And So the Wolf Fell in Love...

By michelle38860

481K 11.3K 1.6K

19 year old Cat-shifter, Lorraine, loses her mom to a were-wolf pack and gets kidnapped by a hot wolf named B... More

And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 1
And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 2
And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 3
And So the Wold Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 4
And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 5
And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 6
And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 7
And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 8
And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 9
And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 10
And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 11
And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 12
And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 13
And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 14
And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 15
And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 17
And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 18
And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 19
And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 20
And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 21
And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 22
And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 23

And So the Wolf Fell in Love with the Kitten. Chapter 16

16.7K 396 32
By michelle38860

Blake's POV

"Jasmine, what are you doing here?" I sighed, running my fingers through my hair.

"Can we sit down?" She asked timidly, gesturing to the couch. I nodded and waited for her to take her pick in seats before I sat.

"I know I'm the last person you expect to see at your door but, I really need you to understand why I left you before you kick me out of your house."

"Im listening."

"You have to believe that I never wanted to leave or hurt you like that-"

"But you did!" I immediately felt bad when I saw her flinch at the tone of my voice.

"You left me without even considering the fact that you might've broken my heart. I loved you and you left." I continued more gently.

Tears started running down her cheeks, "I had no choice. You were going to be the alpha of the pack! The alpha can't have a peasant wolf as his mate! I left you because I didn't want you to be looked down upon by every other wolf out there because you fell in love with a wolf living with her parents in a freaking box!!" She sobbed, "Don't you get it? My family has always been hated by every other wolf out there because we were'nt in the same ranking as them. If I mated with you, what would everyone think? I left because I didn't want you to suffer like I did."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "You left, so my reputation wouldn't get ruined?"

She nodded weakly and broke out in another round of sobs. I took her shaking shoulders in my hands and pulled her in for a hug.

"Shhh-shh," I soothed, "Don't cry."

"Please forgive me. I didn't mean for you to get hurt."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"You probably would've found a way to stop me or do something that could make the pack more angry with you."

"You're probably right," I smiled, trying to lighten up the tension.

"S-so do you f-forgive me?" She asked.

"Yeah." I sighed, "I forgive you."

Jasmine let out a shaky breath and quickly wiped away her tears.

"Does your parents know you're here? Where are you staying?"

Her eyes immediately filled with tears again, "My mom died in a car accident a couple weeks after we left town. My dad disowned me after I turned 18, saying that I was old enough to take care of myself and that he didn't have enough time to deal with a burden like me."

"Oh god," I silently cursed her father for putting her in this mess. "You can stay here in my house until you decide what to do. My parents won't mind taking you in."

"Are you sure? I-I wouldn't want to barge in like this."

"Don't worry about it. You should go get your belongings from wherever you're currently staying at and then come back. I could show you your room afterwards."

"Um o-okay! I'll be back in 20 minutes!" She quickly jumped off the couch and ran out of the room.

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair again. I hoped that I wasn't making a mistake by bringing her back into my life again.

I got up from the couch and turned the movie screen off. There was only one person who could make my day better, and I needed to see her.


I could sense Lorraine's presence in her room along with Biscuit. Her door was partially opened, so I took that as an invitation to go in. I found Lorraine laying on her bed. She was lying on her back, tossing her panda up and down, while Biscuit sat on her tummy, trying to swat the panda away.

I chuckled at the sight, causing Lorraine to look up at me. I closed the door as I walked in and made my way towards her.

"Hi," she said quietly, while I laid down on the bed with her.

"Hey yourself," I smiled, kissing her nose.

"What happened to the girl?"

"Um, shes getting her stuff."

"Stuff? For what?"

"Shes sort of staying here until she finds herself a permanent home." I expected Lorraine to get angry and demand me to get rid of her. Instead, she just nodded up at me, and reached out to stroke Biscuit's ears.

"So shes homeless?" Lorraine asked with a confused expression on her face.

I laughed and bent down to kiss her-this time on the lips.

"Not exactly. Her father disowned her so she has no where to go."

"Oh. Poor girl. Did you use to date her?"

I twirled a finger around a lock of her hair as I tried to come up with a decent answer. "Yeah, I did use to date her. But shes in my past and you're in my future." I assured her.

Lorraine gave me one of those smiles that made my heart jump around. "Where is she going to be staying?"

"Probably one of the spare bedrooms that we have."

"Does this mean I can't sleep with you anymore?" Lorraine went bright red when she realized how her question must have sounded. "I mean literally! Like as in just sleeping! On the same bed. Nothing else!"

It was adorable how she stammered whenever she got embarrassed. I gently took Chester and Biscuit off of her and placed them both at the foot of the bed. I ignored Biscuit's wail when I seperated him from Lorraine and pulled her against my chest.

"I'm tired," I mumbled. "Lets get some sleep." Lorraine happily obliged and wiggled closer to me, letting out a content sigh. I smiled as I felt myself drifting off to sleep.


"Blake," I heard someone whisper before softly shaking me awake from my sleep.

"Hmm?" I slowly blinked and focused on the person standing next to the bed.

"Jasmine? What time is it?"

"Its almost 5 in the afternoon. I got back a couple hours ago but I didn't want to wake you. You said you were going to show me to my room."

"Mmmm, okay. Why don't you wait out in the hall for me?" I murmered, gently rearranging the blankets to cover Lorraine. I heard the quiet footsteps of Jasmine as she exited the room. I brushed a light kiss on Lorraine's forehead before getting out of bed. I yawned and stretched my arms, cursing myself for sleeping so long.

I closed the door silently after walking out of the room.

"C'mon, I'll show you to your room. After you get settled in, you can head over to the kitchen and grab some dinner. We don't usually eat as a whole family, so feel free to eat whenever you feel like it."

"Sounds great. So... Who was that girl with you? I didn't really sense a werewolf vibe from her... Err, is she human?"

"Naw, she's a cat shifter. I saved her from getting hunted down by Adrian. Its a long story." I rushed to say when I saw her confused face.

I led her into a spare bedroom at the end of the hall. "Well here it is. Once you finish unpacking, you can feel free to explore around. My room is right across from Lorraine's if you need me. Shes the cat-shifter."

"Oh well thanks. For everything," she gave me one last smile before dissapearing into her bedroom.

I walked back to Lorraine's room to find her still asleep. My heart warmed as I thought of Lorraine being my mate. Then my mind wandered over to Jasmine and I wondered if she could be my mate. I quickly pushed that thought out of my head as I sat at the edge of Lorraine's bed.

I bent my head to kiss her until she stirred and blinked her beautiful eyes up at me. "Good morning."

I chuckled and kissed her again. "Not yet morning. We overslept and now its about 5 in the afternoon. Want to grab something to eat?" I knew her answer even before she nodded her head. I helped her up from the bed and together, we headed out of the room to grab some dinner.

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