The It Factor

By XxSwimmer_ChickxX

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The It Factor is a popular TV show that features young talent in their quest to become a star. When Serenity... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 44

290 17 7
By XxSwimmer_ChickxX

That night I didn't want go home until I was sure everyone else in the house was asleep. I'm sure my phone had a thousand worried calls and texts, but I had shut it off after sending Kyle a text saying not to worry about me. Vincent was very kind and was willing to hang out with me until I was ready to head back.

"You know you'll have to tell them sooner then later," He had said. We were sitting on the cough in Vincent's house, his arm slung around my shoulders and my head resting on his shoulder. It was only for a moment I felt guilty about the intimacy of our position, then I reminded myself that the next day Kyle and I wouldn't even be together. Plus I just really needed the comfort, and for some reason I felt safe and secure in Vincent's arms.

"But I can't tell them why," I whispered, "It's going to be so hard."

"But you can do it " He insisted, "You're strong, and you're doing the right thing...Well, under the circumstances you're making the right decision, even if it hurts a little." I sighed, snuggling into him tighter. He leaned down and planted a firm kiss on the top of my head.

"It's not just that I'm worried about," I shifted my head to I could see his face, full of concern and an obvious longing to take away my pain. Despite how I felt, a small bubble of happiness wedged its way into my heart. I knew it was wrong, to feel happy because Vincent was showing he cared about me, but that didn't make the feeling any less real. "I'm going to have to preform by myself in front of all those people...."

"And you'll do great," He insisted, a smile melting easily onto his face, "You're so talented and everyone loves you. You just have to believe in yourself."

"Easier said then done," I muttered under my breath, pursing my lips. The problem was not lack of confidence in my abilities, being on the show had proven that I could sing. It was fear that I would mess up, and it would be displayed on TV for the whole world to see. Wouldn't that thought make anyone, even the bravest and the boldest, the slightest bit nervous? "Besides, everyone most definitely does not love me."

He shook his head, "Then you're wrong. Besides Mia, who doesn't count because she's a heartless devil spawn, everyone is obsessed with you. I know you try to stay away from watching the show and reading articles and such, but trust me, you're a favourite. What's not to love about Serenity Davis?" Not knowing how to except the complement, I lowered my head to hide a blush and hissed out the word 'thanks,' not knowing if he even heard it or not.

Quiet set over us, neither feeling the need to speak. The seconds of silence stretched into minutes, and then possibly into hours. I couldn't tell how long we didn't speak to each other, and was perfectly content just to soak in the comfort that Vincent's presence brought. When I couldn't tell if Vincent was awake or asleep, my eyelids grew heavy and started to droop. I told myself to get up and leave, but my brain couldn't seem to shake the fog that had set in. Warm and cozy, I shifted to wrap my arms around Vincent's waist like he was a huge teddy bear, readying myself to break through my tired state. I couldn't fall asleep, not only would Vincent be totally creeped out in the morning, but everyone at the house would know I hadn't been home all night. Talk about drama exploding everywhere.

But my plans were disturbed, because when I next opened my eyes sun was peaking through the curtains. I was still disoriented and groggy, but aware enough to notice the hands wrapped around my waist and the soft, warm breathing that was blowing on my neck. I snuggled into the warmth, hoping for a few more blissful moments of sleep...

And then a horrible, blood curdling scream pierced the air that sent shivers down my spine.

I shot up, and so did the person underneath me. In a split second I realised where I was, and who I was laying on. Vincent's shocked face stared at me, just as baffled as I was. Somehow in the middle of the night we had shifted to lay on the couch, all snuggled up and cozy. Then another scream sounded, causing me to jump of of Vincent all the way and tumble to the floor.

"You bitch!" Someone screamed, and my head snapped towards the voice. Wendy. My gut dropped, I was suddenly terrified. "Coming in here and trying to steal my boyfriend! How could you?!" For some reason her anger was directed at me, and not at her stuttering boyfriend, who was still laying on the couch and clearly searching for a way to fix the situation. Wendy took a few threatening steps towards me, the look on her face murderous.

"It's not what it looks like!" Vincent exclaimed, jumping to he feet. Even through the chaos I couldn't help but cringe at the cliche line. Really, Vincent? You couldn't think of anything else?

"I'm sure it's not," Wendy screeched, officially shifting her rage to Vincent. Her eyes shone like fire as she jabbed a hand into his chest, "You weren't sleeping with Serenity on the couch or anything, were you?!"

"It was completely innocent," I offered, stumbling to my feet. From my position on the floor I had felt there was immediate danger to my health; Wendy was wearing stilettos, and seemed all to ready to kick the life out of me. "We just fell asleep, that's all."

She rose an eyebrow suspiciously, but was able to lower her voice to the high, squeaky tone that I loathed, "On top of each other? Because it sure looked like more then just 'falling asleep.'" I gulped, her shiver-inducing glare seeming to penetrate my soul.

"It was an accident," Vincent cooed, trying to soothe his fuming girlfriend. He turned to me, a pleading look on his face, "Could you go wake up Anna and make her get dressed?" I nodded, all to happy to flea the scene. My only hope was that when I came back I didn't find Vincent laying on the floor with a bright red stiletto protruding from his skull.

Making my way up the stairs, I felt guilty. The chances of Vincent's relationship lasting through the hour was slim, and it was all my fault. How many things would I ruin before all of the drama was over? We had accidentally fallen asleep, and Wendy had just so happened to walk in on us. How she had gotten in the house in the first place was beyond me, but I did know I would feel extremely guilty if Vincent wasn't able to make Wendy forgive him.

Anna's room was the first door on the right once you got up the stairs. It was painted light pink with blue and yellow flower stickers stuck everywhere. There was only one window, covered with light, mint green curtains. Her bed was probably the dream bed of every little girl ever; it was a loft bed, with pink sheets and a duvet to match the wall color. Underneath the bed they had enclosed with wood to build a sort of house, with a curved door that lead to her 'dinning room.' There was a little set of table and chairs where she ate her snacks and had tea parties with her friends. According to her, she was always the princess when she played with her friends. And to top it all off, there was a slide connected to her bed so she could slide down in the mornings.

"Anna," I called, walking in and opening the curtains, "Time to get up! I've gotta go back to my house." She moaned, and then her head popped up, a smile spreading on her face.

"Serenity! You're still here!" She squealed, hoping up and sliding down the slide.

"I am," I smiled, giving her a hug. Why this child loved me so much I would never know, all I could do was just accept it. Shouts came from down stairs, even coming through the door I had purposely closed behind me. I frowned, they couldn't keep their bickering quiet so Anna wouldn't be worried?

Anna never ceased to surprise me, though, "Wendy's here, isn't she?" She sighed, rolling her eyes, "They're always fighting.

"Really?" I asked, shocked. Of course Vincent wouldn't of told me if his relationship was on the rocks, he had no obligation to, but it just surprised me they were fighting so quickly. They hadn't been together for very long.

"Mhmm," She walked over to her closet and flipped on the light. Obviously I was no longer needed, so I turned and headed for the door.

"When you're done getting dressed come downstairs, please," I added, and then closed the door behind me. Just as my foot hit the first step there was a loud scream from downstairs, and then a door was slammed. My heart nearly stopped. I had caused this, it was all my fault. I ran to the living room to find Vincent laying on the couch with his hands over his face. "I'm so sorry," It came out as barely a whisper, guilt overwhelming me.

He lifted his head to look at me, "Don't be, this breakup's a long time coming. I've been looking for a way to end it, anyway." Anna came skipping down the stairs, humming a tune. How could these people be so casual about this?!

"So you're finally done with the witch?" Anna asked innocently, hopping on top of her brothers stomach. He let out a groan and ruffled her hair.

"Wendy isn't a witch, Anna," He scolded, but the smile on the face clearly said he was only joking. "Now, we have to take Serenity back to her house. Come on." As much as I didn't want to leave, those words brought me major relief. Slowly, I was loosing my nerve, and if I waited much longer I was sure I wouldn't have the courage to talk to the boys.

The ride home was awkwardly silent on my part. Vincent and Anna chatted away, but all I could do was look at my hands. This moment was unavoidable any longer, I knew that. We had rehearsal that afternoon, what kind of person would I be to just not show up? The car pulled up to the house, and I gulped. Five boys were waiting on the porch, looking extremely worried. At first, they didn't even notice the car.

"Good luck," Vincent said, resting a hand on my shoulder, "If you need anything, give me a call." Gratitude mixed in with my guilt and fear, and I lurched forward to give him a hug. No one could ask for a better friend.

"Thank you so much," I whispered, squeezing him right. Then before I could loose the burst of confidence I had found, I forced the door open and stepped out of the vehicle. In the time I had hugged Vincent the boys had noticed us, and were charging towards the car. "Go," I insisted, waving Vincent out of the driveway. I couldn't handle the pressure of explaining why I was with Vincent on top of what I was about to do

"Serenity!" Kyle was in the front of the pack, barreling towards me. He hit my body with such a force I stumbled back, almost falling over. It took all my effort not to hug him back. "What's wrong? What happened?! My mom said you left the hotel, but we never saw you come out."

I took a deep breath, this was it. The moment of truth. "I went to see Mia." Surprised at myself ability to keep my voice so calm, I lifted my chin slightly, hoping it would make me look more confident. By that time the rest of the boys had crowded behind Kyle.

"Why?" Tristan asked, looking as baffled as the rest. "Were you trying to get that bitch to change her mind about you and Kyle?"

"No," I deadpanned, crossing my arms. Never in my life had I aspired to become an actress, mainly because I couldn't tell a lie to save my life. However, not only did my career depend on my ability to tell this lie, so did the boys'. As much as it hurt, I knew it was the right thing to do, and my only option. "I decided I wanted to become a solo act."

Immediately, they all started screaming. Their looks of shock, betrayal and hurt almost made me crumble, but I stood tall and forced my quivering lip still. The only way they would believe me was if I went to far, and made them believe this is what I truly wanted. I knew that. Ignoring the questions, I continued.

"I'm grateful you guys got me over my stage fright, but now I'm just tired of you guys. You're annoying, whiny, and I don't think I'll win if I stay with you guys." It hurt, I wanted to break down and cry. Somehow, I was able to force out the last sentience locking eyes with Kyle. "From now on, I'm on my own."

Before anyone could say anything I took off running towards the house. Tears spilled from my eyes before I even reached the porch, I could only hope no one noticed. The looks on their faces, especially Kyle's, almost killed me. But any doubt they had had at first was gone, that much was certain. I knew I still had to break up with Kyle if I wanted to keep Mia happy, but I just couldn't face him. At least not right away. Surely I had caused enough damage and pain for one day.

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