Percy Jackson meets the Aveng...

By icanthelpbutsmile

700K 15.4K 6.4K

Percy is excited for this summer to come, except everything spirals down hill and Percy Jackson's life is cha... More

Chapter 2: Our target.
Chapter 3: The meeting.
Chapter 4: New York City.
Chapter 5: The plan is in action.
Chapter 6: Capture Percy Jackson.
Chapter 7: Percy Jackson: captured.
Chapter 8: He's in.
Chapter 9: Loki's back.
Chapter 10: Loki wins?
Chapter 11: They dont know whats coming.
Chapter 12: We need weapons.
Chapter 13: The Interragation.
Chapter 14: "The Heaven god."
Chapter 15: A talk with Chiron.
Chapter 16: We got weapons.
Chapter 17: Fight me.
Chapter 18: That escalated quickly.
Chapter 19: I'm tired.
Chapter 20:

Percy Jackson meets the Avengers.

82.9K 1K 648
By icanthelpbutsmile

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from the Percy Jackson series or the Avengers.


The whole place was chaotic. Workers had their fingers flying over their keyboards and men in uniform were running all over the place as the Orange haired agent made her way to Director Fury's office.

Confused workers would wander around, looking for something to do. Some ran up to ask her some questions, but she would just shoo them off.

The women walked into the office.

"Director Fury, you called." She greeted the dark skinned man with the eye patch.

"Yes I did, Agent Romanoff. It's about time you got here. I have a task for you. I want you to call them back in." Director Fury said as he handed some files.

Natasha scanned through the files, wide eyed. "Y-you want what? Sir is this a good-"

"Did I stutter?" The man asked.

"No, sir."

"Then go!"


My seat shook as I sat in the car, while my mother drove. I was excited to get back to camp and see Annabeth, and of coarse all of my other friends too.

My step-dad looked at me through the rear view mirror and winked at me.

"A little excited there, aren't ya?" Paul laughed.

I stopped bouncing in my seat, my face a little red from embarrassment. I'm seventeen, I need to keep my cool.

Mom stopped the car when she got in front of half-blood hill. She unbuckled her seat belt and turned so she was facing me.

"Listen Percy, I know this is a lot to ask. But please, oh pretty please, be safe and careful?" My mother, Sally Jackson, asked.

"I'll try my best mom." I smiled and hugged my mother and shook Paul's hand goodbye. I grabbed my backpack and exited the car.

Weird, I was excited in the car, but the more I went up the hill, the more dread built up inside me. I had a bad feeling something was defiantly going to happen this summer.

I heard my mothers car drive away, and my heart dropped. I had a feeling I wouldn't see her and Paul for a while.

I played with my bead necklace as I climbed the hill. I always wore this necklace, it means a lot to me.

When I reached the top of the hill, I was so filled with anxiety I almost turned around and left.

Something was about to happen. And I did not want to be apart of it.


Author's note: what do you think? This is one of my first fanfiction, I'm sorry if it's no good! Oh and please bare with me now, I'm writing on my phone. Leave a comment, please?(:

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