You get too close (Dean)

بواسطة bilboaaa

251K 6.7K 1.9K

Dean Ambrose is a cold hearted,Inconsiderate wrestler who no one has been able to get close to for the past f... المزيد

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80

Chapter 34

2.8K 94 61
بواسطة bilboaaa

A/N: Just in case you don't read my long ass authors note at the bottom,Here's the question I asked. PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOUR FAVORITE SEASON OF AMERICAN HORROR STORY WAS if you watch AHS. My favorites are Asylum,Freak show and murder house. Everyone seems to dislike freakshow and I can't figure out why. It was really good. XX

// Sadie //

I groan as I hear someone knocking on my door. It's eight o'clock at night isn't everyone asleep by now?...Okay maybe not. It's still early. But I'm tired! It's been a long day.

I sigh before crawling off the couch and walking slowly towards the door. I swing it open and sigh once again as I see Dean there. "Dean-"

"You're gonna love this I swear." He smiles. "Please,Just let me come in and show you this and if you hate it I'll go away...For the night." I bite my lip and nod slightly before turning to walk away. He walks in and closes the door behind him before walking towards the hotel kitchen. I notice he's got a lot of gift bags and I roll my eyes. I told him buying me things isn't gonna work.

"Come on." He smiles,Coming back from the kitchen empty handed. I mentally shrug before walking towards him. He grabs my hand and leads me into the kitchen. All the bags he has are sat on the counter,And though I know I won't accept whatever is in them,I'm curious to know hat he got me.

"Okay,First of all I'm sorry about this whole situation. I'm sorry I screwed up again. I really am. I'm also sorry I bought you that expensive stuff earlier. I should've known you wouldn't have accepted it. But I didn't. I was surprised that you didn't want to keep it. And that means that we should get to know each other better. I just hope we have the chance to do that." He smiles.

I nod,Listening to everything he says intently.

"Um,So first off I have something to show you." He smiles taking out his phone. His thumbs move across the screen quickly before he sets it down on the counter and pushes it towards me. I can see that he's pulled up a picture of what looks like a blueberry muffin and I furrow my brow,Wandering why he had to show me this.

"This is making me hungry." I mumble with a slight laugh.

"Just scroll through the pictures." He smiles.

"Alright. How many times can I scroll to the left before I see something I don't wanna see?" I ask jokingly. He smirks. "Is that a quote from one of those Drake songs you were listening to a while back?" He asks.

"It might be..." I mumble before scrolling through the photos.

He has pictures of a lot of different things and it seems like they're all in different places. Like,There's a photo of an American horror story poster which I can tell is in a store in the mall. Hot topic maybe. Then there's a picture of a solid gold wall. I think it's in the hotel somewhere.

"Do you get this?" Dean asks after I'm done looking at the pictures. "I found stuff that I knew that you liked and took pictures of it..." He says. I smile. "That's nice. And they're all in different places. Must've taken you a while."

"Yeah but it was worth it." He shrugs.

"Dean that's so nice of you I don't know what to say." I giggle. This was a really sweet gesture. Taking time out of his day to do something as simple as taking pictures of different things is really great. It may seem like a small thing to do but it really means a lot to me.

"Don't say anything. I'm not done yet." He smirks. "I have a video for you as well." He says.

Once he finds it he clicks on it and I lean my forearms on the counter,Looking down at the phone. I see a lot of my friends standing in what looks like his locker room. "Hi Sadie!" They all yell.

"We are gathered here today to mourn the loss of Dean Ambrose's mind,For letting go of a beautiful lady such as yourself." Jimmy says. "We are all here to tell you what you already know. Dean is a stupid stupid man." Naomi says.

"Watch it." I hear Dean growl. He must be recording.

"But though he is stupid,He shall not be dumb." Dolph says. "He knows that he has royally fucked up and for that he is sorry." "So sorry in fact,That he is willing to record a video of all of your friends talking bad about him." I can see the smirk on Brie's face as she speaks.

The camera turns quickly and I see Seth smiling. "I for one am enjoying this a lot,By the way."

The camera turns back to everyone else and Jey starts talking. "After a lot of begging and crying like a little baby,Dean was able to convince us to help him make this video for you." "I didn't cry." I hear Dean say.

"So we're here to tell you to give the big idiot another chance." Summer says.

"As Niall Horan would say,Give him another chonce." I hear Aymie snickering in the background.

"And if you do decide to give Dean another chance-"


"And he messes it up once again,I will give him a choke slam." Kane says.

"I'll give him a curb stomp and a pedigree." Seth says from behind the camera.

"I'll give him a rack attack."

"I'll give him a bank statement."

"I'll give him a zig zag."

"And I'll crush him." Rusev concludes.

"So from us to you,We love you. And so does your idiot boyfriend."

The video ends and I smile,Letting out a small giggle. I can feel the redness on my cheeks. "Wow. I can't believe you did this Dean. Thank you so much." I smile. "You're welcome. Thanks for watching it. And thanks for putting up with me...Are those tears in your pretty eyes?" He asks.

I shrug,Looking down. "This was just really sweet." I mutter.

He laughs before rubbing my cheek softly. "Save the tears for later baby,I got you some stuff." He says. He pushes a bag toward me and I look at him skeptically before taking the paper out and taking a peek.

"Picture frames?" I smile.

"Yeah. See,I know you're going home for your break soon and I know that you told me that on your breaks sometimes you make more of your DIY videos and make stuff to put on your website and everything. And I know you make paintings and stuff for people and...Well yeah. I just got you a few picture frames for that." He smiles.

I honestly can't believe he remembers me telling him that. "Thanks." I smile. He nods before pushing another bag towards me. I take the paper out of it and see that he got me two notebooks. "You go through those like a mad woman. You're always writing things down." He laughs. "Plus I know how organized you like to be so...Yeah."


"Ugh uh. You have more stuff to open." He smirks,Pushing another bag towards me.

"Oh my gosh." I gasp. He got me two,Beautiful camera bags. I was planning to go out and buy one because my last one broke. I think I mentioned it to him once but that was a while back and I'm pretty sure he was half asleep. "Dean thank you so much." I smile.

"Don't thank me yet." He laughs,Pushing yet another bag towards me.

I open it quickly and gasp again,Seeing he bought me a crap ton of paint and paint brushes. "I don't know if you needed anymore of this stuff. You must already have a ton. But eventually you'll run out and you'll need this." He laughs. "Now on to your second to last present." He says.

This present is in a box,Wrapped up in gold wrapping paper. I gently take the paper off,Well as gently as I can in all this excitement,And he hands me some scissors so I can cut open the box. Once I do,I take the paper out of it.

"Holy freak." I mumble before covering my mouth. He got me the most beautiful camera ever. It's sparkly gold and it looks like it came straight from tumblr. I have no idea where he could've found this and god knows how much he paid for it.

"Dean...Oh my god." I mumble.

"Do you like it?" He asks.

"No I love it." I breathe. "This is a beautiful camera."

"Well one time you told me,The camera doesn't make the photographer,The photographer makes the camera. But you deserve a camera just as beautiful as you. I'm not really good with electronics and stuff but,Hopefully this doesn't take shit pictures." He shrugs.

"It's great. I'm sure it'll take beautiful pictures. Thank you for all of this Dean. This is so...Thoughtful. I really wasn't expecting this. I didn't think you'd remember the little things about me." I smile.

"Yeah I had to get help from Aymie with the pictures and stuff. But I bought all of this stuff on my own. I knew you'd be able to use it." He says. "You know it was kind of really fun shopping for you. I got to go into those really artsy stores and I was surrounded by all the things that you love. I can see why you're so crafty and why you're so into all things art." He laughs.

"Yeah." I giggle softly. "Art is home to me. It's so cool that things are so...Different. I like that you can make anything with anything you know? It's just great. I'm always at peace when I'm working on projects."

"Maybe one day we could work on one together." He smiles. I nod. "Oh! I almost forgot about the biggest surprise just that quick. Stay here and close your eyes." He smiles. I nod and close my eyes tightly.

A few minutes later I hear him walk back in. "Eyes closed?" He asks. I nod. "Yep."

"Okay...Now...Open." He instructs.

I open my eyes and gasp as I see an adorable little dog,A pug,Standing on the counter in front of me. I scoop it up into my arms quickly and barks before licking my face. "Oh my gosh." I whisper yell. Dean laughs,Shaking his head at me.

"Yeah. Aymie convinced me that getting you a dog would be a great idea." He smiles. "Of coarse Aymie was behind this." I giggle. "Thank you so much Dean." "You're welcome. What are you gonna name her?" He asks.

Hmm...It's a girl... "How about Moxy?" I smirk. "Hell no." He laughs. I shrug. It was worth a try. "Okay...I like...Baby Fay." I smile. "After your middle name?" He asks. I nod. "Nice." He smiles.

"I can't tell you thank you enough." I smile,Walking over to give him a hug. He squeezes me softly and kisses my forehead. I sigh in content before looking up at him. "You know I'm mad you bought me all this stuff though."

"Oh don't start with me woman." He laughs.

"Dean I'm serious,All this stuff must have costed you a fortune!" I exclaim. "This beautiful puppy alone must've been a hundred dollars." "Actually she was a hundred and fifty-" "Dean!"

"I'm sorry! I just wanted to spoil you because you deserve it! I know ho much you hate me spending money on you but I don't care. I just wanted to prove to you that you're worth it to me." He says. "Yeah well you could've done it in a less expensive way." I grumble.

He chuckles. "Oh hush. Don't worry,I bargain shopped." He smiles.

"Whatever. You're lucky I love you." I mutter.

"What?" He asks.

Oh crap.

Oh crap.

What did I just say?

Oh crap.

"What?" I ask.

"You said you love me." He says.

"When?" I ask.


"I'm sorry." I sigh. "I ruined a good moment."

"No you didn't..." He smiles. "I love you too. I really do. I love you."



And my real problem is that I can write so many chapters in a row and I'll publish them all because I know that you guys can't wait to read more and I can't wait for you to read more and I'm always so excited to get the chapters out so you can read them. But instead of publishing like three chapters per day I should just leave them in my drafts so that way when I'm not able to write I'll already have a chapter ready to go.

But anyways,On to the next thing.

AHS: Freakshow was put on netflix when? Like...Last Sunday maybe? Anyways,I finished that entire season in just four days and now I think I'll re watch 'Asylum' and then murder house. Fun fact: AHS: Hotel is the first season that I'm watching normally like,Every week on TV. I just recently (A year ago or a few months ago) started watching AHS.

It's amazing lemme tell you. And I'm so excited for this season.

I watched all the seasons of AHS in this order: Asylum,Murder house,Coven,Freakshow,Hotel.

I had to watch season three first because I knew it was gonna be good just because of the title 'Asylum'

So anyways,PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE comment if you watch AHS,And tell me what your favorite season was. PLEASE. I'm dying to know. XX.

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