PTX FM (Scömìche, Kavi)

By PoisonJaffas

43.8K 2K 918

Mitch Grassi is a presenter for PTX FM. Scott Hoying is an international singing success. When Mitch gets the... More



2.7K 152 38
By PoisonJaffas

When I woke up in the morning, it felt like a normal day. Then the events of last night hit me.

I kissed Scott Hoying. No, even better, Scott Hoying kissed me!

And then I ran away. Because of the paparazzi.

I grabbed my phone that had been charging on my bedside table. There were several notifications, but I ignored them and opened up my browser, searching for 'Scömìche'. I clicked on the first article I saw.

Scömìche breakup? Mitch Grassi rejects Scott Hoying

Last night at a party thrown by Todrick Hall, everyone's favourite 'totally not a couple', Scömìche, were photographed having a sneaky snog outside. Scott started off a kiss, but Mitch ran off.
What does this mean for the pair? Is this a fight? A breakup? Or is radio host Mitch Grassi struggling to adjust to his newfound fame? More updates when we get them!

Attached were several photos of last night. The first was of us kissing. It was beautiful, and you could almost believe we'd posed for it. I saved it, just in case I didn't have any other high quality photos of me kissing ridiculously attractive top celebrities in the future.

In the next image I was a blur as I ran away from what had just happened. Scott was looking into the camera with a stunned expression.

The last picture showed the scene I'd missed, and it broke my heart. Scott on his own, with his hand covering his face, turning away from the camera. His shoulders were slumped and there was a look of defeat. Was that my fault or the camera's?

I looked at a few more articles with the photos, all basically saying the same thing. What's happening with Scömìche? I only wished I knew.

I looked through my notifications.

Kirstie Maldonado followed you on Instagram.
3 new messages from Jake.
12 new messages from Scott.

I looked at Jake's messages first. I'd only just woken up and I wanted to give myself a moment before dealing with Scott.

J: Mitchie as soon as you wake up please tell me all about kissing one of the hottest guys in America and why you left him.
J: If you don't want him, tell him to hit me up.
J: Wait is that insensitive?

M: I'm not offended
M: But I'm also not telling him to hit u up

J: Because you want him!!!

M: No because ur a creepy fangirl
M: And I guess he's kinda cute

J: Give me the details!!!
J: Tell me everything!!!

M: Well ok
M: We were at Todrick's party
M: He's great btw u would love him

J: Ugh you're just name dropping your famous pals. :P

M: And Scott got a teensy bit drunk
M: By which I mean very
M: And I was feeling a bit claustrophobic
M: So we went outside for a moment

J: Mmhmm and then what. ;)

M: And he just took a step towards me
M: And then...
M: U know the rest

J: Yes but not from the POV of my dear pal Mitchie.

M: Drop the Mitchie thing I know u just want the goss
M: I ran because I saw the camera flash
M: I guess I panicked
M: But I also didn't want Avi to try and fight me for ruining Scott's image and his career and his relationship and everything

J: You're so in love its gross.

I chose to ignore Jake's comment.

M: I got a ride home with Kirstie
M: Who is the sweetest person ever
M: And she rang Avi to see what he thought about it
M: And apparently it was best to just let the photos go out and see how it goes from there

J: Why???

M: Apparently I'm helping Kirstie and Scott somehow?
M: Idk

J: Showbiz.
J: Have you spoken to Scott yet?

M: Um
M: No

J: Ok well I'll stop talking now because u need to talk to your man!!!

M: He's not my man Jake

I got no reply. It seemed Jake was sticking to his word. I was going to have to talk to Scott eventually. I tapped on the notification for his messages.

S: mifv
S: mitvh
S: liok im sorru if U didnt want to kizs me
S: yee just super fcute
S: Have i tolmd u thst brefoe ?
S: well you ar
S: plztalk to me nitch
S: iN sorry
S: no more Kisding
S: just rriends
S: miych pkeas
S: mtch

S: I'm sorry

The last message was sent about three quarters of an hour ago, but the others were sent around two AM. He must have resumed his drinking after my escape. I felt guilty.

M: Hey Scott

My greeting was awkward. We hadn't been this formal since day one, but things felt different. This was far more awkward than our first conversation.

M: I'm sorry for running away on you all of a sudden
M: I shouldn't have done that

I felt like I had to type properly. Now was not the time for abbreviations. This was serious, and I really had no clue where we stood with each other.

S: I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable
S: You shouldn't have to stay anywhere you don't want to be

M: You were fine
M: I freaked out about the camera

I was being honest, which was scary. I honestly didn't mind him kissing me at all, but letting Scott know that felt like a big deal. What if it was only a drunken mistake to him?

S: Don't say that to try and make things better
S: I messed up and I'm sorry

It clearly was just a mistake to him. My heart felt like it was being crushed. Even though I knew there wasn't really anything going on between us, it still kind of hurt that the kiss meant nothing to Scott. He had his model girlfriend to run back to, I guessed. I couldn't even try to dislike Kirstie for a moment.

M: It's ok

I wanted the conversation to be over more than anything.

Scott still hadn't replied a minute later, so I set my phone down on my bedside table, upturned so the screen was hidden, and tried to get back to sleep so this bad dream could end.


I woke up again around noon, when my body declared it's need for food. I couldn't be bothered to cook, so I got dressed and headed to the new coffee shop that was just down the road from me.

Ten minutes later I was sat in a soft tub chair with a hot coffee, picking apart a gluten free muffin.

Unfortunately, I'd failed to realise that this coffee shop had a TV in it untill it was too late, so now I was stuck watching a convenient live interview with Scott Hoying, who looked as good as ever apart from the slight dark circles that peeked through the layer of makeup he wore. Subtitles flashed up at the bottom of the screen, meaning I couldn't miss his words that followed.

"Everyone wants to know, especially after last night, what's going on between you and Mitch Grassi?"

At this I dropped my head slightly. Today, of all days, I did not want to be recognised and questioned on Scot. I just hoped I looked sufficiently messy to go unnoticed. I watched as the next words flashed up.

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I'm very happy with Kirstie, my ..." I didn't see the rest of Scott's response, because I stood up to make a hurried exit, abandoning the rest of my muffin. The words made my chest feel tight, and I just wanted to go home. So that was exactly what I did.

I sat on the floor in my flat and cried. It wasn't the most elegant thing, but was heartbreak ever? Having the dream guy of everyone ever, and most definitely your dream guy, publicly deny any involvement with you after kissing you less than twelve hours earlier hurt. Even if your whole relationship with him was very confusing, getting brushed aside on live TV was even more so.

I felt stupid for assuming that one kiss meant anything. Maybe he did that all the time. It might be a joke, or a publicity stunt. A part of me clung to the hope that it wasn't.

I was still a crying mess twenty minutes later when my phone played a notification tone. Trying to relax my breathing, I opened my phone, hoping for something, anything, from Scott. What I instead found was Twitter messages from Kirstie.

K: hey Mitch
K: you ok?
K: i just saw the interview
K: gosh hes an idiot

M: I'm totally fine
M: He can say whatever he wants
M: He's your boyfriend he's got a right to say it
M: A drunken mistake doesn't matter

I was just upsetting myself again.

K: he really does need to talk to you
K: silly boy
K: (hes silly, not you, you're great)
K: i'll try and sort things out this end as much as possible
K: just look after yourself ok? x

I hoped one day to be half as caring as Kirstie. Scott was lucky to have someone as perfect as her. I was a little confused by her messages, but I definitely understood 'look after yourself', so I grabbed myself a glass of Chardonnay and went to sit on my bed, wiping my red and puffy eyes.

There was nothing to be gained by just sitting on the floor crying, but binge watching TV at least gave me the illusion of productivity. I set up the TV and settled in to waste the day.

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