Pure Blood (Book two of the B...

By emanresu88

1M 51.1K 8.4K

In the midst of a war between vampires, werewolves, and humans not only is Kira gaining powers she doesn't un... More

Pure Blood (Book two of the Blood Series)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Question questions questions
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Technical Difficulties
Chapter 35 (FINAL CHAPTER)
End of the Book

Chapter 26

21.2K 1.3K 179
By emanresu88

Oliver's POV

Kira was a nervous wreck. I kept sending her comforting glances, but it wasn't doing much. When Jansen walked in, I knew it was time. He called me out of class to 'talk' and I was sure he knew Harvey would listen in. I didn't know if it would be tricky or not to get him to show me to the Florane, but it was worth a shot.

"What's going on?" I asked as if I didn't already know.

"Nothing to be too worried about. It's just there's some suspicious activity near the border, but whatever it was disappeared. I came to talk to you because whoever, or whatever it was, wasn't human, vampire, or werewolf. I figured you'd have some other options." His face was giving away more than his words. Fight was obviously more worried than they wanted to let on, even to other Fight members.

"Can we go talk outside?" I asked, glancing down the hallway, seeing a few people going through the hallway.

"Yeah, sure." He led me outside and we sat on the front steps of the school in silence for just a moment.

"So tell me about the infultrator."

"We didn't really get a look, but it's a guy and we have no idea what he is. He's got power, but nothing like we've seen. My dad is talking to Garen and Klemins as we speak. He thinks they'll know more, but he thought I should ask you as well.

"My best guess is a sorcerer. My master dealt with one before. They have power, but it's certainly different; they're also not necessarily good guys either. They just work for themselves and act selfishly." I told him, concentrating.

"Why would one come here?"

"He's probably being paid if I was guessing. They always go for personal gain. What would someone pay him to do over here? And who?" I was throwing out rhetorical questions, but a plan had easily formulated in my head.

"Do you guys have a Florane storage here?" I asked, widening my eyes for affect.

"My master said something about your Florane use with weapons was a big problem." I added, hoping he'd jump onto my conclusion. His surprise and worry told me he did.

"We do; you don't think they'd really go after it, do you?" I nodded vigorously, standing up quickly.

"Take me there now. We need to hurry!"

"Okay, let me call my dad first!" He responded, standing up as well.

"No time for that, lets go!" The last thing I needed was him bringing anyone else to the storage area. It was so effortless to manipulate him I almost felt bad. He started running in a direction and I followed, trying not to smile. It was a ten minute rushed run, and he was out of breath when we arrived. Naturally I acted the same.

I feigned worry and looked around.

"I have a bad feeling Jansen."

"What do you mean?" He asked slowly.

"Clear the building. Now." I commanded, opening the door and walking into the small, two story building. He had a look of confusion, so I continued. "Trust me. We don't want anyone around."

"But we need to protect the supply."

"Jansen, it's too late. Just get everyone out right now."

He did as I told him, telling the people to announce over the intercom that everyone was to evactuate immediately. There were only twelve in the building, and with my vampire senses, I knew there were no more.

"Come on." I told him, voice hushed when we were the last ones left. I'd grabbed matches before leaving, so I was prepared.

"Where's the room?" I questioned, looking at him expectantly.

"Oliver, why would we clear everyone out, and why do you need to know that?"

"Where do you think that sorcerer is Jansen? Do you think he just disappeared? I doubt it. Lets check the room, and if it's clear we'll call everyone back in. I just don't want anyone to get hurt." I told him, being partially honest at the end. Hesitantly he led me down a hallway, and down some stairs. There was a door at the end, but it was padlocked.

"I don't know the code." He stated.

"Is there some sort of surveillance in there?" I asked.

"Yeah, the surveillance room is back upstairs." He looked at me, hope in his eyes. I nodded, telling him to take me there instead. When we walked into the room, all the screens showed that nobody was around.


But more importantly, one of the screens showed the shelves and shelves of Florane, neatly stacking in glass containers.

"See Oliver, nobody's in there." Jansen said, looking relieved.

"Not yet." I muttered, smiling to myself. This was too easy. I started typing and working on shutting off all of the cameras, ignoring Jansen's panicked questioning. Within thirty seconds they were all off.

"Oliver! What the hell are you doing?"

"Jansen you should really learn to not be so trusting." I told him, patting him lightly on the back and walking past him and down the stairs. He was on my heels, fuming.

"What are you talking about? Are you doing this for your master? You're safe here; you don't have to obey him anymore!" He was stressing now, voice shaking with horror. I stopped in my place outside the door that held the Florane and looked at him, smirking victoriously.

"Jansen, you've been blind. I don't have a master. I'm doing this because it needs to be done. Lucky for you and this entire area I decided I could care less if a group of pathetic humans want to live life on their own without vampires. However, the fact that getting in and operating this entire plan shows you obviously aren't smart enough to be in control of yourselves, but that's not my concern." I laughed at his expression of mortification.

"Us humans?" He asked, picking up on my hint. With a slightly evil grin I let my eyes blacken.

"Oh my God! You're a vampire?! How did you even get in?!" He shouted, stumbling backward. He pulled out his cell, but I yanked if from his grip and smashed it against the floor. After that, I shoved him to the ground, smiling fakely at him.

"Why don't you act like a good little human and stay right there so I don't have to hurt you." He looked up at me, showing complete helplessness. Shrugging, I kicked in the locked door and walked in calmly, knowing Jansen wasn't going anywhere. I didn't even humor him with a response. I looked around the medium sized room, grabbing some of the glassware and dumping its contents on the floor. I was careful to not get any on myself, and continued for a couple of minutes.  

When I was content that there was enough to blow the entire room and most of the building up, I led a trail of Florane out into the hallway. Seeing me pulling out my matches must've knocked Jansen out of shock, because he jumped up and stood between me and the trail of liquid on the floor.

"If you want to destroy all of the Florane, you'll have to kill me first." The determination in his eyes was wavering.

"Jansen, I actually quite like you. I don't have any plans to kill you. Tell you what, I'll give you fifteen seconds to get out of the building. You can even try and warn people that there's a vampire here." I told him cheerfully. He didn't move.

At that I frowned.

"I figured as much. I guess you'll be going on a trip then." I quickly sent the summons for Simon, figuring I would need Reagar if I got into anything too bad.

"You called?" I heard his sarcastic voice say from behind me. Jansen's eyes went wide with surprise and his jaw dropped.

"I did indeed. I need you to take this one back to the mansion." I looked back at Simon to see annoyance. He also looked dead tired.

"You're a pain in the ass, you know that Oliver?"

"Yes I do."

Simon walked toward Jansen, making Jansen backtrack.

"Don't you touch me." Jansen snapped at Simon, fury in his eyes.

"Oh no, whatever will I do. A human told me not to touch him." Simon's cold tone and fake attitude were unusual considering he was more of a cheerful person. Maybe that was only around Kira.

"What is he? Is he the sorcerer you were talking about?" Jansen's venom turned toward me, making me laugh out.

"Jansen, there is no sorcerer. I made that up. I'll see you in a little while." I winked at him just as Simon reached out and grabbed him, disappearing in a blink of the eye. I didn't waste time with lighting a match. I dropped it and watched the fire spread down the hallway almost instantaneously; the moment it reached the door I flashed away, making it out of the building at the same time a huge explosion sounded. There weren't many people in the street, just the workers. They had looks of shock, staring at the burning building rather than me. I was sure to stand in the back so I could go unnoticed.

"Jansen and the boy from the vampire lands were in there!" Someone shouted.

"Jansen is dead! Oh my God!" A woman cried out. I was stunned to see that several of them started crying and comforting each other, and the street was becoming more crowded by the moment. After another couple of moments a few other smaller explosions went off, telling me the rest of the Florane in the glassware was being destroyed. While the attention was off of me, I decided to flash back to the school.

When I made it back, lunch was still in session and everyone was going about their business. It was still less than a minute after the explosion, so news had obviously not traveled back here.

"Guys I swear I heard thunder!" Someone exclaimed to their friends.

"Yeah I heard it too, but it's sunny outside. I wonder what it was."

Apparently the entire school had heard the loud noise and were clueless. Growing up inside a wall I doubt they'd ever expect any kind of explosions.

I ignored them and was about to go into the cafeteria when Kira and the gang came out. Axel followed close by, shouting at her, but when he saw me, he shut up instantly.

"Is there a problem Axel?" My face was devoid of emotion, and his eyes filled with fear.

"No, of course not." He said, voice low. I was already over by them, so everyone heard. Jake came out of the cafeteria, making it me, Kira, Sawyer, Danna, Dakota, Axel, and Jake all standing out in the foyer in front of the cafeteria doors. There was an eerie tension, because me, Axel, and Kira knew what was going on, and the others picked up on our strange moods.

"Oliver! Oliver!" I heard Harvey's voice shout, and he was sprinting toward us. A look of disbelief was plastered over his face.

"How are you here?" He questioned in a rush, grabbing my face. I swatted his hand away and smirked.

"What do you mean?"

"You-you were with Jansen. Where's Jansen?" He asked, voice almost cracking.

"Jansen talked to me outside and left." I answered, lying and giving him a look of confusion. Harvey shook his head.

"No- no, you were seen by the Tenit Building with Jansen just minutes ago." He sounded on the verge of tears, so I could only assume he was closer to Jansen than I'd originally thought. I shook my head no.

"No, I'm right here. And what's the Tenit Building?" I asked for effect. His eyes were wide and he cursed under his breath.

"What's going on? And what was the loud noise earlier?" Jake asked, speaking up. I looked over, but it was Axel's face that caught my attention; knowing eyes were wide with shock, as if trying to ask me if I had really done something. I flashed a devious smile at him and raised an eyebrow.

"We can't- we can't talk about this right here." Harvey managed to whisper out.

"It looks like you can't talk at all. What's wrong?" Now I was just being cruel. I was trying not to laugh, but was keeping a straight face somehow.

"Not here." He said angrily.

"Harvey, just tell us!" Jake said, voice raised with concern.

"Jansen is dead!" He shouted, causing some heads to turn our way. Immediately voices were loud throughout the room, yelling and asking Harvey if it was true. Some girls started crying too and many had looks of sorrow on their faces. Axel, however, looked surprised at me.

You killed him? 

He mouthed the words at me when nobody was looking, and I only smiled back. He could use his imagination.

Harvey covered his face, and I looked at him with a blank stare.

"Really?" I questioned, trying to act. As he nodded, I rubbed my arm, secretly calling Reagar. We were walking toward the middle of the forum when the doors busted open and several men from Fight came in, including Jansen's dad who didn't look very torn up. Klemins and Garen walked in just after them, eyes showing relief as they saw Kira.

"Oliver?" He asked immediately, looking confused.


"How are you here? Where's Jansen?" He demanded, making the room fill with silence.

"Do I look like I know?"

Reagar hadn't shown up, so I nudged Kira, knowing she'd catch my drift. I saw her rub both arms from my peripheral vision.

"You. You were seen by multiple witnesses in the Tenit Building with my son. How are you here?" He spoke accusingly at me, and I shrugged. I noticed everyone backing away from Kira and I slowly.

"I already told Harvey that I've been here." I needed to stall until Reagar showed up. That is, if he showed at all.

"Oliver, where is my son?" Marcus asked me, giving me a deadly look. I could see resolve in his eyes. He may not know that I'm a vampire, but he sure as hell knew I was involved.

"According to Harvey, he's dead." I said, face void of all emotion. There was hesitation in Marcus's eyes as he processed my words.

"You and Kira are under arrest." He was shaking slightly as he spoke.

"For what?" I snapped back.

"You both are the prime suspects or the bombing of the Tenit Building and the possible murder of Jansen Shard." He told us bitterly. The students that had gathered all gasped, looking at us with disbelief.

"I'm afraid I have to stay here." I shot him a quick, fake smile.

"If you resist arrest then I will be compelled to use deadly force on you." He informed us, raising a hand which signaled the men of Fight to raise their weapons against us.

"Marcus, you can't kill Kira." Klemins said hurriedly.

"If she resists arrest I can. Now what will it be Oliver?"

"Sorry, I just think it's funny that you think you can kill me." I laughed, knowing I was going to aggravate him.

"You're surrounded with guns pointed at your head." Marcus responded. I only shrugged; with that note, I put up a force field that was undetectable by humans. He probably wouldn't have even known, but I knew that the vampires would catch the shimmer.

Harvey gasped and backed further away, confusing Marcus and the other humans.

"What is it?" Marcus snapped.

"He's a vampire, that's what." Garen spoke up, eyes wide. Kira glanced up at me with a disapproving look.

"That's impossible. How would he have gotten in?"

"Well it's helpful to know someone from the inside." I said, giving Axel a purposeful look. Instantly there were guns pointed his way from my implications.

"WHAT!? No, no I swear I didn't help. I didn't even know who he was. I'm just as blind-sided as you guys!" He shouted, hands in the air to show he meant no harm. I chuckled darkly.

"I don't think that boy could have snuck them in even if he wanted to. This was more likely the works of a Pure Blood Elf." Klemins announced, his focus on Kira. She looked at me with worry.

"Where is that bastard. Was this his plan all along?" I asked aloud to Kira.

"I have a feeling a that our favorite friendly Pure has something to do with Reagar not showing." She told me with a shrug.

"Did you kill my son Oliver?" Marcus asked suddenly, a look of anger and desperation in his eyes.

"You know, we were down there and I gave him fifteen seconds to get out. It isn't really my fault he felt the need to act all patriotic and try to stop me. I could flash away when the fire was started; he couldn't." I told Marcus, grinning. "So I didn't really kill him myself."

"You're a monster." Jake surprised me by talking, eyes already watering. I only smiled at him. He tried to charge me, but ended up hitting the force field instead. He slammed his palms on it, anger taking over. "You killed my best friend!"

"Didn't we already go over this?" I asked Kira, being sarcastic. However, she didn't look the least bit amused.

"Oh come on, can't I have a little fun?" I smiled playfully at her, but her frowned remained and she crossed her arms.

"Oliver, I don't think the is really the time to be having fun." Reagar said from beside me. Finally, Reagar had showed. This caused another round of shock for everyone in the room.

"Where the hell have you been?" I demanded.

"Caught up. Now I have to take you back." He reached out toward me, but I moved away.

"Kira first."

"I'm under different orders now." He responded, grabbing me without waiting for a response. I started to protest, but was cut off by a feeling of being squeezed through a tiny whole. I couldn't breathe and the pressure was almost unbearable, but only lasted a moment. When it stopped I found myself in my mansion living room on the floor, surrounded by tons of people. I recognized my father, Alpha Brent, Noah, and Reagar.

I jumped up, beyond pissed.

"Are you stupid?! If I leave the force field dissolves, so Kira is there unprotected!" I screamed.

"Vladen told me to bring you back and stay here. She'll be fine, don't worry." He replied calmly.

"I said let go!" Jansen's voice shouted and I looked over to see him struggling with some wolf, and surprisingly manage to wiggle out of his grasp. He looked at me, fury in his own eyes.

"Oliver where the hell am I?" His voice was at a normal level, but the amount of venom held in his tone was enough to make everyone back away. The room, which had been filled with noise, silenced.

"You're back at my mansion. Welcome." I said with a straight face.

"Your mansion?" He asked. I nodded.

"Why would you bring me here?" He yelled suddenly.

"You're the one who wouldn't get out of the building." I told him with a shrug.

"Take me back now!"

"Jansen, I get that you're upset, but I can't bring you back. Frankly, I'm more concerned about Kira right now." I was certain that my calm manor with being yelled at by a human looked crazy to those who knew me, but I didn't care.

"Oliver, it's good to see you again." My dad interrupted, hugging me.

"Good you see you too Dad." After that I hugged Noah too, but it was clear that I was mad, so nobody else approached me. Jansen had fallen quiet, probably deep in thought. His silence of course, was short lasted.

"Oliver, why are there so many people here?" He asked, obviously struggling to remain calm.

"I took in a pack of idiot dogs because they need refuge." I said, earning several growls.

"Plus there are plenty of vampires here too right now. And my slaves are in the room too." I said, making an observation. They looked nervous and I as if they were going to leave.

"Which is fine by the way." I added. Another round of shock for everyone.

"Okay." Jansen muttered, his breathing increasing. "Who exactly are you Oliver?" The look on his face told me he wasn't sure if he wanted to know. I grinned evilly.

"Guess." I commanded, trying not to laugh.

"Are we actually in Ibitario?"


"You, uh, you aren't the, um." He hesitated, looking at me with alarm. I only raised me eyebrows and smiled. I signaled for him to continue.

"For the love of God, please tell me you aren't the Riken of Ibitario." He blurted out. I laughed at his words.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner." Jansen mumbled to himself and rubbed his face.

"So what, you brought me here to be your slave or some shit?" He asked me angrily.

"No, I told you, I actually sort of like you. If you don't mind though, I need to talk to Reagar." I turned my back to him and faced Reagar and my bewildered father.

"You befriended a human? I'm not sure I can believe this." My dad muttered, giving me a look that said he'd thought I'd gone crazy. I rolled my eyes and ignored him.

"Reagar, I need your word that Kira will be alright."

"Well, I can't promise anything because Vladen is quite unpredictable, but I know he wants her to help him more than anything so I don't see why he'd allow any harm to come by her. Plus those vampires from Europe want her safe too." He said. My inner vampire started going crazy.

"If she gets hurt, I'll kill you." I growled.

"As if you could." He snorted, glowering at me.

"I'd find a way. And I'd be willing to bet I'd have plenty of help." I shot.

"Your mate will be okay one way another. She's smart and strong." Reagar reasoned, but it didn't soothe me.

"You and Kira are mates?" Jansen asked. I groaned; he had a lot to learn.

"Not right now Jansen. Everyone clear out. I need to talk to Noah, Brent, Dionysia, Reagar, Lucius, and my father."

We waited a few minutes for the room to clear, and I instructed Kira's slave friend KC to show Jansen to the slaves' living quarters so he'd have a place where he could piss anyone off.

I looked at the small group and took a hesitant breath.

"We have a lot to talk about."




One moment, they were there with me; the next I was alone. I watched as Oliver's force field dissolved before my eyes, leaving me defenseless to Marcus and all of Fight. I swallowed hard, the silence of the building eating at my nerves.

"You knew what he was going to do and you helped him?" Jake asked, talking first.

"Oliver doesn't always tell the truth. I'm sure Jansen is fine." I said shakily.

"Can you be sure?" Marcus questioned. I nodded as an answer.

"Oliver only likes people to think he's awful. He's not that bad." I defended his name, even though these people didn't know who he really was.

"Kira, are you a vampire too?" Harvey spoke up. I hesitated; I didn't want them to know what I really was.

"Yes." I said simply. Garen and Klemins both frowned, looks of disappointment taking over.

"You mentioned the word Pure before; do you know a Pure Blood?" Garen asked.

"I do actually. I suspect he'll be showing up pretty soon." I forced a smile onto my face.

"He?" Garen and Klemins asked at the same time. At that moment, a door from outside opened and Otto ran inside.

"Marcus! The children are gone!" He said, not giving away that they were vampire children.

"What?" Marcus roared, turning to give me a venomous look. I shrugged as a reply.

"Like I said, Oliver isn't a bad guy, and you were torturing those poor vampire kids who never did anything wrong." I gave them away on purpose. Some of the teenagers were coming back in closer, obviously not feeling threatened by me. Marcus's face turned red as he seemed to be trying to think things through.

"Why would you even work with Oliver?" Jake asked, shaking his head.

"He's my mate." I answered honestly. 

"I don't care what her reasons are, because Oliver is gone we will hold her fully responsible." Marcus said, commanding his men to point their guns at me again.

"We can't trust anything that comes out of her mouth. Come with us now or face death Kira." Marcus didn't show any weakness; his mind was already made up. I sighed heavily. I didn't move, and I had no clue what to do. I felt a strange tingling run up my spine and I met eyes with one of the men. His eyes were burning with hate and as if in slow motion, I watched him pull the trigger without orders.

I don't know what came over me, but I raised my hand at the same time, commanding the bullet to stop without even knowing it. More importantly, it listened. With shock I stared at the bullet hovering just inches from my outstretched hand. After a moment I recoiled my hand back and it dropped. I wouldn't have expected it to tire me, but instantly I felt my nose start to bleed. Swallowing hard, I wiped it away with the back of my hand.

"Did I give you the okay to shoot?" Marcus shouted at the shooter, not realizing that I was perfectly fine just yet. However, looks of shock covered the faces of everyone else.

"You're a vampire, huh?" Klemins asked sarcastically, though a look a happiness was on his face. Garen was grinning as well.

"I didn't really lie; I only told a partial truth. I'm part vampire, part Pure." I admitted, knowing I had no other choice.

"And for the record, Axel knew about that. I don't even know why he lied to you guys because we hate each other, but he did. I showed all of the signs from a young age." I ratted Axel out as well, smirking his way as I did. His eyes widened, but he didn't say anything. I didn't have time to enjoy the moment, because suddenly a massive power seemed to be suffocating me.

Vladen was here.

I looked at him, taking in his white hair, silver eyes, and slim, tall figure.

"It's nice to finally meet you in person." I told him mockingly. His lips twitched slightly, as if covering up a smile.

"Oh, but the pleasure is mine. I wanted to meet you when your dreadful mate wasn't around." Vladen responded.

"Right, okay. What do you want Vladen? I already told you I wouldn't help you." I heard Garen and Klemins whispering about the name Vladen, but we both ignored them.

"You're going to help me one way or another. There's no avoiding it." He declared confidently.

"As if I'd help you start a war."

He took a few calculated steps toward me, and without meaning to, I stepped back. His cold eyes told me anything that I needed to know about him. Jake stepped up to my side, glaring at Vladen. To say that I was astonished was an understatement.

"You aren't going to hurt her." He stated.

"Jake, this is sweet of you, but if you don't get back you're going to end up hurt." I whispered, suddenly unable to find my voice. I felt like Vladen's very presence was crushing me.

"I can't do that. If I get hurt so be it." Jake was confident, and I couldn't understand how he was fine standing up against Vladen.

"Very well." A sly smile made its way onto Vladen's face, worrying me. With a flick of his wrist, Jake's head turned violently, and a loud snap echoed in my ears.

"Jake!" I shouted, dropping to my knees next to him. I heard several shots go off, but when I looked up, Vladen had stopped them all the same way I'd stopped the one aimed at me. Except he looked perfectly fine, as if he had done nothing. He wasn't even looking their way.

I focused back on Jake and realized he was still alive, just barely.

"Don't do this." I said, voice shaking and eyes watering. We hadn't even been close, but if he died it would be all my fault. Also, I felt a strange connection to him. Perhaps I was growing fond of his sarcastic nature.

"I'll heal him if you agree to help me." Vladen negotiated. I hesitated, looking up at him and then back at Jake. I remembered the technique Reagar had told me about and knew that it was now, or never. I could never help Vladen, and I needed to get Jake to safety. I concentrated on opening a portal; Oliver's mansion would be too obvious and I had no idea where I would be safe, but I had to trust my instincts. Grabbing onto Jake, I let tried to force us both through the portal that I had no idea where it lead.

Instantly I felt like I was being squished tightly on all sides, but I kept my grip on Jake tight. I landed on something hard, feeling it tip over. I crashed onto hard ground and realized I wasn't touching Jake. I sat up quickly, feeling horribly dizzy as I did, but I was relieved to see him laying on a couch.

I recognized that couch.

I looked around the living room I was sitting in and understood fully where my subconscious had taken me.

Cedric's house.

He ran in, two people behind him, but I paid no attention to them.

"Cedric-" I coughed, feeling warm liquid drain from my nose and come out of my mouth.

"You have to save him." I signaled to Jake. "You owe me." I forced the last part out before the world blackened and I tipped backward. I didn't feel the ground as darkness engulfed me.


This should make up for waiting three months for the last update. Just a two day wait this time!

Don't forget to VOTE AND COMMENT!

I read all of the comments and I love them!

Love, Ash <3

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