The Most Dangerous Game (Harr...

By Posh777

420K 17.3K 5.5K

"One game, one hand. That's all I want." He smiles confidently at me, "You really think you can win against... More



5.3K 251 58
By Posh777


I blink a few times, my vision a bit blurred before things start to come into focus.

"Are you alright Miss?"

A man's face I don't recognize comes into my line of sight, holding up two fingers.

"How many fingers am I holding up?" He questions.

"Two." I answer as I slowly sit up.

He takes my pulse, shining a light into my eyes before he helps me stand.

"How is she?" Carter's voice speaks up behind us.

"Seems to be fine. She should get some rest. I suggest you see her home." The older man shakes Carter's hand before walking away from us.

"My personal doctor." Carter nods after him before setting his gaze on me. "Thankfully he was just down the street. Are you hurt?"

"No, I'm fine." I assure him. "How long was I out?"

"A good twenty minutes."

"I'm sorry I..."

"Get your things, I'm taking you home."

I nod, grabbing my clutch and small wrap off the back of my chair. He takes my hand, leading me outside where his car is waiting for us.

We slide into the back seat, the ride to my apartment building spent with Carter on the phone talking about the purchase of some small technology company.

When we pull up to the curb he abruptly ends his call, pressing the button to raise the partition between us and the driver.

"You scared me tonight." He takes my hand, running his thumb across the engagement ring now on my finger.

"I'm sorry. I'm fine though, really."

"Glad to hear it." His eyes lock with mine. "I don't want things to be like this. I need to see you happy with our life going forward. I need for others to see you happy with me. Your reaction tonight.. It was embarrassing for me. Do you understand that?"

"Yes." I nod.

"This won't happen again, there's no reason for it to. You'll have whatever you wish for when you're my wife. You'll want for nothing."

Except love, I think to myself.

"You'll be happy." He goes on. "And your first priority will making sure I am as well."

"Of course." I nod again.

He leans over, pressing his lips against mine forcefully. I flinch, it taking everything in me not to shove him away.

It feels like forever before he finally releases his grip on me, pecking my lips one last time before sitting back in his seat.

"I have meetings all day tomorrow, but I'll expect you at my townhouse the day after. Come at noon, we'll be having a few guests."

"Alright." I grip the door handle, pushing the door open as Carter grabs my wrist.

"If I ever see this ring not on your finger I'll be thoroughly disappointed."

"You won't."

He smiles, satisfied with my response. "Get some rest. I'll be sending Grayson over tomorrow to start going over some wedding details with you. No go."

I don't waste a second in getting out, closing the door behind me and jogging up the eight steps leading to my building.

As soon as I'm inside the main door, I lean against it and take a deep breath.

Opening my clutch, my fingers fumble with my phone until I've found the name I'm looking for.

It only rings once before I hear a click.

"What happened?" Margo asks hurriedly. "Did he tell you his plan?"

"He wants me to marry him!" I practically yell into the phone as I press the elevator button for my floor. "Margo, I can't do that! What the h.ell am I supposed to do!?!"

"Calm down." She lowers her voice. "When?"

"He didn't say, but soon. He wants me to drop out after this semester. He didn't even ask, he just told me... Margo, I won't marry him."

"You didn't tell him that did you?"

"No, of course I didn't. He said... he said if I married him then I could see Reid."


"Your plan is going to work right? We'll get the evidence we need before I would have to go through with something like that?" I ramble off as I step into the elevator.

"I can't know that for sure."

"Margo.. Please just tell me we'll get him before then. Lie to me if you have to!"

"I can't. Not about this." She sighs. "I'm so sorry Everly, but if it comes to that..."

"You expect me to just marry him?! He's a murderer Margo."

"A murder who has Reid." She points out.

I step out of the elevator, unlocking my door and closing it behind me. Taking a seat on my couch, I stare at the ring on my hand.

"I don't even know if he's alive." I whisper, hating the words as they leave my mouth.

I've thought them for so long, but have never actually voiced them out loud.

"I know." She responds softly. "But if there's any chance he is.."

"You think Carter would keep his promise? You think he'll let me see him?"

"I don't know."

"I'm not sure if I can do this."

"You can.. You have to. There's so many lives at stake here Everly and you're the only one he lets close to him."

"I hate him." I breathe out. "I hate him and you're telling me if it comes down to it, I'll have to marry him."

"Hopefully we'll get what we need before then, we're already so close."

I chuckle humorlessly, shaking my head.

"Are you okay?" She asks, concern clear in her voice.

"Just trying to remember the last time I did something that I actually wanted to do... Instead of what I have to do."

"It will all be over soon." She tries to reassure me.

"Yeah.. Or it will never really be over at all."

"You can't think like that. I... S.hit, Carter just pulled up. I need to go. I'll call you as soon as I can. Everything will be fine. Get some sleep alright?"

"I'll just dream of being able to make my own decisions." I joke.

"Of doing whatever your little heart desires." She adds.

"Night Margo."


I drop my phone next to me on the couch, running my hands through my hair.

I can't believe what my life has become.

I'm so sick of having to do exactly what I'm told. Be exactly who I'm supposed to be.

My whole life has become a lie. Every move I make completely dictated by a monster.

Can't I have one thing, just one, that's mine?

That I want?

I stand up, my heart beating faster in my chest as I yank the ring off my finger and drop it into the couch next to my phone. I step across the room, quickly snatching my keys off the table. I don't think, instead just locking the door behind me, stepping in front of the elevator doors and tapping the button to call it again and again.

Before I know it I'm outside, standing at the curb and waving my hand in the air wildly.

A taxi pulls up seconds later and I jump inside, practically shouting an address at the alarmed driver.

He probably thinks I'm insane. I can't even sit still, fidgeting in my seat like a child. My breaths shallow and quick already.

I am insane. Absolutely crazy for what I'm about to do.

And I don't give a s.hit.

I throw a few bills into the front seat as we pull up to our destination, scrambling out of the car and up the steps of the old brownstone.

I jog up the stairs as quickly as possible, not even taking a breath before I raise my hand and knock harshly on the worn wooden door.

I'm still knocking, knuckles rapping against hard surface when it's suddenly tugged open.

"What the f.uck is..." Harry's words fade off at the site of me standing in his doorway, emerald green eyes widening as they meet mine. "Everly?"

I don't answer, taking one deep breath before I practically lunge myself forward. Grasping the back of his neck and pulling him towards me.

Desperately pressing my lips against the plump pink ones I haven't been able to stop thinking about.

It's happening!!!!..... Or is ittttt? ;)

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