Are you happy?

By diydolls

865K 11.1K 3.2K

He closed the distance between us he brought his hands slowly up my waist and pulled me towards him. i couldn... More

Are you happy? chapter 1 goodbye
chapter 2- finally home?
chapter 3 - first kiss
chapter 4- Pain
Chapter 5- the truth hurts
Chapter 6- over it
Chapter 7 -stacy
Chapter 8-his lips
Chapter 9-lier
Geo or kyle
Chapter 10- What are you?
Chapter 10 - part 2
chapter 11- just jump
Chapter 12- thoughts
Coming soon
Co author
chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
I have decided
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
chapter 18
Chapter 20
I don't know who to choose!!
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Vote .
chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Coming soon
Please read.
Chapter 28 ! This is the new update!! Read me! (:
Chapter 29
Main character contest
Quick update
Chapter 30

Chapter 19

12.6K 249 121
By diydolls

I nervously prepared myself for my date tonight. It was a mere 1 hour away and I still hadn't even began to get ready. I know what you're thinking, 'Dont most girls start getting ready like 5 hours early?' Not this girl. As sad as it is to say, I'm pretty lazy, so I usually leave things until the very last minute. Or in this case the last hour. It may not be the smartest move, but laziness overpowers everything, even the need to impress a certain god-like mate. Just picturing Geo in all his glory had my heart racing at a mile a minute and my hands clamming up. I had texted him earlier and asked him if he'd like to go to dinner, he had happily obliged, unknowing of my plan. I'll admit. It's probably not very fair of me to do this, but I need to know. I'm sick of this feeling. I feel so helpless because I don't know who to choose. It's like my heart is dragging towards Geo, but my brain is going in the other direction towards Kyle. They're both perfect, and deserve so much better, although they still want me. I don't get it.

1 hours and lots if mental and verbal pep talking later, I'm pacing the floors of my living room in a pair of blue jean shorts, a light pink studded blouse, and a pair of tan flats. My hair is straightened perfectly and my makeup is light and casual. Wouldn't want to look like we're trying too hard, would we?

"DING DONG!" Oh dear lord, he's here. Instantly I feel the butterflies erupt and I can just picture the verbal vomit that is about to nervously escape my delicately glossed lips. This should be good. I nervously head towards the door placing my hand on the cold door knob.

Ughh why am I do nervous ? It's probably the fact that this would

Be my first date with geo , the first date I go on sense my mother died and the first date I go on without my wolf. I tried calling to her telling her that I was going on a date with geo. with a small glimpse of hope that maybe just maybe she would come

back to me for good. I had no luck though she knew what I planned on doing and didn't like it at all.

"DING DONG" the sound made me jump as I remembered what I was doing. I slowly opened the door revealing one of two guys that made my heart skip a beat .

He stood there in a tight black dress shirt that showed of his muscles and jeans with a single red rose in his hand. His full lips ended in a cute smirk. As always his hair looks like he just got out of bed with the appearance of dark waves , which if I might as I wouldn't mind riding.

" done staring princess?" he let out a husky laugh which slightly turned me on as I looked up at him .

" I wasn't starting I was... "

"admiring me ?" he winked as he handed me the rose . Lightly kissing me on the forehead sending the butterflies in my stomach to go crazy.

" your so cocky geo " I taunted him as I grabbed the rose and closed the door behind me.

" So where are we going ?" he slipped his hand into mine and guided me towards the nearby woods. After about 25 minutes of walking and geo making me laugh we appeared on what seamed to be a private beach. There was a light coming from around some rocks and as we approached I gasped. There was a white blanket surrounded by dozens and dozens of candles with a few rose peddles scattered around . There was a picnic basket on the side and a bottle of wine .

"what do you think?" I felt his strong arms wrap around me making me feel safer then I had in a long time .

" it's amazing." I whispered . He guided me towards the blanket his arms still wrapped around my waist.

When he let go I felt sad but it was quickly replaced as he pulled me onto his lap once again tapping his arms around my waist.

"I missed you." he nuzzled his head into my neck taking a deep breath.

"I missed you so much baby" it felt so good when he called me that and I had no idea why.

" I missed you to geo .. But this doesn't mean we're dating you know that right?" he stiffened up a bit , causing me to turn around and face him a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"I understand , if I have to fight for you the rest of my life . Fight for your trust I will. " he smiled and kissed me on the cheek so close to my lip sending shivers down my back.

We sat there for hours talking about everything. From the time I had my first awkward kiss to the time he fell of a tree and landed on Stacy causing her to brake her nose . That story made me laugh for 6 minutes without stopping he laughed along with me.

"I live that you know." I looked over at him smiling .

"love what?"

"I love your smile " my cheeks slowly turned a bright pink making me smile even more.

" I also love the way you blush when I compliment you , you try and hide your beautiful face ." I quickly covered my face with my hair looking down at the floor.

"see that , that what I love." he moved my hair behind my ear and slowly pulled my chin up.

"your so beautiful " there I go again blushing like crazy.

"thank you geo." I hadn't felt like this in a while. He laid down and I placed my head on his chest hearing his heart beat in sink with mine. We gazed up at the stars . It was quite but it's wasn't awkward it was perfect .

By the time we finally headed back it was 2 in the morning . He walked me to my door step . I hugged him and didn't want to let go , but I had to remember of all the pain he had caused me I couldn't just forgive him like that.

" I had a great night ." I stopped hugging him and looked up into his eyes.

"so did I " he slowly leaned in placing a kiss on my lips and even though it only lasted a few second it was amazing . I slowly shut the door leaving me in darkness . Trying my hardest not to make any noise as I made my way up the Stairs and of course I failed miserably . I stumbled right before I reached my door . I made it towards my bed to tired to change . Bzzzz


Hey beautiful

My screen lit up the room and a smile appeared on my face.

Hi geo .

I pressed send and made myself comfortable under my covers . I spent the rest of the night texting geo until I saw the sunrise we said our goodnight and I went into a deep sleep .

Kyla pov

She shut her eyes and quickly fell asleep . Jealousy filled my body . I can't lose her I won't lose her. My date has to be ten times better and it will be. I will make her forget all about him.


So what did you think ? The beginning was written by kelseydawn14 a soon to be co author I hope! So I need some ideas for kyles date!? Team Kyle !! Comment below on what you think he should do !!

Are you team Kyle of team geo?

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