PTX FM (Scömìche, Kavi)

By PoisonJaffas

43.8K 2K 918

Mitch Grassi is a presenter for PTX FM. Scott Hoying is an international singing success. When Mitch gets the... More



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By PoisonJaffas

I immediately pulled out my phone to verify what Kevin had said.

#Scömìche, trending number four worldwide.

Scott and Kirstie's relationship announcement had trended number one for two days, but number four was amazing for a not even relationship. I clicked on the trend to see the tweets about it, and found links to several articles suggesting that yesterday's interview was in fact a reveal of our long time romance and Kirstie was just a beard.

As if. The only fake romance here was the once the media had decided was going on between me and Scott.

I gave Kevin a bewildered look. Was all this publicity a good thing thing not? From the grin on his face, I assumed he either shipped it or was loving the promo. Maybe both.

Jake emerged from the both to clap me on the shoulder and congratulate me on bagging such a hot dude even if, for now, he said, it was just according to some shippers in the media. I gave him a disparaging look, then headed to take his place at the microphone. Today was going to be anything but normal.

The show had never had so many listeners or callers before. Most were giggly fans of Scott's who wanted to ask me questions about our reported romance.

"What's it like to date Scott?"

"Your guess is as good as mine! Try asking Kirstie," I wasn't sure what the proper response to these questions was.

"Is he a romantic boyfriend?"

"Yet again, isn't this a question for Kirstie? Sadly you missed her, but she was in yesterday for an interview, which you can watch on our website! Try tweeting her or something."

It was bizarre how willing everyone was to blindly accept that I was dating Scott only a few days after everyone was gushing over him being with Kirstie. I kept telling them that I wouldn't know any of this stuff as we really weren't together, but it seemed like no one believed me. I asked people to not call if their questions were related to my reported relationship with Scott, but that didn't seem to stop it.

The grin on Kevin's face outside the booth made me think he was just choosing callers that had questions for me that he knew I didn't have answers to. He was milking the hell out of this whole thing. I couldn't say I entirely minded all the attention though.


Towards the end of the show, I relaxed into the ridiculousness of it all, joking around with some of the callers.

"What was your first date with Scott like?"

"Ooh, super romantic. We'd never met before, and then yesterday he turned up at my work for an interview along with his girlfriend. I'm swooning just thinking about it,"

As the end of the show neared, I repeated what I'd been saying all show.

"I'm not actually dating Scott Hoying. I mean, y'all would know if I was, because I wouldn't shut up about it. Who wouldn't talk about it if they were dating someone that hot?"

Sadly, in my relaxed state, I didn't notice the new arrivals in the office outside. After ending the show, I exited the both to trade places with the bubbly Jess, who winked as we crossed paths. When she'd closed the door, I properly looked around.

How had I missed the arrival of Avi, and more importantly, Scott? They were stood chatting to Kevin at his desk. Avi nodded in my direction politely, and Scott gave me one of those hugs that involved him patting me on the back, like you saw teen boys doing. I almost felt the need to follow the action by declaring 'no homo', but any pretence of a lack of homo on my part was looking gone after the unapologetically flirty messages of the day before and my comment just then. On air. That he'd probably heard. Oh no.

"How you doing?" He asked casually, as if he was always turning up at random radio stations to just have a catch up.

"Good," I replied with a nod. Talking in real life, especially in front of people was far more awkward than it had been last night online. "How are you?"

"I'm pretty good. Rumour has it that you think I'm hot," He smiled at me, and yep, that was pretty hot.

"Well, that's what the fangirls are saying," I smirked at him, trying to keep a cool exterior.

Before Scott could give a sarcastic reply, Avi spoke up. "Ok, I'm sure you know why we're here. So the agreement is to try and keep this out of the media's view. Nothing public..."

I interrupted Avi, as Scott leaned against the wall with a smirk. "I don't understand. Keep what out of the media?"

Avi looked at me incredulously.

"You know what I mean!"

"I really don't ..." I told him.

Avi turned to Scott with a look of bewilderment on his face.

"What's going on, Scott?"

"Finally Avi listens," He sighed, "I'm glad you think that I'm such an idiot that I wouldn't know to keep a secret relationship hidden, but whilst we're here, why don't I introduce you to my friend Mitch, who, in the one day I have known him, has surprisingly not been involved romantically with me at all,"

'What a shame, I was at least slightly hoping something would come out last nights chat' I thought.

Avi looked at Scott, unimpressed, and maybe just a bit annoyed at the lack of genuine drama.

"We both know you weren't going to believe me unless we came here and saw Mitch," Scott shrugged.

Avi laughed. "You know me too well!"

"Why would you have a secret relationship if you're dating Kirstie?" I asked the seemingly obvious question.

Scott faltered, looking at his manager.

"He could be... Cheating on her, or something..." Scott hit Avi's arm, eyes wide.

"We should probably be going now this is all cleared up," He guided his manager towards the door quickly, turning back to say, "See you Mitch."

As the door swung shut, I heard Scott complain to Avi.

"He's going to think I'm a cheater now!"

A smile found my face. The fact that my opinion of Scott mattered to him made me happy for some reason.

Kevin brought me back to reality.

"You liiike him!" He said with a sing-song tone.

"Shut up," It was true. There was something about him that meant I couldn't help but like him. Maybe very public flirting was my thing.


I was at home later when my phone lit up with a notification. I pounced on it, to find out was only a text from Jake.

J: Kev told me about the surprise visit earlier. I think he just wanted an excuse to see you again.

M: Thats not what Avi said

J: No but Scott didn't have to allow him to drag him all the way to where he knew you would be after talking to you, I assume, all night.

M: It was only until one a.m.
M: But ngl I like the idea that he wanted to see me

J: I know you do you thirsty girl. ;P

M: I'll try to remember you in the future when I'm partying with all my famous friends

J: And your famous boyfriend. ;)

M: We're not dating Jake!

J: *yet.

It was laughable. As much as I had denied dating Scott so far that day, a part off me wished I could say we were. But he had Kirstie and I was... Just Mitch.

My phone lit up with another message.

S: Sorry about earlier
S: Avi can be very determined when he wants to be
S: And seeing you again wasn't exactly horrific ;P

M: I'm glad that my existence doesn't repel u
M: I guess work could have ended in worse ways
M: Though I'm not a massive fan of the cameras that ambushed me outside

S: Sorry
S: You'll get used to them
S: Eventually they learn to leave you alone

M: Its weird how all this stuff can come from a few little comments

S: Thats showbiz for you :/

M: I'll try not to let the fame get to my head ;P

S: You don't need too become any more of a diva :P

M: Rude!

S: No
S: You're perfect as you are
S: I mean...

M: Please continue with telling me I'm perfect
M: I don't often get compliments from people who have been voted hottest guy of the year

S: You could totally be hottest guy of the year yourself
S: Have you ever thought about modelling?

S: I could put you I touch with some guys

M: You're kidding right?

S: Nope
S: You have a good figure and everything

M: Thanks :)

S: No worries

I was blushing like crazy. This was not fair at all. Scott was just being nice, but I really had no clue how to respond properly, and keyboard smashing didn't feel like the appropriate response.

S: But seriously
S: Do you want me too introduce you to some guys?
S: There's an event next week and I could bring you along

M: Shouldn't you be going with Kirstie?

S: She's got her own invite and plenty of friends
S: You can be my plus one :)

M: But Avi said to avoid the media until this crazy thing blows over...

S: Yeah well we had a talk earlier and now Avi is feeling much more open to me having friends even if it causes rumours

I felt like there was more to Avi's sudden change of heart than Scott was letting on, but I let it go. The real question was did I want to go to some fancy event with Scott?

Yes I did, but the fact that it was a fancy event and the suggestion of modelling had nothing to do with it. The 'with Scott' part, on the other hand, had a very strong appeal.

M: Are you sure?

S: Yes
S: Do you actually want to go?

M: If that's ok with you?

S: Yes!
S: Totally
S: That would be really cool

M: What exactly even is this event anyway?
M: Oh my gosh do I needed to get a fancy suit?

S: It's just a little party
S: Honestly you could wear jeans and a t-shirt and look better than everyone there

That really wasn't something I imagined coming from a man who very publicly had a girlfriend.

S: I'll probably be just wearing a shirt or something
S: I can hook you up with a stylist of you want

M: I'd suggest wearing some trousers as well as a shirt
M: But I don't think the fangirls would mind

S: Are you counting yourself as one of the fangirls?

M: Maybe ;)

S: Good ;)

He had Kirstie! What was I doing? Embarrassing myself, that was what. Imagine if he uploaded these messages online! I'd always been openly gay, but this would be hard to pass off as a joke.

Honestly though, who, given the opportunity wouldn't flirt with Scott Hoying??

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