Detective Malik

By Wow_Ziall

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"MALIK" "Yeah Chief?" I said "Your on duty! There seems to be a murder, The case is yours if you want it" Ch... More

Detective Malik


87 2 0
By Wow_Ziall


"Yeah Chief?"

"Your on Duty, There seems to be a murder. The case is yours if you want it?" Cheif said holding out a file.

"Yeah I got it" I said and took the folder, I didnt know that taking the case woudnt just change my life. But possibly end it.

I got up from my desk, I dumped my cigarette on the ash tray, I grabbed my gun and badge and strapped it on my belt and headed for the Police departments door.

"Hey Malik, Got another case I see?" Detective Horan said walking up, I looked up at him while putting my coat on.

"Fuck Off Horan, I have no time for Bullshit today, I have a case" I said walking out.

"That's right Little Malik is always busy" Horan said walking out next to me.

"How about this Horan, Stop Fucking around and get to Damn Work and Maybe Chief Will give you a Damn Case every once and while" I said and walked out the pouring London rain.

I walked up to my car, and turned it on. I sat in my car for a little and looked over the File. I had to get to the crime scene quick. Before the CSI Idiots fuck up all my evidence, I look at the address and go on my way.


I pull up to the apartment building, "Shit" I whispered when I noticed the news and reporters were already there. I walked out into the rain and waked up to the yellow crime scene tape stopping everyone from bombarding in the scene. I pulled the tape over my head and the police officers nodded. I Have so many cases, Every cop in this city knows me.

"DETECTIVE MALIK DO YOU HAVE ANY INFORMATION ON THE MURDER" The Reporters will yell. I just ignored them and kept walking, I walked up the stairs that lead to the crime scene. I stopped in my tracks when I saw a cop pinning a young girl up against a wall... I walked over.

She was crying with tears spilling down her face, He just squizzed her arms more. "Hey! Hey Whats going on here?" I said walking up, "She's resisting arrest Detective" The officer said. "And what exactly is she arrested for?" I asked. "The Murder Of Anthony Carter" He said. I opened the file in my hands and the Victim seems to be Anthony Carter

I looked down at the young girl, A couldn't help but see pure terror in her eyes. "Now Officer, You and the CSI team better have collected enough evidence which I doubt to prove that" I said putting my hands on my belt, Notifying him of my detective badge on my waist. "Well No sir Bu-"  I cut him off

"Did she confess to the crime?" I asked, He looked down at the young girl and back at me. "No Sir" He said. This is why I hate when the Dick of a Sheriff is always sending rookies to my Cases. "Than I suggest You let the young lady go, Before I have to take some action on how you will continue your career as a officer If you cant do it right!" I snapped. "Yes sir" He said and let the girl loose of the handcuffs.

She sniffled and rubbed her eyes, The dumb ass officer walked away and I was left with the supposed Murderer. I opened the file to read more information, while keeping my eyes on the file I could already tell how this case will turn out. She will probaley be in Prison for the next 50 years and plead guilty. I looked up

"Hello Ms?"

"Phillip, My name is Adrian Phillip" She said

"Yes Ms.Phillip, Now will you please tell me what went in here today and why we have to carry out a dead body?" I asked,

"I didn't do it" She said Blankly,

"Now Ms.Phillip, I never said that you-" She cut me off

"I can see it in your eyes, The way you looked at the file. You think You already know everything. I didn't kill him" She said starting to cry again.

"Ms.Phillip, I cannot continue questioning you here, Will You please come with me to the Police department." I said

"Are you arresting me?" She asked stepping back a bit.

"No Ms.Phillips, As you know you were found in the crime scene and Its protocol That I question the prime suspect, But No your not getting arrested" I said she nodded and I led her to my car, The Reporters and Cameras were hounding her.



 "YOUR YOUNG! WHY WOULD YOU KILL?" They all yelled

I have to admit she didn't break down  like many woman have, She pulled through. I sat her in my car and had police guard it while I checked back into the crime scene. I walked in and Saw Liam.

Liam and I have been partners for 6 years, "Hey Liam, So What did they find?" I asked.

"Well Its pretty weird, Because You can see on the body that he was stabbed several times, But whats weird is that , The stab marks are upside down" He said. We bent down and looked at the body, I began to think. 

"So that mean that He was wither laying down, When they came up behind him and stabbed him, Or He stabbed himself?" I said. 

Liam just shook his head, "No chance, He was stabbed 18 times, The medical examiner came by and said that by the size of the knife, that after at least 5 stabs he's body would of gone in shock. So he couldn't have stabbed himself, He's body would of gave out by than" I scratched my neck.

"Alright, Make sure Nobody mess's up the evidence and I want them to swap this place clean, I want every bit of evidence they can find. And Ill be at the office questiioning Ms.Phillips" I said standing up.

"Alright, Ill meet you there later, Ill have to make a statement to the press first, Ill just say we have a suspect but the murder is still yet unclear" He said. I nodded my head

"Alright," I said, I gave him a pist pump and headed out.

I don't know why But I have a feeling this case is going to be ALott harder than I thought, I had a feeling it isn't going to be as easy.

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