The Chase! (Louis Tomlinson F...

By Mollie_Tomlinson07

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The Chase! (Louis Tomlinson Fan Fiction)
Chapter 1: The Change
Chapter 2: Hiding secrets
Chapter 3: A note?
Chapter 4: The Truth Finally Comes Out
Chapter 5: The Day
Chapter 6: A School Trip to London
Chatper 7: Time to Face Them Agian
Chapter 8: Niall and Kate ♥♡♥
Chapter 9: The Rant!
Chapter 10: To Let You Know
Chapter 11: The E-mail
Chapter 12: The Reveal
Chapter 13: Now They Know
Chapter 14: Feelings?
Chapter 15: Wrong thinking and Flashback
Chapter 16: A Plan
Chapter 17: A Day Out!
Chapter 18: Toy Story 3 and a Kiss
Chapter 19: Truth or Dare!
Authors Note
Chapter 20: Dare or die
Authors note
Chapter 21: Im Coming
Chapter 22: The Call
Chapter 23: Taken
Chapter 24: Shes really gone
Chapter 25: Day 1
Chapter 26: Day 2
Chapter 27: The plans
Chapter 28: The worst its ever been
Chapter 29: Search #1
Chapter 30: Search #2
Chapter 31: Search #3
Chapter 32: Search #4
Chapter 33: The Rescue
Chapter 34: The Hostpial
Chapter 35: Mom?
Chapter 36: A Coma
Chapter 37: A promise
Chapter 38: A surpise date
Authors Note
Authors Note
Chapter 39: What if?
Chapter 40: A meeting with Simon
Chapter 41: The Interview (part 1)
Chapter 42: The Interview part 2
Chapter 43: The ride there
Chapter 44: The Release Day
Chapter 45: Whats going on?!
Chapter 46: is it possible?
Chapter 47: You dont remember?
Chapter 48: I may not remember
Chapter 49: Their Leaving
Chapter 50: Going Home
Chapter 51: A Day To Remeber
Chapter 52: A Talk With The Girls
Chapter 53 What the Hell?!
Chapter 54: Prove It Then
Chapter 56: What the hell is your problem?!
Chapter 57: The Bartender
Chapter 58: I'm Sorry
Chapter 59: The Step 8 Plan
Chapter 60: Yes
Chapter 61: Nerves
Im Sorry!!!
Chapter 62: Court Day Pt. 1
Chapter 63: Court Day Part 2

Chapter 55: Awkward

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By Mollie_Tomlinson07

Mollie Pov:

So everyone went back to their house/apartments in London after Louis asked me to be his girlfriend. I still haven't given him an answer. I've sorta been avoiding him.. its to awkward. I tried to go back with Liam to his apartment, but of course, he wouldn't let me because Lauren would get mad if I left Louis. I've gone out to eat, watch T.V., or to leave his house for a small walk. Also, I haven't spoken to him a lot. Its either 'morning', 'night, or awkward silence. I feel awful, but I'll make a fool of myself if I talk to him now. As I'm looking through my closet, I realized that I'll need an outfit for court. Sigh, I'll have to walk out there and past Louis. If I don't go get out now, I'll forget to get one. I'll just sneak by him.. maybe he won't noticed. Hopefully he won't. Alright, so I got my phone, purse, money, shoes, and a jacket. Here we go, I'm out of my room. Sadly, Louis isn't in his room. Hes sitting on the couch watching soccer. Maybe I can crawl to the door and not be noticed. Okay, sounds like a plan. I know I'm clumsy, but what can I knock over or run into if I'm on my hands and knees? Apparently a lamp...

"Shit!" Louis yelled as he picked up the lamp. "Mollie, are you okay? Why are why the bloody hell are you crawling on the floor?"

Well shit, now I have to talk to him. Well, maybe I can make a run for it. Sounds like another plan, hopefully this one will go as planned. But of course, it doesn't. Half way through running towards the door, I end up tripping over nothing and doing a face plant into the floor. Oh and I think I broke my wrist. Just great. Maybe I'm to clumsy for my own good.

"Mollie!! Are you okay?!" Louis asked me as he helped me up.

"I'm fine. I'm fine." I said as I backed away from him.

"Mollie please, just wait. Can't we talk?" He begged.

"No...I...I can't. I have to go. I...I'm sorry." I said and turned around, but he grabbed my wrist. "Ow!"

"Bloody hell, its purple. You might've broken it. We should go get it looked at."

"No! I'm fine. I don't need to go any doctor." I said snatching my arm away from him. "I'm going out. I'll be back later."

"Mollie, wait. Just put some ice on it, then you can go." Louis replied, pulling me into the kitchen.

He made me sit on the counter while he got some ice. He walked back over and stood between my legs, placing the icepack on my wrist. You could cut the awkward silence with a knife. You'd think this is the part where the boy and girl kiss, right? Wrong. Nope, I sat there with the boy I'm in love with between my legs while he stood there keeping an icepack on my wrist.

"Why were you crawling?" He asked looking at me. "Were you avoiding me? He asked again, but this time his voice seemed to drop an octave. Holy. Shit.

"I.. Um.. I dropped my earring." I stammered.

"Mollie, you aren't wearing earrings." He told me, his voice low and slow as he moves closer to my face.

"I um.. I meant my phone.." I said, which was stupid because my phone is in my butt pocket.

"Stop lying, Mollie. Your phone is right here." He whispered in my ear as he stuck hos hand in my left butt pocket and took out my phone. "Now, tell me the truth. Why are you avoiding me?"

Is it hot in here? Why am I breathing heavily, along with Louis? What was I avoiding him about again? Oh right...

"L..Louis I really need to go..." I stammered.

"NO! Tell me why you've been avoiding me!" He yelled causing me to flinch and whimper.

"Hey! What's going on- whoa... Nevermind." Zayn said as Perrie and him walked into the kitchen.

I pushed Louis away from me and hoped off the counter, rushing out. I heard the sounds of heels clicking behind me, so I knew it was Perrie. I know my cheeks were bright red from what had just happened. If I had known that they all have keys to each other places, I wouldn't have let Louis do that to me..

"Mollie! Wait up!" Perrie yelled after me. Sooner then I liked, she caught up. "Like to explain what happened?"

"No. I just... Want to help me get an outfit for court day?" I asked looking at her, my eyes pleading for her to let it go for now.

"Of course Ill help you." She smiled. "But, you have to tell me what happened between you and Louis." She added.

"Later, I promise. Just not now. Later." I said and off we went.


"Whoa... Mollie! Why didn't you tell him yes!? Its so obvious that you like him or even love him!" She almost screamed at me while driving back to Louis.

"I.. I have my reasons.." I said looking ahead at the road.

"Which are?" She asked me.

"Which are my reasons. So leave it at that.. please.." I said wanting to drop it.

"Alright.." She said and started talking about some interview she had to do with her bandmates.

We had been out all day long and I kept saying no to every outfit. Not that it wasn't cute or didn't seem appropriate for court, I just wanted to stall from going back to Louis. I think Perrie seemed to notice, but I don't think she really cared. I mean, that's just more shopping for her. As I looked out the window, things started to become more familiar... which meant I'll be back soon. I wish I didn't have to go back so soon, but I know I'll have to face him sooner or later. Might as well get it over with.

"Thanks Perrie" I said grabbing my bag and purse. "I had fun, we'll have to do it again after everything is over."

"We defiantly will. Good luck with Louis. I'll see you at court in a few days. Bye!" She said and drove off.

I slowly walked up the path to the front door. I know Louis is just home, because Zayn had texted Perrie saying that he had taken a cab home. Okay Mollie, you can do this. Just go inside and if asks anything, answer him truthfully. You got this. You can do this. Good job, you got into the house. Okay, now just head up to your-

"Shit!" I yelped as I tripped over something. Good thing is that my wrist isn't broken after all.

I looked back to see what I had tripped over. It was one of his shirts. I don't remember that being there when I left. Okay, just be glad he wasn't there to see that. When I looked forward to make sure I wouldn't trip over anything else, I saw things that made me heart sink. Clothes scattered about, making a path going upstairs. Half of the clothes were Louis... the other half was someone else's clothes... I followed the path and as I got closer to his closed door, I heard moans and groans coming from behind the door. He wouldn't do this... not after what he did before I left... I slowly opened his door and tears fell as soon as I saw Louis in bed with some random chick. I ran out, running downstairs and out the door.


"I need you to come get me.. Now please.." I said through tears.

"Mollie, what's going on? What-" I cut him off.

"I'm in front of Lou's. Please hurry Harry." I was full on crying now.

"Alright, I'm on my way. Just hang tight." He said hanging up.

(Hello!!!! So, I had shit load of people who got mad/upset that I was thinking about deleting this story/account. So I have decided not to. I hope yall are happy about this. Anywho, the story. Please tell me what you think of what all happened. I know its a lot for one chapter. But take a breath and a while to process it, then comment, please!!!

Bye- Mollie)

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