Naruto In Fairy Tail?!?

By EqualHearts

82.4K 2.7K 282

Discontinued cuz im lazy. This is a Fairy tail and Naruto crossover. I started writing it when I was much yo... More

Where am I!?!
My First job as a mage..
My first job as a mage-part 2
Back from my first job.
My Awesome House
Challenge Accepted
Shopping Ick
More Shopping..
Naruto's Birthday!(10/10)
(part-2) Naruto's Birthday..
My resolve
Welcome Back..
False Fairy
Return of the Missing Fairys
The freed perv
Helping the fox
Helping the fox part 2

The Past.

3.2K 114 0
By EqualHearts

"Wake up Silver lets begin your first lesson on chakra!" I yell
"I'll be there in a moment." She shouts back
"Alright I'll be waiting outside."
Walking outside to the training area I had set up I pull out a scroll and unseal a chart that shows the chakra system. While think back to when I was with team 7 and Sakura explained the chakra system. Then when Silver finally came out wearing a plain shirt and shorts with her long silver hair in a braid I quickly launched myself into a lecture about chakra.

~~~~~~~A few boring minutes later~~~~~

".... and that's the basics of chakra."

My sister just nods her head still taking everything in about what I just said before asking

"Brother did you have someone teach you chakra to? It seems strange that this is the first time of heard of chakra."

Stopping for a moment and think of what to say I reply.

"Oh well you see little sis I learned from my village at a young age you could say."

"Younger then you already are?" She asks curiously

"How should I explain this.." Do I really want to tell my sister everything? Eh sure why not, but later not right now. "I'll tell you after after training."

Looking slightly exasperated about having to wait she says with a sigh "Okay." Then lighting up the next second with a large smile "So what kind of cool stuff are you going to teach me first?"

Grinning I replied "First we'll work on meditation while drawing on chakra."

Pouting cutely my adorable little sister grudgingly nods. She then sits down getting into a meditative position. Following her example I sit down also. Exhaling in and out while focusing on drawing on just a hint of chakra so it's barely noticeable I look up to see Silver trying to do the same.

"Relax." Hearing that she sat more relaxed than before "Breath in and out then focus on drawing upon your chakra." This continued for a noticeable amount of time before I she finally made progress.

"Good now lets take a break."
Getting a stubborn look on her fave she shakes her head "I want to learn something useful!"
"Nope we can learn more later. Let's eat while tell you my past then if you want we can continue with training."
With that she instantly brightened up at the aspects of getting to know my past
She ran inside as quick as she could with me following at a slower pace.
When I got inside Silver had began to make ramen. Walking over I got out vegetables and began cutting them for the ramen. After we finished make ramen we sat down in the dinning room. We sat in silence eating ramen until I broke it.
"Do you want the long version or the short version?"
Then just as I expected she said..
"The long version!"
"Alright. I lived in the village Hidden In The Leafs. The villagers despised me. I wore a kill me Orange Jumpsuit....
~~~~~~ Naruto's life story ~~~~~~
.. all of a sudden I was here and the rest is pretty easy to guess."
Silver seemed to be taking it all in when she finally said,
"You are you. Even if your from a different dimension or universe your my big brother, just a lot older then I thought you where. Thank you for tell me but it doesn't change anything!"
She says that vanquish all the fears of being rejected. After she learned everything about me. Silver stood up from her chair and gave me a large hug.
"Have you told anyone else?"
"No only you and gramps know."
"You know if you told them they wouldn't care."
"I-I know I just don't want to test it. I want to wait until I'm back to full strength."
"I see I won't push you to tell them but you have to tell them at some point. I only met all of them yesterday and they all accepted me just like that."
Hugging her back I mumble
"And I thought I was the mature one here.."
"That's what you get for thinking." She say playfully
Relaxing her hold we both stop hugging I pull my little sister onto my lap.
"So what do you want to do know?"
"I was wondering if you could by any chance still summon your toads!"
With that I froze for a moment I never thought of that..
"I actually have no idea but if I can I should be able to reverse summoning and get back home."
Snuggling closer to my chest tightening her grip on my shirt she looks up "Your not going to leave me right Naruto?"
"Of course not you're my little sis and the whole guild is my family. I have no reason to go back. I'm just thinking out loud that if a could reverse summon one day I could bring you all there so you can see my village."
After hearing that she loosens her grip "What if your village want you back?" She asks softly looking like she might start crying
"Then I'll tell them what I told you silly it'll change nothing they're the past. While you and the entire guild are my future."
"Good because if you tried to leave I'd tell Erza and Mira!"
Shuddering just at the thought of those two together coming after me and working together to do it.

"Do you want me to try summoning a toad right now?" I ask

"No.. Not right now, can we just train?"

"Of course!"

Silver hops off my lap and runs outside as I follow behind at a jog. Outside Silver was waiting with a large grin on her face.

"Alright I'm going to teach you how to walk up a tree using chakra. The more chakra you have the harder it can be to control it. Since you only have a small chakra reserve it'll be easy yet get worn out from using it for to long." I explain as we both walk over to a large tree.
"Yeah, yeah enough with the the lecture just tell me what to do!"
Smiling at her eagerness I channel chakra to my feet and easily walk up the tree to a branch where I hung upside down.
"Wow! That's awesome, okay I'm going to try now!" Silver exclaims really excited
She tries and fails. So she tries again.. With the same results. After a while she stops and sits down.
"Giving up?" I ask
Ignoring my question she begins to meditate? Then stands up tries again she made a little progress this time actually. Getting bored I flip off the branch and walk inside the house.

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