You get too close (Dean)

By bilboaaa

251K 6.7K 1.9K

Dean Ambrose is a cold hearted,Inconsiderate wrestler who no one has been able to get close to for the past f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80

Chapter 66

1.3K 46 7
By bilboaaa

// Sadie //

"It's in a fucking gated community." Dean mutters, A slight chuckle leaving his lips. "Why on earth would we live there?"

"Because you suggested moving into a huge, Fancy house." I roll my eyes. "Most of those are in gated communities. And what have you got against gated communities anyways? They're safe."

"Yeah but...It's so fancy. I'm just not used to it." He shrugs. "I'm used to living in dirty towns where you get robbed and where drive bys happen. What fun can a gated community possibly be?" He asks. I roll my eyes. Of coarse this man thinks drive bys and robberies are fun.

"You'll get used to it." I sigh. "A gated community is a great place to live and this house is perfect. It's got an upstairs and down stairs, A dining room, A den, Four bathrooms, nine bedrooms and four huge closets. Not to mention the library-"

"Do you seriously think we need a library? I read but not that much." He smirks.

"Okay...So maybe we could turn the library into our own little hangout, Game room type of thing." I shrug. "And the front yard is gorgeous and so is the backyard and- Dean there's a pool! A pool!" I yell pointing at the laptop screen. "You know you love this house. And you know how I know you love this house? I know you love this house because it's nice and secluded if you really think about it. We'll have neighbors but they won't be too close to us you know. And you love that. Plus, The house comes with a storage house and you can make it into anything you want.' I smirk.

"Ugh..." He groans. "Fine. Fine, I love it." He grumbles. "But it's so fancy." He sighs. "Alright, Alright. I love this house, You love this house. Let's do it. Let's buy it." He smiles. I scream loudly and clap my hands together before hugging him tightly.

"You're the best!" I yell.

"I know." He chuckles.


"SO YOU CAN THROW ME TO THE WOLVES TOMORROW I WILL COME BACK LEADER OF THE WHOLE PACK BEAT ME BLACK AND BLUE EVERY ONE WILL SHAPE ME EVERY SCAR WILL BUILD MY THRONE." Me and Aymie yell with the music, Aggressively headbanging and playing our invisible drums. The boys stare at us, Looking slightly frightened as our concert continues.

"BUT IF I SING ALONG A LITTLE FUCKING LOUDER TO A HEAVY SONG I'LL BE ALRIGHT!" We yell when the next song comes on. Before the next line can be sung, The music is turned down. I frown and turn to look at Seth who stood near the radio.


"Yeah I love those songs too but you guys are busting our ear drums." he chuckles. "And you don't sing as good as me so-"

"Excuse you, I sounded absolutely amazing." Aymie says, Crossing her arms over her chest.

I roll my eyes at the two of them before smirking to myself. They can argue all they want to but the truth of the matter is, I sing the best.

"Anyways-" I clear my throat, putting an end to their argument. "I am going down to the lobby because I wanna take a short walk. Anyone wanna come with me?" I ask. They all shake their heads and plop down on the couches or the floor. I roll my eyes before turning on my heel to walk out.

I walk through the hallway and onto the elevator, Looking around as I do. I never seem to just explore the hotels. I never seem to go sight seeing either. The good thing about touring is that you get to see so many different and new things all the time but the bad thing is sometimes you don't have time to learn about the new stuff that you see. Sometimes you don't get the chance to just explore and wander.

When the elevator doors open I step out and walk slowly through the lobby. I smile and wave as I see a few superstars and divas sitting around, Laughing and talking with one another.

"Sadie?" I hear someone call out.

I turn around to face the person and roll my eyes when I notice it's Renee. "Jesus Christ." I mutter. "Didn't I deal with you and your friend already?"

"I'm not here to start anything." She rolls her eyes. "Just...Follow me."

"No way in hell-"

"Sadie please." She sighs in exasperation. I roll my eyes before gesturing for her to start walking so that I can follow her. I swear to god she better not be up to anything...


"This is creepy." I mutter, Touching the walls softly as I walk through the dark room. "What is this?"

"I don't know. We come to this hotel every time we're in Washington." She shrugs. "I found this room a while back. I'm not really sure if I'm supposed to be down here but I always come just for the peace and quiet. Plus, It looks like a room straight off the set of Harry Potter." She giggles. She's right. It's got an old timey vibe and lots of old,Dusty, Fragile books and things. It is really cool.

"Why are we here?" I ask, Turning to face her.

She sighs and sits on a near by stool. "I'm sorry."


"No I'm serious. I'm sorry. I mean I still hate you and I know you still hate me..." She mumbles. "I do apologize for lying to Dean about being pregnant. And I am sorry for hurting him by cheating on him."

"You're not actually apologizing to me. You're basically apologizing to Dean...Are you not gonna say sorry for having sex with him when you knew he was in a relationship with me?" I ask, Crossing my arms over my chest. She glares at me before letting out a small huff.

"No, I'm not." She shakes her head. "I'm not sorry for that. I crossed a line and pushed my limits with everything that I've done, I admit that. But you have to understand that me and Dean have history together. There are things that me and him went through together that you'll never understand. And I'm sorry but me and him will always have something. Sleeping with him was bad but I don't...I don't feel bad for it. I truly believe that I belong with him. I love him so much-"

"And yet you hurt him." I laugh dryly. "You cheated on him."

"I was stupid back then. Hell I'm still stupid now." Got that right. "It seemed like the right thing to do. Dean had a reputation even back then and I thought that he'd hurt me. And I was going through some things at the time. I was pissed at the world and I thought, Hey. Why let myself be broken when I can do the breaking? So I cheated on him and I said things that I regret. I wanted him to feel my pain." She shrugs. "But not a day went by that I didn't think of him. He was and is my one and only love. And Sadie, You don't understand. You never will understand, What we have together. You don't know how our relationship was-"

"Renee, With everything that's been going on recently, He's opened up to me about your relationship. I'm sure he's told me everything." I cut her off. She raises a brow. "Did he tell you about how he was there for me when my grandmother died?" Yep. Did he tell you how he beat the hell out of my dad for me when he came back into my life and threatened to kill me?" Yep. "Did he tell you about how he saved me from...From something that could've been a humongous tragedy?" Yep.


"Did he tell you about how we visited his mother's grave together. How I helped him finally accept that she was gone for good?" Well...He didn't tell me all that. But I'm sure he was going to. It takes time. Telling me all this at once would've been so hard on him. "He almost went to jail because he found out that his father was in the hospital and he wanted to go and kill him for what he did to his mother. Dean had bought a gun and it was cocked and loaded. He was gonna end that man's life. He would've if I hadn't stopped him." She sighs. "I'm sure he didn't mention that for a while he was starting to get into drugs." He didn't...But I'm sure that in due time he'll tell me in more detail about all of this.

"There is so much more that I could tell you about. Me and him...We went through it all. And we went through it all together. I was his rock, His only reason to live for a while. And he was mine. And I don't care what you say, Or what you think. I will always know that me and him were meant to be. I will always know that we were made for each other."

"Renee." I smile slightly, Holding up my hand. "Who's got the ring?" I ask, smirking.

"A ring doesn't mean a damn thing if it's on the wrong finger." She mutters. "He still loves me. He still has feelings for me. He always will. You know that."

"Why are we here?" I ask again. "This is pointless. What do you actually want from this? Hmm? You expecting me to end me and Dean's relationship and tell you that you can have him? Want me to tell you I'm jealous? Cause I'm not." I shrug.

"Coarse you're not." She shakes her head. "I quite frankly am jealous of you."


She sighs and rubs her face before standing up. "I'm having a really hard time right now." She mumbles, Tears coming to her eyes. I shift uncomfortably as I watch her try to blink back tears. "My heart is hurting and I just...I never felt this before. I mean I was heartbroken when I ended things but just...It wasn't even this bad."

"I can't help that-"

"And I am so stressed out. I have no idea what will happen to me and this baby. Because believe it or not, I really do care about my child's future. I really am worried about how this'll all turn out and I just don't think I can possibly do this alone. I have no one. My family hates me, I have no real friends and Dean is with you." She sighs. "I'm not saying any of this to get sympathy buy truthfully...I don't think this'll end well. I have a gut feeling that none of this will end well. It's just not right. It's not gonna go right."

"Why are you tell me this?" I ask.

"I...I needed someone to talk to before I exploded. I just needed to talk." She cries. "God I can't breathe..."

"Calm down. Stressing like this isn't good for the baby." I mutter, Pushing her softly so she'll sit down again. "Look...I shouldn't feel bad for you." I whisper to myself. "I guess I can understand this. This must be really stressful for you." I sigh. "I just...Dean will be there for you so you will not go through this alone. He will help you-"

"He's getting married to you. He'll start a family with you. He'll pay no attention to our kid-"

"I promise you that that won't happen." I shake my head. "I'll make sure he's there for you."

"Why?" She asks.

"I'm not an evil person like you." I shake my head. "I care. I want this kid to have a dad."

"...Thanks." She mumbles. "Sadie?"


"I know this is insanely weird and out of the ordinary...But can you...Can I just hug you? I just really need a hug right now." She breaks down. I sigh, Walking over to her and putting her head on my shoulder. I rub her hair softly and let her cry into my neck as she squeezes my waist tightly. "Everyone does every once in a while." I whisper.

This is probably the oddest thing I've ever gone through. Hugging and comforting my enemy who's made it quite clear that she still wants my man...But everyone needs comfort sometimes.

A/N: The songs that Aymie and Sadie were singing are Throne by bring me to the horizon and happy song by bring me to the horizon. LISTEN TO THEM. THOSE SONGS ARE MY JAM. Anyways...Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter.

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