My Human Pet

By LaurenMaeOpal

16.3K 513 111

Having been forced to get a pet from the auction as a pack tradition, Amelia decides upon herself to help put... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Six

1.3K 48 6
By LaurenMaeOpal

Thomas' POV

The door is opened as I am beat.

I feel an immense amount of power pushing down on me. Not from the one on top of me, but a type of power that cuts off everything in me. I can't move properly, I can't feel, I can barely breathe.

The wolf pinning me down quickly disappears and the other two who were beating me back away.

This gives me an opportunity to slowly and painfully crawl and hug myself in a corner.

I watch from the corner as, who I presume is my new owner, throws one of them to ground. The anger and the animal like sounds that are coming from her make me shake and fear for my life.

The ones who were so big and powerful against me, run out of the door in fear of her.

I watch her, my eyes fixated on her every move. She crouches down so she's in front of me. I try and push myself closer to the wall in desperation for the safety of my own life. One hit from her and i'm dead, not severely harmed like usual, but dead. 

"Thomas" I hear my name being called from her lips. This surprises me, as every other owner I've had has only called me by the word, "here." Or they haven't called me at all and instead dragged me or hit me to where they want. I duck my head even further down, in fear of looking in her eyes, i don't know what power she holds, she turn me into stone for all I know. 

"Thomas, look at me." Her voice changes from the previous softness, I feel her supernatural power overbearing me, I hate this feeling but to make it stop I do as I'm told.

Luckily she can't turn me into stone, well she might be able to but right now she isn't. 

She has a look of sadness, but I don't believe it for a second.

"Thomas i'm not going to hurt you in anyway."  Of course I don't believe her. I've been told that far to many times, I'm no longer naive.

"I won't hurt you" then straight after I get hit. It's my own fault for believing them. But I've learned now, never trust that they'll be nice to me, there's no such thing as kindness. 

She starts moving, I hug myself tighter anticipating an attack, but it doesn't come. I sneak a look and see that she's sat on her knees.

This confuses me because, had I the nerve and energy, I could knock her over and run. But where would I go? And of course she's stronger than me, there's no chance of me even making her stumble. This has to be test, to see if I'll run away or not, and if I do then I'll get punished.

She moves her hand, I clutch myself waiting. But she keeps it in the air between herself and I, the palm facing upward. She repeats herself in saying, "I'm not going to hurt you Thomas." But I still don't believe it, I can't. I won't bring myself to be so naive in believing her, only for the beating to hurt me both physically and emotionally. I'd rather just hurt on the outside.

"Thomas, please. I'm not going to save you from those creeps, to hurt you myself. I would never hurt you. I want to protect you. Just please, understand that." Her voices sounds like she's pleading with me, I don't understand, it's supposed to be me pleading.

I tighten my arms around myself, I don't understand any of this!

She moves her other hand to put it palm up in front of me. But this can only mean that she wishes to grab me. I press myself instinctively against the wall.

I hear a slight muttering coming from her, it terrifies me further than I already am, that I don't know what she's saying.

I watch in horror as her hand slowly moves towards me, it's like she's moving in slow motion so I won't anticipate when she strikes me.

As she reaches out I flinch myself away out of the fear of being hit. 

But I feel a soft touch on my arm. This feels foreign to me, I don't understand it. But I know it has to be trick, if she's being this nice to me now, who knows how cruel she'll be after.

"Thomas, look at me please." I do as she says, although I don't have anything to lose, I'd rather not die by her hands for disobeying her, or worse yet being sent back already.

I watch her other hand slowly move towards me, as she takes hold of my other forearm my body tries jolt away from her.

"I'm not going to hurt you." I can't, I can't let myself trust her, it will only be worse for me when she beats me or uses me for her own fantasies like everyone else.

She doesn't move, she instead looks at my face. This is the part where she decides to give me back, or hit me even more.

But instead her hands slowly make their way to my hands, where she takes hold of them. This isn't normal, why is she holding my hands?

"We're just going to stand up now. Ok?" Did she just ask me a question? Why? Why is she being so nice, why can't be just get straight to beating me like everyone else? Why is she playing mind games with me?

She pulls me up, but it's not like they usually do, she's gentle and takes a hold of my hand. I can't remember the last time someone held my hand, it feels strange to me.

What's stranger is that she then keeps hold of my right hand and guides me, not throw or drag, out of the meeting room.

I feel heads turning and looking, I keep my down as I can't look at any of them. As a pet I'm not allowed to look at other humans, rarely at my master. That's what in always told, or more accurately that's what's always beat into me.

But I fear what will be done to me, as I hear outbursts of shock, my guess is that it's because my master is gently leading me by the hand. Something that has never happened, up until now.

We must have reached to her parents as I hear a rather shocked yet, powerful and somehow calm voiced all at the same time, "Sweetheart. You must put a lead on him."

My master doesn't make a sound, yet her, what I believe to be, Mother does, "You may not want to but it's the law. You don't want him being taken away from you do you?"

This of course is a surprise to me, the point of us wearing a lead gives the owner authority. It gives them dominance over us which is what they buy us for. To show their wealth and dominance. So finding out my new master doesn't want a lead on me, shocks me beyond anything I've ever been told.

But then she turns around, my eyes are wide as she looks directly into them, showing an emotion I don't understand, when she pulls herself away I realise she's attached a lead to me. My thoughts tell me it's because she was told to, but I don't understand any of today.

I see my master's Mother glance at me a few times as my master starts to lead me away. "They really did a number on him. You'll have to get some ice on that when we get home."

Is she being nice? Does that mean she wants to get rid of my bruising? No of course she's not being nice, she doesn't want me to look bad, she wants her daughter to have a clean pet, otherwise she'll be a laughing stock.

I've known it before, pretending to be nice to get my trust only to betray me and laugh in my faces for ever thinking I could trust my master. The only reason I will be cleaned and my cuts and bruises taken care of is so my master can get praised and respected for having a such a clean and obedient pet.

I lift up my head slightly to see a car, that's all I know about it, it's a black car. Not that I care much, because it's not as if I'm going to get to, wait hang on. I feel my Masters hand on my back. I anticipate being pushed or thrown onto the ground. But instead I am, gently? Pushed into the back of the car.

I thought I was going in the boot, that's where I usually go. But instead I am put into the back, where there are actual seats.

What surprises me even further is that she then gets in and sits next to me. I do notice her parents give her a few stern looks, they scare me so I instantly put my head back down. But my Master doesn't move me.

I'm shocked when I feel the car roar to life, even more so when it starts to move. I was expecting to be thrown out, laughed at for believing I actually could sit in the car.

But when we slowly pull into a drive, I realise that I was actually allowed to sit in the car.

As I look up to the house, I notice it's bigger than any I've ever seen. 

I begin to wonder how many terrifying wolves live there.

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