The Lost Potter

By read_write_thrive

394K 9.2K 2.8K

(Sorry about the working title, brainstorming left me empty handed) Sybil never finished the prophecy. While... More

The Complication
The First Year.
Ready For School?
The Encounter
Diagon Alley
The Hogwarts Express
The First Night at Hogwarts
The First Day
Wide Awake Part 1
Wide Awake Part 2
Wide Awake Part 3
Bruises and Scars
A New Schedule
Happy Holidays
Home Sweet Home
The New Home
Training AND Bonding!
Continuing the Plan
Breaking the News
Unfinished Business
Come On!
A Visit from the Candyman
Back Into Civilisation
Home Sweet Home
Hello, Again.
Animal Friends
The Girl in the Low Shack
The Tell-All
The First Attack
The Second Visit to Hogwarts
Hello, again. Again.
New and Old Friends
When Plans Fall Through
Walking The Dog
Merry Christmas Potters Part 1
Merry Christmas Potters Part Two
Somewhow Even Worse
No Clue
So Complicated
The Big Reveal
Enter Snivellus
We're going to be in so much trouble
The Rat be a Rat
The Reveal
The Old Foes
Is This the End?
Author's Note/ SEQUEL


21.3K 450 434
By read_write_thrive


October 31st, 1981

The day felt weird to James. Maybe it was his usual paranoid, or maybe his love for the holiday, but it just seemed odd. He mentioned nothing to anyone, dismissing the strange thoughts.

Lily had woken up early at the sound of Olivia crying, trying to shush her and her now crying older brother. It deprived her of a little sleep, but she didn't mind caring for her babies. James prepared breakfast, and the day was normal. The twins played, the parents watched, etc.

Lily was tucking the twins in that night after what seemed like a long day.

"Goodnight Harry, sweet dreams little one," Lily kissed him on the forehead.

"Goodnight Liv, my precious little darling," bending down to kiss her girl one the forehead, she heard a yell from downstairs. Standing, straight she braces herself in front of the door. No one was going to hurt her babies if she could help it.

And there he was. Voldemort himself burst open the door, the menacing look in his eyes told her in that moment James didn't survive his encounter. Biting back a sob, she stood in front of the twins' cribs. Completely unarmed, but completely lethal.

"Lily Evans, how brave you are," Voldemort hissed, "Avada Kedarva,"

Lily screamed for a split second before crumbling to the floor. Voldemort smirked in victory and approached the first crib.

Following the prophecy, he grabbed the girl for a safety measure. Then he turned to the boy. The twins' locked screaming, crying eyes as Voldemort casted the killing curse for the third time that night. Except this time, the spell backfired, weakening the dark lord to the point where he was barely able to stand, let alone cast any further spells. He fled the house, clutching the screaming infant girl in his arms.

Snape dashed through the Potter house, only glancing at James as he made his way towards the crying noise upstairs. He saw the door that had been knocked off his hinges and found the love of his life dead on the carpet. Ignoring the screaming Harry, he sat on the carpet and clutched Lily to his chest, sobbing as he had failed to save her.

It took Snape a while to sober up, but when he did he found the baby boy returning the crying eyes. And on the child's forehead, under a tuft of black hair, was a blood red lightning bolt shaped scar. Still furious at himself for being late to save them, he sent out his patronus to contact Dumbledore.

Only half an hour later, Dumbledore, Hagrid, and Minerva appeared in the Potter house. Minerva stooped down at the sight of James, shedding a brief year before moving upstairs with the other two. Snape had put the corpse of Lily on to the rocking chair, not liking having her unceremoniously on the floor.

"So the boy survived," Minerva observed, "But why is there a second crib?"

"The prophesy doesn't mention a second child, maybe she was expecting?" Dumbledore speculated.

"Too many lives have been taken here tonight. I was just too late...," Snape trailed off, his voice hoarse.

"Severus, why don't you go get some rest while we work this out? You haven't slept in ages," Minerva commented, her motherly side showing off. Severus simply nodded and disapperated.

"Where're we takin' 'im?" Hagrid asked as Dumbledore plucked the young Harry from his crib.

"To the Dursley's, they're the only blood relatives he has," Dumbledore sighed, handing the child to Hagrid to transport, "Minerva, would you mind scouting out the area once again?"

"I told you he deserves better then to live with those awful muggles," Minerva protested, but she knew it was no use and disapperated.

"'Er you sure abou' this, Dumbledore sir?" Hagrid asking, referring to everything at once.

"I'm sure Hagrid, now you be on your way, I have to stop by Hogwarts first," and with that Dumbledore disapperated and left Hagrid to carry the baby to his motorcycle. Hagrid stared at James and Lily one last time, wishing it wouldn't have ended like this.

The next evening Dumbledore arrived, using his out-putter to put out all the streetlights and placing baby Harry on the doorstep of the Dursley's. Pulling a handwritten letter to Petunia from his robes, he place it next to Harry. And with that, Harry was doomed to life with his aunt and uncle.

Meanwhile, Voldemort was delivering a Potter child of his own. But instead of a muggle home, he was placing the daughter in the home of his most trusted advisor, Lucius Malfoy. He himself had been blessed with a baby boy two months before the potters, so the Dark Lord figured it would be a perfect place to train the girl as his own weapon.

"My Lord, to wait do I owe this visit?" Lucius inquired as he pulled open the doors to the Malfoy Manor.

"I've brought the girl, but I must retreat into hiding, my strength is evaporating as we speak," Voldemort rasped, feeling the year old child under the sleeping spell grow heavier in his arms.

"You're trusting me to care for her? Tha-that I-I-I," Lucius stammered, completely taken aback.

"You have the supplies and are trusted by me. Or have you reverted to your old ways?" Lucius shook his head furiously, "Very well. Let me take my leave,"

"But my lord! What shall we call her?" Lucius called out as Voldemort turned away.

"Her new name? Olivia Merope Gaunt," Voldemort smirked and disapperated away, using the last of his energy.

"Narcissa, my dear!" Lucius called out behind him as he closed to door carefully, trying not to disturb the baby in his arms. Sure, Lucius knew that the girl was the dark lord's only defence against the Potter boy. He knew that capturing the girl was in the plans since the very beginning, but he never thought that he would be given the pressure of raising not only his own son to be a loyal death eater, but also the Potter girl.

"Don't yell so loud Lucius! I just put Draco down for a nap-" Narcissa whisper-yelled, cutting off as she saw the baby in her husband's arms.

"My dear, meet our new ward, Olivia Merope Gaunt." Lucius introduced as he handed the girl to his wife.

"Our ward? Is this the Potter girl?!" Narcissus more than whisper yelled in her state of shock.

"Not anymore. The potters were finally killed off last night, with that boy taken by Dumbledore," Lucius smiled at the thought of the lousy potters killed off.

"We don't have the supplies for two-," Narcissa tried. It was no use she knew, but raising a child for evil seemed beyond cruel.

"Nonsense, Narcissa. After all, now Draco has someone to keep him company," Lucius chuckled. 

Narcissa sighed and brought the girl into the nursery. Draco was supposed to be asleep, but was sitting up and staring at the two of them with wide, grey eyes. His tufts of hair seemed to be the same colour as his skin, a very odd sight as it stuck out everywhere.

Narcissa pulled her wand from her robes and chanted a second crib-making spell, glad she had spare parts from Draco's ornate crib.

"There you go little one," Narcissa gently but Olivia down in the black crib. Draco crawled over to peer through the bars of his, wondering who the new person was and why they were in his room.

"Mam! Mam!" Draco called, trying to get his mother's attention.

"Not now, Draco, it's time to go to sleep," Narcissa tried to coax him back into sleeping, but soon he had woken Olivia from her sleeping spell as well, who started crying when she couldn't find Harry.

"Harry! Harry!" Olivia cried, peering through every side of the crib trying to find him. That's when she found Draco staring back at her.  She looked curious, but still cried for Harry and her parents.

"Now you two it's three in the morning please go to sleep," Narcissa begged as she tried to wipe her eyes into focus. With nothing stopping them from crying, she decided that a little magic never hurt a baby any and cast a sleeping spell on both of them. When the two babies were finally sleeping, she gave one last glance over the new ward.

"I'm sorry," Narcissa stroked the side of the girl's face. No child should loose their parents. Not this young.


Ta-da! Really long chapter.

Hope you enjoyed!

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