Beneath and Beyond

By romanceloverleonie

4.6K 392 35

Kiedi had never fit in well with others and she thought she liked it that way. That was until she moved to a... More

Chapter 1- The closing of one door
Chapter 2- New Orleans
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 35

76 9 2
By romanceloverleonie

This continues from when Luke walks away to talk to Kyle.

Song: Blackmill- Evil Beauty

Kiedi watched as Luke talked to Kyle then they turned to look at her at different intervals then Kyle says something snide which causes Luke to grimace at him. Kyle laughs and touches his shoulder and says something which makes Luke nod then look at her one last time before he walks in the direction of the chief's house.

Kiedi stood listening to the sound of the drums in the background and watched as Kyle flirted with a group of girls. One of the girls in a deep cleavage  crop top leaned forward and whispered something in his ear which made Kyle's jaw go slack as he looked at her with desire.

Kiedi watched as the girl, ignoring all the others around them, took Kyle's hand and led him away from the crowd and into tree casted shadows.

She shook her head and laughed at the two of them as she was left with nothing to do and no one else to watch for amusement. She found herself swaying slightly to the music and started to hum along with the tune.

"What a beautiful voice," Kie jumped  when she heard a deep throated voice behind her. She qiuckly turned around and saw a young man around the same age as Luke and the others. He had shaggy blond hair and a dimpled chin which was made more evident by the smile on his lips.

"You frightened me," Kie said trying to keep her frantic heartbeat under control. 

What was this guy doing in the shadows watching her? How long had he been there anyways?

"I'm sorry," he said stepping out of the shadows. "So with such a beautiful voice would you mind singing a little song for me?" As he came into the light Kie saw that he was only shirtless and in ripped jeans.

"I'm not exactly a good singer and even if I was I don't make a habit of singing for strangers," Kie said taking a step back as he came closer to her.

"Oh where are my manners? My name is Shane Morgan," he said with a mock bow, "What's yours sweetness?"

Kiedi was shocked to realize that this guy was really flirting with her! It must be the blonde hair she thought as she answered him, "I'm Kiedi."

"Okay so now we're not strangers," Shane said with a smirk or a smile that wasn't unattractive.

"Maybe, but I still can't sing," Kie said. She kept stepping back because he was drifting dangerously closer to her. She unfortunately had to stop when the back of her thigh hit the log she had bee seated on earlier.

"Okay, since you found every excuse to not sing, how about dancing with me?" he reached for her hand but she put it behind her back.

"I can't dance," Kie said with a nervous chuckle.

"Nonsense!" the guy refused to take a hint and grabbing her by her elbow he pulled her against his chest  and wrapped his arm around her waist.

"Let go of me!" Kiedi shouted at him but he only gripped her tighter against him. She was fast losing her temper with this dude, "I said I don't want to dance with you!"

"Yo Shane I really thinks she doesn't wanna dance with you dude," Kyle had appeared out of nowhere and had his palm pressed against Shane's chest as a sign for him to back off.

"Back off Kyle, didn't you just have a girl wrapped all over you? You can't get them all!" Shane spat at him, still not letting go.

"Yeah but this one is taken," Kyle said through gritted teeth but still Shane wouldn't let go of her.

"It's just one dance," he said innocently looking at Kie.

"But I don't want to dance," Kie saw Luke approaching and he looked angry. 

Kyle saw too and tried harder to get Shane to let go before Luke got there and murdered somebody.

"Come on baby, just one dance," Shane pleaded with her. Kyle had gotten his arm from around her waist but he still held onto her elbow.

"She said she doesn't want to dance," Luke growled as he dragged Shane off her from behind. Shane stumbled back then looked up at Luke with dark eyes.

"Why don't the both of you back off? You've had her all day. Unmarked are free range," Shane growled.

Huh? Unmarked? Kiedi thought in confusion.

"Why don't you make me, pup?" Luke growled at him.

Shane could have puffed smoke with how angry he looked when he stormed up and punched Luke. Kiedi whimpered when she heard Shane's fist hit bone and Shane sneered at Luke as he held his jaw.

"Uuuh oh," Kyle shook his head as he quickly wrapped his arm around Kie's waist to keep her from attacking Shane for hitting Luke. "You shouldn't have done that," Kyle muttered to Shane's snickering form as he struggled to restrain an angry Kiedi.

"Let him fight this on his own Kie, keep your secret," Kyle whispered in her ear. 

Kie huffed in defeat but watched as Luke looked back at Shane with a smile and eyes dark as midnight. No one saw it coming when Luke struck him with a sharp uppercut. The sound of teeth coming together was like thunder and Kie flinched at the sound of it.

Luke continued to punch Shane, first left, then right and then repeat. Shane tried to defend himself by raising his arms over his head but Luke would only change directions to hit him in the stomach. He finally dodged one of Luke's shattering punches and used the opportunity to grab Luke's fist and land Luke one in his face. 

The bonfire roared higher in the background as Kiedi felt her temper slowing slipping from her. It was hard to stand there and not be able to do anything as this asshole hit Luke.

Luke stumbled back and Shane ran at him, slamming his shoulder into Luke's stomach. Luke groaned in pain but grabbed him under his arms and held him in place as he brought his knee up into Shane's ribs. There was a cracking sound as his ribs cracked but Shane still threw his weight into Luke at the right moment causing them to fall to the floor with Shane on top.

Luke quickly brought his arms up to protect his face as Shane started throwing wild punches. The wind started swirling around them and Kie had to fold her fists tight to keep from mentally choking the shit out of Shane.

Shane offered himself no protection as he swung his fists at Luke. Opening himself up for Luke to throw out his arm to block one of Shane's punches as he reached up for his throat and threw Shane to the side like a rag doll.

Shane rolled a bit before he got control of himself while Luke was already in a tiger crouch. The fight had gotten the attention of the rest of the camp and a crowd had started to surround them. Some one must have called the chief because before the two of them could lunge at each other again he walked into the middle of the crowd.

"What is the meaning of this?!" He barked at the both of them. They both stood up straight, their faces swollen and Shane's nose was bent out of shape and bleeding. They both spit blood to the side and Shane slowly stood and gripped his ribs with a grimace.

"He was bothering my mate," Luke growled trying to keep his voice at a level because he was talking to his chief.

"How can she be your mate if she doesn't have your mark?" Shane growled back but winced at the pain in his side.

"I haven't placed one on her yet you insufferable nuisance but that doesn't mean she isn't my mate!" Luke growled loudly then looked at the chief apologetically.

"That was an unwise move nephew," the chief said to Luke, "but you should have recognized the signs young Morgan," he continued as he glared at Shane.

"I guess Chief, but how can one resist such an unmarked beauty," Shane said turning his eyes and bloody nose and face to Kiedi once more.

Everyone turned to look at Kie and an embarrassed blush creeped up her face.

"Try," Luke, the chief and Kyle said to him in response.

"Lukas take your mate and go get cleaned up, Shane you do the same," the chief said and glared at the two of them until they turned and walked- Shane limped- off into separate directions.

"I'm so sorry that happened man!" Kyle apologized as soon as Luke came over to where she and Kyle were standing.

"Where the hell were you? I asked you to do one damn thing!" Luke growled at him. "If you had done what I asked you to do he wouldn't have had the chance to even lay a finger on her!"

Kyle stopped short and with a look of true regret and hurt in his eyes he turned and walked away while mumbling an apology.

Luke grabbed her hand and tugged her along behind him as he marched to a little hut on the outskirts of the village.

"You didn't have to yell at him like that!" Kiedi defended Kyle as soon as they stepped into the barren hut.

Luke let go of her and walked over to a candle and lit the wick lighting up the little more than cramped space. Luke standing big and tall made the hut seem a lot smaller than it actually was. There wasn't a lot of furniture in the hut just a small hay cot in a corner with two blankets folded neatly on top, a stool and a wooden table with a basin of water  on it. 

She looked to the corner and saw that the one bag they had carried was already resting near the cot. She took a rag from the bag and dipped it in the basin of water. "The girl was really attractive," she said following up on her earlier statement of defense.

She turned to see Luke glaring at her. She shrugged and told him to sit on the stool. He did so without argument, he must have been in pain and not showing it because the stool croaked as he let down all his weight on it with a plop.

She followed behind him and slowly wiped away the blood from his bottom lip. then under his nose. He flinched when she wiped the bruise on his forehead and she watched as she could see it slowly heal before her eyes.

She went to rinse out the rag and with her back to him she asked the question that had been floating around in her mind since the fight started.

"What did he mean when he said I didn't have your mark?"

"It does't matter, just forget it," he said deflecting the question. Kiedi turned to glare at him now and he averted his eyes.

"Lukas," she said stepping in front of him.

"It's a physical thing that shows demons that your mine in every way possible. You become tied to me the same way that I'm tied to you."

"Oh," was all Kiedi could say.

"I don't want you to feel obligated to me, like I'm holding your feelings hostage I-"

Kie cut him off by pressing her lips against his.

"You already have my heart, you control my body and you have become a part of my soul. I gave those parts of me willingly to you. So what if everyone else knows it?" she whispered against his lips.

"So how do you mark me?" she asked looking deeply into his eyes.


Sorry to cut it there but this chapter was really long. I tried my hand at a physical fight scene how was it.

Ps. the next chapter is gonna start off really intense so get ready.

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