I Don't Wanna Calm Down I Jus...

Galing kay megantwfan

7.3K 137 30

*Sequel to They Said This Day Wouldn't Come* Five years... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Author's Note
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 13

283 7 0
Galing kay megantwfan

* Jay's P.O.V *

"Explain everything, now." I said as Megs adjusted to the light and figured out where she was.

"Explain what?" Megs asked.

"What do you think?! Explain who that Jacob person is and why you and Alfie hate him!" I practically shouted, running my fingers through my hair. Ruth hugged my side to try and calm me down, I can't help that I'm angry, my little sister just had an argument and got hit by some guy and I have no idea why!

"Don't you remember Jacob? You met him at my sixteenth birthday party." Megs replied.

"That was him?" I asked, he looked a lot different and seemed worse than last time.

"Yeah, he moved to London too after year 13 to go to University and I bumped into him one day, we got talking and it seemed like he had changed! He was really nice, we joked around and got on really well together." Megs said, remembering when she first moved to London.

"Why didn't I see him then? I was in London when you first started Uni and you never mentioned him!" I replied.

"I thought you'd get angry and try and make me not see him or talk to him, so I didn't tell you." Megs said quietly.

"Yeah I probably would of, but he hurt you once, why would you take that chance again?!" I shouted.

"Because everyone deserves a second chance." Megs replied. I saw Nath smile out of the corner of my eye, he probably now thinks that Megs might give him a second chance, yeah I doubt that.

"Okay, so why do you and Alfie dislike him so much now?" I asked.

"Long story." Megs replied, not wanting to explain what happened.

"Well we've got all night, so spill." I replied.

Megs sat there for a few minutes bending her fingers back, she does that when she's thinking. " Okay well after about a year of being at Uni me and Jacob had become quite close again, we were really good friends and we loved having each other as company." Megs started.

"Why do you and Alfie hate him if he's your friend?" Tom asked.

"Wait Tom, I haven't even got near to why we hate him yet." Megs replied.

"Oh, okay." Tom said.

"Then one night we were both a little bit drunk" Megs continued, Alfie raised his eyebrows at Megs. "Okay we were very drunk, we were at a party at Alfie and Marcus' flat and I can't really remember what happened but I woke up the next day in Jacobs flat in his arms and apparently the night before I agreed to being his girlfriend, well that's what Jacob said anyway." Megs continued.

"This story is sounding like a reason for Alfie to hate Jacob, not you." Max said.

"That's because the story isn't finished yet Max and me and Alfie weren't that close then so I don't think he was to bothered to be honest." Megs replied. Alfie then looked down at his lap, blushing slightly, looks like Alfie has has a crush on Megs for a while then and just hasn't admitted it to Megs yet.

"So we had been going out for a few months and everything was going really well and I was really enjoying being with him and was even considering moving out of my on campus apartment and into Jacob's flat which isn't far from here. I was at his flat all of the days that I didn't have Uni and every weekend and we were closer than ever before. Then suddenly he started acting strange. He would suddenly get really angry an would shout at me and throw things, sometimes at me, or the wall that I was standing near and he began to scare me. So after he started getting a bit violent I didn't go over to his flat as often as I used to and was at my flat more, with Ruth when she wasn't out getting drunk out of her mind with some of her other friends and when Ruth was out I'd go and see Marcus and Alfie sometimes or Alfie would come and see me, which is when we came quite close friends. I started spending more time with Alfie than I was with Jacob and he started to get very annoyed and possessive of me. Once he saw me and Alfie walking out of a lecture together and pinned Alfie up against the wall, threatening him to stay away from me, which I told him was out of order because Alfie is my friend and shouldn't have to stay away from me just because he said so. Jacob then made sure he kept an eye on me at all times, so he could see if I was talking to Alfie and would follow me everywhere. He would make me go back to his flat after lectures and days when I didn't have lectures so he could keep me all to himself. I hardly went home to mine and Ruth's flat and one day I got back to Jacobs flat and found that he had moved all of my stuff from mine and Ruth's flat into his. I asked him why and he said it was because he didn't trust me living on campus near other boys and thought that I would cheat on him if I stayed there any longer. I told him that I didn't want to live in his flat and got my bag and tried to pack my stuff so I could take it back to the flat, but Jacob stopped me. He grabbed my wrists and pulled me back, slamming me against the wall, so hard that the shelf on the wall shook and all of the books fell off of it. He told me that I wasn't allowed to leave and that if I did there would be trouble. So I didn't leave, I stayed at his flat, scared to even go near to mine and Ruth's flat. I text Ruth to tell her that I had moved into Jacob's flat and she asked why I had moved so soon and I told her it was because Jacob had moved all of my stuff for me without me knowing so there was no point in me having to lug it all back to the the flat, not telling her how scared I was to leave. I didn't speak to Alfie as much and tried to avoid him but he noticed and kept trying to get me to tell him what was wrong. Jacob was getting even more violent and if I didn't do what he told me to do, he would hurt me. I walked into a lecture one day and Alfie came to sit next to me, no matter how much I protested and he noticed that I had a bruise on my face and on my arms. When he pointed them out I pulled the sleeves down on my coat and tried to make my hair cover my face but it didn't work. Alfie kept pestering me to try and find out how I had got the bruises but I wouldn't tell him, I didn't want Jacob to find out that I had been talking to Alfie and that he knew what happened because he might hurt Alfie as well as me. At the end of the lecture Jacob was waiting at the door and I told Alfie to leave me alone and that I didn't want to speak to him so he did." Megs said.

"Did you really think I was stupid enough to not realise what we going on?" Alfie asked.

"Yeah, I didn't think it was that obvious." Megs replied.

"So you knew what was happening but just stood back and let it happen?! What kind of friend are you?!" Nath shouted.

"I didn't just let it happen, I went and spoke to Ruth and we made a plan to try and sort everything out." Alfie replied.

"Oh, so what did you do?" Nath asked.

"Ruth went to see Megs to try and get her out of the flat so that me and Marcus could sort Jacob out and tell him to back off." Alfie replied.

"Did it work?" Nath asked.

"No, Jacob answered the door to Ruth and got all annoyed saying that Megs couldn't go out because she had Uni work to do, when I knew she didn't because I am on the same course as her and we hasn't been set any in weeks." Alfie replied.

"So what did you do next?" I asked.

"Ruth text Megs to tell her that we knew what was going on and that we were going to try and help her and that for us to help, she needed to get out of the flat and come and find us. Megs then replied and said that she would try and for a few days she was texting us, telling us when she would be able to get out because Jacob was at Uni or had to be somewhere. On the day Megs told us she would be able to escape, me, Ruth and Marcus waited in the reception of the flats that Jacob and Megs lived in, pretending to read a newspaper or magazine and looking out for Jacob as he went out so we could go and save Megs and take her somewhere safe but Jacob never left. After sitting there we decided to text Megs and ask if everything was okay but instead Jacob called us and shouted at us, telling us to leave or her would call the police because we were apparently 'stalking him'. So we left." Alfie said.

"Why did you leave, you don't know what Jacob could have been doing to Megs!" Nath shouted.

"When we were talking to Jacob, he forgot to end the call, just threw the phone somewhere so we could listen in to everything he was saying to Megs. We waited in a park near the flat and listened to see if there was any chance of Jacob leaving the flat any time soon, and there was. Jacob said that he was going to leave the flat the next day at 9:00 to go to Uni but that he was going to lock Megs in the flat and take all of the keys so she couldn't leave and we couldn't get her." Alfie said.

"So you knocked the door down when he left and you saved Megs, right?" Tom said making it sound like a simple enough task.

"No, not quite. The phone call lasted for hours and we sat there listening to it for the whole time, in case something happened. About an hour and a half into the phone call we could hear Jacob barking orders at Megs to do stuff for him and Megs walking round, doing what he asked out of fear. Jacob the quietened down and sat on the sofa, right by the phone, sighing heavily, we all made sure that we stayed quiet so that he didn't realise we could hear everything he was saying to Megs. Megs then came and sat down and put what sounded like a cup of something on the table. Jacob then picked it up and took a sip of the drink but immediately spat it back out started shouting at Megs, telling her that she was useless at everything. We then heard Megs scream but we had no idea why. I then shouted, forgetting that Jacob could hear me on the other end of the phone. Jacob suddenly went quiet and searched for the source of the noise and found Megs' phone. He told us to back off or Megs would get hurt." Alfie said.

"Why did you scream?" I asked Megs.

"Because Jacob threw the whole cup of tea at me and it was still steaming hot." Megs replied.

"What?! That's so horrible, where does he live? We'll go and get him back!" Tom shouted, getting up from his seat.

"Tom don't, he's left me alone for nearly a year now, I don't want him to have a reason to come back." Megs replied.

"Fine, what happened next?" Tom asked, all of the boys were sitting on the edge of their seats, wanting to know what happened next.

"The next day when Jacob went to Uni, he locked me on the balcony and it was winter, so it was freezing cold. By then I had really had enough of him hurting me and trapping me inside his flat, it was driving me crazy. His flat was on the fourth floor of a twenty story building, so it wasn't too high up but it was fairly high. As I was sat on the balcony I realised that this was no life to be living and after about and hour so sitting there and thinking, I decided to jump. I wasn't sure how much it would hurt when I hit the ground, considering I was on the fourth floor but I thought that it would be worth a shot, considering that the pain I was experiencing now both emotionally and physically was already bad enough. So I climbed over the railings on the edge of the balcony and sat there for a few minutes, wondering if I should climb back onto the balcony or not. I was still thinking about it when Alfie shouted at me from the ground and asked me what I was doing on the balcony, so I told him about being locked out on the balcony. Then Alfie told me to jump, and that he'd catch me, so I did. There was no second thoughts, this was my only way out of Jacob's flat and I was not going to stay there for any longer. So I jumped and Alfie caught me. Me and Alfie then ran back to mine and Ruth's flat and locked the door behind us, all of my stuff was back in the flat because I had been giving Alfie bags of my stuff that I'd managed to sneak into my bag in all of our lectures for the past week without Jacob noticing. For the first time in a long time, I felt happy and safe and not worried or scared, it felt so good!" Megs said, answering Tom's question about what happened next.

"So he realised that you didn't want to be with him anymore and left you alone after that?" Siva asked.

"No not quite, he was every where I went. He would wait outside of my lecture classes and try to speak to me but I would leave the lecture room with a crowd of people with Alfie, so that he couldn't see me. We then run back to the flat and locked ourselves in. It went on for weeks until we had a week break from Uni, when all of the courses were stopped for a week and we were allowed to do any thing we wanted to do and he never showed up, we went out every day and he was no where to be seen. We thought that he had finally given up and decided to leave me alone, so I really started to relax and enjoy myself, it was like a huge weight had been lifted of my shoulders." Megs said.

"So after that he really was gone?" Max asked.

"No, not yet. " Alfie replied. "On the last day of our week off we decided to go clubbing, me, Megs, Ruth, Marcus and loads of our friends from the courses we do. There was about twenty of us and we were all having an amazing time, especially Megs, she was so laid-back and I think the alcohol was really helping her to have as good a time as she could. We were in the club for hours, then when we eventually walked out hours later, Jacob was waiting for us. He was leaning on a building opposite the club and immediately came straight towards Megs, she tried to run away but he was sober and not wearing heels so he caught up with her quickly. He grabbed Megs by the neck and pinned her up against a wall, trying to make her move back in with him. I wouldn't let him get away with it though, so I ran over to him to try and pull him off of Megs but when I moved he pulled a gun out of the inside of his pocket and pointed at Megs, threatening to shoot if I got any closer. So I stayed put, but Ruth took her phone from her pocket and phoned the police, who were only a few minute drive away. The police then arrived and managed to get Jacob to move away from Megs and we went home, and never saw him again until today." Alfie said.

"Why didn't you tell me when I spoke to you? I skyped you once a week and text you every day, you should have told me!" I said, giving Megs' a comforting hug.

"I was scared Jay, it was as if Jacob knew about everything I did and I didn't want you getting dragged into it too." Megs replied, a single tear rolling down her cheek and soaking into my shirt.

"Don't worry Megs, we're here now and Jacob's gone, there's no need to be scared anymore." I replied, rocking Megs from side to side.

"But we saw him today, what if he tries to find us?" Megs asked.

"He won't find you, and if he does, he'll have all of us to deal with first." I replied, kissing Megs' forehead.

" I've really missed your hugs Jay." Megs replied, wiping the tears from her eyes.

"They're not going anywhere soon so don't worry." I replied.

"Jay, Kev just text me asking us all to go back to the flat because he needs to talk to us." Nath said, getting up to leave.

"Okay, Megs I'll be round tomorrow, call me if you need anything." I said, getting up and ruffling Megs' hair.

"Okay, thanks Jay." Megs replied, then patted her hair back down. All of the boys gave Megs a hug, then left, Ruth coming with us too, so Megs and Alfie could have some time together. Alfie always knows how to make Megs smile.

*End of Jay's P.O.V*

*Alfie's P.O.V*

When the boys and Ruth left, the tears started flowing out of Megs' eyes again, but worse this time, it was like a river!

"Alfie, he's gonna come and get me." Megs said, her voice shaking.

"No he's not, you're perfectly safe here, because I've got you and there is no way that I'm gonna let him even get near you." I replied, giving Megs a hug and kissing her forehead.

"Thanks Alfie, you're like my own personal soldier." Megs replied.

"I certainly am, now we need to get some sleep so we are all ready for tomorrow!" I said, then picked up Megs bridal style and carried her into her room. Tomorrow is going to be a great day, as long as Jacob doesn't show up.


Hellloooo lovely readers!!! So here's the new chapter and it is on the right day, yay!! It's quite a long one today and has realllly long amounts of speech so sorry if you don't like that kind of thing, but this will probably be the only chapter like it. Also I haven't proofread it so there might be a few mistakes, sorry. I hope you enjoyed reading it !!

I can't believe that the sequel has had over 2000 reads and 74 votes, that is crazy!! Thank you so much for reading/voting/commenting/fanning, it means so much !!!! See ya next week !!

Megan xxxxxxxx :)

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