In Love In A Flash

By DeniseGustin

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Hi my name is Madison Foster and I grow up in Central City, but I had to leave for other reasons. Now I'm bac... More

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Run Barry Run!
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She's The Bomb
I Know The Feeling
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Father Knows Best
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There's Nothing Wrong With A Little Help

The Flash

2.7K 100 7
By DeniseGustin

"What up girl!" I yelled with a goofy smile on my face as I entered the West house.

"One, are you drunk and two, where did you go last time I saw you!" Iris asked as she rushed over to the door. I laughed.

"One, no and two, he was nice enough to drop me off at a place." I lied for the second one. Iris looked me up and down. I knew Iris was going to question me, but the door then broke open showing us a metal-armed Tony.

"Hello, girls," Tony replied grimly. I shiver went down my spine. This day was not in my favor.


"What's wrong? Remember this place?" Tony asked us as he basically shoved us into our old school.

"So what's the plan here, Tony? You finally gonna go for that G.E.D?" Iris asked.

"You want a plan? How's this? You used to write about the Streak, right? Now you're gonna write about me." says Tony.

"Your kidding, right? You just abducted us, Tony. Why would either of us write about you?" I asked.

"Because The Streak is dead," replied Tony. Now I know that's a lie.

"No," Iris says in disbelief. I can tell a bit of her believes him.

"Squashed like a little bug by me. So if you don't want the same thing to happen to you, you're gonna tell the whole world that their's a new big man on campus! And I'm just getting started." said Tony.

"You could have anybody write about you, Tony. Why us?" Iris asked.

"'Cause I like you, Iris. Always have." Tony flirted. I can tell Iris wasn't comfortable. I wasn't sure what to do and in all honesty, I'm scared. If only there was a way to signal to the cops or even Team Flash where we are. Then I saw it. The fire alarm. The thing is Tony is in the way for me to reach it. I have to do something and fast.

"Oh, Tony. Are you saying you never liked me." I pouted. Tony looked over at me. I wrapped my arms around his waist and when he thought I was going to kiss him I pulled down the fire alarm. Out of anger Tony throw me across the hallway of the school. I banged my head hard on the lockers seeing red for a bit. I can already feel the blood running down my forehead.

"Madison!" Iris cried, running to my side.

"You try anything like that again and I'm gonna leave more than just a cut!" Tony warned walking towards us. I gulped. Where was Barry when you need him.

"Tony, turn yourself in before things get worse. It's not too late." Iris tells him as she starts to cry. I felt myself about to pass out from blood lose and the more I move the weaker I feel.

"Yeah, it is. Cops are already looking for me, so get ready to cover the shadow of a lifetime 'cause I'm not going down without a fight." Tony says with a tough act which wasn't attractive at all.

"Good, 'cause you just found one." Even tho my vision is cover in blood I can make out The Streak.

"You just won't stay dead." I hear Tony complain. "Come to save your little fangirl and her friend?"

"This is between us. Let them go." Barry's glance lands on me and a wave of fear washes over his face. This cut must be pretty ugly. No dough I'm in need of stitches. 

"Oh, I could, but I'd rather make them watch while I break every bone in your body," says Tony as he turns the whole body into metal. Barry runs towards Tony but then slides between his legs and grabs both me and Iris bringing us farther away from the fight, towards to lockers.

"Wait here," Barry tells us.

"Okay," Iris says out of breath. Barry gives me one last glance and runs back to Tony. Tony throws a punch but misses.

"Too slow, tin man." Barry teases. Tony throws another punch, but yet again misses only denting the locker.

"Aah!" I hear Tony yell in anger.

"I've known guys like you," says Barry. "Peaked in high school. Never got over it. All these powers, and look at you! Bully then, bully now." Barry then grabs the flagpole that happens to be standing next to him and aims to Tony's head, but Tony grabs it and throws Barry around.

"No!" me and Iris yell. That's when Barry runs away.

"There goes your hero." Tony laughed. I now it might look like Barry chickened out, but I have faith in Barry. He has a plan and I hope it works.Tony begins to walk towards us. I was now sitting right side up, next to Iris. Right on cue, Barry came back with so much speed, hitting Tony right in the face. Both Iris and I scrubbed to our feet to get away. Both Barry and Tony were on the floor rolling in pain. Tony got to his feet and Iris punched him. I wasn't finished yet. He hurt my friends and boyfriend. I kicked him hard in the place that really hurts sending him to the ground.

"Nice cross." Barry smiled.

"Yeah, I think I broke my hand." says Iris.

"Oh, me too," says Barry. We all laughed. I winched in pain and felt my legs about to give up on me.

"That's not good," I mumbled. The last thing I say was Iris scared expression and to red gloved arms catch on to me as I fell.


"Come on, sing! It doesn't matter if your days are long. sing! It doesn't matter if your night's gone wrong. sing!" I hear play on the radio.

"Just clap your hands and stomp your feet and sing it" I hear Cisco sing. I open my eyes to see Cisco dancing about and a sleeping Barry in his Streak suit next to my bed.

"Guess you used to the same method you used on Barry." I laughed.

"Told you it would work," Cisco called out to Caitlin. Barry jolted up awake from all the yelling almost falling out of his seat. He looked over at me and smiled wildly at me.

"Being a hero is my job." Barry joked. I touched my forehead and with no surprise there were stitches. 

"Well, I had to do something," I replied. Barry leaned forward and kissed me passionately. He pulled away and leaned his forehead on mine.

"Let's stop with this 'I might die.' The route, okay?" Barry asked.

"That's so cute. You think there's going to be a time when that doesn't happen." I chuckled, kissing Barry on his forehead.

Caitlin, Cisco, and I waited outside of the particle accelerator as Barry went in to talk to Tony.

"Hey! What is this? Where the hell am I?" Tony yelled, banging on the glass.

"Somewhere you'll never hurt anyone ever again," Barry replied still in the shadows.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" Tony yelled. Barry then stepped forward revealing himself.

"You know who I am." says Barry. 

"Allen?" Tony asked.

"The thing that happened to you, Tony, it happened to me, but it doesn't just give us abilities," says Barry. "It made us more of who we are. You got strong. I got fast. Fast enough to beat you. You used your gift to hurt people. Not anyone." Barry turns around and begins to walk way.

"Allen, Allen. Allen, don't walk way from me. Allen! Hey! Come back here! Allen! Allen!" Tony yelled still tiring to break the glass. Once the door was closed Barry fist pumped the air.

"Dude, that had to feel great." says Cisco.

"You have no idea." sighs Barry with a wild grin on his face. I laughed and hugged him. We all continued to walk down the corridor with Cisco and Caitlin behind us and me and Barry side hugging.

"Almost as good as proving me wrong about the supersonic punch?" asked Caitlin.

"Actually, that part hurt. Like, a lot," says Barry. Barry stops walking and turns around towards us. "But I couldn't have done it without you guys."

"All I want to know is which childhood bully are we gonna take down next?" says Cisco. "Mine, Caitlin's or Maddy's?" 

"Okay, yeah," says Barry sarcastically. The three of us starts walking again leaving Cisco.

"I vote mine," Cisco called out. "What? Guys, this is not a joke."


Both Barry and I headed in the CCPD department. I saw Iris and dragged Barry towards her.

"So Joe told me what happened," says Barry. "How's the hand?"

"Not broken, so that's something," replies Iris. "And you Maddy. How's you head."

"I'll live." I smiled.

"When I heard Tony took you, I...I just don't know what I would do if anything happened to you too," says Barry.

"Well, our guardian angle's looking out for me." Iris smiled. 

"Do you want to hang out with us and catch up?" Barry asked.

"Yeah. I would like that, yeah," says Iris linking arms with me.

"I promise not to talk about The Streak tonight." promised Barry.

"No, I want you to," says Iris. We both give her a sideways look. "No, I mean, I want you to talk about whatever you'd want to talk about."

"I know it's important to you." says Barry.

"Good because it's not just The Streak," says Iris un-linking our arms and turns to face both of us. "There are others out that are like him. I've gotten scattered posts about this guy that's on fire, except that he doesn't burn up."

"Okay, so wait. wait." Both Barry and I tell Iris.

"You're trying to find The Burning Man now too?" I asked.

"Yeah, why not? I mean a lot can happen in a week, especially with The Streak.

"Heh." mumbles Barry.

"I've been trying to get answers from him. Where does he come from? How does he do what he does? But he dodges everything. Literally, with his super-speed." says Iris. 

"This is why I work with Pop culture. Most celebrates don't run away from you." I reply. Barry laughs, while Iris gives me a playful shove. 

"No, but when he moves, guys, you don't even see him." says Iris.

"I was there Iris." I laughed. Iris grins and rolls the eyes.

"He comes and goes in the blink of an eye, in a..."

"Flash?" I asked.

"In a Flash." Iris agrees. Both Barry and I looks at one another. The look in his green eyes tells me he read my mind. Something tells me that name will catch on.  

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