You get too close (Dean)

By bilboaaa

251K 6.7K 1.9K

Dean Ambrose is a cold hearted,Inconsiderate wrestler who no one has been able to get close to for the past f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80

Chapter 65

1.7K 53 10
By bilboaaa

~~One week later~~

// Sadie //

"I love it." Dean shrugs. "It makes you look hot. It makes you look dangerous."

"Neon blue hair though?!" I ask, pulling at my hair. "It's cute but I know it'll attract attention and it's just...what if people judge me?"

"Who cares? People judge people with natural colored hair." He chuckles. "Look babe, It's not my fault. If you hadn't made that bet with me, you never would've had to dye your hair."
"Well I thought I'd win the bet." I grumble. "This sucks." I pout. "God knows I was looking forward to seeing you with bright pink hair again."

"Yeah well,Life isn't fair." He shrugs. "Now come sit on daddy's lap and-"

"Ew, Okay never ever say that again. Ew." I shiver. He rolls his eyes. "You know you secretly love it. Face it darlin', You've got a daddy kink."

"I hate you." I mutter. "Now seriously, We've got a crap ton of stuff to do today. We have to go to a meeting with Hunter and Stephanie in like an hour to talk about someone's big push." I smirk. "And we also have to discuss some new merchandise."

"Yeah yeah yeah,Meetings meetings meetings, Who cares?" He huffs. "I hate meetings. They're so...Businessy."

"Are you saying you don't wanna discuss your push?" I ask. "Now I didn't say that." He smirks. "But anyways, Maybe you should be less worried about that meeting and more worried about your interview which is in just twenty minutes. And you're still not dressed."

"I don't wanna change out of my sweats." I grumble. "They're warm and cozy as hell."

"Yeah but the sooner we get done with all this crap that we've gotta do today, The sooner we can get back in this hotel room. You can get into your onesie and we can cuddle." He smiles.

"Sounds good." I smirk.

"Don't say it like that." He rolls his eyes. "Stop watching Henry danger so much."

"Never." I shake my head. "Now...I have to get ready and you should get ready too. If we're late Trips and Steph will murder us."

"Yeah,I'm one of the many people who work backstage." I laugh. "I have kind of a lot of jobs. Mainly it's just me helping out with new designs and logos for stuff for the WWE shop and I also help Sandra fix the superstars and divas clothing when and if something goes wrong. Um, And I also can be a photographer. I usually don't full on take charge of the photo shoots but I do help out a lot with lighting and all that extra stuff." I shrug.

"Nice. I always enjoy meeting new people and seeing new faces and I think it's so cool to hear about what goes on backstage." Noelle smiles. "So speaking of that can you tell me any funny stories? Anything crazy happening when you guys are off camera?"

"What isn't happening when we're off camera?" I laugh. "One time me and Dolph Ziggler were being chased by the new day. We were in a nerf gun war. Then there was this one time when a certain someone ripped his pants straight down the middle,But he'd probably murder me if I told you his name..."

"Sounds like some fun." She giggles. "So can you tell us about any new designs you're working on?"

"Mmm I can't tell you very much right now but just know that we're working on plenty of new t shirts and shoes and everything that'll all be in the WWE shop sometime in 2016." I smile.

"Great! And as a random final question, What do you plan on getting up to for Christmas? Any traditions that you have?" She asks.

"My plans for Christmas are simple, I'm just gonna hang out with my family and eat lots of unhealthy food." I laugh. "My traditions are pretty basic, Me and my sister just wear ugly Christmas sweaters and drink hot cocoa and watch tons of Christmas movies and listen to lots of Christmas music. We love Christmas so we decorate a lot and we love the Christmas shopping."

"Do you start Christmas shopping early or are you like me and you go last minute?"

"I kind of start last minute." I laugh. "I try my best to start early but it never works out."

"I feel your pain." She sighs. "Well thank you so much for speaking to me today and I hope to hear more from you." She says. I nod. "You too!" I smile.


"Dean." I hiss. "If we're not in Triple H's office in five minutes we. Are. Dead."

"I can't find my left shoe." He whines.

"Wear another pair."

"I can't fine another pair." He rolls his eyes. "If I could find another pair I wouldn't be searching all over this locker room for this stupid shoe." "Well if you were organized instead of a total slob, We wouldn't be having these problems." I huff. "I am not a total slob." He defends himself. "I found my outfit perfectly, Thank you."

"Of coarse you found your outfit perfectly. Everything in your closet matches because you've bought ten pairs of the same exact jeans and twenty eight black, White and grey wife beaters. You can't go wrong!" I growl. "Look, I am not going to get chewed out because of your shoe mishap. Hunter's office is in a whole 'nother area which means it's a long walk and we've already lost two minutes. I'm hauling ass to his office. Bye!"

Without saying anything else, I run out of the locker room and start to jog through the arena.

Needless to say, I'm very both very nervous and very excited for this meeting. This meeting will determine Dean's future here in the WWE. If Hunter and Stephanie actually give Dean the push they've been talking about giving him, He'll be so happy. And he definitely deserves it.

"Slow down woman!" I hear him yell from behind me. "I'm trying to get my shoe on!"

"Well I can't help that." I giggle, Speeding up.


"For someone with such long legs you sure don't run fast."


"So we've been thinking long and hard about this." Stephanie says, Sighing a little. "And we've agreed that yeah,It's time for you to have a big push. The fans all adore you and there's no one they'd rather have as champ. It's pretty obvious that you're who they want."

"Way to sound excited, Steph." He says sarcastically. "What? You don't believe in me?"

"Of coarse I believe in you. You are an amazing wrestler, An amazing talker and you have an overall likable personality...On screen. But the problem is...We don't wanna give you this push because we fear you'll do something stupid like...Get into a bar fight-"

"It was months ago!"

"Or get into a backstage fight with another superstar..." Hunter mumbles.

"That was only...Three times."

"Or break someone's car door off the hinges." Steph glares at him.

"I said I was sorry and I bought you guys another car door!" Dean defends himself. I raise my brow and watch as Hunter runs his hand over his face. I'll have to ask Dean about all this later...

"The point is, We need to know that you will behave yourself. Because if you don't, We'll have to punish you and that's not a good image for a champ. If the fans find out that we've got a champ that's causing problems backstage and not being punished for it, They'll think we're biased and that creates a bad image for the whole entire company. We need to know that we can count on you. You have to be reliable." Stephanie explains.

"Yep, And not only that, You have to be ready to work your ass off. You've been a champion before so you know a little about what it's like. But that was only the U.S championship you were holding. Now we're talking about the WWE world heavyweight championship. If you get that belt you'll be working day to night. Interviews, Meet and greets, Press conferences, Photo shoots, TV appearances, Make a wish hospital visits, Charity's...Basically what you're doing now times 100. Are you really ready for that?" Hunter asks.

"I have been for years." Dean nods.

"Alright...But are you ready for that?" Stephanie asks turning toward me.

I scrunch my face up in confusion. "I'm not becoming champion..." I mumble. She giggles. "Yes but this affects you as well. You and Dean are in engaged now." She says nodding at my ring. "I don't think you have any idea how hard it will be trying to plan a wedding if he holds the belt. There's no telling when he'll get to have enough free time to actually get married and then go on a honey moon."

"I didn't even think of that." Dean mumbles.

"This isn't my decision." I shake my head.

"Actually it is." Dean mumbles. "If you want me to wait a while longer I can. I'll just have to wait until the next time I get this chance-"

"That's crazy." I cut him off. "You've already waited so long. I know you're dying to hold that belt. I'm not going to make you wait any longer. We can figure something out when the time comes. For now just...Just sign your contract and get your championship." I smirk.

"You sure?" He asks. I nod. "Alright. "

"Great. Here are all the papers you need to sign." Hunter smiles. "Now as for you Sadie...We also called this meeting because we need to talk to you."

"About what?" I ask nervously.

"You've been doing an amazing job lately. You've been working on so many things at once and you've got everything finished on time and you haven't complained once. I'm not gonna lie, I didn't think you'd be able to do all this stuff and keep your head on." He smiles. "But you have. So we'd like to give you a raise."

"Wow." I whisper. I'm already getting paid a crap ton. "Thanks."

"You're welcome. And also, There are a couple photo shoots coming up and we'd love for you to be in them." Stephanie says. I nod. "Yeah I'd love that, Thanks."

"You're welcome."


"So..." Dean mumbles, Nudging my arm.

"So?" I raise my brow. I just know he's up to something.

"I was kind of thinking..."


"Well...See me and you...Well we're getting married and all and your sister is pregnant and...Well...See I was thinking that maybe me and you could um...You know, Maybe move in together?" He asks. I gasp.


"Yeah I know, I shouldn't have asked-"

"No no no. It's a great idea." I smile. "Aymie and Blake could live in our house and me and you...Would we be living in your house in Vegas?" I ask curiously. "No. See I was thinking that maybe we could live in Florida. That way you and your sister don't have to be very far apart because she's pregnant and might need help and I'm sure you'd like to have her help with the wedding." He explains. "Sounds good...Well what kind of house were you thinking about living in?" I ask. "Three bedroom or something?"

"Well...God talking about the future scares me." He mumbles. "Um...I'm just gonna come right out and say it. In the future...I really plan on maybe...Well if you want I wanna have a family with you. I know you can't have kids but we can...You know like...Adopt and stuff." He squeaks out. I nod, Rubbing his back. "And I want us to be in a house that we can already be settled in. Moving is so tiring I don't wanna have to keep doing it." I nod in agreement and he continues. "And me and you make a lot of money and we deserve to treat ourselves. I want us to...I want us to live in like a really huge mansion house." He admits.

"Well..." I mutter. "How many rooms are you thinking?"


"Dean don't you think that's a little...Extreme?" I giggle.

"Maybe. I don't know. I don't care. I wanna spoil you and I wanna spoil myself. I wanna live in a huge house like...Like...John Cena." He laughs. "Seriously. We can afford it and we deserve it. I want to buy a huge house and live in it with you."

"Okay...Alright we'll find a huge house and we'll live in it then." I smile. "I like the sound of that."

"Cool." He chuckles. "I love you."

"I love you more."

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