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Adrian Left, She was gone and Now I'm sitting in my living room wondering what the hell did I just do?

I'm an expert at reading people, And I know when Someone is guilty, I can look at a crime and see if any of it adds up or if it makes sense.

And this case isn't adding up, I cant believe that even for a minute That Adrian actually would of killed Anthony

I sat on my couch the past few hours just thinking, And I was thinking. I mean Of course I knew I wanted to spend more and more time with Adrian, But what was funny is that now that she's gone. I mean I can say that I feel like shit and I thinks its because I love her

In around a month, I have fallen for Adrian. I saw how fragile she was, And broken and I wanted to fix her. But at the same time, I feel like she is the strongest Girl I ever knew

I wanted nothing more after every long day of work to come home to her, And I kept thinking of when the case is over, when she would leave me and How different everything would be, It would all go back to normal before the case.

And I just wanted me and Adrian to stay together and everything to stay the same, And how we had to keep this a secret, It made it fun. And now here I am sitting alone and Just pushed away the one girl that I can say I love

I guess I was so upset about the pregnancy, The fact that Adrian would of had a child now. I know this sounds terrible but I didn't want to picture Adrian having a child or being with anyone else, It stung. And I'm Glad Anthony is out of her life, He caused so much pain in it.

I was now pacing back and forth in my living room, I needed to find Adrian.

I grabbed my keys and ran out of the flat and ran to my car,


I'm driving down the very same rode where I almost ran Adrian over, Looking for her.

I kept driving and driving Than I noticed a crowd of men crowed outside a bar, I'm  Off duty right now but I'm a cop and cant help myself to pull up and see whats going on.

I pull over on the side of the street and walk out and see all of them screaming down at someone and than noticed through the people moving it was a girl, That's when My heart started beating faster. I ran through the crowd hoping it wasn't Who I knew It was

I pushed through and saw a crowd of Man and even some woman Yelling the worst things to Adrian and throwing bottles and beer at her, I pushed some men who were close up to her and bent down

"Adrian Are you OK?" I whispered, She shook her head while she just covered her ears with her hands blocking out all the yells and screams

I stood up and yelled "LEAVE HER ALONE!" I screamed

"She Killed the poor Man! SHE'S A MURDERER!" A woman screamed

"LOOK AT HER!" I said pointing to Adrian who was just sitting on the floor covering her eyes and just crying

"SHE DIDN'T KILL HIM! SHE COULDN'T KILL ANYONE," I screamed back at the drunk lady, A man Stepped forward trying to throw a punch at me, I moved aside and he fell froward. Than the crowd starting caving in and that's when I pulled out my gun from my waist

"Back Up!" I said, I held the gun aiming the floor but they all saw it and a few ran away but a Most just stepped away

"Zayn..Stop" Adrian said walking up behind me and wrapping her hand around my bicep, I looked back and just pushed through the remaining people with Adrian's small hand in mine, We rushed to my car and we both got in.

I pulled away and just took a deep breath

"Adrian I-" And she cut me off

"I don't want to hear it, Just please drop me off somewhere" She said, My throat was getting dry and All I wanted to do was just hold her, Her shaking body covered in beer and tears, The little bruises on her face from the bottles they threw, I just wanted to kiss them all better.

"Adrian Listen to Me please, I was just upset I didn't mean it-" I tried saying but she wouldn't listen, As soon as we stopped at a red light she hopped out of the car,

"ADRIAN PLEASE" I tried calling after her, I pulled out of the lane and pulled over to the side of the road, I ran out and ran up to her,


"Adrian I believe you, I'm just confused why you didn't tell me" I said stepping forward,

"You Knew you would of judged me, And you did" She said through her teeth, She tried walking away again but I held on to her small hand

"I know, I'm sorry..... I just couldn't Imagine You with anyone else. Whenever we talk about Anthony It doesn't bother me because I know he isn't coming back, But If Anthony wasn't Killed and You did have that baby You would of stayed with Anthony, And It sucks because You need better" I said,

We stood there in silence on the sidewalk,

"Zayn, Thanks for the Help but I really don't think Were gonna win this. Just let me go to jail I have no one anyway" She said wiping a fallen tear and began to walk away, And I jumped quickly and grabbed her arm

"Stop Saying that! We are going to win this because I wont stop Until we Find who killed him, And You not alone, You have me" I said, she looked up from the ground still slightly crying with a shocked expression

"Why!" She snapped "Why do you want to stay and help?" She asked

I stepping forward and cupped her face in my hands, Her brown eyes looked up and I pushed her Brown hair out of her face.

"Because I love You" I said, And after I said those words I didn't regret it not one bit, because I am completely In love with her

I pulled her face to mine and finally kissed her, I've been wanting to kiss her for the longest time but I kept thinking about what I was risking, But the only think I was really risking was loosing the one girl who actually made me jump just by the sound of her voice

She didn't pull away and held on to my hands that only cupped her face and wiped the tears, She pulled away and Lent against my four head

"Finally" She breathed

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