All Of Me - (Islamic fiction...

By MarwaaMalik

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*Sequel to "Starting Over"* Follow Maggie and Zayn's journey More

All Of Me
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90

Chapter 58

551 33 18
By MarwaaMalik

  Dinner was really nice. It mostly contained some light chats but my dad ignored Ella for the duration of it and tried to investigate Zayn for the rest of the time.

"Your cooking is really amazing. Your samosa is top to be honest. Don't tell my mom I said that though." Zayn chuckled along with my mom when my dad went to the bathroom. Ella and Nadia went up to Ella's room to talk since Ella felt too uncomfortable in the presence of my father. It was quite understandable, he really did dislike her and he made no effort to hide his feelings.

"Thank you, dear. I try to learn from all the Arab women around here. Saeed loves himself some authentic food." Mom replied feeling really proud of herself.

"Wow, that's really sick. My mom tells me the same. When she first married my dad she thought curry was an actual meal on its own." He laughed.

"Oh god, that reminds me of the time I thought the only Egyptian food was Falafel and made if for him every day. He was so polite then, used to eat without complaining till one day he final asked me why I only made falafel and I innocently responded because it's the Egyptian meal." Mom chuckled on the memory and my dad joined us in the living room that moment.

"I remember those days. You thought Falafel was a whole meal on its own and made it with salad for dinner." My dad's attitude was a bit more relaxed now which surprised me. I guess whatever conversation he and Zayn had over dinner went well.

"Don't remind me." My mom buried her face in her hands while suppressing a laugh.

"Good old days." My dad said with a hint of a smile then sat next to Zayn and I shifting his attention to only the two of us, "You know, back then we always faced problems because of our differences. And I remember at some point we even believed our families when they said we weren't good for each other."

My mom then came and sat on the arm of the couch just inches away from my father, her hand on his and a simple smile on her face while her eyes held just fondness towards him, "But we pulled it through."

"Here we are 20 years later, I can't imagine myself with anyone else." My dad responded to her, the same fondness in his eyes for her. Seeing my parents like that really warmed my heart. It was a rare scene to be revealed especially in front of us.

Zayn took my hand into his breaking my gaze at my loving parents who were too caught up in their own world, making me look at him. His lips curled in a loving smile while he looked at me with such love and care as if saying he wished we would be like them in 20 years. It made my heard swell and I couldn't look at anything or anyone else but him.

"I know now you two are still in the honeymoon period, not much had happened to make you question your decision of getting married especially this young. With Zayn always travelling you are barely together as it is but I just want to tell you this from experience; take your time to get to know one another. Talk, laugh, argue and even fight if the situation requires it. Don't hold back now because maybe this one argument or this one decision one of you makes would make you see things from a different perspective." My dad advised us. He was being really genuine and it almost took me by surprise. Wasn't he the one that was pissed Zayn didn't make effort to show he cared just last night and now he is advising us to get to know one another better and not to hold anything back.

His words made me think about mine and Zayn's Skype date. It wasn't bothering me as much as it did before but that girl he hugged just before our call ended was still taking space of my mind. Although I do trust Zayn and Seif's words made me feel better about everything, I just wanted reassurance.

"We do our best to be involved in each other's day. It's really hard with the crazy schedules I have but I think it makes a huge difference." Zayn replied squeezing my hand with a small smile on his lips as he looked at me. I smiled back and decided it wasn't the time to think of that simple thing. It wasn't the time anyway.

"I'm sure it does. Communication is key to every relationship." My dad nodded emphasizing his point.

"Zayn I know you only have a week in the UK and you are probably trying to fit all your friends and family and of course my Maggie in this short time, but I was wondering if you'd like to come to an Egyptian styled wedding this Thursday. Maybe you two would draw some inspiration for your own day." My mom had a hopeful smile on her face as she looked at Zayn with anticipation but before he could even answer my dad spoke.

"Are you talking about Ibrahim's daughter wedding?" My dad asked raising one eyebrow.

"Yeah. Hala invited Maggie ad her fiancé the other day. It would be fun for them to attend and maybe they would draw inspiration from it." Mom said innocently like she didn't just put my dad in a rough situation. She knew he wasn't going to attend that wedding and she was trying to pressure him by making us go as well.

"I don't know mom. I have school and stuff." I said trying to get us out of that situation. I wasn't fond of the Ibrahims either. After the incident between me and Aliyah, I was ashamed of facing them. Especially that I never really called to even check up on her, not even once in this whole year although I was part of the reason her life crumbled. I didn't even know if she was doing better or worse but I didn't want to go and face all the looks there.

"That's not an excuse, Maggie. You can come spend the day with us then we would go together. You've been skipping every single community event since last year and people are starting to talk. I want to shut them up about you." My mom said with much persistence.


"No, Maggie. You need to do this. You can't keep escaping like that. You need to face the community and more importantly you need to face Al Ibrahim. Make amends with them after what happened. We need to bury the hatches between us. It's been going on for generations." She lectured me saying that last part to my father who looked anywhere but in my mother's eyes. He knew what she wanted but much like myself, he was too proud to do that. We both would much rather avoid the whole situation than face it and embarrass ourselves.

"We would see when the day comes if we could make it." My dad said to just end this conversation. He didn't want to talk about it and neither did I.

"No, I'm not leaving it hanging like that. I need you both to promise me you are attending this wedding. I don't ask much out of you two and this is my only request." My mom insisted.

My dad stayed silent and so did I. My mother kept her gaze between the both of us. Her gaze held such determination and I was starting to crack. I knew this meant too much to my mother. She cared too much about our image in our community and she had to deal with many events alone as I ditched and my dad usually had to travel for work.

Taking a deep breath, I decided I would go just to show my face there but probably leave early. That way my mother would be happy and I wouldn't have to deal with anything. But I knew I couldn't do it alone. I needed support so I looked at Zayn and said, "If Zayn is coming, I will."

Zayn looked surprised that I said that but he nodded, "If it's important to you, sure."

"Thank you." My mom sighed in relieve then looked at my father waiting for his respond.

"I'm not sure, Kendra. I have work." He was much more stubborn than I was. My mom looked disappointed at him. It really meant a lot to her even if it was not that important, to her it was a big deal and she needed my dad there with her.

"You can clear your schedule for just a couple of hours Saeed. You are your own boss." She tried again.

"I'll try Kendra." My dad was obviously just ending the subject being the stubborn middle-eastern man that he was.

My mom took the hind and just sighed dropping the subject. She knew my dad was harder to convince than I was. Even though I had a lot of hatches with Al Ibrahim, especially Aliyah, my dad and Ibrahim had much more and my dad doesn't ever forget anyone who did him wrong.


The next day Zayn had told me about his Nano's party. He told me to invite my family along which I did. My parents agreed to come but Nadia and Ella passed saying they were going out and didn't want to miss Eid's fun.

Putting my things in my bag, I gathered my overnight things as Zayn and I were going back to London after the party. He wanted to meet some of his friends and I wanted to meet Seif. It was his birthday and I wanted to make him a little surprise.

Zayn would probably freak out but I wasn't going to do anything hug. Just bring him a cupcake with a candle in uni with everyone there. He never had a birthday, ever! That's 21 birthdays he never celebrated and I think someone as kind and sweet as Seif deserves at least one day where he was the center of attention.

Once Zayn ringed me, I yelled for my parents that Zayn was out and got out of the house before they did. It was chilly outside and I only wore a blouse so I did a little jogging to the car and got inside to be warm.

"Someone is excited to see me." Zayn chuckled at my little run.

"Shut up, it's cold." I hit his arm playfully.

"Why don't you have a jacket on then?" He asked.

"I didn't bring one." I shrugged. He frowned then closed the window and turned the heater on for me. I smiled at him, "Thanks."

"Of problem." He smiled kindly and looked at the house, "Are your family coming?"

"My parents are but they are taking forever." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not in a hurry." He shrugged.

"Did you call Aaroosa?" I asked remembering their little fight yesterday.

"No." He replied looking out of the window at the house as if he was concentrated but I knew he just didn't want to talk about it.

"You let her sleep while being mad at you?" I asked feeling horrible. I knew Zayn and Aaroosa were really close. She probably cried herself to sleep.

"What was I supposed to do? She was being rude. I just don't like that guy and I don't have a valid reason for it but I just don't. If I talked to her we would fight again. She is stubborn." He sighed a bit annoyed but for the most part he was bothered with the whole thing.

"Just talk to her. Don't leave her made and as for Kaliq," I was interrupted by Zayn's voice.

"Don't defend him, I'm not in the mood. I'd rather have this fight one time when I'm there." He rolled his eyes.

"I wasn't going to. I was just going to say tolerate him. If you don't like him now, fine you don't have to deal with him. Just ignore him but keep your relationship with Aaroosa good. She's your little sister. I know you love her too much to make her cry." I said gently taking his hand in mine.

I knew too well how much the both of them love one another and cared for each other's opinion. He went to Aaroosa along with Waliyha to organize the engagement party because he trusted her and knew she wanted him to be happy as he does for her.

"I'll try." He sighed.

"Plus, Aaroosa is too smart. If Kaliq wasn't right for her, she leave him. And she'll have her big brother to lean on if the time comes." I assured him making him smile.

Lifting his hand, which had mine interlaced with it, closer to his mouth leaving a gentle kiss on top of my knuckles while looking at my eyes, "I love you."

My smile was so wide as my heart swelled at his small gesture. The car door opened and in entered my mother followed by my father, "Aw, what a gentleman." My mother cooed as Zayn still held on to my hand on his mouth.

He let it go and smiled at my mother, both of our cheeks reddening just a tad bit from the scene. Zayn focused his attention on the road then drove to his grandmother's house. It was only 30 minutes away from my parents which was really nice.

"The house looks lovely." My mom said politely once Zayn parked in front of it. It was a simple house with a little front yard.

"Thanks. This is where I really grew up." He smiled proudly at the house. We all went up the front door and Zayn knocked.

We heard many noises from the other side of the door. It was normal for Zayn's family's house to always be noisy. The family always gathered and they always talked over one another and laughed loudly while the kids played and screamed after one another. It brought me happiness just hearing it. I could imagine down the road in like 20 years this being my house and the noises inside coming from my kids playing with their cousins.

"Hey," Zayn's Aunt, Sarwat, opened the door with a wide smile on her face. She hugged Zayn then went on to me giving me a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek.

"These are my parents." I introduced.

"Of course, I remember them. I met Kendra more than once and of course Mr. Saeed we met at the party." Sarwat smiled widely shaking their hands both, "Come in."

Once we got inside, Sarwat took my parents to introduce them to the family members who didn't attend the party and Zayn and I went inside just saying hey to everyone. I noticed Zayn going over to Aaroosa. I looked from afar their conversation trying to read their body language. Aaroosa was frowning at the beginning but kept listing to Zayn talking. After about half a minute, she cracked a smile and he took her in for a hug. She buried her face in his shoulders while he held her tight. My smile was wide as I felt relieve that they made up then went inside to say Eid Mubarak to Zayn's grandma who busy playing with her youngest granddaughter, Zuzu.

"Maggie!" Zuzu shrieked once she saw me and jumped off her Nano's lap to run and give me a hug.

"Hey my little sweet cheeks." I kissed her and gave her a tight hug.

"I'm happy you came." She gave me another tight hug, "Have you seen my new dress? It's for this party." She said proudly showing me her white dress with many pink flowers printed on it.

"It's beautiful, just like you." I smiled widely. Holding her close to me then I went to grandma. "Eid Mubarak, Nano." I kissed her and gave her a hug with Zuzu still in my arms.

"Eid Mubarak, sweaty. You look beautiful." She smiled at me.

"Thank you." I blushed at compliment.

"Hey Nano, Eid Mubarak." Zayn came to join us kissing his grandmother's head.

"Eid Mubarak baby." She smiled widely as Zayn stood back up next to me.

He seemed to only notice Zuzu on my arms now, "Hey beta." He pinched her cheeks shaking her head.

She leaned on my shoulder away from him with a frown on her face, "You are ruining my hair." She said in the most adorable way ever. Her 'r' is still not coming our quite right.

"Aw, I'm sorry princess. Here let me fix it." He tried to brush it ending up messing it up for real that time but she hadn't noticed making me try so hard to suppress a laugh, "Happy?" He asked looking adorably at her.

"Yeah," She smiled trying to brush her own hair with her little henna covered hands. "How do I look?" She asked me.

"You don't trust me?" Zayn faked gasped and she shook her head making all of us laugh.

"You look beautiful as always." I reassured her and she smiled proudly.

"You two are going to make great parents one day, In Sha' Allah." Nano said catching our attention and my heart swelled.

Looking at Zayn, my cheeks heated as he looked fondly at me.

Our moment was soon interrupted by Zuzu talking to Zayn, "Bhai Zayn, aren't you going to give us Eidie?" She asked innocently.

"Of course I am. Go gather all the little kids." He smiled at her.

Her face lit up as she wiggled her body from my arms and ran to get the other kids, "Hey guys come, Bhai Zayn is going to give us Eidie." She yelled excitedly as she ran all over the house.

Zayn took out a roll of cash from his pocket and smiled as all the little kids came running and gathered around us, "This year the Eidie is from both Maggie and I." He smiled at me and my eyes widened. I didn't get any money for the little kids, I stopped getting Eidie long time ago and never had I ever gave anyone Eidie before so I just forgot about it. Zayn noticed my reaction and mouthed a 'don't worry about it' which made me relax.

The little kids cheered as Zayn gave them the money. They hugged him and ran around bragging to their parents and Aunities about how much money they had this year while all the grown-ups along with my own parents just smiled at the sight of Zayn making the kids happy.

I was smiling too and watching with so much happiness. Zayn was really good with kids and they all loved him. Not just because he was giving out money but they genuinely loved him. He was really good with kids and I just knew he would be an amazing father one day.

Feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket, I broke my gaze from Zayn and the kids to see who it was. I noticed it was a message from Seif and smiled immediately.

'Eid Mubarak, Maggie. Sorry I'm late. Hope you had a great first day and you are having a great one as well.'

He was really sweet. I quickly replied wishing him and the family an Eid Mubarak and was about to close my phone when I noticed a twitter notification. It was a normal tweet by that awful account, not directed to me or anything but I had faved that account so I was getting notifications if they tweeted.

My heart rate I noticed the notification had only the word 'hmmm' and a link attached to it. This wasn't going to be good.



Hey there lovies. Miss you all :*

Hope you like this chapter. Trying to bribe you all with a very long chapter since I can't do daily updates lol.


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