21st Century Odyssey

By NovaEagle

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Follow the path of four different demigods as they are given a quest to defeat the Fallen Angel, Legion! More

21st Century Odyssey
CHAPTER 22(Miki\Karina)
CHAPTER 23(Electra)
CHAPTER 24(Josh)
CHAPTER 25(Miki/Karina)
CHAPTER 26(Electra)
CHAPTER 27(Josh)
CHAPTER 28(Miki)
CHAPTER 29(Josh)
CHAPTER 30(Karina)
CHAPTER 31(Electra)
CHAPTER 32(Miki)
CHAPTER 34(Karina)
CHAPTER 35(Electra)
CHAPTER 36(Miki)
CHAPTER 37 (Josh)
CHAPTER 38 (Karina)
CHAPTER 39 (Electra)
CH. 40 (Miki/Josh)
CH. 41(Karina)
CH. 42 (Electra)
HELP!! New writer needed.
Ch. 43 (Miki)
Ch. 44 (Karina)
Ch. 45 (Josh)
Ch. 46 (Electra)
Ch 47 (Miki)
CH. 48 (Karina)
CH. 49 (Josh)

CHAPTER 33(Josh)

36 0 0
By NovaEagle

Written by NovaEagle97

A/N: Sorry it's so long! Wanted to put his dream in there.

I ran back to the car, an image of Miki bleeding flashing through my head. I landed in the drivers seat, the engine roaring to life as the rest of the group gets in. I shift it in to first and punch it, quickly going from second to third, then fourth gear. A speed limit sign shoots past, 50 MPH. I look at the speedometer. 85.

"Josh, the hospitals about ten minutes down the road." I shake my head. 'Screw the speed limit!' I think, my foot slamming on the clutch, shifting to fifth, and making the needle move up to 180 miles an hour. Electra falls back in her seat,

"Make that five." I nod,

"That sounds better." And silence falls, the roar of the engine the only noise as the tension rises.

Less than five minutes later I burst through the door, startling the receptionist.

"A girl just got in from an ambulance, brown hair, short, just got into a car crash, what's her room number?" The receptionist shuffles around in some papers and looks back at me,

"35, on the left!" She says to my back as I burst through the doors, the others tight on my heels. I skid to a stop at the room and look through the glass, seeing Miki lying on a table with doctors surrounding her. I grab my head, suddenly seeing Annabell's small body lying in a coffin.

"Oh no, not again, please Lord not again..." I mumble, backing into the wall and sliding down it, praying all the while.

"Dear Lord, she's in your hands, don't take her from us...from me Lord, don't do this again Lord please. You have her life in Your hands Lord, I ask that you return it to her body. Give her back to us Lord. Please....I don't need another Annabell..." I stutter off, a sob escaping my throat. I feel Electra sit beside me and hug me. I wrap my arms around her and finally let it go, crying on her shoulder as I continually pray. Karina sits down on the other side, placing a hand on my shoulder as Hayden and Axel lay a hand on my knees, all comforting, letting me know that they will always be there.

I don't know how long we stay there, me, praying and crying on Electra as the others comfort me, when the door opens and one of the doctors steps out. All our heads snap in his direction as he looks at us,

"She is stable, but only one person may visit her at a time." I let out a gasp, she was going to live!! Hayden clapped me on the shoulder,

"She's gonna live bro! Come on, you visit her, we'll run get some food for you." I look up at him and smile as he helps me up. They turn and go as I start to walk in when the doctor stops me,

"Legions getting stronger Joshua Hellfire. She's lucky, and so are you, that he didn't kill her." I look up at him with wide eyes, he nods and turns to leave when I stop him,

"Thank you, for everything." He smiles and then the air folds around him, but I don't see this, the only thing I see is Miki. I walk to her bedside and kneel down, grabbing her hand and holding it in mine.

"Thank you Lord..." I whisper. Rub her head, just above the bandage they put on. I brush the cloth and it comes away in my hand! I jerk my hand away, watching the ash blow away. I look at my hand, but I didn't use my fire power. I try to brush the ash away, but the whole thing suddenly turns to ash! I see the gash on her forehead and it starts to heal, the blood drying up and it closing.

"What..?" I glance at the rest of her, and all of her other cuts and scrapes are healing as well!! She suddenly opens her eyes, gasping.

"Miki!" She looks at me and grabs me, pulling me into a hug.

"Oh, Josh! I saw him! He took my necklace! He's got my luck!!"

"Hold on, hold on, who? Who was it?" She stops and looks at me, worry in the eyes that trapped me and reeled me in the first time I saw her. I feel a sinking feeling as she utters the one word that would change the Game.



Five minutes to sneak out of the hospital.

Two to find a good car, a mustang GT.

Fifteen minutes to contact Karina, and get to the hotel.

"So, hold on. LEGION himself, has your lucky necklace?" Axel asks for the tenth time. Karina slaps him,

"Yes, we've got that. Now lets find out where he is now." I smirk,

"Probably gloating over his victory in his little hell-away-from-hell hole. He's a demon that can travel inter-dimensionally, without major God help we have no chance of finding him." Electra looks at me oddly,

"Which god?" I shake my head, pulling my Bible out of my bag.

"Capital G God. The Creator of the world. King of Kings, Lord of Lords. Trinity three in one. Him." Electra nods and Karina gives me a confused look,

"A Greek demigod... Who believes in God? Isn't that an oxymoron?" I shake my head,

"We're kinda getting off track here so I'll keep it short and sweet. God made Gaia and Oranus. Earth and sky. Your Nut and Geb. Legion is a demon, actually a host of demons. 'We are called Legion, for we are many.'" Axel raises his eyebrows,

"Isn't that from 'Ghost Rider'?" Me and Hayden laugh,

"God bless Nicolas Cage." I chuckle at Hayden's remark,

"You know he's a son of Apollo." Miki cuts in,

"Okay have we figured out an answer to the problem of me loosing my luck?" Everyone looks at her,

"Well, besides trying to summon him here, bad idea, all we CAN do is pray, train and search for the next riddle." I answer, and she gives a sigh.

"So tomorrow we look for the clue, and train some more." I nod at Electra,

"Yes." She shrugs,

"Fine by me!" And flops on Snow, who immediately starts trying to lick her face. We laugh and start getting ready for bed, and finally, I fall in bed next to Miki.

"I'm sorry about loosing your necklace Miki." I say, fixing the covers over her. She sighs,

"It's okay. I'm still the daughter of Victory and Luck, so it wasn't really the necklace." She smiles, making a humming noise as I start to rub her arm. "And if you keep doing that I'll be a sleeping daughter of Victory." I smile as she closes her eyes, a little smile on her lips as she falls asleep. As her breathing deepens I close my eyes, finally falling asleep.

I rarely dream. But when I do, they're never dreams. They're like nightmares, but they're also real. I dreamed I was driving towards Lee and Karli's house, we were visiting for a while and I wanted to say 'hi' to them, when it exploded. Pieces of the house slammed into the car and suddenly, I'm in my bedroom. My dresser on fire and my bed completely charred. A man appears in front of me, tall, with darkness covering his face.

"Who are you?" The man only spreads his wings, answering in a voice that sounded like a thousand people at once.

"We are the ones that you are trying futilely to fight. We are Legion." I shiver as I realize that this was the person that almost killed Miki. I notice a glint of light around his neck and a feeling of dread comes over me, Miki's lucky necklace.

"We will beat you Legion. Even if we are just four silly little mortals, I have a fifth friend that can easily wipe you out. Because if my God is for me, then who can stand against me?" He hisses, chuckling at me.

"I may not reach you directly, but I can reach you, and hurt you." Suddenly, the door opens behind me, I turn and look, and it's Miki!

"Miki!" I whirl around at a sound that I had heard plenty of times, just in time to see a fireball shoot past!! I try to reach out and stop it but my hands won't work, and I see it hit Miki, in the exact spot that I hit Annabell.

"MIKI!" I turn around, my arms suddenly able to work and launch myself at Legion.

"NO!" I open my eyes, my breathing heavy. My two ice swords are crossed over Hayden's neck, his eyes wide.

"Hayden...." I whisper. The swords disappear as I stumble off him and bump into a bed frame.

"Josh?" I turn, Miki is standing beside me with fear in her eyes. I feel my eyes widen and grab her into a hug.

"Miki, you're alive." I sob into her shoulder, she rubs my back and try's to soothe me.

"I'm here, it's okay Josh. I'm here." I look over her shoulder at the rest of the group and Karina asks me,

"What happened Young Prince?" Miki pulls back, still in my arms but able to look me in the eyes as I say the same thing that she said,


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