Poker Face

By gypsydream

61.1K 1.6K 142

Poker Face (Naruto Fan Fiction) History repeats itself when Utau’s entire clan is slaughtered. The person de... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Authors Note
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Authors Note
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Authors Note
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Authors Note
Authors Note
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Authors Note
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Authors Note
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 44

363 14 0
By gypsydream

Chapter 44

“Utau…Utau!” Katsuo waves his arms in front of my face. “Earth to Uta…” I grab one arm and twist it behind his back before he can finish his sentence.

“What?” I ask grumpily.

“owww…” He complains and struggles against my grip, making it worse.

I sigh and release him.

“What is it?”

“Well, Utau. Your lovely friends here were just telling me of your predicament and I have devised a plan!” Scar says, his voice dripping with sarcasm on “Lovely”.

“What?” I ask again, my tone the same.

“Weell… I will tell you only if you admit that if it weren’t for me on that mission you would have died!” He says loudly. “That Chinese woman would have killed you!” His voice taking on an annoyingly cheery tone.

I growl lowly.

“I would have been fine without you.” I hiss.

“Yeah, you keep telling yourself that. Meanwhile me and my genius plan will be walking out the door so see ya!”

“Wait! ...Fine…if it weren’t for you I would have died…” I mumble.

“See? That wasn’t so hard, admitting the truth.” Scar says with a beaming grin on his face, a sour comparison to my frown.

“Now here is the plan…”

I pace the docks impatiently, passersby’s bowing low before me then scrambling away.

I crane my neck over my shoulder to get a glance at the clock hanging on the wall of a storage shed.

I sigh and stop my pacing.

“He is late.”

“I know how much you love it when people are late…” Amaya comments.

‘Shut up Amaya.’ I command harshly, my patience wearing thin.

“Aha!” A boisterous voice echoes down the dock. “You must be the famous Crimson Snow Rose!” At the mention of my name anyone nearby scurries into hiding.

I shield the setting sun from my eyes to get a better look at the fool.

His greasy black hair blows in the wind as he runs down the docks, his pale cheeks flushed.

He skids to a stop in front of me and gives me a crooked smile.

His nose reminds me of a crow’s beak, fitting with the rest of his slimy looks.

He runs his thumb down his nose and widens his smile.

“Wowey! Nobody told me you were so good looking!”

I punch him and grin as he goes flying to the ground.

“Nice way to greet your teammate…”He mutters as he holds his nose.

My eyes narrow.

“You’re Chikako?” I raise my eyebrows as he nods.

“Duh, now let’s get on with this mission and get off this island.” He gives me a wary look before heading down the docks toward the awaiting ship.

“Really Chikako? You are trying my patience, and it’s already worn pretty thin after spending weeks in a boat with you…”

He just grins and continues cartwheeling down the docks.

I sigh and follow after him.

“Please behave.” I beg Chikako as I accept our hotel keys from the desk clerk.

“What? Me? Not behaving? I am hurt Utau.” He places his hand over his heart and feigns sadness.

“Let’s just get to bed so we can start early tomorrow, ok? Can you do that?”

He nods and grabs his room key from my hand.

The next day we get up before the sun has even risen and start to delve deeper into the mainland.

Over the course of the next few days Chikako seems to grow only more annoying.

Finally we near our destination.

“So I bet Lord Sato is embarrassed.” Chikako attempts to strike up conversation in the tense silence.

“Did I give you permission to speak?”

“No, I was just saying… I mean wow, glad I wasn’t in his shoes when his wife found out. Her wrath is legendary. I know, I have met her and she terrifies me. Not quite as scary as you though…” He grins, showing his yellowed teeth as I glare at him, my katana at his throat.

“I thought you were the genius covert specialist. You of all people should know not to talk while near the target.”

“Listen lady, I know you are all powerful and all that but you do NOT insult me and my technique! I know what I am doing better then you will ever know.

“And yes I know not to talk while nearing the target but we are on the outskirts of the village, not near the actual target. And to better blend in conversation is needed.” I blink in surprise at his seriousness.

I quickly recover.

“Very well. But no talking about the mission in case someone hears us.”

Just then a man comes stumbling across the rocky path.

He falls into my arms. I sneer and drop him to the ground.

His startling head of brilliant red hair catches my eye.

He pushes himself up and brushes himself off.

“I’m so sorry miss! Are you alright?” He asks, looking concerned at me.

“I’m fine.” I hiss.

Chikako pushes me gently aside.

“Are you alright sir?” He asks.

“Yes, thank you. My name is Yamataro Mori. Again I am sorry about that. I tripped and fell down the cliff above, very clumsy on my part.” He apologizes again.

“It’s fine. I’m Chikako and this is Utau.” He holds out his hand as I give him a death glare.

“Nice to meet you.” Yamataro shakes Chikako’s hand.

“Are you headed to the village?” he asks.

“Yes, are you?”

“Yes, why don’t you come with me? I can show you the way.” He smiles cheerfully and gestures down the disappearing dusty path.

“The village is kinda hidden in these rocky hills so sometimes travelers have a hard time finding it.”

“Sure, lead the way my good man!” Chikako smiles back.

“What are you doing?” I hiss in his ear.

“Blending in.” he whispers back.

“You what?” I scream.

“I am meeting up with Mori for sake later.” Chikako says casually.

I face palm.

“Don’t worry about me, I won’t jeopardize the mission.” He assures.

“Very well. I hope you know what you are doing. Now let’s go find that whore before she makes good on her threat.”

He nods and follows me out of the small hotel room.

“There she is.” Chikako whispered in my ear.

I resisted the urge to punch him across the room.

The young woman across the room doesn’t notice us and continues flashing an alluring smile at an older man who sits alone, drinking.

“Don’t do anything stupid.” I warn Chikako.

He rolls his eyes.

“Yo! Bitch!” he calls.

I sigh and follow after him.

“What do you want?” The woman asks, obviously irritated at being interrupted.

“We are here with a message from Lord Sato.” I smirk as her eyes light up with understanding.

“So he agrees with my terms?” She asks, a cocky grin on her face.

“Not exactly…” In a split second I am behind her with a kunai against her pale neck.

Chaos erupts in the bar. People scramble this way and that at the sight of the weapon. The bar owner starts yelling at us as a wasted man breaks out in song.

The man who the young woman had been smiling at makes a break for the door.

“What the hell? That was my customer!” She exclaims angrily.

“If you don’t do as I say you will never have another customer again…no matter what profession.” I hiss lowly.

“What do you want?”

“I want you to forget that night with Lord Sato ever happened and I want you to destroy the evidence immediately. Is that understood? I want to never hear your pathetic name ever again.”

She nods, tears gathering in her eyes.

“Good.” I release her and watch her stumble to the ground.

She picks herself up cautiously then reaches down the front of her dress, pulling out a small ring.

“Here, this is what he left at my place.” She hands the ring over and takes a step back.

I toss the ring with the Sato crest on it to Chikako and smirk.

“Good, now leave this place and remember, if I ever hear your name again you are dead.” She nods, her face pale with understanding.

She turns and runs out the door, tripping over her 5 inch heels.

I sigh.

“Too easy…” I plop down in the seat she had vacated.

“Come on, you know this was an important mission. If she had made good on her threat Lord Sato’s reputation would have been ruined.” Chikako says as he waves the bartender over.

“I would have preferred killing her.” I mutter.

“Hey!” A voice calls.

I look up, annoyed.

“It’s my bro Chikako!” Yamataro calls as he runs over to our table.

He trips over me, his breath smelling of alcohol.

He grins cheekily and pushes me over so he can slide in beside Chikako.

“What’s up my friend?” He slurs.

“You’re drunk.” I say disapprovingly.

“Aha! So? I am enjoying life!” He picks up the sake the waiter just placed on our table and holds it up.

“To our friendship!” He calls.

“To our friendship!” Chikako echoes.

I frown.

“Come on, Utau. Mission’s over so drink up!” Chikako pours me a cup and slides it over.

I frown again and reluctantly take the sake.

I sniff at it suspiciously.

“Come on Utau, it’s just sake!” Chikako laughs.

“I have never had sake.” I say matter-of-factly.

“WHAT!?” Both Chikako and Yamataro yell.

“Oh we are so going to get you drunk!” Yamataro grins and calls the waiter over for more sake.

“I would prefer not to…”

Chikako just shakes his head and force feeds me the drink.

I am too surprised to react.

I gurgle down the sweet tasting drink, wincing at the overwhelming taste.

“Good, now another!” I frown but gulp down the next drink.

After a while I begin to notice the effects of the alcohol.

I stand up.

“Enough.” I command.

“What? But you aren’t wasted yet?” Yamataro says sadly.

“I am leaving!” I stomp away, frowning at my seemingly swaying center of gravity.

Once outside I blink in the blinding lights of the nightlife in the small town.

“Hey babe!” An obnoxious voice calls as he stumbles toward me.

With my dumbed down senses I just blink at him.

“You’re commin wit me…” he slurs.

“I am not!” I say but can do nothing when he grips my arm but stare at his hand.

He pulls me along behind him.

“We are gonna have fun tonight…” He says through a sloppy grin.

“I am NOT coming with you!” I yell and slip my hand out of his grip.

Even in my drunken state my punch is aimed perfectly. Well it was affective anyway.

The intoxicated man crumples to the ground, his eyes rolling to the back of his head.

I smirk and stumble off into the darkness, my hand gripping my head tightly.

I groan and roll over in my hotel bed. I open my eyes and wince in the afternoon sunlight.

I growl.

“I will slaughter anyone who tries to get me to drink again…” I threaten the bright light.

I fall out of bed with a thunk.

I quickly get dressed despite the pounding headache and the lack of memories from last night.

I stumble into the small restaurant the hotel offers.

The waiter takes one look at me and mumbles something to the chef.

He hands her a cloudy glass of water.

“Here, it’s for the hangover.” She says softly as she places the glass on the table.

I mumble my thanks before gulping it down.

“How about breakfast?” She offers.

I nod and point to something on the menu. She smiles and leaves to place my order with the chef.

“Utau!” A cheery voice calls.

I frown at the unkempt appearance of Chikako.

He comes over and sits at the table.

I take one whiff and grimace.

“What is that awful smell?”

Chikako lifts his arm and sniffs his armpit.

“Oh, that would be me.” He grins, his yellow teeth looking more brown then yellow.

I lift my hand and point at him.

“You are a scar on my life Chikako, a boil, a rash.”

He whistles.

“Wow, harsh.”

“In fact I am going to call you Scar from now on!” I stand up to back my point.

“Eh what did I ever do to you?” He feigns innocence.

I lean in closer.

“I swear I will make your death slow and painful if you ever try to get me drunk again…” I hiss in his ear, causing him to laugh.

“I’m sure you will too.” He grins.

Just then the waiter returns with my food.

He grabs the plate from me and starts feasting.

I heave my shoulders and stand up again.

“This mission is over. I hope we never have to meet again Scar.”

He nods, his mouth full of food.

I sigh, shaking my head, and walk away from the table.

On my way out of the village a young woman approaches me.

“Are you Utau?” She asks.

“Who wants to know?” I ask with narrowed eyes.

“I know your brother, Shizuka. He gave me a picture of you.” My eyes widen.

“I need your help…Please…” She begs tearfully.

I nod slowly, unsure of what to make of her.

“Follow me.” She walks swiftly away from me. I do as she asks and follow her.

She leads me to a small run down house. She gestures to follow her inside.

I slide my hand inside my ninja pouch just in case.

A loud crying greets me inside the dark house.

The woman starts running toward a corner in the one room house.

“Shh…momma is here now.” She picks up a small bundle and starts rocking it back and forth.

She digs around in a drawer with one hand and pulls out a worm photograph.

She hands me the picture.

I gasp.

The photo is me, 5 ½ years after Shizuka left.

“How did you get this?” I ask.

“Your brother gave it to me, said that if I ever needed help you were the one to go to.”

“You know Shizuka..?” I grip her hand.

“Yes...” She smiles softly. “He is this little girl’s daddy. Isn’t that right?” She coos at the small bundle.

I gasp, releasing her hand.


“This is his daughter. We were going to get married but…” She trails off, tears gathering in her eyes.

“Which brings me to my point.  An unknown group has been attacking the nearby villages. Shizuka-kun went to try to stop them but I haven’t heard from him and the group is on their way here.” She stops, looking sorrowfully at her daughter.

“I fear the worst… You can’t imagine the joy I felt when I saw you today.” She places the newborn down in a chair and grasps my shoulders.

“You can save him if it’s not too late! You can save us!” Her eyes are wide with hope.

I look between her and the small gurgling child.

I feel something inside of me soften.

“Shizuka is probably already dead but I will help save your village.”

She breaks out into a sad smile.

“Thank you!” She cries, pulling me into a tight hug.

I stand there awkwardly before hugging her back.

***Authors Note***

Dedication for being the first person to vote!

Comment and Vote!!! And enjoy! <3

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