Fade Away ~Amourshipping / Ad...

By TheDreamRider

23.2K 753 292

The voice told her. Told Serena she must prevent the world's crisis. Collect the Stone Fragments. Summon the... More

The Boy in the Woods
Lies? Or The Truth?
Primia and Wolvarak
The Voices
The Life Trial
The Star Realm
The First Stone Fragment
Call of the Leaf Shard
Dance of the Leaves
Arising Questions
Entrance of Darkrai
In the Future of Darkness
Sadness, Regret, Anger
Surrending Before the War Starts
The Dark Summoning
The Being of Time
The Unexpected Arrival
The Lost Partner
An Early Farewell...
Roar of Wolvarak
To Face the End
The True Essence
The Fight for Dominance
End of the End
Sword Wielder
Light Against the Shadows
Control Fate Itself
Confidence and Arrogance
The Replaced Future
Spirit of the Shadows, Spirit of the Light
Fade Away

Darkrai, and Shadow Primia

474 20 5
By TheDreamRider

A/N: Everyone knows it would be a huge pain to write every single floor out, and stuff, right? Time skips are needed so story won't be boring. Thanks for understanding!

<><>Serena's POV<><>

We move up pretty quickly through all the floors, collecting the Stone Fragments and the evolution objects on each.

We're currently on the Fifteenth Floor, closer to the Peak than ever. When we settled in to rest on the Normal-type layer, Absol finally opens up.

And everything we learned from him changed the course of the path we decided to take long ago.

The Life Trial... it must not commence.

<><>An Hour Before<><>

"The Peak is near," states Absol. I nod. Since this is so, I decide to ask the question everyone has been avoiding, since the day Absol teamed up with us.

It's time. No more running from the truth.

"What will..." I stutter, "what will happen when we get there? The Nineteenth Floor? You- you still haven't explained everything."

Absol sharply glances at me, then sighs in defeat. "You're... quite right. I cannot hold in secrets forever."

Ash and I wait expectantly. "My tale is long, and very difficult to grasp, but be patient," the Pokémon says.

"There exists a darkened world, one of which no one here has ever heard of," the Disaster Pokémon begins. "I had once lived in it."

What? Then... that day... why did I get the feeling that I knew Absol before? Earth certainly isn't dark, or anything of the likes.

Ash cuts in, "how so?" Absol growls a bit, answering, "time... time has come to a complete stop."

I startle, and notice that Ash and Pikachu does likewise. "Time has stopped?!" I exclaim. "What do you mean?!"

"Imagine a land of perpetual darkness and silence. Winds cease to blow. Nothing moves, except for humans and Pokémon. Or, at least, the few of them that are left."

I shiver visibly, and Ash puts a hand on my arm, reassuringly. I blush a tiny bit, then focus back on Absol.

"The sun... it never rises." My eyes widen in shock. "Because of these conditions, the world is falling apart. Even the good-natured ones fall to evil."

"The world I speak of... is the future."

This can't be. Impossible. How did he travel back to the past, then?

And he's saying it's all because of-

"The Life Trial. It caused it." Ash begins to protest, but I place a hand on his shoulder, quieting him. Absol continues.

"Under normal circumstances, the Life Trial would keep the peace. Life would continue normally after, assuming you did stop Wolvarak. However." Absol emphasizes the last word.

"Another Pokémon... another Pokémon interfered with the natural laws."

I furrow my brows, and ask, "what do you mean?"

"When Primia is summoned, its life energy sources from the Orb of Beginning. It stops the rising of Wolvarak, along with the help of its summoner, and afterwards, vanishes, returning each Stone Fragment to its corresponding floor in the Star Realm."

"The culprit," Absol explains, "used dark powers to alter the Orb, which affected Primia equally. It became a warped version of its true self, reverting into Shadow Primia."

No. I can't believe this. Never.

Yet, I still sense no lies in Absol's story. Why...

"Hold up." Ash motions for him to pause. "If we can't summon Primia, can't we just abandon or simply hide the Stone Fragments?"

Absol shakes his head. "I'm absolutely sure that if we did, the Pokémon would find the Fragments again. By destroying the Orb, Primia can never be summoned again. I admit, everything would be unbalanced."

Ash gets ready to shout, but Absol says, "in our case, this is good. Wolvarak, the legendary counterpart of Primia, would disappear, as well. The terrible future awaiting us now will be stopped."

Ash frowns, muttering, "this is all so confusing. But who is this evil Pokémon, anyways?"

Absol's expression darkens. "The Bringer of Nightmares, Darkrai. He casts the gloomiest nightmare of all, on our universe: living in a world where no time flows."

Darkrai. I've heard that name before.

I talk slowly. "You're saying... You are a Pokémon of the future, returning to the past to stop the dark future ahead. Darkrai alters the Orb of Beginning, essentially altering Primia to its will."

Continuing, I summarize, "additionally, our only way of proceeding is destroying the complete Orb, which, at any moment, Darkrai could take. If we succeed, Primia and Wolvarak will no longer exist, and the Life Trial would be destroyed. Our future will be saved."

Absol nods. A heavy feeling overcomes me.

"I believe you."

Absol appears completely shocked. "It's strange. Ash," I say, "it's almost exactly like when you chose to believe in me."

Ash is stunned, as well, then, grudgingly, nods. "Alright," he concedes.

"But... only for Serena. Wherever she goes, I go."


Please comment a question if my writing is very confusing and you don't understand something. All this just had to get out!

Hope you enjoyed! :)


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