The Lost Potter

By read_write_thrive

399K 9.2K 2.9K

(Sorry about the working title, brainstorming left me empty handed) Sybil never finished the prophecy. While... More

The Complication
The First Year.
Ready For School?
The Encounter
Diagon Alley
The Hogwarts Express
The First Night at Hogwarts
The First Day
Wide Awake Part 1
Wide Awake Part 2
Bruises and Scars
A New Schedule
Happy Holidays
Home Sweet Home
The New Home
Training AND Bonding!
Continuing the Plan
Breaking the News
Unfinished Business
Come On!
A Visit from the Candyman
Back Into Civilisation
Home Sweet Home
Hello, Again.
Animal Friends
The Girl in the Low Shack
The Tell-All
The First Attack
The Second Visit to Hogwarts
Hello, again. Again.
New and Old Friends
When Plans Fall Through
Walking The Dog
Merry Christmas Potters Part 1
Merry Christmas Potters Part Two
Somewhow Even Worse
No Clue
So Complicated
The Big Reveal
Enter Snivellus
We're going to be in so much trouble
The Rat be a Rat
The Reveal
The Old Foes
Is This the End?
Author's Note/ SEQUEL

Wide Awake Part 3

7K 195 113
By read_write_thrive

Wide Awake Part 3

September 3rd, 1991

You already have a letter? Who's it from?" Ron asked.

"My adoptive dad," Olivia muttered as she sighed and prepared herself to open the letter.

You can always open it later. Harry commented.

Yeah but then I'll never end up opening it, better to get it over with. Olivia tore open the Malfoy deal and read the letter written in silky black ink.

I see you've already gotten yourself injured. Do we need to pull you out of Hogwarts? Or will you make an effort to be a decent student?
We'll discuss your punishment for your poor first impression when you return Christmas break. Don't let it happen again.
Draco mentioned you being sorted into the Gryffindor house and that your new friend is the one and only Harry Potter. You'll be glad to know I have made arrangements for you to be transferred to another school if this disobedient behaviour keeps up.
-Lucius Malfoy

Tears sprung up in her eyes, but her rage was stronger. She couldn't believe Draco had ratted to his father already. How could he?!

"Well, what does it say?" Ron asked, but Olivia flicked her hand at him. She stood up quickly and didn't even notice that Ron was now sprawled on the ground metres from where he was sitting. Olivia stormed her way over to the Slytherin table and yanked on Draco's shoulder, causing him to stumble over his seat.

"Draco, what did you tell him?" Olivia's voice was cold and barely restraining the anger she felt.

"Olivia, what are you-" Draco started but Olivia flung him backwards. She walked towards him slowly as he struggled to stand.

"What. Did. You. Tell. Him." Her breathing was ragged and unstable, but she refused to break down crying now.

"Just what was happening! I figured it would be better for him to hear it right away then later!" Draco tried defending his actions. Looking into his adopted sister's eyes he was truly scared for his life.

"Do you know WHAT he'll do to me?!" Olivia couldn't stop the tears as they trailed down her face. Her hands thrashed about as she spoke; they tossed Draco over, they tore at his limbs, they bashed around his head until he couldn't think straight without laying a finger on him.

At this, crowds of people trying to break up the fight ran towards Olivia. She swiped her boney hand at them and they all couldn't get any farther. She could hear the teachers yelling but paid no attention to them. Some students, like Ron, even cheered her on.

"Olivia I know I screwed up-," Draco pleaded but she was having none of it.

"You didn't THINK. You didn't even THINK about the consequences. THE ONE TIME I'M AWAY FROM THAT POISONOUS MAN AND YOU HAD TO BE HIS LITTLE RAT!" Olivia was sobbing at this point but wouldn't stop thrashing the little blonde boy about.

A hand clasped her shoulder and without even thinking she sent them flying. The other students looked on in horror as their powerful Headmaster sailed backwards and landed with a loud crunch.

OLIVIA! Harry called into her head. Sure she had gotten his previous thoughts but had chosen to ignore them, just as she did this one.

Harry knew she ignored him, so he circled back around the circle to where he was standing behind Draco. He slowly approached the two, and kneeled on the ground next to Draco, checking for any big injuries.

"Harry! Don't make me do this," Olivia called. She knew she was wearing down, but it was too late to go back now.

"I'm not making you do anything," Harry raised his arms in fake-surrender, "But you need to stop this,"

"You know what he's done! You know what he'll do to me!" Olivia's sobs were loud and broke apart her words.

"Draco didn't do anything to you, that was Lucius. Draco was doing what he thought was right," Harry saw Draco nodding furiously out of the corner of his eye.

"But-but now he-he-he'll," Olivia tried to stutter out, but her strength was long gone. As her barriers collapsed, so did she. Harry ran forward and barely caught her head from smashing into the floor.

"Harry, you need to step away from her," McGonagall said as she approached the two with her wand drawn, "Let me take her to the hospital wing,"

Harry reluctantly stepped away and let the Professor levitate Olivia away. He saw Snape cast a quick sleeping sleeping spell and then follow suit with a floating Draco. Dumbledore stood up slowly, cradling his left arm which hung backwards. He stood tall and addressed the students.

"This morning's lessons have been cancelled. I will announce at lunch any further news. And please, no visits to the Hospital Ward unless you are extremely close to one of the injured. That is all," Albus rushed away to the hospital ward as the other students all thought the same thing: What just happened?


EFIT 8/10/18: Ah yes, the first outburst. If you like this, you're in for a lot of fun.


And here's the last part of Wide Awake. Any ideas on what's going to happen to our beloved Olivia?

Hope you enjoyed!

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