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I was standing on the other side of the glass, While My chief was just asking some protocol questions to our suspect. I looked at her, A little harder than I have ever looked at a suspect. Something about her, It gave me the feeling that she didn't kill.

I looked at her eyes, Why would those big brown eyes even have a urge to kill.

"When Your done raping her through your eyes, You can go in and question her" I heard behind me. I turned around me and saw Horan

"What the fuck do you want Horan?" I said turning back to look through the glass.

"I'm just looking around" He said, Oh How I hated his accent. I hated the fact that Niall has been jealous of the fact, That I get more cases than him. In fact I get cases and he doesn't, Niall's too busy having his noise stuck up every ones arse, He can never see that that's the very reason Chief wont give him a case.

"I swear Horan If you try anything, or If you even mess a single thing up in this Case! I will beat the shit out of you" I said.

Niall just laughed "Wow Malik, Is the best detective in London, Really threatening me?" He said leaning up against the glass looking directly at me

"She's pretty fit" He said looking at Adrian... I mean Ms.Phillips through the glass.

I walked up to his face and glared right in his eyes.

"Back Off Horan" I said through my clentched teeth,

"Why want her all to yourself?" He said smiling

"No Because unlike you, I'm actually good at my Job" I said, Just than Chief opened the door and walked out. "Alright Malik, She's all yours" He said and walked out. I walked past Niall and into the room where she looked up at me and sighed in relief.

"Hello again Ms.Phillips" I said sitting down in front of her and opening up some files on the table.

"Hi" He barley spoke.

"Now Ms.Phillips, If you want me to help you prove your innocence than you need to speak a bit louder" I said.

"Hi" she said louder and smiled a bit, She had a very beautiful smile, In fact she was very beautiful. As of now, Even though she had a red puffy nose and eyes with bags under her eyes. She still looked beautiful.

"Now Ms.Phillip will you care to explain, How you were in the apartment during the time of the murder but didn't actually see anything and or do anything" I said, She looked up at me and stayed quite.

"Ok, When did you find the body?" I asked, She shifted in her seat and sighed.

"I-I had just came home from work, W-when I walked into the living room and saw him laying there." She said. I wrote that down on my notepad and looked up again.

"Now Ms.Phillip, What was your relationship with Mr.Carter?" I asked, But somewhere in my head I was hoping she wouldn't say boyfriend, It was a thought. And I soon made myself forget that thought.

"H-He was my fiance" She said, Yup that hurt, Just a little

"o-Oh" I said

"And Ms.Phillip, Is there anything that we should know. That's you feel will benefit you in this case?" I asked.

She looked up at me and nodded.

Just than Chief came on the intercom "Malik Can We see you for a second" He said and than went out. "Excuse me, I'll be right back" I said and walked out. I was met by Liam and Chief.

"Whats up?" I asked, Liam looked at me a bit of excitement over his voice.

"We found a shit-load of drugs at the apartment, And a stash of money. We think Carter was a Dealer" Liam said. That mean the possibilities can be endless of who killed him, When your in that type of job....Trouble and danger seems to be everywhere.

"Wow...So Does that mean Ms.Phillip isn't our prime suspect?" I asked. Chief shook his head.

"Not exactly, We don't have enough evidence to arrest her now but she is still a suspect. And remember when Payne here told you about the stab marks and how they were upside down?" He said, I just nodded my head.

"Well In fact, Its possible to stab a person from the front ,upside down. Only if your left handed" Liam said. I just nodded my head.

"OK so Let me get this straight, Adria- I mean Ms.Phillip was found at the crime scene holding the weapon. In carters apartment, File says she was holding the knife on her right hand. So you want me to check of she is left or right handed?" I asked they both nodded.

"If she is than That's another reason to keep her as a suspect if she isnt than that one less reason" Liam said.

I nodded my head and walked back in the room,

"Ms.Phillips, I'm aware that Your late-Fiance Carter, W-well did you know he was a drug dealer?" I asked, hoping not to make her grief any worse.

"Yes I did, That's what I was going to tell you. And I think that I know someone who might of done it" She said.

Than the case took a interesting turn.

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