8 Possibilities (Magcon Story)

By magcon-life

563K 12.4K 6.6K

When Morgan Espinosa, the younger sister of famous Viner Matthew Espinosa, has to live with all nine of the M... More

chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
I need help!
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39 (Final Chapter)

Chapter 35

11.4K 274 511
By magcon-life

A/N: hey guys! I'm back with another chapter. I wanted to thank you all for being amazing fans and getting us to 124 thousand reads!

I also want all of you guys to check out grindingwilk's book Undress. She has just recently posted her second chapter and I'm already in love!

While you're at it, check out her other book, Chemistry. Give her a follow and turn your notifications on to see when she updates!

Love you all and hope you enjoy the chapter!


Morgan's POV

Today's the day I'm going on my first official date with Kale. And I have to admit, I am pretty nervous. I haven't really went on a date date with a boy that I actually like like.

I mean sure, I've went out with a few guys back home but I just have a good feeling about Kale.

Kale texts me and says he will be picking me up at around four-thirty this afternoon. I take a shower and brush my teeth to get ready for the day.

I text him and ask him if there is a certain attire I should be dressing for but he says nothing too formal; anything I feel comfortable in and would wear on a daily basis.

Obviously I can't wear my pajamas, so I scavenger through my closet for something cute and casual but I suddenly feel like I have nothing in my closet.

Story of my life.

After searching and legitimately throwing clothes all over my room, I decide on a simple white tennis skirt with a white and red striped long sleeved shirt.

I blow dry my hair and curl it into loose curls. After I'm pretty much ready to go, I look in my closet for my white vans. I find them and quickly throw them on. I grab one of my red cross body shoulder bags and start to walk to my bedroom door. As I'm walking, I start to realize just how messy my room really is.

Kale texts me and says he'll be here in ten minutes so I know I have a little bit of time. I take all of my clothes that are laying on my floor and throw them into my closet. I gather all my cosmetics and hair products and put them in my bathroom. I take one last look around my room; I shut my bedroom lights off and walk downstairs.

I enter the kitchen and I see Matt is sitting at the island eating a bowl of cereal. He is aimlessly scrolling through his phone so he doesn't see me come in.

I haven't talked to Matt since our fight last night. I don't know what to say and I don't think he has anything he wants to say to me either.

I quickly walk to the cupboard where all the glasses are and pour myself a glass of water. He looks up from his phone and I turn towards him. We both kind of just look at each other realizing we're both at fault for everything.

"Listen, Matt," I say setting down my glass and leaning against the counter, "I am so sorry for everything. I know we have had our share of disagreements but I am really sorry for everything that has happened this summer."

"So am I," he shrugs, "you're my sister and I will always love you."

"So, you're not mad about the whole Lance Bennett thing?" I cringe.

"Well, yeah I am a little pissed off you didn't tell me." He says as my eyes focus on the floor, "but I'm your brother and I'm going to figure this out."

"You know I would have never cashed that check you gave me last night." I say sincerely, "this is my mistake and I need to be responsible for it."

Matt's POV

Morgan doesn't know what Jack told me; how Lance had targeted a lot of innocent people. He is only after the money.

"Listen, I have some information on Lance and I know how to target him." I nod, "I am going to deal with this guy and I don't want you to worry."

"Matt-" she starts.

"And don't try to stop me." I say widening my eyes.

Morgan's POV

I don't know what Matt is going to do but I feel bad that he feels like he has to do this.

Whatever Matt has planned, I sure hope he knows what he's doing.

"Okay," I nod, "but just remember I'm here to help."

"I know you are." He says standing from his chair and wrapping his arms around me.

"I never meant to upset you," I say into his chest.

"Me either." He responds loosening his grip, "but we're growing up. This is life and we just have to deal with it how it comes."

"You're right," I nod, "we're growing up and we can't rely on our friends and parents anymore."

He nods, "and Morgan, thank you for giving me your blessing about me and Sarah."

"Your my brother. Your happiness is my happiness." I smile.

"Between Carter and Gilinsky, I didn't know who was going to spill the secret first." He laughs, "Sarah wanted to tell you, it was me holding back-"

"Wait- go back to the part about Carter and Jack knowing about you and Sarah being together." I say crossing my arms.

"Yeah, Carter knew about Sarah and me before we even left Virginia." He says, "Carter felt really bad, Morgan."

"Well what about Jack?" I ask concerned, "he knew before we left too?"

"It was a couple days after we got here." Matt says.

"So all those times I cried into Jack's chest and asked him why you hated me so much, he knew why? He knew it was because of you and Sarah?"

He nods slowly, "Jack felt bad too. He hated me for doing that to you, Morgan."

"yeah." I nod sarcastically, "he sure did."

I thought Jack and I really had a good connection. I thought we were actually really close. But him lying to me shows that I was wrong.

"Don't stress about it, Morgs." He comforts, "it's over and done with now."

"Uh huh." I say giving him a fake smile.

It was quiet as Matt suddenly eyes me up and down.

"Where are you headed?" He asks.

"I'm going out with Kale," I say.

"Well have fun," he says walking towards the stairs, "and be safe."

"You're an idiot, Matthew." I say and I can hear him laugh. I check my phone and I see Kale should be here any minute.

Just as Matt reaches the stairs, the doorbell rings.

Matt stops walking and turns to me, "is that him?" he asks crossing his arms. I look at the door then back at Matt.

We both start to run towards the door as if we're in the olympics. I don't want him to say anything stupid to Kale.

Matt pushes me back and he gets to the door first, opening it to see Kale.

"Hi," kale says awkwardly, "is Morgan here-"

"I'm right here-" I say pushing Matt away from the door.

He smiles, "ready to go?"

"Yeah," I smile nodding walking out of the house. I close the door but Matt opens it behind me.

"Tonight's movie night so don't be too late!" Matt says enthusiastically from inside the house. I turn to him rolling my eyes.

"Tonight's not going to work for me, Matthew." I say between my teeth, "but I'm sure you guys will have fun without me." I say finally walking to Kale's truck.

Kale opens the passenger door for me and closes it as I get seated. He gets into the drivers seat and looks over at me.

"Hi," I say taking a breath of relief.

"Hey," he says giving me a weird look, "everything okay?" He chuckles.

I nod, "it's just been a long day." He nods in agreement. He continues to look at me and I turn to him awkwardly.

"Kale?" I giggle.

"I just wanted to thank you." He says smiling and I shake my head in confusion.

"For what?" I ask.

"The tickets to your show." he says and I nod and smile, "and for knocking those apples off the stand in the super market earlier."

I blush and look down.

"and for the record, I'm really glad you did."

I look back up into his eyes, "so am I."

I'm actually really happy I'm with Kale right now. After hearing what Jack did, I don't want to be around him right now.

Jack's POV

I heard from some of the guys that Morgan's out on a date with Kale.

She has been gone for a long time. She left at four-thirty for her date and it's already eleven-thirty.

I don't think Kale is a very good influence.

Everyone else went off to bed but I'm staying up. You know, just to make sure Morgan gets home safely.

I'm sitting in the living room, watching tv. I turn the tv off and I start to walk into the kitchen when I see headlights shine through the living room window. I run over to the window and peak outside. I see Morgan get out of a truck and wave goodbye. I quickly run back over to the couch and sit down. The front door slowly creaks open then slowly closes shut.

Morgan's POV

My date with Kale was really fun but I couldn't really stop thinking about Jack. I don't know why, I just couldn't.

I am coming home a little later so I try to be as quiet as possible coming inside the house. I slowly close the front door and tip toe past the living room in complete darkness.

"You're home early-" I hear someone say and I literally jump out of my own skin.

"Jesus-" I say and turn around as I turn on the living room light, "Jack?" I question shaking my head, "what are you doing still up?"

"I wanted to see how terrible your date went," he says standing up and walking towards me.

"Jack," I say rolling my eyes.

"How is the green vegetable doing anyways?"

"His name is Kale." I glare.

"Oh, my bad," he says acting like he cares, "Kale."

Jack has been so annoying lately. He's always in my business and it feels like I have no privacy. He's worse than Matt.

When I found out he had lied to me, I was pretty upset because I thought he really liked me.

"Okay, what is your problem?" I snap.

"What do you mean what's my problem?" He mocks.

"Why are you still up?" I ask.

"I told you." He replies crossing his arms.

"Be serious with me, Jack." I yell, "I'm tired of fighting with everyone. Tell my why you're up or-"

"Because I care about you!" He yells back making me go silent, "I'm falling in love with you, Morgan-"

Why is Jack telling me this?

"No," I shake my head, "just stop, Jack."

"What?" He asks furrowing his eyebrows.

"I know that you knew about Matt and Sarah." I say looking down, "how could you pretend to care about me when you were really just lying to me?"

"You don't understand, Morgan-" he starts.

"No, I understand perfectly." I glare, "you're a player. This is all just a game to you."

"What?" He says confused, "no it's not."

"All the times I cried and you comforted me, you were betraying me!"

"My life with you is not a game, Morgan." He states.

"When I was with Kenny, you always had to be there! Now that I'm with Kale, you have to lead me in different directions!" I yell, "what do you want?"

"Morgan-" he pleads.

"What do you want, Jack?!" I yell.

"You!" He yells, "I want you. I have always wanted you."

"I don't believe you." I cry.

"Morgan, I love you." He says seriously.

"You can't love me." I say gulping deeply, shaking my head, "because I don't love you."

"You cannot sit there and tell me you don't feel the same way as I do." He yells, "the way we exchange glances when nobody's looking, the way you try to hide your feelings from me-"

"I like Kale, Jack." I nod trying to believe myself.

"That's the biggest lie I have ever heard!" he says chuckling to himself.

"Why is that so hard to believe?" I ask.

"Because-!" He yells.

"Because why-?!" I yell back.

"You have nothing in common. You two are so different-"

"Don't say that!" I say, "It's not like I can love you, Jack."

"You can't or you don't?" He asks me not breaking eye contact.

Even if I do have feelings for Jack, we could never be together. I would be doing the same thing that Matt and Sarah did to me. Everything that happened between Matt and me, and now that we're finally back on good terms; I can't throw it all away for Jack. No matter how badly I want too.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask Jack.

"I have tried to convince myself that I'm not falling for you, but I can't seem to get you out of my head."

"Well, you're going to have to try too." I say walking past him.

Jack grabs my arm and pulls me back toward him, "jut tell me one thing-" Jack starts, "did you kiss Kale tonight?"

"Why does that matter-" I say looking down.

"I'm asking, Morgan," he says sincerely, "so please tell me the truth."

It takes me a few seconds to answer, "no."

"Why not?" He asks.

"Because no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get you out of my head either."

Jack grabs my hand and looks down, "Morgan, I care about you so much. And I know you care about me. You just have to trust me!" He says with his dazzling deep brown eyes piercing mine.

"It doesn't matter what you say to me because I will never believe anything you say ever again-!" I yell getting cut off by Jack kissing me.

As we kiss, I don't seem to pull away.

After what feels like an eternity, we both pull away. He look into my eyes, "Well at the very least, you can believe that."

I stand before him, speechless. I don't know how I'm supposed to react to that.

Jack's POV

This is probably the best thing I have done all summer. I really like Morgan, and I can tell she likes me. I think the reason she doesn't want to let herself fall for me is because she'd be doing exactly what Matt and Sarah did to her.

We both look at each other not knowing where we're going from here. Morgan doesn't say anything. She just turns away from me and runs up the stairs.

I hope that by kissing her I didn't mess anything up. When I kissed her, I felt something special, and I think she felt it too.

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