Little things!

By SrishKebab31

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Little things that change life some people who make us realize life is worth living when you leave the least... More

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By SrishKebab31

"Ed what should we do?" I frown.

"I guess we should make Dez realize " he said scratching the back of his neck.

"Yeah but he is Dez you know ,he doesn't understand directly how will we make him realize"I lay back on the chair and fold my hand in annoyance.

It is so difficult I wanna help Ariel but I can't think of a way also I am afraid what if he doesn't realize ,I don't want my sister having a broken heart .

"I have an idea !" He smirks.

"What something about your face tells that it is going to be something else" I grin.

"Maybe"he chuckles.

"Cmon now tell me" I try to hit his hand and he dodges and I run behind him to get a hold of him.

As we enter the counter and see Dez sitting and Ed stops suddenly and I dash into him .

"Sorry" I muttered.

"Dez buddy" Ed said sliding towards him and patted his shoulder.

"Ed ! Let's go for football practice"Dez almost got up when Ed moved his hand to make him sit.

"Yeah...about that I have pain in my ankle I guess it sprained"He said faking pain and Dez starred at him and on realization Ed caught his ankle dramatically and sat down near the counter .

" Oh " Dez made a long face completely believing him.

It's so easy to fool Dez. He is damn innocent.

" I am getting bored ,let's play something"Ed said his eyes met my and he signaled me to come and sit .

His expression made it clear that he had something in his mind probably about the thing we were discussing.

"Yeah " I said trying to act natural but maybe I sounded too obvious .

Anyways it's Dez that won't make much difference to him.

"I have a game we will give each other a name and then talk about her ...I mean about the person what we feel" Ed said .

"Okay " Dez said with excitement .

I got where this was going and now I knew what to do exactly.

"Let's start with Kiara" Ed winked .

He is baiting me , why me ? Any ways we just have to wait for Dez turn .

"Okay let me say " Dez grinned and his small eyes sparkled with idea.

" Edward . What do you think about Ed ?" He asked .

This is easy ,he is my best friend I can easily answer.

" Well Ed is my best friend and he has always been there for me and I am here because of him . I have changed but for better . He came in my life like sunshine"the words just fell out of my mouth ,before I could even think or process and I stopped as I realized.

"Sunshine" Ed said his cheeks slightly red and his eyes wider and a small smile like he remembered something.

"Guys" Dez snapped when we realized we were starring .

Awkward. We are here for Ariel I almost forgot about the plan .

"Dez now your turn . Ariel it is!" I eagerly spit it but he doesn't notice as always .

"My competitor . I am better than her and we both like ketch up when I am with her time flies like water .(a/n : Don't even try to find out logic behind Dez's word) And when she laughs ,I feel relieved and remember when we both fell from the balcony thankfully I caught her I couldn't bear to see her hurt and we always fight and I hate her"Dez said ending it sassy simply ,even though he said he hates her , he deep down means he loves her.

I remember that day , they were fighting and Ari's leg slipped and she was falling when Dez caught her and they both fell. Dez hit the ground and Ariel was in her arms ,without a scratch . Dez fractured his elbow but was smiling and Ariel was crying , IRONIC.

How come I never saw , they were always meant for each other . Their care for each other out weighed their fights .

"Now it's Edwards turn " Dez chirped , he just said something so emotional a minute ago and here he is not even realizing .

"Okay tell what you feel about ..."

"Me" Dez interrupted me.

"I never knew what it felt like having a brother now I do " he smiled.

"Awwww" me and Dez awed in unison.

It was short , simple yet it was so deep.

"Dez I have to Skype mom , I'll join you guys later" I said and got up to move inside .

I spoke to mom for two hours. I miss her so much ,when she said bye I started crying . Then she said that they will try to come on Christmas and kissed goodbye.

Christmas is far !


I recheck after what it feels like tenth time . I just wanted to be sure I am not forgetting anything on the first day. I stood in front of the mirror to see my uniform neatly ironed and my hair tied up in a pony. The uniform had a white shirt and navy blue blazer ,like a three piece suit it had a gray waistcoat and checks skirt which was much short but thankfully the dress had white stockings and socks with canvas shoes, if it were not for scholarship I could not afford the uniform alone .It was quiet cold here in London so the uniform was warm. I made a memo of things to do which included finding a part time job.

I called Clara to tell her that I am about to reach. Ed let Dez drive his car ,I was sitting on the passenger seat and Ed was sitting back. I was hungry ,I thought when I heard my stomach grumble . I got up early and had breakfast really early now I am starving .

"Kim have this" he said passing me some cookies ,it was packed I turned to look at him.

"Ed how.."I said but didn't complete , its just strange he knows what I need without me having to say .

I grabbed a cookie and took a bite . Heavenly , though not as good as moms but I am hungry .

"Why did the cookie go to doctor" Dez questioned disturbing my concentration from the cookies and it seemed like it was one of his that joke that no one can figure out .

When no one answered for a while .

"Because it was feeling crumby" he said and we burst out laughing .

Dez stopped in front of the the gate and we stepped out . He pulled it to park .

And Wow! The campus was as awesome as I imagined and even better . I already love it here.

"Ed I will meet you guys after class , I guess Clara will be waiting "I said and turned to walk.

"Kim take care" he said and I know he must be smiling .

"Kiara" Clara chirped and I pulled her into a hug.

I know I only met her but she is warm and comfortable.

"Lets go before we get late" I said and pulled her towards class.


First is Maths my favorite and Dez also has taken maths ,I almost forgot .

I took the first bench when I saw Dez enter fresh and enthusiastic. Thankfully we had uniform otherwise Dez would have picked some horrible combination to dress on first day.

I took out my notes and pen and placed it on the open book as Dez took a seat besides mine , Clara sat on my other side. She gave me a small smile .

The professor entered and switched on the board as it was a digital one. He was tall ,I wonder everyone in London is so tall. He was young it seemed and had gelled hair .He wore a plain shirt and jeans with sneakers and gave a bright smile to the class.

"I am Ian Clark .You can call me Ian and today we will start with probability" he said with enthusiasm same as Dez.

As he said probability me and Dez faced each other with a wide smile. And when I turned to see the class everyone had a sour face.

"Anyone what is probability?"before he could finish me and Dez raised our hands and gave each other rivalry glare.

"You " he pointed to me.

"Oh shoot" Dez throwed his hands dramatically .

"You will get a chance don't worry"Mr Clark said as he noticed Dez.

"It is the chance that one has over failure ,probable to succeed ."I put it in simple words because it was just introduction.

"I suppose this year will be fun to take lectures"he laughed and nobody really bothered to join .

I gave him a smile .

He taught few concepts and asked question which only me , Dez and Clara answered .

After few lectures it was finally break so I thought I'll go and see Ed though I told him I'll see him after class I was already missing him .

I walked down the corridor to my locker to keep few books ,Clara said she had to practice ballet so she will meet me in next lecture .

As I turned ,I suddenly saw a huge crowd gather and I could barely see anything past it.

What ? Was there a celebrity or someone ? Possible because I realized that all rich kids study in London University.

I was trying to move out of the crowd so I could proceed with my search for Ed . As I moved further the sight was clear . Three guys stood in the middle .

They were dressed in suits but not uniform , there eyes seemed cold . The guy in the middle called upon a guy from the crowd and as he approached him he poured the hot coffee he was holding on him.

What the hell?

I clenched my teeth. I cannot stand this , what is he doing ? Who is he?

The poor guy stood there crying , then he bent down to polish his shoes with his sleeves , why would he do this after he poured coffee on him.

Why was everyone quiet?

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