The Most Dangerous Game (Harr...

Posh777 द्वारा

420K 17.3K 5.5K

"One game, one hand. That's all I want." He smiles confidently at me, "You really think you can win against... अधिक



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Posh777 द्वारा


A soft buzzing noise stirs me from sleep, making me groan as I roll over.

My head is throbbing, reminding me I chose to drink much more then I'm accustomed to last night.

Last night...

I sit up suddenly, the blood rushing to my head as I look around me.

I'm not in my room.

A plaid shirt is thrown over the back of a chair sitting in the corner, a wooden guitar propped up against the wall beside it. A few posters of classic rock bands hang on the worn walls as dark drapes cover the floor to ceiling window.

I know this room. It was just a week ago I'd snuck out of it, leaving a very tempting body asleep on the full size bed.

But how did I get here?

Glancing to my left, I find a glass of water and a couple Advil laying on the table next to the bed. I quickly take them, running my fingers over my temples as I replay last night in my mind.

I remember going to the club. Drinking way to many shots of tequila and managing to lose my clutch. I remember using the house phone to call Harper, then sitting outside waiting to be picked up. I remember Harry...


My eyes widen as the memory of last night rushes over me.

I told him so much. About Viktor... And Meredith.. Oh my god, I threw myself at him.

I run my hands through my hair anxiously, exhaling slowly.

Glancing at the clock, my eyes widen when I see the time. I'm going to be late. So so late.

"F.uck!" I curse under my breath.

Throwing the covers away from my body, I jump get out of bed, searching for my dress.

As I tug the oversized shirt I'm wearing up and over my head, a sweet musky scent invades my senses. The smell making my heart race.

After sleeping in his bed, in his shirt.. I smell like him.

God, he smells delicious.

I mentally slap myself across the face as I pull my dress back on and zip it up. I'm being ridiculous.

Grabbing my heels off the floor, I quietly open the bedroom door. Closing it after me, I noiselessly pad down the hallway and peek into the living room.

Finding Harry sprawled across the couch in just his boxer briefs, arms crossed behind his head.

I can't help but bite my lip as I look over him. I swear, it's like he planned to fall asleep like that. His entire toned body is on display.. Biceps flexed, strong chest rising and falling slowly, messy hair down around his eyes, his morning excitement evident......

D.amn him.

I reluctantly tear my eyes away from him, spotting a note pad lying on the table next his front door. The same notepad I used last week.

Quickly scribbling a few words across it, I silently rip the sheet of paper free and walk over to the couch.

Leaning over, I lay it down on the coffee table so he'll be sure to see it when he wakes. Stealing once last glance at his long frame before I slip out the front door.

After a crowed subway ride and banging on the door to my building manager's apartment for ten minutes, he finally answers, cursing me for getting him up.

Twenty minutes later I'm in my apartment, freshly showered and running out the door to make it to my art history class.

Deciding to splurge on a taxi so I don't have to with-go another random stranger deciding my shoulder is an appropriate sleeping place, I wave one down as soon as I step up to the curb outside my building.

By the time I make it to campus, I've cancelled my lost credit cards, arranged to pick up a new cell phone, and managed to convince the New York license bureau to put a rush on a new I.D.

I only receive a mild scolding from my art history professor as I sneak in twenty minutes late, taking a seat in the back corner of the room.

Unlike most of my classmates, I love learning about the impact of Macedonian court art under the conquests of Alexander the Great. Studying architecture, sculpture, and vase paintings within their historical and cultural contexts intrigues me while usually boring others.

I believe you can learn so much more about a particular time period or people by studying art then by reading a history book. A book can only tell you facts, while art can express feeling. Anger, sadness, loss, happiness, love.

I sigh, my mind getting pulled away from the lecture and to the only person I think of as art itself. Expression inked onto firm smooth skin...

"Miss Abbott?"

My eyes shoot up, meeting the professor's.

"Class is over." He smiles amusedly, "You're dismissed."

I look around the now empty room, my cheeks flushing. "Right, sorry."

"Try not to be late next time."

"Of course." I smile, hurriedly collecting my things and making my way out of the classroom.

How long was I daydreaming?


I glance over my shoulder as I head down the hallway, inwardly groaning when I see who called my name.

"Hey Kurt." I mumble as he catches up to me, matching my pace.

"I wanted to see if you had a partner for the Roman architecture piece." He grins at me.

"Ummm.." I stall for time, trying to think of a way to let him down easy.

Kurt is cute and nice. But he's also one of the most uninteresting people I've ever met. And he's persistent, no matter how many times you say no, he just can't seem to take a hint.

"I was thinking we could get together after class to work on it. At yours?"

"I don't think...

"Mr. Canon said you didn't have a partner yet." He adds, "So I was hoping..."

"Hey bestie!" I jump as an arm is slung around my shoulders, looking over to find a huge smile covering Nate's face.

Kurt furrows his eyebrows in confusion as Nate offers him his free hand.

"I'm Nate, don't think we've met."

"Kurt." He answers shortly.

"Well Kent, afraid I'm going to have to steal this one away. My partner and I have a masterpiece to create."

"It's Kurt"

"That's what I said."

"You're not even in our class."

"I transferred yesterday. Something about touching paintings I wasn't supposed to. Mrs. Keller has it out for me, I f.ucking swear. I was there today, the one on the fifth row all the ladies were eyeing. Surely you saw me."

"Don't think so."

"Shame, I've heard I look devilishly handsome when in deep contemplation about sculptures of naked women. Were boobs smaller back then?" Nate glances at me and I just shake my head at him. "Anyway, we must be going. See you around Kent."

"It's Kurt."

"That's what I said." Nate smiles, steering me away.

"You're evil." I chuckle once we're out of earshot.

"Stop trying to flatter me."

"Are you really in our class?"

"Yes, and you're my partner as well. Being I just saved you from speckles back there." He cringes dramatically.

"So I guess I should thank you?"

"That you should." He nods. "So what were you day dreaming about?"


"In class. I threw like six paper clips at you to try to get your attention."

"Six?" I raise an eyebrow as we continue down the hall.

"Okay, maybe two. Or one. Either way, you were totally zoned out."

"I was just thinking."

"About?..." He presses me, holding open the door for me as we step outside the building.

"Nothing really." I shrug.

"Nothing really..." He chuckles. "Maybe you were just overly tired.."

I nod, "Yeah, that's probably it."

"I totally understand. I wouldn't expect you to get much sleep with H."

"What?" I stop walking as he grins at me.

"Harry's. You stayed there last night. I bet you're worn out. He's a tiger, that one."

"No. I mean, we didn't..."

"What?!" His mouth drops open in shock. "Holy s.hit! You were at his last night!"

"You just said..."

"Was just a wild guess!" He laughs. "Called him last night and he said he had company over. He never has girls over to his and the rest of the guys were busy, so I figured it had to be you!"

"Can you be quiet!" I pinch his arm, making him yelp.

"F.ucking h.ell!" He rubs his skin to try to numb the pain, lowering his voice.

"No one can know alright?"

"Fine. All I've gotta do is give H a high five and then my lips are sealed." He grins.

"You're gross."

"Yet someone still appealing. You talked to Harper?"

"No. Why?" I start to walk across the lawn, Nate following right behind me.

"No reason."

"What's going on with you two?"


"Nothing?" I question, glancing over at him.

"Nothing that hasn't happened three times now." He smirks.

"No way!" I laugh, "You're such a liar."

"Am not! It happened. Thrice." He holds up three fingers proudly.

"Harper wouldn't." I shake my head in disbelief. "She can't stand you."

"She apparently can stand me a little bit. Just don't tell her. She'd hurt me, and not in the way I like." He makes a scared face. "Now we're even. We both know about each other's guilty pleasures."

"We didn't have s.ex."

"Please.." He scoffs. "I know H. And I know a freshly f.ucked H when I see him."

"Must of been someone else." I lie.

"Couldn't of been. Just admit it. It was going to happen either way. Anytime you guys get in the same room together you completely eye f.uck each other."

"We do not."

"Do too."

I sigh, giving up. "You're such a child."

"No, but I am late for my next class. Catch you later 'partner'." He slaps me on the back before jogging across the lawn, whistling at some freshmen.

Rolling my eyes, I walk towards the subway. Taking it to the station closest to Carter's townhouse.

He has probably already tried to call me today, and is most likely p.issed at me for not answering. The sooner I explain the loss of my phone, the better.

I only have to press the door bell twice before a maid answers, letting me in with a friendly smile. Finding Carter's office empty, I search the rest of the house till I come upon Bridget laying out by the pool.

"Grab a suit. Maya's making us margaritas." She smiles, holding her hand above her eyes so she can see me.

"Can't right now. You know where Carter is?"

"He's in Miami." Maya appears, giving me a quick hug. "Margarita?"

"No thanks." I smile at her. "What's he doing in Miami?"

"Some business meeting. Chloe and Margo went with him. He didn't tell you?"

"I lost my phone."

"Oh, you better call him then." She grabs hers off a table, handing it to me.

"He's gonna be p.issed." Bridgette's speaks up. "You know how he is if we don't answer him."

I frown, quickly dialing his number and holding the phone up to my ear.

After four rings, it goes to voicemail and I hang up, finding Margo's name and pressing call.

"Hey Maya what's up?" She answers cheerily.

"Hey Margo, it's Everly. I lost my phone last night. Is Carter with you?"

"Yeah. Hold on a second..."

I hear faint talking back and forth before Carter's strong voice sounds through the speaker.

"Everly, how are you darling?"

"I'm good. I just.."

"Margo said you lost your phone?"

"Yes, late last night. I'm sorry if you tried to get ahold of me."

"I haven't, I've been very busy today. Shall I have Grayson arrange for you to get a new one?"

"Thank you, but I already have. I'll be picking it up tomorrow."

"Next time let her take care of it. It's what she's here for."

"Of course. Maya said you're in Miami?"

"On the jet headed there." He answers. "An important meeting came up I needed to attend. I should be back tomorrow afternoon. We'll meet for dinner, anywhere you'd like."

"You want me to choose?" I ask, surprised.

"As long as you choose well. I'll call you tomorrow on my return flight and we'll arrange it."

"Okay. I'll talk to you then."

"Be good."

I open my mouth to respond but the call is cut off abruptly, a small beep letting me know it ended.

Handing Maya back her phone, I give her a forced smile.

"Everything alright?"

"Yes, just fine." I nod. "Thanks."

"You should stay for dinner. We could have a girl's night." Maya suggests.

"The b.itch is gone, so we may actually have fun for once." Bridgette speaks up, referring to Chloe.

"Very tempting but I can't tonight."

"I wouldn't want to spend a free night here either if I was you." Maya smiles, waving goodbye to me as I leave.

Another cramped subway ride later and I'm jogging up the steps to my apartment building, quickly punching in the code so I can get in.

Saying hello to the older couple from the second floor as they exit the elevator, I punch the button for my floor, leaning back against the wall.

I'm exhausted, mentally and physically. And I'm starving. I need food.

As I step out of the elevator, I realize I won't be going hungry for long.

Not when I find two bags of Chinese food waiting for me at my door. Along with the man I'd been caught daydreaming about only hours ago.

Harry and food... Does a girl need anything more? I think not.

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