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I looked at her and nodded my head

"OK, Who do you think did it?" I said, I began to write down on the notepad.

She took a deep breath, and looked down a her hands

"One day Anthony was on the phone, And I was curious because that number had been calling allot lately and I thought Maybe he was cheating on me," She went on, I began to think who would want to cheat on you. She continued

"And There was allot of screaming from the other line, And I couldn't really tell who was on the other line. But He definitely wasn't from here... Than the guy kept saying Your too late, Your to late" She said,

"Ok thats great, You may have helped yourself and this case very much. Now I need to ask you if you can please sign this paper, Than we can secure a file for you" I said handing her a paper. I Slid over the pen and waited to see,

I knew Chief and Liam were on the other side inspecting as well, I looked back and saw her writing with her right hand. My heart was beating fast, and Now that that's out of the way, I have one less reason to accuse her of the murder.

"Ok that will be all, Ms.Phillips-" She cut me off

"You can call me Adrian" She said, I'm surprised by that.

"Ok Than, That will be all Adrian" I said, She smiled and got up, We both walked out and Adrian was walked out to the front while I talked to chief and Liam

"So She's not the murderer" I said walking up, Chief and Liam opened there eyes wide. I usually never defend a suspect. I will always think there guilty and find enough evidence to prove it.

"Wow there Zayn, We dont know that for sure" Liam said

"But She isn't left handed, so there's so way she could of stabbed him upside down, And She has evidence that someone was threatening Carter on the phone days before the murder" I said, I had my gut feeling telling me that she wasn't the one who killed Anthony Carter.

"Yea but Zayn, She was found in the murder scene holding the weapon, And her DNA is all over the crime scene" Liam said.

"Listen Malik, Before we go assuming. She said that someone was threating the victim. So Now I want all the phone records for Carter and Phillips phone on my desk by the end of the week" Chief said

"Alright You got it chief" Liam said and walked away, to receive the records.

"And you, I want you to try to get as much information on Phillips. Look at her background, I want everything on file. We don't have enough dirt on her to arrest her now, But to make sure, I don't want to make a mistake and Loose anything important" Chief said ,

"Ok you got it" I said and went straight to my desk but Chief stopped me

"Malik, Go home and work on this. You work to Damn hard" Chief said, Finally I haven't been home on weeks other than showers and eating.

"Thanks Chief" I said and started packing up important files. I Looked up at the front and saw The front desk Officer Perrie. I walked up to her with my bag and coat in my hand.

"Hey Perrie" I said, She looked up and smiled

"Hello Detective" She said,

"Do You remember signing Ms.Phillips out earlier?" I asked, I was curious to where she went, File says that she doesn't have any family here. In fact she isn't even from here, It says she's American and so far everyone in her family is dead.

"Yes I do" She said looking through the filed on her desk,

"Great, Do you maybe know where she is staying for the time being" I asked, Just curiosity

"I'm sorry detective No I don't, She explained that she didn't even have a place to stay now since her apartment is now a crime scene" Perrie said, I nodded my head and gave her a quick smile.

"Well thank you Anyway, have a nice day" I said walking out, Perries a pretty girl, We went out on a date one time. I enjoyed myself but I guess there's just no spark. We both could tell

I walked out and noticed it raining again, "Damn" I said. I pulled my black coat over my already black shirt And slipped on my black glasses. I ran out to my car and sat in. I took a deep breath and took out a cigarette. You can say I'm stressed.


I Pulled up to a gas station to buy another packet of cigarettes. I walked in a bought a pack and on my way out, I cant help but notice a store owner next door screaming at a person up against the wall. I heard the persons voice and couldn't help but realize that It was Adrian.

I walked over and saw The old stor owner screaming in her face, "HEY!" I scream and run over.

They both looked up and Adrian looked up and sighed in relief.

"FUCK OFF THIS PRICK WONT UNDERSTAND I DON'T WANT HER IN MY STORE!" He screamed, He was tall and skinny, The hair on his head gone ecept for in his sides. He wore a apron and black pants.

"Sir I suggest You back away from her" I said stepping forward putting my arm between them both.

"AND WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?'' He screamed, I could tell by his breath and rotten teeth that he chewed tobacco.

I moved my jacket away from my waist and showed him my badge. He looked down and his face softened.

"I'm Sorry Detective, I-I just don't want a murderer in my shop" He said looking down at her, This whole city has been talking about the incident, Everyone believes she actually killed him. I couldn't see it in her.

"Well than You can just say so without making a scene" I said and held my hand out for Adrian, She looked down and grabbed my hand. We walked away, down the sidewalk.

"Thanks" She said, "You kinda saved me twice today" She said.

"No problem... Its my job." I said, I looked down as she help onto stomach.

"You Ok?" I asked , She looked down and up at me

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm just really hungry" She said, Than it clicked in my head. Chief said to learn everything I needed about her, Now my chance.  But In the back of  my head, I knew this was unprofessional, and I was making a mistake but Hey I could finally maybe know what happened.

"Theres a dinner Down the road, We can go eat" I said, She looked up and smiled

"You don't have too" She said

"Cmon, I mean We need to talk a little more anyway" I said. She than nodded and smiled.


We walked in to the Dinner and all eyes were on Adrian, Once they saw me they calmed down a bit. Knowing a Detective was here they didn't need to worry about another murder.

We sat down at the counter next to each other, We both ordered and now we were sitting. She began telling me about her and Anthony, She told me how they met and memories she had about him. She started crying and I couldn't help but feel bad. She just lost her fiance and now everyone believes she killed him.

I coudnt help but feel a little jelous at the fact that she still loves him, Dead or Alive. I wish I had a girl like that...That loved me as much as she loved Anthony.

After a while I got up "Well I really need to go home, I have allot of work to do" I grabbed my coat and brief case, She looked up at me and back down at her feet.

"Do you really think I did it," She said, I could only see pain in her face and body language. Everyone had turned against her.

"Adrian As a Detective, I could get fired if I gave my opinion." I said, She nodded and looked down again.

"But Between me and you, No I don't think you did it. I have witnessed and seen murderers do what they do. And I can see it in there eyes when have killed. I don't see it in your eyes. I only see a scared girl" I said , She looked up and smiled.

She walked up and hugged me, I hugged her back and couldn't feel a little, I don't know. Butterfly.

"Thank you" She said and turned and walked out.

At that moment, I didn't think she was Innocent , I knew.

Detective MalikWhere stories live. Discover now