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Adrians POV

I was leaning up against the door hearing Zayns and Liam's Conversation, Every word Liam said was true.

Zayn is risking allot for me, I was already crying when I started hearing a loud bang and Zayn Yelling "FUCK YOU!"

I opened the door quickly and Liam and Zayn were throwing punches at each other, I stood there speechless until they both pulled apart and realized what was really going on

Liam than walked away and turned back to say something, Every word Liam said broke my heart more and more. Liam looked behind Zayn and looked at me and than walked away

Zayn turned around and stood there, He looked like he was upset and Really sorry. Blood rolling down the side of his face while he just stood there and looked straight at me

He walked up to me while I just stood there, He grabbed my small hand in him and placed my hand on his chest, I felt his heart beating fast from the fight he just was in

My cheeks red and wet from crying were wiped by Zayns hands, He looked down at me

"Don't Listen to a word he says" Zayn said in a low tone


"But Nothing" He said pulling me into and hug, I always want a hug from Zayn but now I just pulled away.  I pulled him back into the apartment and led him to his kitchen where I pulled out his first aid kit. We moved in silence,

He sat down on a stool while I took out the rubbing alcohol, Zayn knew I was going to clean His cuts on his face. Without a word he just sat without protest

"This might sting" I said,

"I'm sure I can handle it" He said with a smirk, I wiped the blood just above his eyes and from his nose. Zayns eyes were on me the whole the time looking at my every move

"Your beautiful You know that?" He said putting his hands on my waist, I knew he was trying to lighten the mood but really I was just thinking really fast

"Thank you" I said coldly, I couldn't really keep a smile when all I did was tear up his best mate

"Don't think about it" Zayn said as if reading my mind,

"I just feel bad" I whispered while putting the small bandage above his eyebrow and began putting the first aid kit away, I heard Zayn sigh

"There's no need to feel bad Adrian, You didn't do anything" He said standing

"Zayn I'm the reason everything bad is happening," I said, I've felt like this since the beginning and I've wanted to get it off my chest

"I'm the reason why Your partner left you, I'm the reason why I always get you in trouble with your Boss, The whole fucking town hates me and Now I'm the reason why You and your best friend just had a fight!" I said snapping, Everything coming out in one breath

"You didn't cause any of that! Adrian please don't think this is your fault when it isn't" Zayn said stepping forward,

The words Liam and the whole town have been saying are just replaying in my head over and over, I was looking down when Zayn walked up to me and grabbed my chin

"And I really don't care about what anyone else has to say, Because all I care about is you" He said kissed me.

Whenever Zayn kissed me, Every thought I have just goes away, All good and bad thoughts leave and just leave me to know that Zayn and the best thing that I've had in a long time.

I held onto the back of his neck and deepened the kiss, Zayn than just grabbed me by the waist and lifted me onto the counter that was behind us,

Zayns hand were on my hips rubbing up and down

I was into the kiss and didn't even notice when Zayn moved us from the kitchen to his bed, Everything was just perfect, The moment was perfect,

Zayns hand crept slowly up my shirt, Making sure that at any moment I wouldn't object, which I didn't

Both his hand where moving fast under my shirt and soon it was off, I layed on his bed with my bare chest out. In nothing but underwear, Zayn Pulled away and looked at me up and down, He than when back to kiss me down my neck, He kept kissing.

I tried to control my moans but let a few go, Zayn Held tightly on my waist, making my hips white with the hand prints of his fingers,

"Are you sure" He said against my neck

"Positive" I breathed out before I looked to the side and noticed Zayns hand reaching out on his bedside table for a small packet, My heart was beating fast but all my head was doing was staying quite, And I couldn't help but feel like my head should be telling me to stop, But I was High off of this Love.

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