behind me but then remember that at the moment I'm a doctor.

"Hi Doctor". I say awkwardly.

"Are you looking for a certain hybrid to do tests on"? He asks me.

God it's like they are selling these poor people for testing. And God Harry is one of them. It's been an entire day he has been here. I hope he is okay.

"Well, do you have a cat hybrid"? I ask biting my lip trying so hard not to look extremely nervous.

"We have multiple cat hybrids right now". He says raising an eyebrow.

"How about one that recently came in". I ask feeling my hands shake. I hate this so much. But I need to power through and do it.

"Oh you mean that one. Boss put him in the cell in the abandoned cell block because he needed to be alone for special testing". He says. My heart literally stops. Boss is what they called my father, I mean even I called my dad boss. Why is Harry in special testing? Oh god please don't let him me dead.

"Good to know I'll see you". I say walking towards the abandoned cell block. I see a key of to the right of it and walk towards it quickly. I see there is a timer to set that will open all the doors. I set it so all the doors will open in twenty minutes. I open the door and see a very long dark hall way with one single door at the end.

"Harry"? I say out loud. That's when I hear a weezy cough from the end of the hall. I gasp and sprint to the end. I rip off the wig and jacket I'm wearing and then I look through the small window on the door and see Harry laying in a fetal position on the ground. I see his tail hair looks mangled along with the hair on his head and he has what looks like burns, scars, and bruises on his arms. I open the door and run inside kneeling next to him, tears in my eyes. I put my head against his shoulder and cry.

"Harry I'm here". I whisper. That's when he turns around. He attempts to sit up and I bring my hand to my mouth when I see him. Under his eyes are very purple and his skin tone seems to have gone from a nice tan to pale like mine. Along his chest it almost looks like he has had acid thrown at him because the burns are becoming blisters. He has a deep cut also along his arm still seems to be bleeding. On the top of his head there seems to be a large bruise where he might've hit his head. I look closely on the markings on his back. That's when I notice they cut the word "hybrid" into his back and I gasp.

"Oh Harry what have they done to you". I breathe knowing if I speak any louder I'll break down into tears. He slowly raises his hand to my cheek. He touches my skin and smiles.

"Come on Harry we are leaving". I say. I help him get up. "Can you walk"?

"Y-yes". He says almost inaudibly. I let go of his arms and tries to take step and stumbles nearly falling.

"No you can't". I say. I put my arm under his to be a support for him.

"I'm-m s-sorry-y". He chokes out of his mouth. We walk out together me carrying most of his body weight and him trying his hardest to walk. He looks like he is serious pain and I see that his ears are flattened again his head.

"It's okay". I say. "It'll be okay I promise".

That's when I hear a lot of commotion from outside of the door. The doors must've opened. I open the door and see Hybrids running from there cage. I walk as fast I can trying to help Harry as well. Different people run into us. They nearly knock us over a few times. That's when Harry's knees start to buckle and he begins to fall bringing me along with him.

"No Harry come on keep trying"! I say trying to help us up. That's when I see a bigger guy with dark skin and what looks like snake eyes turn around. He comes over and supports Harry on my opposite side.

"Thank you". I say and he simply nods. We go much faster with the guys help out of the lab. The guy waves and then runs towards the woods. I bring Harry to my car and help him in. I drive out of the place as quickly as I can. I look over at him and see him coughing. I take his hand and I can that it is shaking.

"Harry what did they do to you"? I ask quietly. He takes a shaky breath.

"They did-d tests on-n m-me". He says his ears slowing raising up.  "I'm a f-freak".

"Harry no you are not"! I say a little more loud then I should've. "Please don't ever call yourself that".

Harry's P.O.V

"It's t-true". I stutter out. My body is in immense pain and at the moment all I want is to be asleep with her in my arms.

"You know what you're right. You are a freak". She says I look at her surprised. "And I'm a freak. And Ashton and JaJa are freaks. And Kat is a freak. And Niall and Violet are freaks. We are all freaks in our own way sometimes people just hide it better. But I don't see the point in hiding it because once we stop hiding it everyone is themselves".

"You're-e p-perfect". I say quietly.

"No I'm not Harry"! She snaps. "I'm not remotely perfect. But that's okay because no one is. I'm happy I'm not perfect. I'm happy I'm different and you should be too".

My mouth tugs at a smile. She's right. She is completely and utterly right.

"You-u always-s know-w what to-o s-say". I whisper. "I love-e you".

"I love you too". She says.

"I think-k I'm gonna-a throw up". I say. She pulls over the car and I run out and vomit. She walks over to me and pats my back.

"Sorry". I say. She laughs a little.

"Stop saying you're sorry". She says.

"Sorry". I smile. We start to walk away but when I look up its already too late. Three police cars pull up with there lights beaming on us. I look at myself and I remember that I'm only wearing my boxers so my tail and ears are showing. "Shit".

"Hands where I can see them"! A police man yells at us. We both stand next to each other and raise our hands slowly.

"Wait this doesn't need to be like this"! Spencer says walking towards them and dropping her hands. They all take out there guns and point them at her. I run in front of her and I hear a gun shot go off. I tackle Spencer to the ground and shield her. Her arm looks like the bullet just brushed against her. There are tears in her eyes and wipe them away.

"Harry listen to me". She whispers. "I need for you to stay still and not say a word unless I ask you to. I have a plan". I nod slowly and begin to stand up. She does so as well.

"Dad"? She asks out loud. I see her father is the only one with his gun still risen. "You almost just shot me"!

"It was meant to hit the monster"! He spat. She clenches her fists. The wrath of Spencer is soon to be unleashed.

"What kind of monster would jump in front of someone to take a bullet for them? What kind of monster would set up a table lit dinner under the stars just because he loves a girl? What kind of monster would accept you for your biggest imperfection and even see it as something beautiful? What kind of monster would be there for a girl when her shit father was no where to be seen"? She says. "No monster would do that. Harry would do that though". She reaches back and I take her hand.
Her father gasps and I can't help but give him an evil grin. He sees me and points his gun at me again. Spencer stands in front of me.

"You shoot him, you shoot me too. So make your pick". She says her voice sounding so brave, so confident.

"Spencer why are you defending it"? Her dad asks rubbing his temples.

"I'm defending him because I love him". She says. I see some of the other cops put down there guns. She looks at me and nods.

"I love her too". I say my voice feeling better. "And I would never do anything to hurt her".

"Well how do we know you won't snap"? He asks me.

"Give me a week. A week in school as a hybrid and I'll show you I can function like everyone else". I say. "And if not then you can take me away along with all the other hybrids".

"Boss what do you think"? A lady in a lab coat says.

"One week. And if you mess up I'll crush you and everyone like you".

"Really"? Spencer and I say in unison. He nods looking royally pissed off. I take Spencer's face in my hands and kiss her on the lips. That's when I see a camera flash. I shrug and continue kissing her.

"We did it". She whispers.

"We did didn't we". I say with a smile.

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