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Liam looked at me as if he knew,

"That's a motive for murder" Liam said, He crossed his arms over his chest and lent back against the coffee table behind him.

"Liam The poor girl just lost her Fiance and We just found out he just beat her! You really want to keep going and accuse her for murder!" I snapped. Liam walked up to me

"ZAYN! Open your eyes! He was beating for most of there relationship, One day she has enough and decides to kill him!" Liam says, He looks at me and laughs a bit, He walks away and turns around even madder.

"You know what I'm starting to think that Niall was right!" Liam snapped again, My fist clenched. 

"Your usually the first one to jump when you have the chance to throw someone in jail, Suddenly you want to help her! SHE KILLED HIM ZAYN! EVERYONE IS LONDON KNOWS IT!.... You too blind to see because maybe Niall was right....too busy trying to get in her pants" Liam yelled,

The whole office was now starring at me and Liam.

Everyones face was shocked, Me and Liam were best mates. We have been partners for 6 years and not once had we ever fought like this. I coudnt believe it though, Liam should know me.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? YOU HAVE KNOWN ME FOR 10 YEARS LIAM! 10 YEARS! AND YOUR REALLY GOING TO START LISTENING TO THAT PRICK?" I said walking up to his face, Liam stepped forward and looked dead in my eyes

"THAT PRICK IS RIGHT THOUGH!" Liam yelled, We had our chest against one another and suddenly a few other detectives viewing the scene had to step in, in my head I was glad. Even though I was really upset I didn't want to get in a fight with Liam. I wasn't going to let Niall get in between my best mate.

They pulled us apart and Liam stormed off to his desk, I walked back into the interview room. Thank God the room is sound proof for other than the intercom.

Adrian looked up and I couldn't help but look at her differently now that I know he beat her, I could notice now. Her bruises on her arm and neck that she tried to hide. I sat and opened the file and looked up at her,

"Adrian, Is there anything that you need to tell me. Even if you think its not important I need to know" I said, Hoping she would say something. I needed to hear it from her.

She looked at me a bit confused "I-I don't think so," She said

I sighed and handed her the paper, Apparently she used to attend meeting with a group of girls who were or are in abusive relationships. Her sign up paper was always in record.

She looked down and back at me "How did you get this?'' She asked

"Adrian, When this comes out everyone is going to think You murdered him in revenge" I said, I couldn't help but feel like everything wasn't helping her in her case.

She looked up upset "But I-I didnt" She said. 

I got up from my seat and moved to the other side of the table. I sat next to her, "Adrian You should of told me sooner, I could of done something" I said.

"I- He always said he didn't mean it, He-he didn't mean it!" She snapped and began crying again.

"Adrian, I don't want to give you bad thoughts of him now, But every time he laid a finger on you. He meant it, and he wasn't going to stop, I see this all the time. He would of never stopped." I said. She nodded her head.

"Are you arresting me?" She asked, I looked at her with side eyes

"No, No You can go home..... Just please if you remember anything please call me. If you want me to help you, I need to know everything" I said and handed her my card.


I'm sitting at my desk, Looking over every possible answer in this case, Everything has been so confusing. I tried to find Liam after Adrian left but He signed out early. I really didn't want to fight over a case. But Liam needed to trust me, and so far he wasn't.

The whole place was quite, I was the only one in at the moment. The big windows to the side let in the light from the outside streetlights while all I had to see was my desk lamp. I sat in my desk, I put my Head in my hands and took a deep breath.

I have alot on my mind

I heard a quick noise, I looked up and saw nothing.

"Still working Huh Malik?" I heard. I jumped out of my seat and pulled out my gun, I aimed it at whoever scared the shit out of me and turned to see Niall.

"Woah! Put the Gun down....Its only me" Niall said putting his hands up with a smirk

"Fuck Horan you scared me" I said and threw my gun up on my desk

"Wow I scared Malik?" Niall said, I couldn't take it anymore and I charged at Niall. I grabbed him by the collar and pushed him up against the wall




"You know what, you and that slut your trying to defend will get whats coming to you" Niall said, I lost it there. I walked up and swung my fist right up Nialls jaw. Niall fell back and look up at me with blood coming out his mouth.

"You'll regret that Malik" Niall said and slowley stood up and walked away.

I took a deep breath and decided to head home, I looked down at the clock and saw 1:22am

 I packed my things and strapped my gun and badge on, I got in my car and headed home.

I was halfway home, I had my window down smoking a Cigarette. I needed one, I was driving down a long road and the night lights lit the empty streets. I was the only car and person down the while road. This side of town was dangerous.

I remeber when I was a cop, I would have to come down this road daily and I would always be catching young guys either dealing or shooting up a store.

I looked to my side for a moment and looked up and saw a person walking across the street. I slammed on my breaks before I hit them.

"DUMB ASS THAT'S WHY THERE'S CROSSWALKS" I screamed, I looked up and saw a very scared Adrian. I opened and closed my eyes to make sure I wasn't dreaming, I ran out of the car and ran up to her, She was standing there a bit shocked

"I'm So Sorry Adrian, I didn't see you" I said checking if I did any damage,

"I-Its fine detective" She said, She took deep breaths

"What are you doing walking around here in the night?" I asked, I looked down and saw her holding several bags.

"I was going home" She said, I looked at her confused

"Adrian You apartment is a crime scene, You cant go home" I said, She looked down and than I realized

"Where have you been staying?" I asked her, She looked up and around

"I- I ...... I stayed the night behind my apartment building last night" She said, Adrian was homeless and on top of everything she at least needs a place to stay.

"Do you have a place to stay?" I asked, She looked up and shook her head no

I knew I would get in so much trouble for this,

"Stay with me" I said

Detective MalikМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя