The Most Dangerous Game (Harr...

By Posh777

420K 17.3K 5.5K

"One game, one hand. That's all I want." He smiles confidently at me, "You really think you can win against... More



5.2K 230 68
By Posh777


I'd become used to it.. waking up alone.

It had never bothered me before, but I'd also never fallen asleep next to someone before. I'd never wanted to.

But with Everly I did.

There was something about falling asleep with her light breath hitting my chest, the warmth of her body resting against mine. It made me feel at ease. The nights I spent with her weren't unsettled ones. In fact, they were probably filled with the most restful sleep I've ever managed to get.

So when we spent the night together, it didn't sit well with me not waking up the same way I'd fallen asleep.

Maybe it was because I woke up anxious, feeling around the covers for her body but finding the space beside me empty. My mind couldn't help but replay the first night we'd spent together, waking up to alone to that bloody awful note she'd left.

In all honesty, it made me a bit afraid. Worried I'd end up finding yet another note telling me 'last night never happened'.

Why I felt so strongly over it baffled me. I knew I cared for her more then I have anyone else, but it still surprised me how much such a simple thing impacted me. And it left me with the same feeling, that same tightness in my chest, this morning when I woke up alone.

My fingers searching in between my sheets for her, wanting her close. But once again she wasn't there.

Sitting up in bed and wiping my eyes, I looked around the room. It was empty except for the few random articles of clothing I decided weren't worth the trouble of putting away, along with my guitar resting in the corner.

I sighed, shaking my head when I noticed a faint smell wafting through my flat. Pancakes.

"Everly?" I call out, my heart leaping in my chest a little.

"I'm in the kitchen!" Her soft voice echos down the hallway, causing a grin to immediately spread across my face.

Stumbling out of bed, I make a quick pit stop in the bathroom to freshen my breath before heading to my small kitchen. Finding something far differen't then a dissapointing note waiting for me.

Instead I find Everly in those f.ucking tiny pajamas, standing in front of my stovetop, flipping pancakes.

"Hungry?" She smiles at me and I swear to God my breath catches in my throat.

What the f.uck is happening to me?

"I'd thought you left." I walk up behind her, wrapping my arms around her thin waist and squeezing gently.

"I'm right here."

"So I see." I press a kiss to the back of her head happily. "And you're making breakfast. Thank you."

"You're welcome." She sets the last pancake on a plate before turning to me. "For you."

I take the plate from her, "You're not eating?"

"I have class in forty. I really need to go."

"Oh." I frown, giving her a quick peck on the lips.

"Is that what you call a good morning kiss?" She raises an eyebrow at me.

I chuckle, setting my plate down. "Will that not do?"

"Not in the least."

"Greedy in the mornings aren't you?"

"Alright then.. Nevermind." She rolls her eyes playfully before turning away from me.

"Didn't say I minded." I grab her hand, pulling her back towards me. "Now come here."

She smiles as I cup her face, bringing her lips to mine. She tastes amazing, sweet as always, making me deepen the kiss. Her hands take hold of my wrists as she leans into me, sighing contentedly into my mouth as I work my tongue against hers slowly.

Kissing her.. I could never grow bored of it.

Tilting her head slightly, I walk her backwards till she's pressed up against the counter behind her. Letting me rest my hips against her, our bodies fitting together perfectly. Taking her bottom lip between my teeth, I nip at it lightly before diving back in and applying more pressure.

Our lips part slowly, us both already seeming to be a bit out of breath.

"How's that for a good morning kiss?" I ask.

"It... it was, that was good." She stumbles over her words, staring at my mouth.

"Just good? I guess I'll have to do better then."

I start leaning forward again but her hands pressing against my chest stops me.

"I have class remember? You keep doing that and I'll never leave."

"Not a great convincing argument." I laugh as she blushes. "But I'll stop... if you let me walk you to class."

"I don't think that's a good idea." She shakes her head.

"If he hasn't seen either of us sneak into eachother's flats, then he won't catch us on a campus full of people."


"Come on. What's the worst that could happen? Someone sees us and I say I'm there to see Nate and we just bumped into eachother. Simple as that."

"Nothings simple."

"Let me walk you. Please."

"Fine." She sighs, "But this is a one time thing."

"For now." I agree.

After mumbling in disagreement, she heads off to change. I hurriedly scarf down my breakfast before pulling on my usual pair of black skinnies and a tee shirt. I'm just stepping into my boots when Everly emerges from the bathroom, clad in a short dark blue sundress with her hair pulled back off her face.

Christ, she's beautiful.

I watch her as she snatches her bag off the coffee table, meeting her gaze.

"What?" She purses her lips at me.

"Nothing." I smile to myself, remembering last night.

"You ready?"

"Yeah." I grab my wallet and phone, sticking them in my back pocket before opening the front door.

Letting Everly step through first, I pull it closed and lock it before following her down the stairs. She stops right before we step outside the building, grasping the collar of my shirt.

Before I know it, her lips are on mine. Kissing me fervently as she pulls me closer. I don't hesitate in wrapping my arms around her waist, hugging her to me as I return the kiss.

I grin as we pull away from eachother. I open my mouth to ask her what that was for, but she's already stepping outside into the warm sunlight.

Walking next to eachother down the street almost seems odd. I feel as if I should reach out for her, hold her hand. It's what I want to do, but I can't. Not in public.

Not yet anyway.

Our coversations stays light, consisting of me mostly asking about her classes and schedule. After a quick ride on the tube, we're weaving our way in and out of traffic on 4th Street, headed towards the science building.

"This is me." Everly stops a few feet away from the steps leading up into the building, giving me a small smile.

"Right. So, um.. When will I see you again?" I question, hoping I don't sound like a proper fool.

I've no f.ucking chill when it comes to her.

"I'm not sure." She fidigts with the bag on her shoulder. "I'm busy tonight."


"With Carter."

My body tenses, my mouth refusing to listen to my brain telling it to stay quiet. "You're staying at his?"

"I'm suppossed to, yes."

I exhale, looking away from her and rubbing the back of my neck. "Right.."


"You have to?" I look into her eyes, wishing I could will her not to.

"You know I do."

"Do I?"

"Please don't do this. You think I want to go stay with him?" Hurt fills her eyes as she shakes her head.

"No. No, course I don't." I try to assure her, feeling like a proper prick. "I'm just... I don't like the thought of you and him..."

"There is no me and him, not really."

"You're right. I trust you."

"You do?" She flinches, her eyes widenend.

"Yeah, I do."

"Harry.." A frown crosses her face as she looks down at her feet. "You shouldn't..."

"Well if it isn't my two favorite people in the world!" Nate's voice cuts Everly off as he slaps me on the back. "You guys look like you just walked out of a f.ucking GQ ad. You have any respect for us normal looking people?"

"Mate, you mind? We were kinda in the middle of something."

"You'll get arrested for trying to do that on campus property, just a tip."

"We weren't trying to have s.ex." I sigh, "Now can you go? We'll meet for lunch later yeah?"

"Trying to get rid of me again?" He ticks his tongue, looking to Everly. "Am I competition or something? Is that why he wants to get rid of me all the time? Do you have a crush on me Miss Abbott?"


"Let the woman speak." He holds his hand up. "If she wants my body I need to know."

"As tempting as that is, I'm afraid not." Everly shakes her head with a laugh.

"D.amnit!" Nate curses.

"Are you hitting on my best friend again?" Harper suddenly appears, resting her arm over Everly's shoulders.

"Why? Jealous?"

"You wish." She laughs, "The emotions you're sensing are actually sympathy and pity. You're probably so used to them you can't tell a difference anymore. Have you seen the guy she's currently banging?"

Harper points to me, looking me up and down and giving me a wink.

"Can you guys stop. Please?" Everly groans.

"Fine, but I actually hunted down my best friend here for a reason." Nate pipes up, looking to me. "I have that video you asked for."

"The security footage?" I ask, glancing at Everly.

"Yep." Nate passes me his phone. "Don't know what you're so interested in, it's just two people talking."

I nod as Everly and Harper each step up next to me, starting the video.

An empty locker room fills the screen, a few seconds going by before a woman walks into it, shuffling through a bag laying on a bench. When she turns around, you're able to get a good view of her face. It being framed by long blonde hair.

"Meredith." Everly says quietly.

I nod, recognizing her face from the photo Everly showed me.

Meredith waits alone for a few moments before a tall man enters the room.

"There no sound to this?" I glance up to Nate to see him shaking his head.

Focusing back on the video, I see Meredith pass the man an envelope before he turns to leave.

The second he's facing the camera Everly gasps.

"What?" I pause video, looking over at her. "You know who that is?"

Tears wet Everly's cheeks as she shakes her head in disbelief, grabbing the phone away from me.

"What's the date of this?" She focuses on the screen before looking at a very confused Nate. "What's the date?!"

"Uh, mid summer 2013. It's the date Harry gave me to search under."

Everly pales, her hand moving up and rubbing her chest as she tries to draw a breath.

"What's wrong?" I place a hand on her back. "Love, what's wrong?"

"Give me the phone." Harper orders, taking it from Everly's hand and looking at the screen closer. "Oh my god..."

"What the bloody h.ell is going on!?" I raise my voice, looking at Harper intently.

"The man in the video.." She pauses, "It's Everly's dad."

Oh, we're just getting started! Love you guys!

What do you think Everly's dad's connection is with Meredith??????

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