My Bad Ass White Boy

By asimplechick

806K 28.6K 9.1K

J: I was the new girl C: She was the new girl J: I got kicked out of many private schools C: I stood under th... More

Not an update :)


32K 1.1K 450
By asimplechick



"Jaylah you have a visitor at the door." My maid said. I got up and saw Christian.

"What do you want?" I said with a little attitude. I leaned on the wall with my arms crossed. I'm mean I wasn't right for getting in his business like that but all I was trying to do was help.

"Look Jay, I'm here to say sorry. You didn't deserve for me lashing out on you and-" I held my hand up.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to add more stress to your life. All I wanted to do is help."

"I guess I'm not used to people helping considering I don't have many friends." We both laughed.

"Trust me, you will get used to it." We went into my basement.

"This basement is as big as my house maybe bigger." He looked around while I sat down. "Damn you have a full arcade, and a movie theater?"

"Mhm." I wasn't tryna show off, but my dad brought the house with the cool shit in here.

"I'm never leaving." I let him fan girl over my home. "What's this door?"

"It's the Jay Cave." I opened the door and his mouth hung wide open. I let my dad trick this area out. Candy counter, big ass couch, a tv, a bar with a big fridge, and a door to go to my back yard. I closed his mouth for him.

"I'm definitely living here." Christian said.

"I usually sleep down here most of the time when I'm lazy." I sat down on the couch and turned on the playstation. I signed onto Playstation Network and turned on Call of Duty.

"You even play call of duty?" I nodded and gave him another controller. After about 30 minutes, he got tired of me beating his ass.

"You're cheating." He said and shoved me playfully.

"No I am not. You just suck and I'm not even that good at this game." I shoved him back.

"You trying to fight?" He lifted me up on his shoulder. I started hitting him on shoulder but he wasn't fazed. He just had to be muscular. He threw me on the couch. He got on top of me and starting tickling me.

"Christian stop." I said while laughing uncontrollably. I'm not even ticklish. I just thought he was cute being goofy like this.

"Nope. Say 'Christian, I'm sorry I cheated at Call of Duty.'"

"No." I said. He tickled me more. I didn't want to bust his ego in half so I played along with the tickling. I used all my strength to roll us both on the ground. My chest was against his and I was staring into his mysterious green eyes.

"Ahem." I turned and saw a my dad.

"Dad." I said. I immediately got off of Christian and stood up to my feet. "I thought you didn't get home until tomorrow?"

"I canceled all of my meetings to surprise you since you were angry about going to your new school, but I see that you found a boy have sex with already." Wayment.

I frowned. "I wasn't about to do nothing with him."

"Then what the hell were you doing on the ground?" He folded his arms.

"We fell." I looked at Christian awkwardly. He was too busy standing there looking awkwardly at my father.

"I knew I should have sent you to a catholic school but your mom said no." I turned to my father's attention.

"Why? Because you think I'm a hoe? I'm going to be teenager and end up fifteen and pregnant like mom? You can never seem to trust me no matter what I do and I'm sick of it." I walked out with Christian to my room and locked the door. I slid down the door and cried in my knees. I felt Christian's arms around me. I laid my head on his shoulder.

"Your dad seems nice." He tried to lighten the mood, which didn't work. "I would cry too if my mom could never trust me and he can't trust because of what him and your mom did, which is stupid as hell."

"No you wouldn't. You big and bad remember." He laughed a little.

"I do sorta kinda have a heart. My mom might be drunk and high all the time but she knows my face. Even though she makes dumb ass decisions, she still is my mom and I love her." He smiled.

"You're a momma's boy?" I was being serious when I asked him. I find it cute when guys love their moms.

"Fuck yeah." He said confidently. "She's the only woman that I would probably love."

"That's cute."

"Ew don't say that word." He cringed.

"What cute? Why? Its gonna ruin your bad boy reputation?" I played around and pinched his cheek. He smacked my hand.

"Don't do that."

"I better be the only who does that to you." I pinched his cheek again. He went along with it this time.

"You are. If another hoe did that to me, she's dead." He said with a straight face.

"Why she gotta be a hoe? That was a little disrespectful."

"Because all I do is fuck with hoes. I'm not looking for a relationship at all. I'm not the one to be tied down with a girl." He shrugged.

"Have you ever had a girlfriend?"

"Yea. When I was fourteen I dated a girl a year ahead of me and she cheated on me with another guy at a party. I vowed to never trust a hoe." Here we go with the word "hoe."

"Do you trust me?" I looked up into his eyes.

"Even though I met you three days ago, it's easy to talk to you. So yea. I guess you're officially the second girl I can trust." I smiled because he didn't call me a 'hoe'. I would slap the tattoos off of him if he called me out of my name.

"Do you want to stay for dinner?" I asked him. I'm guessing my dad is home, my mom is too and we usually eat as a family when they are home.

"Nah. I'm just gonna pick something up from McDonalds."

"I wanna go." I got excited. McDonald's was my weakness.

"Didn't your daddy trap you in here for the night?" I don't remember that happening.

"I'm 18. What the hell he's gonna do to me? Ground me?" I grabbed my jean jacket and unlocked the door to my room.

Just as I was about head out the door. "Jaylah Adrianne, where are you going?" My mom asked. I linked arms with Christian. We both turned to her direction.

"Going to McDonalds with my friend Christian." My mom looked him dead in the eye.

"Is he your new boyfriend?" She whispered in my ear.

"No." I simply responded.

"We just made dinner, come sit with us." My mom smiled at him.

"Thanks but no thanks. I don't want be a bother." He said.

"You won't honey." She grabbed his arm and pulled him into our dining room.

"Christian isn't it?" My dad said. "How long have you been dating my daughter?" My dad said while cutting his steak. I face palmed into my hand. This is gonna be a long night.

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