R O Y A L T H U G . (Not Edi...

By gypsli

122K 4.7K 962

Malachi Clark Has a secret that no one knows. He's trying his best to keep it in. Until he falls in love wit... More

1.Power couple .
2. You put me in a trance .
3. You're jealous Ace .
4. Change of plans .
5. The help .
7. Jerk .
8. Betrayal .
9.The fight .
10. The break up .
14.Fuck boy.
15. So close.
16.keep a secret .
17. Exposed
18. He told.
19. Payback
20. Counseling
21.After Class
Chapter 23
Yo man!
Its been a while...a looong while.


2.7K 46 5
By gypsli

(Now this is gonna be long, so I hope you're up for a long chapter. I'm gonna be posting this on another book, but soon, this is just my teaser for you Guys. I REALLY need your feed back like I want to know you deepest thoughts on this, I'm glad you stared this book but please just drop some comments for me this last time? I'd really appreciate, I wasn't gonna show this to anyone till  I got finished with it, but you're really lucky, cause I was scared it was gonna be sucky plus I've only one wrote one chapter which was like twelve pages, I'm not gonna put the full chapter on here. Alrighty my loves? Hope you like this. And give me Feed back on my writing give me tips if I need to change anything, K?)

Angles in the dark . (This name is temporary, feel free to drop some names too)

October 15th 2015.
Today was extraordinary, different, unusual? Today I got bitten. By a... dog? No. Snake? No, even worse. A vampire . I didn't plan it. Lord knows I didn't even know it was going to happen. But it did. I thought vampires didn't exist. Boy, was I wrong. It didn't hurt as bad as I thought it would (by it I mean the bite) it felt like a little pinch on my neck. Like when you step on an sticky-brow (that's what I call it) which is some type of flower like thorn thing in the woods that sticks you, then it'll have you in pain for like 2 seconds of your life.

My name is Rache, short for Rachel. You could call me Ricky too, those are the most common names that people call me. Sometimes they call me ray.
Okay, yes I know I have a lot of nicknames. My last name is Thomas. I Live in New Orleans, where everything and anything happens; even when you least expect it.

I'm a sixteen-year-old African American female in Junior High. Most people would think I'd be white, at first I thought I was when I started re-reading over this . People wouldn't expect this type of situation to happen to a girl like me, black. But this could happen to anyone, trust me.

Chapter One

"Moooooommmm," My voice screeched through the air even hurting my own ears. "Why can't I go out with Caleb tonight?" My mother furrowed her eyes at me like she was going to slit my throat with them.
"Because, I said so. You go with him every weekend Rachel. Its time to stay home and spend to quality time with your family." Her dark brown eyes never left my eyesight, the way she said it sounded so serious. You know like how how mothers are on TV when their serious, their voices goes a little deeper from what the normally sound.
"What family?" I mumbled. I strutted up stairs trying to hide how angry I was. Disgust churned in my stomach at my mom's words.
My mother and father are divorced. Yet still they try to make everything work. But each day its tearing me apart just knowing my parents will never get back together.
"Its for the best" They keep telling me.
Yeah, the best way to break me.

"Rachel Elizabeth Thomas, now you listen here. Your Father and I do a lot for you and your brother. You have to be more respectful to us." My mom's tired story played again.
I sighed, not wanting to hear this same story over and over yet again.
"Mom, I just want to go see Caleb for this last weekend. I promise that I'll stay home for the next two weeks." My mom gave me a weird laugh, like one of them "HA" laughs. Cause she knew that I was telling her a lie. She gave me a distrust look with one eye brow up and one eye brow down. She usually buys it when I tell her that I'll stay home, I guess she was tired of hearing that lie, I have to make up a new one, lying is one thing I'm good at.
"Like I haven't heard that lie before. I don't like him Rachel. " She crossed her arms . I don't see what the big deal is about him.
"You don't know him not to like him!" I barged into my room, hitting my fist to the door and slamming it shut behind.
"Why?! Why does she have to be so damn mean about him?!" Leaning against the closed door I cringed at the bitterness swelling inside me. I couldn't believe that my evil so-called mother wouldn't let me see the absolute love of my life, Caleb.

Caleb is my dream guy, you could say. I had a crush on him ever since I was in fifth grade. He asked me out my freshman year. Boy was I happy, I didn't think he'd like a girl like me . Short and stout (here is my handle here is my...okay Ray you're getting off track). Who wears weave (don't get me wrong I have long hair now), and has feet like the size of an ant. Last but not least black. Most people wouldn't expect a black girl to be interested in white guys, especially at my age .

Caleb on the other half, is supper good-looking . He's a blonde haired, blue-eyed, bad-boy. His skin is tan, like you know how white people go to beach to get tanned so they just sit out in sun. He's kind of shaped like a body builder, his abs are like goddesses, oh god. Caleb with all light; charming with badness. Don't let his pretty face fool you.
But the thing is, he likes attention; just being in the center of things. He gets what he wants all the time and if you don't do what he says...
Well, just make sure you do. He seduces very well, just by the way he speaks could make you fall to your knees and be at his service .
He has a brother, a little brother just a year younger named Matthew.
Mathew is the complete opposite, he's dark from his hair to his eyes but his personality shined, he's more pale but like I said, his personality really makes him shine.

The quick-fast beat of my message alert from my phone broke into my thoughts. I walked over to it taking it off its charger and saw that it was a message from the one and only Caleb. I unlocked it, revealing his text.
"Hey babe, you coming?"
"I can't): Mom said no."
"Screw her and just sneak out."
"If you loved me you'd do it."
"Ugh. I hate when you use that on me."
"Cause you love me." He sent the kissy face emoji with the text.
"Oh, WHATEVER. Fine I'll go. Where are we meeting this time?"
"Give me a sec." he replies
"Alright, hurry.
" I sent the last message .
I shift my phone from my hands to the back pocket thinking it was going to take a while to get a text from
My phone dinged in my back pocket again. Yet, another message from him, Caleb.
"Meet me at the park downtown. I have to show you something"
I smile looking at his message. "Ah, show and tell huh?" I replied
"Just wait and see." I smile at the message putting my phone on the bed .

I pull up my window gradually and weakly enough so my mother would not here it. I escalate out of the window and make my way to the surface of the ground.
It was a full moon tonight, but a little foggy. The wind blew the trees and leaves are falling instantly. Chills swept down my spine sending Goosebumps across my flesh.

I stood at the edge of the road waiting for a taxi to come by.
I have a car of my own but, I didn't want my mother to find out that I snuck out.
The small yellow vehicle arrives. Rapidly, I get in.

"You again, huh?" The same middle aged white-man with a full head of hair and a beard asks me. The same man that has a crush on my divorced mother. His voice was very cheerful and happy to see me again.
"Where ya' heading?" He asks after taking a bite of what it looks like a cheeseburger from McDonalds.
"To Orleans Park."
"Meeting Caleb I'm assuming?"
"Yes." I focus looking out the window as we by trees and other nature like things.
"Fourth week in a row? You must really love the guy." He smiles.
"Don't be getting cocky now Robert. And yes, I do love him"
He cleared his throat.
"I'm surprised your mother hasn't noticed that you were gone 24/7 ... how is she anyway? y'know with your father and her not being together and all."
"She's doing fine for now. Well at least she acts like she's okay " I sigh.
"Hey, there's millions of parents out here like that, she'll find someone."
Obviously we know that he's referring to himself .

We arrive at the park. I tipped Robert and he spoke before I left
"Be careful out there now, here in Orleans Park a lot of things happen at night."
"Yes sir, I'll be fine." I should've listened to the man, I thought he was trying to scare me because Halloween is in a few days.
"Tell your mother I said hello."
"Will do."
I shut the door and began to walk to the spot Caleb and I always meet,
Its where we had our first date.
I sat down on the old crusty bench that's been here since I was a little girl
I grab hold of my jacket as the chilly October night grows darker.
Randomly the bushes started to shake.
I glance to where the bushes were there was nothing reveled . Just the wind blowing its life away. Poor bush.

"Its probably nothing." I say anyway, I just it hate being so silent .

I make my self calm down a bit by taking a deep breathes. 

I could easily have a panic attack, I don't like being in dark areas alone, It creeps me out. Caleb should have been here by now.
I reached for my phone and my back pocket, it felt nothing but my butt.
"Crap! How could I leave my phone."  
I put my hands in my lap. I was scared, confused, angry.
"I can't believe he actually stood me up."
I got up and began walking around trying to find the nearest pay-phone. 

When I did, there was a massive line, at least I wasn't alone, I was surrounded by people .

"Rachel?" Caleb appeared out of nowhere, trying to make everything seem normal but it wasn't.
"Caleb? Where have you been I've been waiting on you for at least 10 minutes now."
"I texted you and told you I was gonna be a little late." He fixed the collar of his black leather jacket, my eyes explored the rest of outfit. He had on a dark blue shirt that matched perfectly with his denim jeans and black converse.
"Hey, I'm here now aren't I?". He could be such a jackass sometimes.
"Whatever, I just really missed you." I wrapped my arms around his neck and embraced him.
"You think I didn't miss you?." 
"You ready for your surprise?" I nod my head excitedly letting go of him.
"Close your eyes." His voice swept across my ears in a low rumble, that stirred fear and excitement within me.
I sighed, closing my eyes.
"Okay, now what?" I tried to stay calm, but in reality my heart was beating almost out of my chest.
"I'll take it from here." His fingertips skimmed across my neck, swishing my hair out of the way and sending every one of my already confused nerves on high alert. Anticipation of what would come next pounded inside my head, as something different, foreign swept over the flesh on my neck.
I was hoping it would be a necklace but it wasn't.

I felt like something was stabbing me in my neck . I've never felt pain like this before... this...it was agonizing.
"AHHHHH!" I screamed, feeling like I was going to cough up my lungs . Suspicion and anger were brimming up inside of me. Something flew out of my hands and fired upon Caleb. What in the peter pan did I just do?
"What the hell is going on.?"
Blood covered his whole mouth. "You're...You're a Witch."

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