Whenever You Remember

Od missindependent_

186K 4.7K 685

After five years apart, best friends Sophia Kingston and Will Harvey are reunited. You'd think that when seei... Více

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
New & Re-Vamped
The Truth, here it is. Please read.

Chapter 7

6.2K 170 69
Od missindependent_

Chapter Seven:

"I'm too jet lagged to work!" Elise groaned as we both were about ready to head out to work for that fine Monday morning.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her complaining, "Elise, you can't be jet lagged. We went to the same time zone, and the flight was hardly even an hour."

Elise made a face at me, clearly annoyed with my lack of sympathy for her situation. "Well whatever Sophia I'm tired, was that not obvious?" She snapped and I raised my eyebrows in amusement.

Elise is one of those people who truly treasures her sleep. That's why she sleep so late, and she normally is asleep in bed between 9 and 10 on work nights. When she doesn't get the amount she needs, she practically turns in to the hulk. Much to my dismay, she hasn't turned green yet.

She looked at me and noticed my expression before sighing and adding, "I'm sorry, you know how I am when I don't re-energize."

I scoffed, "Yes I do, and more often than not I'm the victim."

She glared at me, and punched my shoulder "Shut up!" Fortunately she laughed afterwards, so I knew that she was kidding, at least a little bit.

I stuck my tongue out at her as we both grabbed our work purses and any other necessary folders. When got into the elevator, and I asked "Oh right so since it's the first Monday of the month, my office has food delivered for lunch. Should I try to smuggle some for us for dinner?"

Hey, don't judge. As I've said, Elise and I are both young girls, living in the city with rent and student loans to pay off. We take what we can get. Even if it is from the break room.

Elise shrugged, "Sure. We could always order in pizza if that doesn't work, then we have leftovers for the week."

I nodded in agreement. The elevator hit the bottom floor, and we both walked out the lobby to hail a taxi.

"See you back here around 5:30," I told Elise as I hopped in a taxi, with a smug expression because I got one first. We always had a contest of who could pull one over the quickest.

She glared at me as her taxi pulled up, "Fine." I laughed at her as I got in and took off.

Now I feel like I look at the city differently. It's weird for me to know that Will is here too. He could be nearby or all the way across town. Guess I'll never know though.

I was deep in my Will rampage that it took me a minute to notice we had stopped in front of my office building. "Um, Miss?" The foreign taxi driver pointed at the meter with my price then outside at my office building. Rude. I tossed him the fare and quickly scurried out of the cab.

I stared up at my building, groaned internally, and entered. I could already tell it would be a long Monday until five o'clock.


Lunch. Finally. I surveyed the food options, and none of it looked appetizing. Seriously, it looked like junior high cafeteria food. Gross. But at least it was the type of food that would fit in my purse without a mess, I guess.

Gavin snuck up beside me and tapped my shoulder, making me jump a foot in the air. I mean, who likes to be surprised when they are having thoughts of stealing food on their mind?

He chuckled, "Did I scare you?"

"Little bit," I wiped the imaginary sweat off my forehead.

"Sorry! I was just going to ask if you wanted to grab a bite to eat at that little deli on the corner of the block. Because if you ask me, this food looks like crap," he lowered his voice as to not offend the chefs who had set up the tables of food.

I nodded in relief, thanking the heavens I was being saved from the disgusting options. It wasn't like I would be taking this garbage home. Plus, Gavin was an intelligent, good looking guy, and a great escape.

As we walked, Gavin seemed to have something interesting to say about everything, and I had to laugh multiple times. I don't know why, just the way he says things I find hilarious. What's weird though, is even while he says goofy things, his voice is so luscious and he appears to be so laid back and, well, smooth. Especially for a supposedly 'boring accountant.'

"I don't recommend getting the Philly cheese steak," Gavin leaned down to discreetly murmur in my ear.

I raised my eyebrows, peering into his piercing blue eyes. "And why not?"

He let out a breath and said "It may just be a conspiracy, but word on the street is that anyone who eats the Philly cheese steak later pukes it all up. Or they have bad luck for a year. I can't remember exactly which. It might be both."

I chuckled, "Do you believe it?"

"Hell yeah! I'm not arguing with the street rumors of New York!" I rolled my eyes at his fear and we stepped up to order.

"I'll have the pulled pork sandwich and a side of fries," Gavin ordered and looked to me to put in mine. I gave him a smirk.

"Philly cheese steak sandwich please," I asked with a wide smile.

Instantly, the whole place froze and I heard a piece of silverware hit the floor. The cashier stared at me for a solid ten seconds blankly before punching in my order.

Do the employees here even believe that conspiracy? Wow.

I shrugged and pulled out eight dollars for my sandwich, but Gavin pushed my hand back. "Nah, it's my treat," he winked.

I raised my eyebrows, "I really don't mind paying."

He rolled his eyes and handed over the proper amount for us both. "Yeah me neither."

I lightly bumped his shoulder as we left the register, "Well thanks."

He nodded, "And are you crazy? Why would you order the sandwich of superstition?!"

I shrugged with a smug grin, "What can I say, I'm a dare devil."

Gavin rolled his eyes, "Why don't you find a table and I'll grab the sandwiches." I nodded and did as he said.

As we ate, we didn't exchange a lot of words. I started to zone out as I took in the incredibly delicious taste of my Philly cheese steak, and Gavin threw a couple of French fries at me. I ate them, of course, and even dipped them in his barbecue sauce.

"I can't believe you're actually eating that," Gavin stated as he stared at me with amusement.

"It's so amazing! Next time we come here, I'm definitely getting it," I said dreamily. Gavin's face noticeably lit up. Was it something I said?

"Hey do you like baseball?" Gavin randomly asked after took a huge bite of my sandwich. I gulped it all down, with hardly chewing.

"When I was younger I would always go to my best friend's games. I haven't been to one in ages though," I answered, referring to the hundreds of Will's baseball games I had attended over the years.

Oh great, here comes all flashbacks again of me riding my bike across town to watch his little league games, or catching a ride with his family to go to the town over and watch, or when I'd even drive Will to his games so I could psych him up beforehand. I don't know how I possibly did that, but he always told me that talking with me before games made him feel more equipped to play.

Gavin continued with a wide smile, oblivious to my nostalgia, "Would you like to go to one again?"

"What do you mean?"

"I have an extra ticket to see this Yankees play this Saturday. The seats are killer, right on the foul line near the Yankees dugout!" My jaw dropped. I've only been to one professional baseball game, and that was when I bought Will tickets for us to see the Red Sox on his eighteenth birthday.

"Wow they must have cost you a fortune," I noted.

He shook his head, "Nah. One of my buddies has season tickets down there, and when he can't make it, he asks me if I want 'em," he explained and I nodded. "So, would you like to go?"

Well no shit! I'd love to go! I had a million of good memories at baseball games. I managed to give him a poised answer, "Of course!"

Gavin gave me a relieved smile. "Great! It should be fun, the team snagged a new pitcher this season, and apparently he's the real deal. Hopefully he plays Saturday."

"Yeah hopefully," I agreed. Truthfully, I know next to nothing about MLB players. Back in Ramsey when Will was my best friend, I kept up on all the players and their stats with him. And it was fun, but then, after everything happened, I didn't feel into it anymore.

Gavin talked some more about how this new pitcher just seemed to come out of nowhere from some small town and become a huge star in the majors, and then we headed back to the office.

Overall, I had an unexpected fun time with Gavin. As I've come to realize, he's a great person to have around as a friend. Especially in an occasionally boring office.


"So you have no idea why your grandpa asked you to watch this?" Elise asked as she opened the new bag of Baked Lays, barbecue style.

"Not a clue," I said while taking a huge handful of chips. Right now, it was currently 5:40. Elise and I were waiting for our pizza to be delivered, a large black olive and pepperoni, and then she said she would watch the ESPN thing with me. I was growing pretty curious. My grandpa had been so mysterious when he told me to watch it. I wonder what it has to do with.

"That's so weird," Elise murmured through a huge mouthful of chips. On top of that, the orange-red powder from the chips was all around her face. I burst out laughing.

"Not as weird as you are," she stuck her chip filled tongue out at my comment. "Ew! Keep it to yourself!" I giggled right as the doorbell rang and I ran off to get it.

It was the pizza guy, so I forked over the cash. I didn't even wait until I was the kitchen before I took out a piece and ate it.

Pure bliss.

Elise eyeballed me chowing on the pizza and she looked at me with a face of amusement.

"Wow hungry much?" She asked and I gave her a cheeky smile, which showed the olives and pizza sauce in my teeth. "You're seriously repulsive."

"Am not!" I defended with a laugh. We both knew, or least I did, that I only made that face to mess around with her.

She rolled her eyes, "Whatever! Just grab a plate and meet me on the couch!" Elise already had a plate of pizza with chips and was dashing into the living room.

Quick to catch up, I made myself in plate of three slices of pizza, chips, and a Coca-Cola. Mondays are my pig out days, don't judge.

I opened my can at the perfect time to plop on the sofa, "Channel 206."

Elise just stared at me, "I don't understand how you can eat so much crap and still be skinny."

"I go running at least four mornings a week, you know that. Go to 206!" I urged.

"Okay, okay. I'm going!" She chirped. She got to the station, and seeing as we still had ten minutes before the show would be on, Elise spoke again. "So, I've been meaning to ask you, have you heard back from that ale house out in the Bronx yet?"

Forcing a frown, I shook my head. "Not yet. But it's only been about a week since I met the manager. Hopefully soon, though, I could really use the cash."

Elise chuckled before inhaling another piece of pizza, "Amen." She said through a mouthful.

"Real smooth," I murmured though my own mouthful of food. She laughed and her pizza splattered on me a little.

"Ew! Gross!"

She laughed some more, but wiped her face, thank heavens. "Also, how have you been doing?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

"You've just seen Will for the first time in five years. I'm just checking in to see how you're feeling." She said gently. Elise was really perceptive, and I guess that comes from her job. I've never personally seen her work, but she must be a miracle worker in that office. Now that I think about it, she has done her work on me many times, without me even realizing. Hmm. I wonder if that just comes naturally to her or something.

I sighed. I really am not the type of person who goes around talking about their feelings. I settled on shrugging, "I'm alright, I guess. I don't know, I feel fine."

Elise obviously didn't believe me as she put a hand on my shoulder and said, "Come on Sophia, it's me. You know you can tell me anything and you will still be my best friend and my roommate." I continued to look at her, still unconvinced. She chuckled lightly and fixed a few strands of my messy curls that were out of place. She was really particular about hair, whereas I couldn't care less. I've worn my blond hair in its unruly curls almost every single day of my life. Hey! Another thing I have in common with Taylor Swift!

"Seriously! You can trust me."

Looking down, I picked a piece of pepperoni off my pizza and ate it, putting my plate on the table before explaining to Elise. "It's just that..." I trailed off, not sure exactly how to phrase what I'm feeling. Frustration was the main reason for my speechlessness. Overwhelmed? Nah, hat really doesn't begin to explain this whole mess of crap I'm feeling inside me.

After seeing him for the first time in five years, I feel everything I don't want to feel and more. It's like I ran into a freaking wall of déjà vu. And my god, of course he's even more handsome than he was when we graduated. Seeing him just revived that ache in my gut he brought. All the sadness, betrayal, heart break, anger, everything. Then I thought of all those amazing, fun memories we have together, and all my happiness gets stomped on by reality.

"That stupid bastard doesn't even act like he remembers anything about us," I snapped with a frown.

Elise gave me a sad smile, "I'm sorry on behalf of him, Sophia. What he did to you was wrong. But there's no way he could ever forget you. Of all the people I've ever met, there's none that are like you."

I chuckled lightly, trying to relieve the suddenly heavy atmosphere of the room, "Considering you've met a ton of freak shows at work, I don't know how to take that."

She laughed, "It's good. You're the most individualistic person I know, you don't care what other people think, and it sounds like you were quite the little fireball back in the day. Well, actually, you still kind of are one." I laughed and pushed her shoulder.

I smiled at her, "Thanks."

"Of course, what are best friends for?" She said casually, returning my grateful smile. Elise was a kickass best friend, and I don't know how I could have survived New York without her. Not to mention she spent part of her teen years just outside the city, so she already knew the ropes around the place. She's stood by my side the entire last five years, and without her, I probably would have collapsed under the shock of the city.

"How's it with Chris?" I asked. Since I just vented my heart out, it was only fair that I offered her the same.

She let out a deep huff, "No progress. He called me last night when we got home to make sure I got in okay and ask about the weekend. He laughed pretty hard when I told him about you and the golf cart, but nonetheless he didn't seem surprised," I giggled and rolled my eyes at this. "But I haven't heard from him since!" Before I could even spew out any words of wisdom, Elise groaned, "What do I do?!"

I rolled my lips in to hold in my laughter. Her situation was just so ironic to me. "What exactly do you want?"

She bit her lip, "We used this break because we've been together for so long and thought we needed a break to see if it's what we really want. BUT DAMMIT I'M DONE WAITING!" She must have noticed how my eyes widened by her sudden yelling. "Sorry."

"See him somehow," I suggested.

"See him?"

I nodded, "Make it seem casual, like you're just asking him nonchalantly to hang out. By you asking him, it will give him confidence so he can actually grow a pair and tell you that he wants you back too."

Elise blinked a few times, and before she could claim he doesn't want her back, I interjected, "Don't even start! He so does. I can hear it in his voice every time you guys are on the phone! You keep the volume freaking blasting on there. If I can hear it clear as day, I don't know how your ear drums haven't exploded yet."

Elise took a brief moment to compose herself and then she chuckled, probably at the fact that I had just given her a long speech without even taking a breath. She breathed of relief, "Thanks."

I nodded in acceptance. "I still find it ironic that a couple's therapist doesn't know how to deal with her own relationship crises."

I laughed extremely loud at this when Elise's jaw hit the floor. She grabbed her pillow and hit me repeatedly before sitting on my face and squishing me, all while repeatedly saying "You're so mean!" I could clearly hear her laughing though.

Through my hair and the pillow, I saw a new show come on the screen. "IT'S ON!" I screeched and Elise flew off me and back to the sitting position, straightening her hair in the process.

Happily, I picked my pizza back up off the table and began to chomp my pizza. After a tortuous thirty six hours, I was finally going to get to see what my grandpa wanted me to. I was jittering with anticipation. What could he possibly want me to watch on ESPN?

Several minutes passed, with no interesting revelation. My energy had not died, though, and I was still on the edge of my seat. Finally, the announcer voice said the words I had been told to listen to. "Up next after the commercial break, we're welcoming the rookie baseball player who is quickly growing a reputation for his wicked curve ball and flaming fastball. From a small town in Massachusetts, please welcome...the new Yankee pitcher, Will Harvey."

My pizza fell out of my mouth and Elise gasped.

We just sat in silence while I stared at the screen and a commercial came on. I could sense Elise beside me, giving me a questioning look, awaiting my reaction.

Will freaking Harvey, my ex-best friend, my ex-boyfriend, is a major league pitcher? For the freaking Yankees? A team I will be watching up close in action later this week?

"Holy. Shit."

Of all things ESPN would have brought me today, I did not see this one coming.

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