Nightmare kind of Dream

By Hoodie2

70.7K 2.2K 448

Bill won and rules over the world. Dipper went into hiding with his niece after the shack was destroyed. More

Fight 2
Rule book
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Memories 2
Memories 3
Shout Out!!


2.2K 86 25
By Hoodie2

It's been a week since I was called on, I'm thankful and tense about the absence of Bill's presence.
Playing a round of chess with Stanford, Beufo at my feet and Marmibelle a close distance away learning how to work a loom to make tapestries. It was a peaceful afternoon listening to the three eyed Squawkers chat amongst themselves and Stanley yelling at them to be quiet. No sound coming from beyond the doors to the hall, no laughter coming from the garden below the balcony, not a sound other than the clacking of the loom, the tap of chess pieces being placed, and Stanley's bellowing.

Then the peace was horribly shattered by the bang of the large doors hitting the wall as they were forced open. Me, Ford, and Marmibelle jumped startled. Beufo instantly growled defensively. "Axkf! Axiifx!*" Bill's voice filled the room, annoyance and authority in his tone. "Dbq efj aobppba xka obxav. Erjxkiv zxprx, zelm zelm, dfoip.*"

I looked to my uncle confused of what the demon said. He only shrugged equally confused. Dani and Dallia materialized from thin air at my sides.
"Time to change, sir." one notified. Is that what he was bellowing about?

I stood up and took a few steps away from the board game. The two walked circles around me until my clothing was replaced with more modern threads; a white t-shirt beneath a pine green flannel, stiff work jeans, (thankfully) boxers, and sneakers.

Bill stepped close and took hold of the trinket around my neck, glaring at me like I did something he didn't like. "Behave, do as you are told, and make us look real. Understand?"

I raised a brow at the us part but nodded. With that he released my collar and grabbed my wrist, dragging me out of the room. It carried on this way, with me stumbling to keep up, down several corridors until finally he stopped in front of a simple set of purple painted doors.

"Should I even ask?" I pried as the demon snapped his fingers repeatedly, changing into different clothing patterns.

"I don't even want to explain," he answered, deciding on an outfit and slipping his clawed fingers through his hair. "But in simple terms we are meeting with my brothers."

I felt like I was hit with a hot frying pan, the news stung and burned through my head. "There's more of you?" I asked.

I earned a dumbing look. "Of course you simpleton. There is two sides to every coin as you humans say but we involve the back that separates the two faces."

The doors opened before I could ask another question.

"Bill is that you?" asked a man clad in some fitting yet somehow unfitting pattern of purple and cream. Even his hair was somehow fascinating and repulsive at the same time, if that makes any sense.

"Tad," Bill forced a smile, turning to the taller demon. "Good to see you again."
The blonde was pulled into a human bone shattering hug by the other. Bill looked ready to vomit at the contact, I wonder if that's possible....

"And you is your companion little brother?" I snapped back to reality in realization that I was now center of attention.

Bill turned a dizzy gaze to me, rubbing his sore arms. "This is Dipper Pines. The kid I told You about."

The second demon grinned in delight and scooped me into to a gentler hug than what Bill receive. "Le, eb fp xalxyib*." he spoke to the blond. "Teboe zxk f dba lkb*?"
Bill rolled his eyes and shook his head. His brother pouted and set me down then led the way into the brightly lit room.

"I'm so glad you could come Bill. It's been what - nine centuries?" the tall demon asked, amethyst colored eyes looking back to me and him.

"Eight centuries and nine decades, Tad." Bill corrected. "Which isn't long enough." he added lowly.
I stared at him curiously.

Tad didn't appear as though he heard the muttered comment as he was rearranging the sitting area of the room.
"My apologies for the mess young Pines. I only moved back in just recently and sent out the invites to my little brothers." Tad explained casting a glance over his shoulder.

"I don't mind, sir." I assured looking around the newly arranged room. "But then aren't you one brother short of his presence?"

He chuckled, taking a seat on one of the purple sofas. "That is true." he nodded. "Will is running a bit late, entertaining his partner ."

"Of course, Gleeful never gets enough." Bill scoffed plopping himself down on another, patting the seat beside him for me. The earlier warning went through my head, so I sat next to him. His arm slipped around my shoulders.

"Um... Gleeful?" I asked diverting my mind from my obvious tension with Bill touching me.

"Yes, Dipper Gleeful." Tad answered. "He would be your reverse."
He snapped his fingers making a trey of drinks and treats appear as that information sunk in. I took a cup and a plate of cake, nodding my thanks.

"Tad?" a new voice sounded in the room.

The purple demon jumped up, a big grin on his face, and bolted to the door. "Will! Oh, my baby brother!"
Me and Bill turned in our seat to get a better view. Tad had his arms around another smaller character in blue, spinning him around, a second in a cape watched with an amused smirk.

"Prepare to meet yourself." Bill grumbled.
It may be just me, but I take it Bill doesn't like his family.

"Come sit, Bill is already here." Tad tugged him to the sofa we occupied. "And Dipper meet Dipper."

I looked up locking eye contact with dark chocolate brown eyes. Not a word passed from either of us.
Then his gaze hardened as he took the seat farthest away, patting his lap which Will gladly sat on. Silence filled the room aside from forks scraping the cake plates and the occasional giggle from the blue demon.

I was about to eat the last bite of my cake then Bill stole it, polishing it off quickly with tea before scrunching his face in distaste.
I hate sweets. His voice murmured in my head.

"If you don't like it you don't need to eat it." I pouted. It's been a long time since I ate anything sweet like this.

He forced an image of Dipper feeding Will into my head. I raised a brow at him, Jealous much?
I earned nails digging into my arm. Clenching my jaw, I fought off the urge to hit him and leave, but I did elbow him in the ribs. Thankfully that affected him enough to get him to remove his claws.

"So Pines," Tad struck up a topic. "Bill won't give me details so tell me, how did you two meet exactly?"

I set the cake plate on the glass table in the middle of the sitting area, thinking of what exactly to say.
"Well, I was twelve." I began. "Me and my.... sister were staying with our great uncle for the summer at the Mystery Shack. Gideon had-"

"Gideon?" Dipper asked with a scoff. "That useless welp did something in your world? Wow."

Barely know him and I want to strangle him. I pictured the scene in my head, receiving a snicker from Bill.
"Anyway...." I drawled resisting the urge. "Gideon had summoned Bill to get the safe combination that help my uncle's dead to the shack. Me, my sister, and a friend stopped him though."

"There were a few more encounters later on which led to here." Bill added. "Isn't that right Pinetree?" His gaze burned holes into me as I nodded.

"Not a lot of good experiences but it did lead to this." I grumbled.

"And how did 'this' exactly start?" Tad questioned, curiosity in his eyes.

"You got me." I forced a smile and gave a nervous chuckle. "It just happened."

He turned to Bill with a dissatisfied look. "Bill."

The blonde took sudden interest in his foot. "F ebia efp cxjfiv elpqxdb.*" he muttered reluctantly.

Tad face-palmed himself with a groan. Will sighed shaking his head. Me and the other me exchanged a confused glance.

Translations in order as they were said -
*Dani! Dallia!
*Get him dressed and ready. Humanly casual, chop chop girls.
*Oh, he is adorable!
*Can I get one?
*I held his family hostage.

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