neglected potential ~ Discont...

By Eishi_Hibari8027

33.8K 1.2K 100

Just read it man. More

chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25

chapter 1

3K 81 7
By Eishi_Hibari8027

A/N: I don't own anything in this fanfic, I just got this from which the author closed his or her account. I repeat I don't own anything. The story from was deleted.

Chapter 1 -

'Saku-chan! wakey wakey sleepy head'

'Can't you just die.' Sakura told her inner, pulling an imaginary pillow over her ears.

'Well good morning to you too... I'm gunna pretend you didn't just say that because you're late.'

'Late...LATE!' Sakura thought rapidly.

She leapt out of bed and fell over a pair of boots and landed on a bruise she had on her hip.

The bruise had been caused by a punch from one of her clones when she'd trained last night.

With the constant reminder that she was weak, Sakura had endeavoured to train whenever she could.

Everyone was always to busy to train with her.

Sasuke said it'd be a waste of his time.

Kakashi seemed to think that reading porn was higher on his list of priorities than Sakura's development.

Naruto was training with Jiraiya in all of his free time.

Everyone just protected her, and loved her, dispite paying little attention to her yearning for growth.

With such an over-bearing insecurity of her self-worth, Sakura tended to believe the people who told her she was weak.

She believed them but that didn't make it any easier to hear.

Everytime, it hurt a little more.

Cut deeper, ripping through what was left of her spirit.

But she never spared a glimpse of her true pain to anyone.

To everyone else she was the happy, innocent little kunoichi who could bring life with her smile.

Her facade was impecable.

She was a master of her emotions.

She never cried or frowned.

She simply smiled irrelevant of her inner trauma or as the case may be, true happiness.

Always the same smile.

When Sakura ran up to the bridge where team seven always met, Sasuke was leaning against the rail while naruto was sitting with his legs dangling over the water.

"Sakura-chan! I'm so glad you're ok!" A bouncy ball of orange said, running towards the girl.

"I'm only like ten minutes late." She said with her usual smile.

"Yeah, but you're usually here ten minutes early..." He said grinning.

They waited there for a good hour before a calm Kakashi strolled toward them.

Naruto was about to pounce on him, but was held down by a, still smiling, Sakura.

"Good morning kaka-sensei." She smiled... again.

"Alright, today's training begins. All of you will take 10 laps of Konoha. Then Sakura will do 20 minutes of basic taijutsu and finally 20 minutes of kunai and shurican practice. Sasuke and Naruto will be doing twice that, before reporting to me for new ninjutsu practice." Kakashi said.

'He can't do that! It'd be pointless! Barely even a warm up...'

'I know...'

"But sensei, I am capable of far more than that, it wouldn't be pushing me to grow." Sakura replied, still with the smile.

"I'll tell you what you're capable of." He returned the smile.

"Sensei, when do I get to learn a new jutsu, because it's been atleast 6 month since you've allowed me to improve at all in ninjutsu." Sakura asked.

"Sakura..." He seemed to be struggling saying whatever it was. "I don't believe that you have enough potential to master ninjutsus beyond those basic few you already know. Afterall, it seems you just weren't meant for the ninja life." He said seriously.

"Not meant for this life? Because I don't possess a blood-limit or demon?" She asked slowly.

Her voice never wavered and her eyes stayed gleeful as did her smile.

Naruto frowned. "Yeah Kaka-sensei, Sakura shouldn't be held back. She'll just stay weak if you refuse to train her!"

"Weak." The word escaped her mouth.

Her cheeks were as high and rosy as usual, her lips still smiling.

Even the shine in her eyes remained.

It was the lone tear that streaked her right cheek and down her neck that broke her flawless mask.

They all turned to her, Naruto realising his mistake.

"No-" Naruto tried to fix what he'd done, but she was gone with a rain of sakura petals.

'Where'd she learn that?' Kakashi thought, surprised though still ashamed.

What kind of teacher had he been

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