Extinct Legends The Iregular...

By HeiroXcalibar

776 58 8

Book one in the extinct legends series. The world through Heiro's special eyes of fire. Heiro is a young over... More

Chapter 2 Who's Flare? My family is just a bunch of rippers.
Blaze! Flare! Heiro! Back stories
Chapter 3 Excalibur explode Lets go to salem
Monster recape
Chapter 4 Lara the hybrid Heiro's a ripper superman
Chapter5 Three tailed wolf vs 360 and 540 year old vampire Pair
Chapter 6 Incomplete form what's granter wish granter
Chapter 7 The True Powers of a Wish Granter
Chapter 8 I Ain't Never Had Friends Like These
Wishgranters and irregulars
Chapter 9 Disaster strikes
Chapter 10 It's the final count down
Chapter 11 The Final Fight Against Yourself Heiro
Magic and mystic energy
Chapter 12 Dream?
Excalibur and Dragons
I'm starting a book two
Extinct Ledgens and The Unknown. (Book Two)
Chapter 1 New times my family has a marrige new enemys pt 1
Chapter 1 New times my family has a marrige new enemys pt 2
Chapter 2 Two Year Gap What's Going On pt 1
Chapter 2 part 2

Chapter 1 alpha and omega what the hell am I

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By HeiroXcalibar

         Let me tell you a legend, my not so long ago legend, Heiro's legend. Heiro thinks he's pretty amazing but pyro thinks he's arrogant.

          Heiro woke up today as normal and got ready for school in a navy blue t-shirt, dark blue jeans, and his favorite black leather jacket slung over his shoulder.

            Today's gonna be a great day I can feel it, after all today's the day eclipse. He thought to himself.

He thought forget the bus. He threw on some air jordan 9s and jumped out the front door.  " Honey you forgot your bag." His mom shouted.

        "It's fine I'll just buy lunch today." He shouted back as he ran off to school.

On his way he tripped and tumbled into the forest. "Oww." His arm felt broken. He saw a coyote and it pounced. It looked irritated. The coyote tried lunging at him but he rolled out of the way and jumped up to his feet.

Next thing He knew a pack of wolves, mainly a giant Crimson red female wolf, saved him.

Hmm I didn't know we had wolves in Georgia.
He recovered and his arm seemed to heal. He ran even faster to get to school.

I made it and luna, my best friend, was there staring at me with a smile, she seemed happy. "Hey train wreck been a while why are you so  wet."

            "Right back at you sailor moon."

"Kay I'll give you that one but agh." She looked agitated.

He took a guess, "Was it the nickname."

"I'm not talking to you, I told not to call me that."

"Sorry it was a joke I just ran like 3 miles in about 22 minutes or so, and I had a fight with a coyote. I swear my arm was broken."

"Looks fine to me."

"Yeah anyway you look nice, it's the first day of school, how was your summer?"

             we walked down the hall as we got to our lockers she replied. "What do you want. The fact we're having this conversation means you want some thing. Is it homework, names of some girl, is it money."

     "Whoa harsh first that was was the shortest one sided conversation I've ever had."

"You know what I mean..."

"Second I can't talk to my friend without an ulterior motive. Come on for 1 moment can't you believe I just want to talk to you, my childhood friend."

"Okay." She seemed happy.

          Then right before we walked into class ...

"Yo Luna what was the home work and are you joining Pyro, Jayna, and I for our lunar eclipse on our favorite hill spot."

           "Ughh, you mean project, it was a book report. Also no the eclipse starts at 9:00 I work from 6 to 10."

         "Oh too bad." The rest of school went by so fast. He ran to work after robotics at the movie theater/diner where my friends and I happen to hang out when we aren't working.

I ran in and saw Pyro wearing his  "Yo Heiro you're late get changed into uniform dude." "Um pyro tell the manager that I'm gonna be working in the diner today."

"Ok but he's not gonna be happy." "yo does it look like I care it's my problem dude." "Kay dude." 2 hours later a man came in. He was dressed in all black with a leather jacket and red stains on his hands and sleeves. "Where's the bathroom?" "To your left."

           I felt a strange sense of familiarity towards him. "Who exactly are you sir I've never seen you before but I feel like I know you from some where." "No not exactly you don't really know me. I just moved into the old haunted house in the forest." "Oh your the one who bought the mansion. You look younger in person." "I look younger every day, some times I feel like I'm never going to grow old. I would like a whiskey get your buddy to serve it to me your not old enough."

            "How do you know?" "Well you look like your 13, your hair looks like that of a teenager and I don't hear or see keys on you meaning no car. But really it's because you don't look you went to college."

The man next to me looked at him annoyingly. "We don't have enough whiskey for a full glass sorry."

           "Then I want a Sazerac without the one sugar cube, two dashes of Peychaud's bitters, one dash of Angostura Bitters, absinthe and the lemon peel."

"So a whiskey." He got the strange man what he wanted and the man drunk and left.

           Finally after about 3 hours something interesting happened. Luna walked in all depressed. She sat down and didn't even look up.

     "Your strongest liquor please." She shrugged and looked down. I chuckled.

"Miss I think you're a little too young for that and it doesn't help when your bartender is under age so he can't sever it." She looked up and smiled.

"Hey Heiro do you ever think you shouldn't trust people or do good things for good people?"

"Yo Pyro! Can you cover me some thing have come up." I yelled as I stared at luna.

"You can't just leave your post."

"I'm helping a customer it's fine."

" whatever, Yeah, I got your back."

"See how I trust Pyro to cover me. What's up?"

"Just like you I trusted someone called James to cover me and he didn't this was the 3rd time he did this and 5th time it's happened!"

He thought to him self. Five times your boss is really nice or doesn't like paperwork which no one does, and 3 times by that loser well I would have stopped trusting him the 1st time. "Oh really, I see how that can be hard."

"Well I was doing it to surprise you guys but I got fired."

"Oh, more okay with paperwork than I thought."

"Anyway Heiro I'm gonna go home and sleep it off."

"Oh ok. But if you really need a job I could get you one here."

"Really thanks."

"No problem anytime." She smiled as she walked out. At that moment a cute girl walked in. It was Jayna she saw me and smiled. "Hello bartender I want one hero with a side of fire."

She got a giant headache. "Good try I give you an A for effort Jay but I gotta say that was a really cringe worthy pun, are you okay." "Good enough. Yeah I'm fine I just saw a vision of a man in all black killing your...Never mind Where's Pyro."

     "Never mind that sounds serious and interesting we'll talk about it later. Oh yeah we're gonna get ready I'll be back."

I ran in and got pyro. we came out and I smirked as I looked up and saw the moon⅕ already covered.

All of a sudden his head hurt and so did his chest, eyes, ears, nose and legs. Every thing felt like it was breaking and tearing ever so slowly."Argh!" Jayna looked worried.

"Heiro you ok."

"Yeah I'm totally fine I just feel like dying, you?"

Pyro looked a little pissed. "Come on Heiro are you ok seriously."

"Yes I'm just gonna go to the bathroom."

He went in and yelled. "Crap it hurts! Ow,argh, raaa!"

Then He started to hear Jayna from the bathroom, "I'm calling the ambulance."

pyro replied "Ok you sure."


His bones started to break but He felt so powerful. He was powerful enough to bust down the bathroom. He ran toward the nearby forest at amazing speeds. As He got there He fell on all fours and his bones started breaking at incredible speeds "ARRGH!"

Finally his bones stopped and he howled. he ran over to the lake and saw in the water a reflection of a fire red wolf. "Holy shit I have 3 tails this is so weird and cool. I'm also a blazing red wolf. Lets test these suckers out." He swung his massive tail at some trees and disseminated those 5 trees. "Whoa I have to tell luna."

He could smell the near by animals and people, and all he could think about was tearing them to shreds, limb from limb.

"No I need to focus on getting to Luna's."

He dashed toward her house which is roughly 4 miles from the part of the woods he happened to be in. He seemed faster like sonic speed. He got there in roughly 30 seconds but ended up changing back upon arrival and crashed into the house. It had started to rain just be for it arrived blocking the moon. He climbed in through her window she started to wake up.

"Who's there?"

"I don't know who do you think. Oh don't turn on the light I'm not wearing any thing."

"Well it's dark all I could make out was just a dark figure. Why are you here, why are you naked. Did...were you go-"

"Don't finish that. I came to show you something awesome."

"This is the fifth time you've gotta stop doing this."

Where did you put my spare boxers the last time I came over."

"Heiro it's 11:30, oh they're in the closet bottom left."

He turned on the lights, "Thanks. You're not going to believe this... I'm a werewolf."

"Yeah and Every one in school has a crush on you."

"Guess you have a crush on me then, you'll see  as soon as the rain stops is over."

         After around 8 minutes it was over and his joints started to dislocate and relocate to when thy had moved when he transformed the last time. 2 minutes of screaming later. "Holy crap you're seriously not lying. Whoa Heiro."

He smiled the best a wolf can. He started to feel light headed and dizzy. He thought shit probably should have not went here and went to bed instead. Damn the transformation is to straining and painful. "Heiro you ok." He smiled as I fell to the ground. She was shocked, her face went from confused to worried. "Heiro, Heiro, Heiro!"

...Luna's bedroom 10 am...
He woke up and saw Luna's face. They were on the floor with lots of blankets on and around him but his underwear was torn. He sat up, "You finally woke up my little alpha pup."

He grinned and got up and put on some clothes a red t shirt, light blue jeans, and a black silk hoodie as well as a new pair of underwear. The drove to the police station. 

They walked in, and Heiro asked if some teens had put in a call about him.

"Yes a young man and woman call about you but when the ambulance arrived all they could find was a person sized hole in the wall of the bathroom at the bar. We filed a missing persons report. We can call them and your parents and tell them your okay."

"Yeah that'd be great." He answered

Pyro and Jayna saw us and we're so happy. The officer near them saw me and walked over with them. "Is this him?"

Pyro smiled, "Yes officer."

     "You've got some explaining to do." Jayna glared at Heiro.

Heiro started to speak. "Well um yeah. I was in a lot of pain so I ran around like crazy and left through the window and ran around in the forest. Then past out near Luna's house."

     "Kay that sorta checks out for you but, where did the hole in the bathroom come and what were you doing miss."

"Caring for this kid over here." "Kay your Alibi sorta checks out because your 1 of our suspects for killing your co worker Johnny."

Oh things just got a little more interesting. I smirked." Yo officer we're gonna go to Disney can we talk about this later."

"Kay what time is good for you." 2 weeks bye." I grabbed every ones arm and ran through the door."Get some tickets to Disney I need to go home Kay see ya." I ran home and went to my mom and dad. "Yo ma and pops guess what."

" What honey." Mother smiled. "Give me a truthful answer did you know I was a werewolf."

"What are you talking about son." Father said worryingly. "Dad that was so fake. My processing time is faster, I see clearer and farther, I can hear you from up to 1000 yards away if I focus. Don't lie to me." Mother sorta smiled.

          "Yes we knew  what kind of wolf are you." "A red three tails." I smirked my father thought that wasn't funny. "Son your an abomination this for your own good." He pulled out a gun and shot me! It was a silver bullet! "Shit I missed." "Damn this hurts."

I felt a new personality taking over. Like a switch has been flicked. A more cocky aggressive semi heartless. I lunged at my dad and she shot me again but I dodged it. I knocked the gun out of his hand and slammed him on the floor. My mom picked up the gun and shot me I jumped on her and stared choking her. She tried to speak." Heiro I love you stop this."

So I felt remorse. I had a moment of weakness. She shot me and suddenly some guy with black and red leather jacket, black jeans and looked like he was in his 20s with a bit messy but semi long hair. It was him the strange man. He zoomed over to my mom and snapped her neck and the picked up the gun and shot both of them twice.

"Hello brother." He smirked "Who are you."  "I'm your big bro Heiro." He zoomed away but if I wasn't a werewolf it'd probably look like he vanished and where he was standing was a note.

It read meet me at the movie theater AMC in Orlando if you want to bring friends.

"Crap I need to get changed." I ran up stairs and got into my usual attire. Jayna called me. "Heiro were on our way to get you." "Kay that's great.". 10 minutes later they arrived. I jumped out the house and ran to the car and opened the door. We left for Disney. We got there and got on the fairy.

Damn I'm gonna tell them. "Yo guys um don't feel sorry for me but my parents were murdered and I don't want you guys to pity me." Way to ruin the mood I thought. Luna stared into my eyes. "He's right guys if we pity him it'll just make it worse. But on our own time we should talk to him though." We all smiled.

Meanwhile at the house the land lord walked over, knock! Knock! "Any one home I smell him. When we gonna start code R." He opened the door and walked in, and a shadow zoom around the room. "Oh my lord... Is any one there?" He stared at the dead bodies and blood in the room. The man who saved me my bro jumped down the man was frightened, with good reason.

"Who are you." "I'm Heiro's brother Nightmare, Blaze nightmare. And you are ........ Well um dead I guess." Blaze zoomed around the room toying with the man before he finally snapped the mans neck and then tore his head off. Blaze sensed he was a werewolf. "I sense a weak magic near Heiro." Back at Disney we made it to the island and went on 3 rides together till eventually we separated but before we did Jayna grabbed my hand and ran.

She went to tower of terror. About more than mid way she said "I have some thing to tell you. Wait till we get on the ride." She stared smiling. "Next in line." We were up next so we went on. "So Jayna what you want to say." "Well I wanted to say um basically I'm here for you I got you." Her voice got a little shyer. "And um I really like you Heiro." "I like you to." "No I mean more than friends." The ride started.

"Heiro I love you!" She kissed me. As soon as the ride was over she dragged me over to a photo booth. We took ten pics.6 of us doing random, 3 of her kissing me on the cheek, and 1 of us making out she was surprised when I kissed her on that last one. Luna walked by I saw her and I did the stupidest thing ever.

"Jayna will you go out with me." " thought you'd never ask." I felt a powerful aura around her. Luna heard and ran over to a near by bench with her face all red and started to sob a little. Blaze walked by. Blaze ran the half way without breaking a sweat and teleported the rest. "Hey what's got you so depressed?"

"Well my friend Heiro just asked out some girl, and he never just goes with something without question, and he normally comes to me first when in situations like these." "Something tells me that's not the only reason why." "Yeah. But we're best friends and we stick together always and forever." "I've never heard that one but only once."

"Well because you probably don't have friends." " toothache. I'm blaze I'm looking for friends and a family." " I'm Luna I'm looking for some thing more than friends." "How does friends with benefits sound." "Perfect." She smiled. She said to him "screw you Heiro."

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