Ghost ↬ Derek Hale

Por lullabiesanddreams

1.7M 51.5K 26.7K

"I'm searching for something that I can't reach." ↬ Lily Stilinski's biggest problems in life used to be easi... Más

ghost; intro
ghost ; playlist
1 ; explosive diarrhoea
2 ; mint mojito
3 ; moist
4 ; magical woods wish
5 ; be brave
6 ; just keep playing
7 ; hanging out
8 ; the life and times of Alfred the Butler
9 ; smells a little like... death
10 ; kiss of life
11 ; wolfsbane cupcakes
12 ; spartan warrior and the yodas
13 ; sour wolf
14 ; #wednesdaynightgoals
15 ; what even...
16 ; serial killers, murderers and... Mr Harris?
17 ; out-of-control besties and stupid crushes
18 ; late night hopsital visits are always a bad idea
19 ; alphas and betas and hunters! oh my!
20 ; musical urges
21 ; the batarang returns
22 ; scooby snacks
23 ; the bite
24 ; bad vibes
25 ; non-sexual banter
26 ; drowning in a sea of my emotions
28 ; bestiary? bestiality? same thing really...
29 ; stinky breath
30 ; thinking out loud
31 ; rum and coke
32 ; ahhhhh... freak out!
33 ; cause of death: choking on her own fist
34 ; fun sucker
35 ; the cutest alpha around
36 ; trust no b*tch
37 ; runaways
38 ; a new normal
bonus ; sweet bachelor pad (and sequel announcement!)
bonus ; the list
Reverie - Epilogue to Ghost series

27 ; funky chicken

30.2K 1.1K 470
Por lullabiesanddreams

27 ∞ funky chicken

Somehow, Lily was able to keep her voice steady as she said it. In all honesty, she didn't want him to turn her into a werewolf – no offense to Scott and all the other teen wolves (except Erica, offense intended towards her) but that was something she never wanted to be. This was just her way of proving that Derek wasn't giving the bite to people as a gift; he was just using that excuse to justify his actions and make him seem less like the bad guy. Sensing that she wasn't going to get a reply from him anytime soon, she continued, "If it's really the 'gift' you make it out to be, why are you hesitating? Consider this an early birthday present – you can give me the bite and we can spend the rest of our days howling at the moon together and sniffing each other's butts. Imagine how romantic that c-"

"-this isn't a joke, Lily," Derek cut her off, jaw clenched.

"Am I laughing?" she responded, raising an eyebrow. Her face was lacking emotion, the usual spark of amusement in her eyes gone. For the time being, she was dead serious – something she found herself being more often than not lately.

"I can't give you the bite," he shook his head adamantly, mind fully made up. Why was he so against it? It was more than just the hunters and the fact she'd have to learn how to control herself – there was something else to this that he wouldn't admit to her. She wasn't sure whether it was because he didn't trust her or if he was worried that whatever reasons he had would scare her off; both situations wouldn't bode well for her feelings.

"Why not?"

Derek scowled, "I just can't."

"But you can give it to everyone else?" she frowned, crossing her arms.

He shook his head again, jaw clenching on and off, "It's different with them."

"How so?" Lily questioned, "I just want to understand, Derek so I can sort out my feelings. Enlighten me as to why I'm different from all these other people you're turning."

Derek opened his mouth to reply, beginning, "Because I ca-" before stopping himself. "With them, it doesn't matter if-" He paused yet again, shaking his head as if to shake off what he was about to say.

"What?" Lily prompted, "Doesn't matter if what?"

They stared each other down for a long moment, each trying to get the other to back down but both of them were sticking to their corners. "I just can't," he sighed, looking away from her. All this argument had done was confuse Lily more. It made her feel like Derek was keeping even more from her than she'd first expected but it'd also reminded her of how she felt about him. Even then, arguing and doubting him – she felt an undeniable sense of comfort around him, like nothing bad could happen to her with him around. She just wanted to apologise and make out already. All those feelings did were make her resent herself for being so naïve. "You don't even want this Lily," Derek scowled at her, "I know you're just trying to prove a point."

"But even if I wanted it, Derek," Lily scanned his eyes, "You wouldn't give it to me. Would you?"

Derek clenched his jaw, "No, I wouldn't." Lily dropped her gaze from his, shaking her head in disappointment. How could he maintain his insistence that this was a gift when he refused to give it her? He must have realised how it all seemed because he attempted to explain his reasoning again, beginning, "Look, Lily. This isn't what you think... I can't do it because I ca-"

"-Lily!" she heard Stiles call from his room, "Scott's almost done with work so if you're still interested in third wheeling, now is the time to leave!"

Her eyes flickered back to his and she held eye contact, watching as he shut his mouth in annoyance, fists clenching. Sighing, she responded to her brother, "I'm coming! Just give me a second!" Ignoring the frustrated look on Derek's face, she grabbed her bag from the bed, placing it on her shoulder and turning to make her way out of the room. It was Derek's hand on her wrist that stopped her, his skin hot against hers and almost burning her. Twirling to face him, she raised her eyebrows in question, not sure how stable her voice would be if she were to try and speak.

"You can't leave yet," Derek frowned, "We need to finish talking about this."

"What I need is time to think," Lily replied, "And I can't do that properly around you."

"What are you saying?" his eyebrows furrowed.

Lily pulled her wrist gently from his hand, her voice soft as she explained, "Can we talk about this tomorrow? I just wanna rationalise and sort out all my feelings before I see you again." Derek's mouth parted slightly but he nodded, taking a step back and letting her go. As she left the room, shutting the door behind herself, she'd questioned whether or not she'd said the right things and made the right decisions. The house was really quiet and vaguely peaceful but in Lily's mind everything was going down in flames – her ticking time bomb sweeping away everything with a boom.

"Are you okay?" Scott asked Lily as they made their way to the ice rink. She still felt really ambivalent even after almost twenty four hours to think about things. That's probably because I didn't really think about things, she mentally scolded herself. After leaving for the ice rink – she'd found that she'd been right about bonding with Lydia and spent most of their time there hanging out with her and having fun. Stiles had watched on in annoyance as it became more of a date between Lily and Lydia than he'd originally intended. Then Lydia had had a panic attack and began screaming, which managed to distract her for a much longer amount of time as she made sure that Lydia was alright and looked after her.

That's what she'd spent most of that day doing in order to busy her mind – worrying over Lydia. It was obvious to everyone else that Lily was behaving strangely as she was practically coddling Lydia all throughout the day just to make sure she was okay – which everyone found weird considering only a few days ago, the girls' never even spoke to each other. Only Scott really knew what was going on with her and now that they were out of school and alone, he could ask her. It didn't help that they were making their way to the ice rink in order to stop Derek from biting Boyd but Scott probably realised that it was really the only chance he had to ask.

"Yeah," Lily replied, as they shoved the door open, "If I wasn't okay, could I do this?" She twirled forwards, doing an elaborate and ridiculous dance move, finishing with a dramatic bow and a smirk. I call that baby, the funky chicken – no need for all the applause. I know I'm fabulous.

Scott furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "Yes?"

Lily rolled her eyes, "Come on, don't let me distract you."

Scott nodded, leading the way onto the rink where they spotted Boyd, driving one of those machines across the ice. Lily had always wanted to ride one and even in her angsty state, she felt tempted to ask but knew that it wasn't the time or place. Maybe next time – though hopefully there won't be one.

"Boyd," Scott called but Boyd acted as though he hadn't heard what Scott had said. "I just wanna talk. Hey, come on, Boyd, please?" His words were received by an unresponsive Boyd so they walked over to the machine as Scott kept talking, "Did Derek tell you everything? And I don't just mean going out of control on the full moons. I mean everything." Did he tell you he was a jerk?

Boyd huffed, stopping the machine and turning to look at them, "He told me about the hunters." Yeah, but did he tell you he was a jerk?

"And that's not enough for you to say no?" Scott frowned, "Whatever you want, there's other ways to get it."

Boyd rolled his eyes, exclaiming, "I just want to not eat lunch alone every day."

Lily halted, surprised that he felt that way. Boyd did sit by himself everyday but she'd always thought that it was a choice he consciously made; after all, there was no explicit reason for people to avoid him or not want to sit with him. If she had known then that he wanted company so badly, she would have sat with him – just like how if she had known about Isaac sooner, she would have done something. But it didn't matter that she knew now because it was then that mattered and then was already gone.

"If you're looking for friends, you can do a lot better than Derek," Scott told him.

"That really hurts, Scott," a familiar voice chimed into the conversation. They turned, eyes locking onto Derek standing with his two guard dogs. Lily didn't really want to talk to any of them – she felt like she'd violated Isaac's privacy by seeing what she'd saw – she was supposed to be avoiding Derek and Erica... she was just annoying to look at. "I mean, if you're going to review me, at least take a consensus," he smirked, eyes solidly on Scott. Lily willed for him to look at her in her mind, wanting to see what emotions would lay behind his eyes but he didn't. "Erica, how's life been for you seen we met?"

"In a word?" Erica hummed, "Transformative." She growled, opening her mouth to reveal her fangs, her eyes glowing a golden yellow.

Lily rolled her eyes, whispering to Scott, "Was that supposed to be intimidating?"

Scott smirked slightly but didn't say anything as Derek continued, asking Isaac next. "Well," Isaac began, "I'm a little bummed about being a fugitive, but other than that, I'm great." From their body language, Lily could tell a fight was going to go down in only moments – and she was ready. It surprised her that Isaac was so ready and willing to fight but Derek giving him the bite had probably changed him a great deal.

"Okay, hold on," Scott frowned, "This isn't exactly a fair fight."

Derek grinned, "Then go home." He nodded to his guard dogs and they started coming towards them, ready to fight.

Scott growled, punching his fist on the floor and cracking the ice. The floor shook as Scott rose from his crouch, in werewolf form and snarling, "I meant fair for them."

Smirking, Lily spoke, "Now that was intimidating. I hope you're taking notes, Erica."

Her words seemed to anger Erica as the girl growled, raising her claws in order to slash Lily across the face. Lily raised her arm, putting her wrist in front of her face to protect herself. Of course no one but she and Scott expected that to actually work – probably expecting Erica's claws to rip through her top and onto her skin. She even heard Derek exclaim, "Erica!" as the girl's claws came down, attempting to stop her but it was too late by then. Everyone was surprised when there was the clang of claws on metal and Erica's claws were trapped. It had ripped her sleeves slightly to reveal the silver cuffs hidden beneath.

With Erica's hand caught, Lily threw her wrist back, causing Erica to reel back and elbow herself in the face. Watching as she fell to the floor, Lily felt an odd sense of satisfaction at proving all of them wrong, "Okay, so if that didn't prove I'm an Amazonian, I don't know what will." She sent a brief smirk to Isaac and Derek who were watching in surprise before flicking both her wrists, the blades coming from them with a soft clink. Erica stood from the floor, wiping the blood from her nose and growling at Lily. With Erica occupied, Scott took his chance and started fighting Isaac.

Lily did her best to focus on her fight as Erica charged at her, twirling out of the way of her claws and slashing her arm with one of the blades. She ducked as Erica swung again, this time slashing the girl's thigh. Erica fell onto her knees and not actually wanting to do any lasting damage on anything other than the girl's pride, Lily only kicked her over to where Isaac was now lying in front of Derek – secretly hoping that she would knock out a tooth as well. Breaths heavy, she looked over at Scott, retracting the blades back into the cuffs.

"Don't you get it?" Scott exclaimed, still in wolf form as Isaac struggled to stand – Erica unable to due to her leg injury. "He's not doing this for you. He's just adding to his own power, okay? It's all about him. He makes you feel like he's giving you some kind of gift when all he's done is turn you into a bunch of guard dogs!"

Derek smirked and Lily found that she hated the arrogant expression his face and hated the way her stomach fluttered at it. "It's true," he told them, stalking over to Scott as though he was a predator hunting prey. "It is about power." Lily had no idea what he was planning as he pulled his claws out, eyes going red as he let himself turn into  his werewolf form. She watched in horror as he hit Scott across the face, not hesitating to continue attacking him. Wanting to put a stop to it, she tried to run over but was stopped by Isaac who grabbed her arms and held her back.

"Stop it!" Lily exclaimed as she watched Derek beat Scott up mercilessly. Scott tried to fight back but Derek had the upper hand, throwing him to the floor. Feeling a sense of urgency, Lily plunged her foot onto Isaac's, elbowing him in the stomach once his grip loosened and running over to them. By then, Derek had Scott on the floor, foot over his throat as though he was going to crush it. Lily pushed him off Scott, standing in front of the boy protectively.

Derek halted, his face softening slightly but still remaining in wolf form. His eyes turned cold and he growled, "Move, Lily."

"No!" she shouted, "I can't sit by and let you do this, Derek! I'm done with you doing these kinds of things." She looked down at Scott as he coughed up blood, his whole face beaten and bruised. How could Derek do this kind of thing? Her voice quietened and her shoulders dropped in defeat, "I'm done with everything." The 'everything' was a loaded word, filled with meaning that she hoped he'd pick up on so that she wouldn't have to actually say it – so that she wouldn't have to say that she was done with him.

"Not right now, Lily," Derek shook his head, looking over at his pack.

Lily shook her head, "No, Derek – not ever." He seemed to understand what she was saying as his face became shielded of all emotion, his jaw clenched and he turned back to his pack. Nodding his head was all the signal they needed as they all turned, making their way out of the rink. Boyd hopped down from the machine, also about to follow when Lily spoke, "Don't. You don't wanna be like them."

"You're right," Boyd replied, lifting his shirt to reveal that he already had been bitten, "I wanna be like you guys." He nodded his head at her and Scott before also turning and following them out of the rink. Derek didn't even look back, his steps so sure and steady that she wondered if any of that had actually affected him.

Lily watched them go, biting her lip to hold back the urge she had to scream. Her relationship with Derek had lasted all of two seconds before it had gone up in flames; to say she felt disappointed and humiliated would be an understatement. She knew she'd done the right thing though – while Derek wasn't going to kill Scott, he'd still hurt him a lot and Scott was like a brother to her. She couldn't be with him if he could hurt someone she cared about like that. If he disregarded not only Scott's feelings but her feelings like that. It was as if he didn't care at all if he hurt her in the backlash of his actions.

Crouching down, she supported Scott and lifted him up from the ground, "I'm guessing that you probably want me to take you to Deaton, right?"

"Right," Scott groaned as they stumbled across the rink. He groaned a little in pain before he spoke again, "Are you still okay?"

"Not really. I'm just glad you're not Stiles because otherwise, you'd be rubbing how right you were about Derek in my face right about now," Lily replied, trying to mask her feelings behind humour.

"I kind of wish I was Stiles so that I wouldn't feel so bad right now," Scott responded.

Lily laughed slightly, relieved that out of all the people that could have been there to witness everything that had just happened, it had been Scott. "It's not your fault, Scotty – it's mine for being so naïve and Derek's for being such a jerk." Wanting to make light of the situation and not wanting to admit to how upset she really was, Lily joked, "At least I don't have to deal with Stiles' reaction now. If I had told him, he'd probably died of a heart attack before he even got to his twenties."

Scott chuckled slightly before groaning, clutching his side, "Uh, don't make me laugh – it hurts."

"You do realise who you're telling that to, right?" Lily joked, "It goes against my very nature to not do so and I don't want the world to implode or something because I tried to fight my comedic urges."

He laughed a bit more, groaning afterwards, "No, I guess we wouldn't want that."

Word Count: 3055

So gold star to those who saw this coming. Tbh, I kinda saw this coming while I was writing it but not to this extent. I so wanna spoil it and post everything I've written so far right now because I love seeing how you guys react to things. I can't though because then you guys would be waiting for ages for me to finish the next chapter (usually I write like three episodes at once and then take forever to start the next ones) so it's better this way. Let me know what you thought of this chapter though. Did you like how the argument went down or did you want her to actually get the bite? What did you think of her hidden blades? When I was imagining this fic before I started writing it, I just kind of pictured her fighting with like a modified version of the Assassin Creed's ones and it just kind of stuck cause I think it would look badass, lol. So do you think they'll get back together? The reaction on last chapter was awesome and you guys are so funny and sweet, so thank you so much!

I'll see you soon, bye!

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