Fighter (Sequel to One Direct...

By xkaitlynreedx

507K 13.7K 3.2K

It's been 6 years and I am now 16 years old. I still live with One Direction and my twin sister Leah. My boyf... More

Fighter (Sequel to One Direction Adopted A...Theif?!)
It's Only the Begining
Bump in the road.
I am a Fighter.
Staying strong.
Girls and I must be dead.
Problems in the Love department
Dirty Cheater!
Should I forgive?
My sister's a dirty thief.
Skinny Love
Who you are!
The truth comes out
What have i done with my life?
I can't believe it
Fight club and boy am i in trouble.
The Crash
Maybe she wasn't a Fighter after all.
Is she still gone?
Author's Note (Important)
Time is a Wasting
Something seems fishy
It's not safe anymore.
My baby is a fighter!~ Epilogue.

The Fighter in You

12.6K 463 71
By xkaitlynreedx

My mom and I stood there hugging for around 10 minutes and when she pulled away I could clearly see the tear streaks that mark her cheeks.

“I thought you died?” My mom said as she ushered me inside.

“So, do a lot of people.” I chuckled as I set my bag down in the hall and kicked my shoes off.

“What happened?” My mother asked as she walked into the kitchen, me following close behind.

“Well I went into cardiac arrest and I died for 12 straight hours, but somehow I came back to life.” I said as I sat down on one of the stools that sat under the counter.

“Well I am glad you are alive, but why aren't you with Louis?” She asked as she started to make a cup of tea.

“Well that's why I'm here,” I said as my mom nodded urging me to go on, “I just want some time to think, clear my mind before I go back. Louis still thinks I am dead, but honestly so does the whole world and I want to keep it that way.” I explained as I fiddled with my fingers.

“Well you are welcome to stay as long as she want.” My mom said as she poured the hot water into two cups and handing me one. I slurped on the hot liquid as it warmed my throat with every sip. When I was done I set my cup in the sink and headed upstairs to the guest room. Lottie is 21 and goes to college so I don't have to really deal with her, the twins are in school right now and should be home in about an hour or two and as for Fizzy, she's 19 and still lives around the house, but I guess she's out for the day.

I placed my bag on the floor and plopped down on the bed immediately curling up into the pillow. Darkness soon over took me as my breathing became steady and my mind was at ease.

Louis' POV:

I was up the rest of the night pacing around the house, just trying to think. Why would Parker not come home? I just don't get it. My mind was literally jumbled with thoughts and feelings as I rest my hands on the counter looking out the window that let you have a clear view of the backyard. The tree house came into view and I was instantly curious. No one has been up there except Parker and I wanted to see what was up there and before I could do anything my feet were carrying me towards the glass sliding door that led to the backyard.

Standing mere inches below the tree house, I look up shielding my eyes from the ferocious sun. I find the latter quickly and begin to climb, the latch on the door was not locked so I opened it with ease. Climbing into the tree house was almost mesmerizing. White Christmas lights hung from the walls and with the flick of the light switch illuminated them all. Pictures hung on the walls. Niall, Leah, Hunter, Me, Harry, Liam, Zayn, Eleanor, Danielle, Perrie, and even Jay, my mom. Each picture had a caption under it with small handwriting that I had to go up close to see. Under Niall's name was:

“When I first met you, I found it hilarious of how you thought I should eat more food. I love your carefree personality and your shining blue eyes could light up the whole sky in a time of darkness. Niall, all I want to say is your amazing, and I want you to never stop living your dream. Yours truly, Parker:)”

May of them were like this reliving memories and saying things like keep your head high, but when I got to mine I couldn't help but notice it was much longer than the rest.

“Louis, my brother, my savior, I want to thank you for taking me in, for helping me in a time of need, for adoring me no one else has. When we first met you were sassy and snotty, I could tell with the look of disgust on your face when you saw what clothes I wore. We have had our up and downs, but that doesn't stop us from being who we are and that's stubborn. Did I ever tell you that you are also a fighter. I can see it in your eyes when you get angry, they do the same thing mine do, turn from a bright blue to a darkening gray. I never told you because you simply wouldn't take me serious and training is hard work. You know when I wrote all of these things on the wall I was saving you for last because I thought you were special, one of a kind. I know that one day when I die or just simply leave you will find these and I suspect you did since you are reading this, but I just want you to know that if I ever die, you must find me. Find the fighter in you and take my will, my power and use my strength to push you through. But you know you can't get rid of me that easily, I'm still alive you just got to catch me. Your Fighter, Parker ;)”

My eyes fell from the note to the ground as single tears fell through the air slicing it's way to the ground. She's still alive and I know it. I don't know when she wrote these, but she must know a lot of things that she hasn't mention at all and just keeps it to herself.

My fist clenched together in willpower as my brow set into ta tight line. I must find Parker, I have to. I grabbed the papers from the wall, one by one folding them neatly to give to everyone as Parker would want me to. I saw something sticking out of a pile of newspapers, and immediately my curiosity got the best of me again. I walked over, crouching down to remove the newspapers from the object. After digging through numerous newspapers my hands landed on the shiny macbook we got Parker when she was 9. My hands glossed over it, feeling it's smooth texture. I opened the laptop up only to be met with a note.

“If you are trying to fine me, Louis you came to the right place. Hit play. :)” It read in Parker's messy handwriting. I closed the laptop placing the papers back in place. I placed the letters on top of the laptop and picked it up carrying it in my arms. I looked around the room for anything else and noticed, Parker's locket. I remember she went ballistic when she couldn't find it and ended up building this tree house. I smiled as I climbed down the ladder and walking back inside. I walked up the stairs taping Parker's letters to each everyone's doors and saved the others for later. I walked into my room closing the door behind me. I grabbed my charger to my macbook and connected it to Parker's to charge it up. I hit the power button and the computer made a low humming sound as it turned on. I waited until the home screen popped up and noticed another note that was on her desktop.

“Go to my videos.” It read. I clicked on her files and opened up the videos. There were hundreds of videos some from when she was 9. I clicked on the oldest one and put my headphones in so nobody else can hear.

“Hi Louis, it's me Parker here. So today you just got me this new macbook computer and boy is it a nice computer.” She laughed that sweet little girl laugh that I missed so much. “I am going to start making video diaries, for you because there are things you don't know about me.” She looked down at her lap before looking back at the screen. “I know this might be hard for you to see, but just watch okay.” She said as she pulled out a pocket knife from her back pocket. I gasped covering my mouth just thinking of the worst. “You see I don't feel pain, you know that.” She said as she opened the blade up and positioned it on her skin. “I also heal faster than others.” She said as she dug the knife into her skin, she never even winced, not once. She was completely calm as the blood gushed from her arm. She grabbed a towel and dabbed at the blood wiping it up. She cleaned the cut, but when the blood was all gone there was no cut. Her skin looked perfectly new. I scrunched my eyebrows together in confusion, she cut pretty deeply if I say so myself. “You are probably wondering why there's no mark from the cut, well you see I am a fighter aren't I?” She said as she pointed to herself. “Fighter's don't feel pain they fight through it, fighters don't get hurt they get through it.” Parker sighed as she set the knife down. “This probably makes no sense to you as it seems impossible, but when you are trained to your deepest core element to not cry, to not show pain, to not feel pain, to embrace it and turn it into an element of your own, and that is fight.” Parker said as the video ended.

I went through others her growing up right before my eyes. I got to a recent one and could tell that this one was taken inside of her tree house. “Hello Louis, wow watching me grow up must of be spectacular huh?” Parker chuckled as she held papers in her hands. “So you must be wondering what I have in my hands well they are my letters to you guys, all of you, even mom.” Parker said as she showed them to the screen. “Each one represents something, Niall, immunity, Liam, strength, Harry, love, Zayn, creativeness, Leah, integrity, Mom, kindness, Hunter, liberty, and Louis, Fighter.” Parker listed off as she hung each one up on the wall behind her, or where I found the letters. “Just know that whatever happens I will never leave, you just have to find me. Catch me if you can.” Parker smiled at the screen before it went black. There was one more, but I couldn't seem to hit play. Finally my finger his the button and Parker's face soon lite up the screen.

“Hey Louis, so today I found out I don't have anymore cancer, ya. Well I knew I didn't anyway that tumor would of gone away anyway, but things had to be done.” Parker said as she rearranged things. “So this is my last video before your game begins, Louis. Well not really a game, but more like a quest to find out the true you. I will make you a fighter Louis, you have it in you it just needs to be discovered.” Parker said as the screen went black again. Well I no what I need to do and that is find Parker even though I don't understand half the crap she was talking about. I must be dreaming yeah that's probably it, but it seems so real. I closed the laptop and looked at the clock, it was 10:36 PM and I was surprised Eleanor hasn't come to bed yet. I got up stretched my legs and grabbed my duffel bag. I'll head out in the morning, I know she's at moms if anything, I just hope she can explain more.  


hey guys so idk about this chapter okay just idk. lol

it has a twist to it guys so if you understand it then good becuz idk half the crap i write lol. 

well anyway Parker has secrets and well nobody saw it coming hahaha :D

lol anyway i have a question for you all....

If you ever met me in real life what would you do?

so answer this plz becuz honestly i am curious to find out 


Also 1D announce their tour dates for 2014 and it's mainly going to be in latin america but a girl asked me to tell you guys to get them to come to the carribiean because they aren't visiting it SO POST AWAY GUYS TELL EVERYONE SO 1D WILL COME TO THE CARRIBIAN :)


we reenacted the war in tall grasses that was invested with ticks, got hit on by guys from another school, and this guy got jealous becuz i was talking to this other guy XD lol :) anyway it was fun overall except for the reenacting part lol 










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