OMEGLE // larry [#Wattys2016]

By necessharry

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❝You wanna see my dick, baby?❞ ❝Of course, love.❞ Copyright © 2015/2016 by necessharry All rights reserved. ... More

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6.5K 224 42
By necessharry


I was at home and waiting for Harry to call me, as he promised. It was kinda boring. I was walking up and down the house and thinking about us. About Harry and me. What's gonna happen between us? I know I was very cruel, at the end I raped his sister. And I feel like a shit because of that. I was young and stupid, everyone was making fun out of me, they said I'm a poor little kid, who dares to do nothing.

Somehow they were true. But I was not that kind of person. I didn't want to made people cry or suffer because of me. That wasn't me at all. But they all forced me to do this act. And I did.

I wanted to show them, that I'm not even fearful as they thought.

When I raped Gemma, they all started to go around with me. I felt amazing at this time, but now.. I feel like a fücking shit, without life. I don't know how, but I have to apologise to Gemma and Harrys' mother as well. I don't have a single idea how, but I have to. Also Harry. I already did for a hundred times, but I feel like I have to say this once again.

My phone started to ring. I jumped down the stairs and picked up. It was Harry.

Harry: "Hey, Louis. It's Harry, uhm. Do you have time? I don't know maybe at ten P.M.?"

Me: "Hey, love. Yes, of course I have. Where are we going?"

Harry: "Hm, well. I don't know. Do you have something in your mind?"

Me: "Actually not. Maybe we can go to the park? It's beautiful at the night."

Harry: "Yeah, sounds great. See ya later then?"

Me: "Sure, babe. See you at ten. I'll pick you up."

Harry: "No. Please, don't come to my house. I'll pick you up, okay?"

Me: "You still afraid of your mother?"

Harry: "I'm not afraid, I just don't want that she sees you here for now. Give me some time, please Louis."

Me: "Yeah, I understand. Don't worry then. You can pick me up. "

Harry: "Alright, see you then, little boy."

Me: "Hey! I'm not little!"

Harry: "*laughs* Yes, whatever. Byeeee."

Me: "Ugh, bye."

I was so excited. I really wanted to see Harry so badly. I wanted to kiss him all over again and hugged him so tightly. He was so pretty, so cute. I didn't feel something like that ever before.

The clock was ticking and it was almost nine P.M.

I started to get myself ready, that I wouldn't be late. I was taking a shower first and when I finished someone rung the bell. What the hell, I was only wrapped into my towel.

"Oh, what are you doing here?"

"Fück, Louis.."


"So hot."



lots of love.

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