You get too close (Dean)

By bilboaaa

251K 6.7K 1.9K

Dean Ambrose is a cold hearted,Inconsiderate wrestler who no one has been able to get close to for the past f... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80

Chapter 40

2K 63 15
By bilboaaa

// Sadie //

I blink a couple times before looking between her and Dean. I look closely at both of their expressions. Dean looks flustered, Worried and confused all at once. Renee looks content, Like she's happy to be here.

"What?" I mumble to myself, Breathlessly.

"I said I'm Renee." Her smirk turns into a small smile. "And you are?"

"Sadie." I mutter.

"Ah. So you're Sadie." She smiles. Didn't I just say that?


"Cool...So um, Yeah Dean. I think I'm gonna leave now but it was great seeing you again." She smiles.

She flips her hair and walks past me without saying a word, As if I'm not there. A few seconds later I hear the hotel door slam closed. I turn to Dean and raise a brow. "What- Why was she-"

"Baby it's not what it looked like I swear!" He yells. "It wasn't anything okay? I didn't do anything, She didn't do anything, We didn't do anything!" He talks quickly, Inching closer to me with almost every word. "Why was she here?" I ask.

"Well...She had some news." He mutters.

"What news? How did she even know this was your hotel room?"

"Well...She um- She..."

"Will you spit it out?!" I ask.

"She works here again." He sighs. "She came by and told me she works with the company again. She just wanted to let me know. She said she was sorry for how we ended and...Then she said some other stuff and now we're here." He smiles, Letting out a nervous chuckle.

"What other stuff did she say?" I ask skeptically.

"Just that um, She's willing to give us another chance-"

"Us as in you and her? She wants to get back together with you?!"

"I told her no!" He yells. "I told her that I couldn't date her again."

"Well that's good..." I sigh.

"Yeah..." He mutters. "I'm sorry about all this. I kind of knew she was coming back but then, I didn't. I thought it was a rumor...I'm sorry."

"No, Don't be sorry." I sigh. "It's really not your fault. I'm not mad or upset or anything." I shrug.

"Good. Great. Okay, Well, Why don't we go to bed and talk about this in the morning?" He asks. I nod. Sleep sounds like a good idea


Today isn't any better than yesterday. I can't turn a corner without seeing Renee standing there with her never ending smirk, Twirling her short hair around her manicured finger or applying lip gloss to her perfect lips.

I'd like to think that I'm not the jealous type, but damn. This woman is gorgeous and I've got nothing on her. Her being here is nerve wracking for me. It's as if I'm the 'other woman' in this whole scenario. In a way, I really am. She was here first. She was with Dean first. I feel like I'm some sort of back up plan. I feel like now that she'd here, Dean isn't going to want me anymore. What If that's true? I don't wanna lose him, I really love him!

God. Get a grip Sadie

I sound pathetic. Renee has been here for one stinking day and I'm already being over dramatic about this whole situation. I'm blowing things out of proportion, As I usually do. I just need to relax my brain. I need to cool down and realize that Dean is mine now and that's the way it's gonna stay...I hope.

Jesus. Confidence has never been my thing, Has it?

I could just go to Dean and tell him how I'm feeling. I could tell him about my thoughts and we could talk it all out and then I could stop worrying. But I'm not sure I'm willing to do that. What if he gets upset with me? What if he gets mad because he'll think I don't trust him?

What if he actually agrees with me and says he wants to be with Renee again?


I jump, Looking up from my lap to see Summer standing there. I give her a slight smile and stand up to hug her.

"Care to take a walk with me?" She asks. I nod, Throwing on my jacket.

The minute we step into the cold November air, Summer starts to speak. "I know how you're feeling right now. Even though you haven't said anything to me, I know. Renee is back and I know you're worried so I came as soon as I could to talk to you."


"No no, Just hear me out. Please." She interrupts. "I know you're most likely questioning yourself and your relationship with Dean. Well you shouldn't. Dean loved Renee but now he loves you. That ship has sailed and it's never coming back to the dock. Did I say that right?" She furrows her brow, Muttering the last part. I giggle. "Anyways, I know how you are. You're always questioning yourself and I don't want you to drive yourself mad with your thoughts."

"Too late." I mutter. "I'm just a worried. This is the first relationship I'm seriously happy in and I don't want Renee to ruin it. Not that I'm saying she would come between us purposely! I don't honestly know her so I'm not gonna throw out judgement! It's just...she's so gorgeous and I'm like a bag of potato chips compared to her." I sigh.

"Honey please. Renee is pretty but you are too. You're gorgeous. Look i know this will take time to get used to but just don't worry yourself too much. Your man is your man and Renee will not change that." Summer smiles, Throwing an arm over me.

"Thanks. You're great at cheering me up. Is there anything I could help you with?" I ask.

"Not really." She shrugs.

"As come on. I've always wanted to hook one of my friends up with their crush. Any guys around here you like?" I ask. She smirks. "There is one guy...The problem is, For now, He's occupied." She sighs.

"Well that sucks." I smile sympathetically. "Do you think the relationship will last?"

"Not really. I don't count on it. But as long as he's happy, I'm not gonna get involved. I would never want to wreck a relationship. If it ends though..."

"Jump on it!" I laugh.

A/N: Sorry this isn't very long. XX

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