The Art of Falling in Love

By pacificoceans

23.2K 723 18

❝I never used to believe in soulmates, but now I find myself questioning every thought I once had about love... More

Author's Note
Character Aesthetics
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight

Chapter Twenty Nine

333 11 0
By pacificoceans

I tried spending my nights under someone new, but the truth is I could spend my whole life getting over you.-Lauv, Getting Over You

I never got the chance to talk to Noah about the necklace. Five days fly by, and every time we hang out in a group, Amelia is always by his side. Whenever I had asked to hang out alone, he has already made plans with Amelia or Damon and Hunter.

Tonight is my opportunity to talk to him. It is New Year's Eve, and we are all going to a party at Joshua's house. He had invited essentially half the school, so despite my group's less than positive perception of him, we had decided to go earlier this week.

Alyce, Thalia, Katia and Mackenzie come over to my place at around 9 o'clock to get ready for the party.

After a half hour of doing our makeup and changing outfits, Alyce finally pipes up, "so, does anyone know if the croissant is coming tonight?"

Katia rolls her eyes, "come on, she's not that bad, guys. Noah is clearly into Diana; there really isn't any competition."

"She is that bad," Thalia grumbles. "She's French!"

"Guys, it's fine," I interject before they can start saying anything too rude. "I'm planning on talking to him at some point tonight, and everything will finally be cleared up."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Mackenzie grins. "Let's go."

❀ ❀ ❀

I am sipping on a cooler, wanting to have as little alcohol in my body as possible so I can talk to Noah coherently. I just want a little bit to help with the nerves. Unfortunately, I am sitting on a couch beside Noah with Amelia on his other side.

"I can't believe you aren't dating anyone," Amelia says to Noah. I roll my eyes and lean against the couch arm. Alyce and Hunter both shoot me sympathetic looks. "You deserve someone special in your life."

"Don't worry about me," Noah looks my way and grins. "I have everyone I need."

Suddenly, Amelia grabs Noah's face and kisses him. Right in front of everyone.

Alyce's jaw drops, "are you fucking kidding me?"

I abruptly stand up from the couch and storm away, unable to contain the irritation, jealousy and sadness that comes over me all at the same time. I feel a lump begin to form in my throat that I hastily swallow, trying desperately to ignore the need to cry.

A hand grasps my wrist, pulling me back. I turn and face Noah, who looks beyond confused. "Where are you going?" He asks, tilting his head to the side.

"I don't know," I mumble, looking anywhere but his eyes. "Away from you two. Couldn't wait to get a room?"

"What's wrong?" He frowns, and it sounds so sincere that I forget for a moment that he had just been kissing Amelia. I'm not mad; I don't have the right to be. He's not my boyfriend and I know I don't have a say in which girls he kisses. If anything, I feel more heartbroken. But that isn't his fault.

"Do you like her?" I asked him quietly.

Noah is silent for a second, a look of surprise on his face. "I haven't thought about it," He says, his tone continuing to be confused.

"Whoa, back off," Josh pushes Noah away. Where had he come from? "Can't you see she doesn't want to talk?"

"This is none of your business, man," Noah tells Joshua. "I need to talk to Diana."

"Not right now," I speak up, finally looking Noah in the eyes. "I'm sure Amelia's waiting for you. I'll be fine."

Noah looks like he wants to say something else, but with a look of defeat, he turns and heads back to the living room. To Amelia. I feel myself being embraced by Josh, and I returned the hug, needing the company.

The stupidest decision of my senior year happens in this moment, where Joshua Williams kisses me and I let him. In a moment of anger and heartbreak, I lead him to his room, and lock the door behind us. I continue to kiss him, a feeling of nostalgia clouding my judgement.

"Diana, are you drunk?" Josh pulls away from the kiss for a moment. "I've been dreaming of kissing you for the longest time, but not while you're drunk."

"I'm not drunk," I assure. "Are you?"

Josh smirks, the devilish glint in his eyes making me feel alive. "Nope."

He pulls me to his bed and kisses me again, making me forget.

❀ ❀ ❀

"Josh, we have to go out for the countdown." I tell him, putting on my t-shirt.

Josh wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me back to him. He kisses my neck, "Just a few more minutes."

"A few more minutes and the countdown will start," I roll my eyes. "You're the host, you have to be there."

"There are more than a hundred people here, they won't notice," Josh murmurs, looking at me with his blue eyes that had once made me fall in love. "How about we have a round two?"

He raises his eyebrows suggestively and I hit him with his pillow. He laughs and puts the pillow back onto the bed, leaning forward to kiss me. His kiss is soft and sweet, a nice change from his normally aggressive and lustful kisses. Don't get me wrong, both are great, but sometimes it is nice to have the gentle ones.

"Diana, I just want you to know..." He murmurs hesitantly. "I haven't slept with anyone since our breakup. I could never get you out of my head."

"You didn't sleep with Harley?" I ask, raising an eyebrow.

He shakes his head, "We only ever made out and if it seemed like it was going to go further, I never went through with it."

"Well, if it matters, I didn't sleep with anyone else, either." I tell him.

"I forgot what I had been missing." Josh grins and grabs me, pulling me on top of him. I laugh and kiss him. He is my temporary panacea.

Josh and I finally leave his room just as the countdown for one minute starts on the television downstairs. Everyone is already gathered, and I spot Noah immediately. He has his arm around Amelia's waist and a beer can in his other hand.

When the countdown hits zero, the cheers are beyond loud and excited. Josh leans down to kiss me and I kiss him back. I don't see if Noah kisses Amelia.

❀ ❀ ❀

I know sleeping with Josh might possibly be the worst decision I have ever made, but I can't reverse time now. All I can do is accept what I did, and hope the people around me are supportive. So when I finally get the nerve tell Alyce, I had hoped for a better reaction than what I get.

"You fucked Joshua Williams?" Alyce screeches.

Every head turns in our direction. We are currently at Damon's just to hang out. Unsurprisingly, Amelia is here, too.

"You did what?" Hunter exclaims, jumping up and down excitedly beside Alyce. "Yes, girl, get some!"

"Don't encourage this behaviour!" Alyce snaps at her boyfriend.

"I didn't want everyone to hear," I groan. "It was just a reckless, in-the-moment kind of thing that won't happen again."

Noah is awfully silent and when he gets up and storms outside, no one stops him. Amelia frowns at the action, watching as he stands out on the front lawn.

"Why is he so upset?" Amelia asks no one in particular.

Jasper coughs uncomfortably, "why do you think?"

"Tell me you used protection," Katia says with concern.

"Of course, and I'm on the pill," I tell her. "Can't be too safe."

"I knew you were the smart one of the group," Thalia says. "Well, if we're spilling secrets, then I guess it's a good time to tell you that Dylan and I hooked up and I still haven't told his sister."

"What the fuck?" Damon cries out. "Why is everyone so scandalous?"

"You should tell Lauren," Mackenzie frowns. "She deserves to know. Especially if she thought you two were exclusive."

"Uh, no," Hunter disagrees. "A little white lie never hurt anybody. It'll break her if you tell her. It's better to just keep it to yourself."

"No way," Amelia argues. "This is the kind of thing that will blow up in her face if Lauren ever finds out. It's not worth the risk."

"Were you two ever even official?" Damon asks. When Thalia shakes her head, he looks satisfied, "so she doesn't have to know. It's not cheating."

"But they went out a couple of times," Mackenzie disagrees with her boyfriend. "They're at least a thing. If I was seeing someone casually, I'd like to know if they were hooking up with other people."

"A better question is who you like," Katia puts in. "That's what really matters here."

"I don't know," Thalia groans. "Why do the Halls have such good genes?"

Jasper pats his sister on the shoulder half-heartedly, "Oh no, two good looking people are in love with you. Must suck to be you."

"But now she's caught in the middle of a family," Alyce chides. "Whose parents, by the way, think both kids are straight."

As my group of friends continue the debate on what Thalia should do, I walk to the front lawn. Noah is standing there, kicking rocks with his hands in his pocket. I catch a glimpse of his face and my heart breaks; I have never seen him so shattered.

I take a deep breath and my hand travels to the diamond necklace he had gotten me. It is time to have the conversation that has been controlling my thoughts these past two weeks.

A/N: that song quote was quite relevant to this chapter ;)

also, the way this chapter was written was past tense for the first half (the part leading up to her "stupid decision") and the second half is told in present like the rest of the novel.

if you were Thalia, what would you do? shut up or tell her? i'm intrigued.

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