Golden Gloves (Larry Stylinso...

Від _Loving1D_

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When Louis Tomlinson's dad takes him to a boxing match, Louis spots a curly haired boxer named Harry Styles a... Більше

Golden Gloves (Larry Stylinson)
Chapter 01
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 (Part 1)
Chapter 14 (Part 2)
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21 (Part 1)
Chapter 21 (Part 2)
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27

Chapter 02

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Від _Loving1D_

Saturday could not come quick enough. All week Harry floated around my mind, causing me to zone out a lot. It was so bad that even my little sisters noticed.

When Saturday finally came I had to make myself sleep longer. When I finally did get up around nine I could smell bacon, leading me into the kitchen. I sat down at the table across from my father and he sent me a smirk.

"Are you excited for tonight?" He winked.

Ever since the match he had been a lot nicer to me and had even given me a few tips on how to get Harry to like me, which I noted in my head but would never admit it.

"Louis's got a crush! Louis's got a crush!" Daisy, my little sister, sang.

"Now look what you've done!" I laughed at my dad whose eyes had widened in surprise.

He simply shrugged and stuffed a forkful of eggs in his mouth. I did the same and after finishing my meal I helped my mum wash dishes. I mostly did it to pass the time. There was still a good ten hours until I was meeting Harry.

Once I got up to my room I called my best friend Zayn and asked if he wanted to hangout. He agreed and thirty minutes later he showed up.

"What's up Tommo?" He shouted, pulling me into a manly hug.

I really liked Zayn because I knew he would never judge me. We had been friends for six years, and when I came out to him he said it didn't bother him, then we sat on the couch watching cheesy reality TV. Of course he's always cracking jokes about my sexuality, but I've gotten used to it by now.

"Thanks for coming over Zayn, I'm really nervous about tonight."

"Relax bro, I'm sure Harry will love you! And if he doesn't then you can always tie him up and keep him in your basement." Zayn shrugged.

I lightly punched Zayn's arm and he chuckled.

"Seriously!" I whined. "What if we can't find something to talk about? Or what if he already has a girlfriend, or maybe even a boyfriend?"

Zayn stopped me by slapping a hand over my mouth and pushing me back so he was inside.

"I'm sure none of that is going to happen."

"Oh god, I didn't even think about that! I'm going to be alone in a car with him for who knows how long!" I groaned. "We both know I'm awkward and weird, what am I going to do?" I groaned again.

At some point during the conversation we had gone to my room, so I fell back on my bed in exasperation.

"Well, you are pretty awkward. Remember when that girl asked if you wanted to go on a date and you were all like 'erm, I-I, what, I' and then I had to kindly explain that you had plans that night?" He laughed.

"Shut up!" I threw a pillow at his head.

"Look, just be yourself, crack a joke or two, and wear your glasses, you look hot in them." Zayn winked.

"You know, sometimes I question if you really are straight." I glared at him.

"I'm probably going to have to wear them, these contacts are burning my eyes." I scrubbed at my eyes to prove my point.

"Alright now turn on your xbox so I can kick your ass in fifa."

Somehow we managed to kill three hours playing fifa -I won by the way- then Zayn claimed he had a date, so he left around five. I put on one of my playlists and straightened up my room a bit. Once my room was somewhat clean, I flipped through my closet trying to find the perfect outfit for my dat-evening with Harry. This is not a date, I reminded myself. He's probably not even gay, although he did say he liked my shirt, but that doesn't mean anything...does it?

I ran a hand over my face and focused on my clothes. I could go two ways. Either I could go bold -red skinny jeans and a white shirt with black suspenders- or I could go casual -black skinny jeans with a nice shirt. I decided to go casual since I barely knew Harry and I didn't want to scare him away.

I pulled out literally every pair of black and blue jeans, but ended up throwing them all back in annoyance. I tugged at my hair and groaned loudly. My mum must have heard me, because she came in soon after.

"What are you groaning about?"

"I don't have anything to wear!" I whined. "Oh god, I sound like a teenage girl with a crush!" I buried my face in my hands.

"Why don't you wear your red jeans, you love those?"

"Mum, I want him to like me, not be embarrassed to be seen with me!"

"Well what's wrong with these?" She held up one of the many pairs I had thrown on the floor."

"They're just not- ugh!"

"Okay, calm down, what about these?"

She held up a pair of white skinny jeans that I had forgotten I even had.

"Uh, yeah, that could work." I took them from her and slipped them on, examining them in the mirror. I liked them because they made my bum and calves look good. I nodded my head in approval to my mum and she grinned.

We started looking through my closet trying to find a shirt for me to wear. I held up three shirts, but my mum shook her head at every single one. I rolled my eyes when she shook her head at the fourth.

"I don't see you picking anything!"

"I'll be right back."

She was taking forever so I layed back on my bed and tried my hardest to relax. So what if Harry was incredibly hot, he was just a human, why was I so nervous?

"I think this is appropriate."

I looked up from my feet to find out what my mum was talking about. She was holding up a light blue button up shirt.

"Your father wore this on our first date, so I insisted that he keep it. It should fit you."

I took off my t-shirt then took it from her and gently slipped it over my shoulders. I carefully buttoned it up, rolled up the sleeves, then turned back to my mirror. The shirt fit perfectly and hugged me in all the right places. I smiled at my mom and did a little turn for her.

She clapped her hands excitedly, then left to go make dinner. I chuckled to myself while slipping off the clothes and laying them neatly on the bed. I skipped into the bathroom and turned on the shower, then stripped off my boxers. I quickly washed my hair and scrubbed my body, then toweled off and slipped on my boxers and my jeans and shirt. I picked out a pair of black toms and slid them onto my feet. Just as I finished getting dressed, my mum called me downstairs for dinner.

I ate my pork chops and corn silently as I endured my family's teasing.

"Okay girls that's enough." My father scolded playfully. "Now, Louis, go upstairs and finish getting ready. You're meeting him in forty-five minutes."

"Can you drive me? I don't want to leave my car there all night long."

The last time I left my car somewhere past midnight the windows were smashed.

"Sure son."

I smiled at my dad before returning to my room. I entered the bathroom and grabbed my hair gel, squirting some onto my hand. I ran my hands through my hair, styling it in sort of a quiff until I was satisfied. Next, I brushed my teeth and sprayed on my best cologne. I contemplated wearing my glasses for a few minutes before deciding I looked better without them. I put some eye drops in my eyes to make the burning stop, then slipped the small bottle into my pocket for later use.

Lastly I put on the necklace Harry had given me and slipped it beneath my shirt. It was a simple gold chain, but a pair of golden gloves hung at the end and HS was etched onto the back.

I exited my bathroom and double checked that I had my phone, wallet, and keys. I also slipped a few breath mints into my pocket.

My dad smirked knowingly when he saw me, then led the way outside to the car.

"So, are you going to go with me to all the boxing matches now?"

"Only the ones Harry's in. I still don't really get boxing." I frowned.

"Well don't let Harry know that." He laughed.

"Shut up! You're only making me more nervous than before!"

"Look son, if you were brave enough to tell me you're gay, then you're brave enough to go in there and win this boy's heart. Now get out, he should be here any minute."

I opened the door with shaky fingers, then walked into the starbucks, waving at my dad as he pulled out of the parking lot and drove away. I sat down at a table in the corner by a window and tried to calm my nerves. My fingers just wouldn't stop shaking.

I walked over to the lady behind the table and order a caramel mocha, then returned to my seat. I sipped hesitantly at my mocha for a few minutes and tried to get my mind off of the night ahead of me. I was staring out the window when a familiar voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Well look who it is. What's the little faggot doing here? Are you waiting on your boyfriend?" Jacob, one of my bullies, laughed.

"Leave me alone Jacob." I muttered.

"Now why would I do that? Why would I give up the chance to make your life miserable?" He sneered, getting in my face.

"I doubt he's meeting someone, who would want to date this loser." One of the guys in Jacon's possy scowled. I think his name was Edward or Ed or something like that.

"Please just leave me alone." I whispered so only Jacob could hear.

"Don't tell me what to do." He hissed, shoving my shoulder.

There were people sitting not far from us, yet they averted their eyes and pretended not to notice I was about to get beaten up.

"I don't take orders from fags!" He raised his arm and my eyes snapped closed.

I braced myself for the blow I knew was going to come. I felt the sting on my cheek seconds after I heard the slap of skin. I clutched my cheek in my hand and my mouth fell open in a silent cry of pain.

"Ow ow! What the fuck?" Jacob screamed.

I looked up to find that Jacob's arm was being twisted behind his back by none other than Harry. He shoved Jacob into one of the other guys and they went tumbling to the floor taking the third guy with them.

"Get. Out." Harry growled.

My stomach dropped at his tone. It was, but also so angry it gave me chills.

The boys scrambled up from the floor and Jacob took a step back.

"Aren't you Harry Styles, the boxer?"

"I believe I said to get out." He narrowed his eyes.

Harry took a step towards them and they all jumped back and ran out of the building quickly.

"Thanks for that." I cleared my throat.

Harry turned to me and his face softened. He sat in the booth next to me, examining my face. He brought his hand up to my cheek, causing me to wince.

"Sorry." He muttered. "I'll get you some ice and then we can go."

He walked to the counter while I examined my face in the reflective surface of the napkin dispenser. I could tell there would be a nasty bruise there in the morning. I think the worst part was that Harry got to see that. Thank god he showed up though, they would've beaten me to a pulp.

"Here." Harry handed me ice in a plastic bag. "Does that um...happen often?" He coughed awkwardly.

I nodded my head slightly.

" 'm sorry." Harry said quietly.

"Whatever, can we go now?" I forced a smile.

"Yeah." Harry furrowed his eyebrows adorably.

Once we got into the car Harry flipped on the radio. My favorite song, Look After You by The Fray, was on. I glanced at the radio, then turned my gaze back to the window with a small smile.

"You like this song?"

"It's my favorite."

Harry turned the radio up and hummed along. I looked at him for the first time that night and took him in.

He was wearing extremely tight black skinny jeans that hugged his small thighs nicely and a baggy green t-shirt. His curls looked so soft, making me want to run my fingers through them. Don't even get me started in his lips, they looked so kissable. He noticed me staring at him and he grinned at me.

"So, I'm a boxer, but what do you do?" He turned down the radio.

"I uh, work an animal shelter. Basically I just walk the dogs and clean cages."

"That's cool, I love animals. Especially cats." He giggled.

I almost died. He freaking giggled and it was cute as hell. I blushed and turned my face towards the window again, trying to hide my blush.

"So how did you get started boxing?"

Harry blew out a breath and I saw him run a hand through his hair out of the corner of my eye with a nervous look on his face.

"That's a long story. Some other time yeah?"

"Yeah, okay."

We sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, then I noticed we were pulling into a parking lot behind an arena. In the distance I could see some people with cameras hovering by the door. I mentally cursed myself for not thinking about that. I didn't like being around people I didn't know.

"Shit." Harry muttered under his breath.

I raised an eyebrow when he looked at me nervously.

"Uh, just stay close to me okay."

He stepped out of the car before I could reply, so I got out too and moved to his side. He stepped a bit closer to me and together we walked towards the door. As soon as the paparazzi spotted us they crowded around us, shouting out questions left and right. I stepped closer to Harry when a man grabbed my shoulder. Harry shouted something at the man, then put his arm around me and pushed through the rest of the crowd.

Once we were inside and it was quiet I realized how hard I was breathing and how my heart was racing like I'd just run a marathon or something.

"Louis? Louis, are you okay?"

I took a deep breath and focused on Harry's eyes. It was weird, just seconds ago I was about to have a panic attack, but once I looked into Harry's eyes it was like I was completely calm again. I absentmindedly touched his hand that was resting on my shoulder and smiled shyly, nodding my head.

"Alright, I have to go backstage and warm up. Your seat is right in the front, just find a bald man with glasses and he'll show you where it is if you can't find it. He's my manager by the way. You can come back after I go on, just show the guards that necklace I gave you. You did bring it right?"

I pulled the necklace from my shirt and showed it to him. His eye lit up and he nodded appreciatively.

"Good luck." I chirped, turning to find my seat.

Thirty minutes later, the show started and two guys came out and started boxing. I didn't even bother paying attention, I just played on my phone until the announcer came out to announce the next match.

I smiled when Harry ran onto the platform and everyone cheered. He looked right at me and I gave him a thumbs up. He literally took my breath away. I just couldn't get over how amazing he was.

He was nice, hot, funny, awkward, and just...perfect.

A bell sounded, marking the start of the round and the other guy jabbed Harry in the stomach immediately. I winced, seeing the painful expression on Harry's face. I'll never understand the logic of not wearing shirts when boxing.

Harry had the guy pinned to the floor shortly after and Mr. announcer guy declared him the winner. He did a fist pump, wincing slightly, and everyone in the audience cheered. I cheered as well.

I slipped out of my seat and stepped up to the guards. They looked at me with boredom. I pulled out the necklace and asked if I could go see Harry.

One of them examined the necklace, then let me through. I practically ran to Harry's dressing room. When I opened the door he was lying on the couch with an icepack right below his left pec and a wet rag was slung across his forehead.

His eyes fluttered open when I sat in the chair across from the couch.

"Hey Lou, did you enjoy the match?"

My stomach clenched at the nickname.

"Yeah, you did great. Are- are you okay?" I gestured to his ice.

"That idiot broke one of my ribs."

"Oh my god, why aren't you at the hospital?" My eyes widened.

"We have a medical team here for things like this. They were trying to let some of the swelling go down before they bandaged it. In fact I think I hear them coming now."

As if on cue, the door opened and two older women walked through with bags of medical supplies. One of them helped Harry stand. I felt bad for him, he looked to be in a lot of pain.

"You might want something to hold onto, this is going to hurt." One of them said with a grimace.

I stepped forward and offered out my hand to Harry. He took it and thanked me quietly. The nurses proceeded to prod around at his ribs, causing him to squeeze my hand harder and make cute little gasps. Of course my mind decided to make dirty comments about his little gasps and groans, so I was feeling sort of awkward.

I heard a small pop, then Harry was screaming and squeezing my hand so hard I thought it would fall off. I covered both our hands with my other hand and whispered soothing things to him.

"It'll be over soon. They're almost done. You're okay." I murmured.

He looked down at where they were adjusting his bandages and I noticed him start to sweat more. I was like that too. I couldn't look at an injury, it made me nauseous.

"Hey, just look at me. Focus on me."

He stared into my eyes and I could almost feel his pain. They made one last adjustment to his bandages, making him flinch, then told him not to fight for the next two weeks. He sighed sadly at that, but thanked them anyway.

"Do you get hurt a lot?"

"Basically every match."

"Does it hurt?" I gently touched his bandage.

"Yeah, but I think the pain pills are starting to kick in."

He paused for a moment to examine the bandages. I took the opportunity to pull my hand away 'accidentally' brushing over his abs. Well, I can check 'touch Harry's abs' off my bucket list.

"I better get you home, its almost one o'clock."

He started to walk away, but I grabbed his bicep, mentally screaming at how hard and muscular it was.

"You can't drive with a broken rib."

"I've driven with a broken foot before. Like I said, this happens everytime I step in the ring. I'm used to it by now."

"Are you sure? I can always call my dad to come pick me up."

"Just shut up and get in the car."

I spared him one last glance before ducking my head and climbing into his car. He got in next and we both buckled up.

"Is your car still at starbucks?" He asked as he reversed out of the parking lot.

"No, my dad drove me. Which reminds me, I need to call him so he can meet us there." I pulled out my phone but Harry stopped me.

"Or I could just take you straight to your house." He suggested.

"Um, yeah that would be great thanks."

"I'll take you there on one condition." He smirked

"Which is?"

"You give me your number." He threw his Iphone into my lap.

I was in shock. He wanted my number? Why would he want my number? I internally fangirled as I typed my name and number into his contacts. I even took a cut picture of myself, while Harry shook his head laughing, and set it as my contact photo.

I handed it back to him and he giggled again. I swear this boy will be the death of me.

We talked a lot more on the way to my house then we did when we were going to the match.

I found out that Harry was twenty years old, a year younger than me, he had been boxing for six years, his best friend was named Niall, his favorite color was orange, and his favorite animal was the cat. I learned all this in only half the time it would take to get back to my house.

He stopped at a McDonald's and ordered fries and a milkshake before asking if I wanted anything. I kindly shook my head no and he shrugged before telling the woman he was finished with his order.

He pulled up to the window and she handed him his food. He paid her, then got back on the road. He snatched up four fries and popped them into his mouth.

"I thought boxers were supposed to be healthy eaters."

"We are." He laughed.

I laughed with him. The smell of food eventually got to me and my stomach growled loudly.

"I knew you were hungry!" Harry proclaimed. "Here you can have the rest of my fries."

"No, they're yours. I'll just get something when I get home."

"Take them, or I will pull over and force feed them to you."

I grinned at him, then took the fries and started to eat them.

"Sorry if they're too salty, I like a lot of salt on my fries."

"I do too." I mumbled around a mouthful of fries.

It was odd how much we had in common.

"Oh, are you thirsty? You can have some of this if you want." He held out his milkshake.

I realized there was no point in arguing with him, so I took the milkshake and ate a spoonful, then handed it back to him. My lips tingled and a shiver went down my spine as I realized my lips had touched somewhere Harry's lips had. It sort of like a I really sound like a teenage girl.

"I feel bad for eating all your food." I blushed.

Harry waved a dismissive hand at me, then turned on the radio. We talked some more and I was sad when we pulled into my driveway.

"I had a really great time tonight. Thanks for taking me and all that." I mumbled awkwardly.

"Goodnight Lou." He smiled.

"Goodnight Harry."

I got out of the car and quietly unlocked my front door after waving at Harry.

As I layed in my bed I couldn't stop myself from thinking that I just had to have him. He was just so perfect. I needed him in my life.

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