Nightmare kind of Dream

By Hoodie2

70.7K 2.2K 448

Bill won and rules over the world. Dipper went into hiding with his niece after the shack was destroyed. More

Fight 2
Rule book
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Memories 2
Memories 3
Shout Out!!


2.9K 107 3
By Hoodie2

Marmibelle shrieked as the door slammed itself shut leaving the three of us in pitch black darkness. I strained to hear anything besides Beufo's claws on the stone floor as he paced around us and my niece's frightened breathing patterns. Nothing to see, not much to hear, and nothing but chaffing metal, stone floor, and Marmibelle's death grip on my arm to feel.

Then I heard the slightest shuffle that I was well aware wasn't one of us and turned to the direction of the sound. "Bill." I called. "I know you're there."
Marmibelle whimpered as she clung to my arm like I was going to disappear at any given moment.

"Hasn't anyone told you it's rude to keep your guests waiting?" I called again into the dark.

A low chuckle sounded right next to my ear. I turned quickly but whoever was there was gone. The same must have happened to Marmibelle as she had squeaked and shuffled closer to me causing Beufo to snarl protectively.

"Guests?" a soft smooth voice questioned. "Pinetree you should know better that you aren't a guest." The room ignited with lit torches, dimly light the place. Before us wasn't the usual floating dorito but a well tanned and well dressed man with gold hair beneath a top hat.
"You are property." the man spoke, leaning forward over the black cane toward me. "My property. Your niece and uncles are just leverage."
He turned his calm gaze to the shivering girl and gave a cruel, twisted, toothy smile. "Don't think that, my little mermaid, I never did say I was your friend. But you never asked who I was. I just needed you to get your dear uncle."
Marmibelle trembled silently at my side her eyes shut tight. I stepped in front of her, blocking Bill's view.
I received an unamused sneer at my actions.

"How rude of you Pinetree." he stated but the sneer turned into another cruel grin. "I'll take great pleasure in training that rebellious attitude out of your system."

I glared silently at the demon who just grinned back. Suddenly a beeping went off like a small alarm.
"Tch," Bill tsked looking down at his watch. "It's time already." He gave one last look at me and raised a hand, long black nails grazed along my jaw. "I'll come retrieve you when I get back Pinetree."
Bill whirled around flamboyantly and walked away, his black coat disappearing in the flicking shadows. In his place two others approached, woman figured bodies and wearing transparent white fabric in a Egyptian dress fashion. Each carried a folded pile in their hands that was the same color and fabric.
Neither of them stopped walking, just in circles around us until the next thing I knew my normal clothes were gone from my person replaced with gold jewelry and the white fabric wrapped rather fittingly around my waist.
I looked to Marmibelle, even she was dressed differently from her normal clothes, similar to the ladies that changed our clothes but with the accessories of noble blood. The white fabric made her skin glow and really showed off the golden glimmer of her small scales.

She looked at me startled by the new clothing, I gave her a shrug.
"Follow us." one of the women ordered softly, like a whisper, before walking in the opposite direction Bill had taken. Me, Marmibelle, and Beufo followed in silence .

The two led us past several doors that most likely had certain activities happening on the other side that I had yet to explain to my niece and which I hope I won't be the one to.

The women stopped in front of an open door. One turned to them. "This will be your room. No one other than Mr Cipher may enter here without the resident's permission. No other demons are allowed in another demon's companion's room at all." she explained softly.

I nodded. "Thank you."

The other one turned. "We will return with dinner at six thirty. Mr Cipher should be able to retrieve Mr Pines by six forty-five." she continued.

"Enjoy your stay." they finished in unision.

"Yes, thank you again." I replied leading Marmibelle and Beufo into our new home. The chain linking my cuffs melted away like it was at melting point on a stove.

The room was meant for royalty of some sort in Egypt if not like a queen's private chambers. Transparent white drapes hung tied back between pillars that led out to the balcony, grade A craftsmanship was seen in all the moldings and statuettes, gold was in practically every bit of furniture.

"Wow." Marmibelle murmured.

I nodded in agreement. Wow indeed.

Muttering came from the left part of the room.
"Great uncle Ford?" I muttered questioningly following the sound.

I found him hunched over something at a writing desk, scribbling away furiously. He was muttering something lowly that I couldn't understand.
Lightly I placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Uncle Ford?"

The man jumped and looked up at me, his eyes unfocused. "What do you want? Who are you?" Ford demanded.

"Uncle Ford it's me, Dipper. Remember?" I asked gently. Being under the command of Bill I understand his confusion or he's just getting old.

"D-Dipper? I... I don't know any Dipper. Do I?" he muttered to himself shuffling through the papers in his desk. "I've been having memory problems lately." Stanford stood from the seat and made his way to the bookshelf close by. He reached for one if the books then he went rigid as it clicked. "Aha, Dipper!" Ford turned back to me with arms wide open. "I was so worried after the shack was destroyed." I was pulled into a tight hug.

I returned the embrace happily. "Me too."
Pulling backing I looked over to my niece that stood a bit away unsure of what to do. I looked back to Ford.
"There's someone you should really try and remember though." I spoke to the man pleading and gesturing for Marmibelle to come over.

Stanford looked the girl over, adjusted his glasses and scratched his head. "Mabel? No no.... Not Mabel but a name somewhat similar." he murmured rubbing his chin. "Ma...Mar..."

"Marmibelle." I assisted.

"Marmibelle." he echoed thoughtfully. "Marmibelle, Marmibelle." Then again it clicked in his head. "Marmibelle?! Mabel's little girl?" He looked at me in disbelief but didn't need any confirmation. Ford turned back to the girl with a big grin. "You look just like your mother, dear."

Marmibelle gave a sad smile, her eyes welling with tears as she ran into the the older man's arms. Ford held her tight and spun her around.
"Stanley!" he called looking out to the balcony. "Come in here! You'll never guess who's here!"

I could feel tears threatening against the years that I had shoved them down in favor of surviving. I had the remainder of my family back again.

"What's all the excitement about?" Stan's voice came from one of the many open doors.
I looked from Marmi and Ford to see the old geezer.

Ford looked up too. "Dipper and Marmibelle are here." he answered joyously.

Stan huffed. "Ford you've been breathing in pen ink too long. Now your...hallucinating?" he trailed off as I stepped out from behind the older Pines twin and Marmibelle got out of Ford's arms. Stan rubbed his eyes from under his glasses and looked again, making sure we weren't an illusion. "Dipper? Marmibelle?"

I nodded and big smile spreading on my face as he shuffled over quickly, yanking me into a hug. "I thought you were dead." he cried.

"I could say the same Stan." I replied returning the firm hug. Then I was shoved away so he could see Marmibelle.

"And I thought you were with your father." he said to the young girl.

"It was getting rough underwater so dad brought me to uncle when I was little." she answered honestly. "And he took care of me since."

"Understandable." Ford spoke up. "Water demons have been rather popular lately than land dwelling demons, your father made a good choice." He turned his faded eyes to me. "How have you been surviving then Dipper?"

I shrugged. "I found this abandoned cabin by the lake after the shack was distroyed. Under it was a bunker for tornado emergencies or something, I just moved in."

Ford nodded approvingly as did Stan.

"So how did Bill find you?" Stan asked crossing his arms.

I sighed the happy moment now gone. "He made a contract with Marmibelle and used your lives as leverage." I answered. "Now I am at his beck and call."

The older twins' shoulders slumped and Marmibelle's head hung. I didn't want the to feel guilty about my decision but I know no consolation will stop them. I just have to let them bear with it and keep Bill entertained until I can think of a way out. But until them I just force a sympathetic smile on my face and enjoy the small moments.

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