Purpose |Justin Bieber| •Sequ...

By Jerryismypizza

519K 11.2K 438

"You're my purpose" Love over powers all. Sequel to: To The Moon & Back More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
I lied
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 33

7.8K 163 4
By Jerryismypizza

(Picture of her puppy)

Gabriella's P.O.V.

I pressed record on the camera before sitting down on the ground of my living room in front of the couch.

"Hey guys! I feel like I haven't filmed in so long and I apologise for that, I just got back from being in Norway and then Spain so I wasn't able to film but also... I have been keeping something from you guys which is also why you haven't even heard of me since I've been back from Spain... And that is because, I GOT A PUPPY!" I yelled smiling widely.

"Yes I know, it is weird for me to say this but yeah, I got a puppy 3 days ago and I tried my hardest to stay out of the cameras and stuff just because I wanted it to be a surprise but yeah, this is the first appearance my puppy is going to be in. And by the way, the only person that has seen her is Kendall, I haven't shown any of the others and Justin hasn't even seen her even though he is in the UK but yeah"

I went and picked the puppy that was laying on the ground, she climbed in to my arms and I brought her in to the shot so that the camera could see.

I smiled wide kissing her head as I showed her to the camera. She basically cuddled in to my neck.

"So today I am going to be doing the Furry Friend Tag with my little furry friend" I grinned cuddling her face as she moved around to get comfortable.

"So the first question is" I said, looking at my phone for the questions.

"What is your pets name?" I read out from my phone before putting down.

"My pets name is Princess, and the reason for this is when I lived back in New York with my mum and stuff, we used to have a German Shepherd dog called Prince and I literally loved him, he was actually the family dog but me and him had like a real good relationship... And like a couple months after I moved to LA, as you guys may know, he passed away due to Cancer and I was heart broken, like I stopped making YouTube videos for like a month because I was so upset and I've always had a love for animals, I believe they all have the right to be treated with nothing but love, and to anyone who even raises a hand to a animal really has no heart... So therefore, my pets are always going to be treated like Prince's and Princesses so yeah. That is why I called her Princess" I explained as she laid my lap, ready to take a nap.

"Next question is, What kind of pet is it and what breed? Princess is a Teacup Husky and I know a lot of you guys may wonder what kind of dog she is because Huskies grow to be huge dogs and that was originally the dog that I was planning on getting however, I has to talk to the owner of this apartment building and ask if I was even allowed a dog and so I said that I wanted a Husky and he said that we can't have big dogs because for one, Huskies like bigger places to walk around in which I don't really have since its just my apartment which to be honest, isn't small but anyways, yeah so I went to some dog breeders and they told me about Teacup dogs and they basically are just regular dog breeds but they are smaller, so as for my dog, she is a Teacup one so she won't grow as big as a regular Husky which is fine for my apartment but yeah, that is why I got a Teacup Husky rather then a regular husky, but I love her either way so" I ended stroking her head and ears.

"How long have you had your pet? I have had my pet for just 3 days but I am so shocked by how much she is learning already, like she already responds to her name and she knows were her food and water bowls are and stuff along with her bed and all, but we are working on toilet training since she hasn't been trained to do her business in a litter tray so yeah, but I will be also teaching her some tricks" I grinned as she jumped up to the sound of traffic outside.

"She goes crazy when she hears a car horn I don't know why" I laughed as she ran over to the window out of shot.

"Princess! Come here baby!" I called, she turned around and ran back to me "good girl" I cheered giving her a treat.

"How old is your pet? My pet is... 3 weeks is it? Yeah shes officially 3 weeks old today! But yeah I'm really excited to see her grow, even though she's not going to be too big" I replied as she put my hand in her mouth. It never hurt since she had baby teeth and just loved doing that.

"What are some quirky things about your pets personality? Er... That is hard to say since I've only had her for 3 days but I have discovered, she loves to just come and sit on my key board of my laptop, like I'll be editing a video or something and she'll just come out of no were and climb on to my lap and on to the key board, even though she can't quite jump on to the couch yet since she's still small but yeah, oh and also like putting my hands in her mouth for some reason but it doesn't hurt at all, and she loves being treated like a freaking baby, its so weird cos not many dogs like being held but she loves it" I replied as she made herself comfy on my lap.

"What does your relationship with your pet mean to you? Oh it means like, so much. Like when I first went to look at dogs from the dog breeder, she was the first one that I like, looked at and instantly she jumped up trying to get me to pick her up, so from then I was like I have to get this dig, even though there were so many other puppies that were beautiful, I just loved Princess" I smiled putting her head next to mine.

"What are some of your favourite past times with your pet? Erm... I haven't had her long so there hasn't been a really big memory but when I first brought her to my apartment, once I let her out of the Kennel, she liked walked out slowly and went straight over to the window and just stared out and since from my windows, you can see like the whole city views, she literally was just staring at it with her tongue hanging out ugh guys it was so cute I just wanted to Snapchat it and shoe you guys but I knew I can't since I wanted to keep her as a surprise" I laughed picking up my phone to read the last question.

"What are the nicknames you call your pet? Again, haven't had her long but I call her Puppy a lot, or baby or something, there isn't a major nickname for her yet though" I grinned.

"Alright guys, that is all the questions, I hope you liked the video and I hope your excited for future videos with Princess in them too... But yeah, also guys. This is the first appearance for Princess, she hasn't been on camera anywhere yet and the only person that had seen her or even knows about her until now is Kendall, she saw her first and she loves her. Princess really is friendly and she gets so happy when Kendall picked her up and stuff, so yeah, I haven't even showed Justin yet, but I have an idea guys"

I grinned picking up my phone and going on facetime before facetiming Justin.

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