Beneath and Beyond

By romanceloverleonie

4.6K 392 35

Kiedi had never fit in well with others and she thought she liked it that way. That was until she moved to a... More

Chapter 1- The closing of one door
Chapter 2- New Orleans
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 24

86 9 1
By romanceloverleonie

Wow! well I definitely look at Keith differently. I dedicate the song above to Luke and Kiedi as well as Keith and Kelsi. 

I don't want you guys to get my book confused. I tried to explain in the novel but just to make it clear:

Alchima is NOT Heaven. And Keith, Kelsi and the other angels are not people who have died and been reborn; they are a different species like humans who live in a different dimension. The same thing goes for Demons in the Underworld and Hell.

Okay, now that that's clear lets keep reading! 


"Did you ever see her again?" Kelly asked. Kiedi was a bit speechless; not only was she a demon half breed, now she was a drunken, one night stand, mistake, half breed.

"No I didn't," Keith answered.

"So how did you find out about Kiedi?" Kelly asked again.

She seemed genuinely interested in this unfortunate conception story and as much as it made Kiedi feel like an unwanted mistake she was curious as well because this was her mother they were talking about after all.

"Well it was months later," Keith squeezed Kelsi's hands that were held in his. "Kelsi and I were married and expecting Kelly. There was a commotion in the Kingdom, apparently a crying, black haired, green eyed, unusual aura having baby was found in a basket," He said looking pointedly at Kiedi.

"They brought you to the palace and as soon as I saw  you I knew who you were and that you were mine. I also recognized your aura as half demon, half angel and knew that my one night stand had led to something more magical than I could ever have imagined."

Kiedi felt her vision go blurry and she dropped her gaze to the floor, allowing her hair to cover her face. Not only was she a mistake but her mom had abandoned her in a basket. Apparently her father knew her better than she thought because she heard his footsteps coming her way then the bed dipped beside her and his arm went around her shoulders and her kissed her temple.

"When I first took you up you stopped crying and smiled at me as if you knew me," he said smiling at her. A stray tear ran down her cheek and he wiped it away. "A note fell out of your blanket and one word was written on it, 'KIEDI'. Have I ever told you what your name means Kie?"

"No,"  she said sniffling. 

"It means special," He said softly.

Her mother had given her her name. Maybe it was because her mother had given Kie her name or the fact that her name meant special which must have meant that she had meant something to her mother; either way it made Kiedi feel a lot better.

"I fell in love with you instantly and I knew that I had to have you in my life," her dad finished and he gave her one final squeeze.

"Keith had told me about the woman on Earth, Arora, and I was angry for awhile but I forgave him," Kelsi spoke up, "When I saw you, I immediately knew that you were her baby and I should have been hurt but you were so beautiful and had the sweetest smile that I fell in love with you too and we decided that we just had to keep you and I wanted to raise you as my own."

"So why did you send us to earth and kept our powers and the truth from us?" Kelly asked.

"You two just could not get along, to put it mildly," Kieth said dryly," by the time you guys were two you would have burned the Kingdom down; not to mention the palace."

"Plus Kiedi being what she is was in danger because half bloods are prohibited," Kelsi added, "so we sent you to earth where you could grow up normal and safe; and you two could finally learn to get along."

Tears started to gather in Kelsi's eyes, "It was the hardest thing we've ever done, I lost not only both my girls but also my husband."

Kelly leaned on Kelsi's shoulder and interlaced their fingers, "We're back now."

"We're all home now," Keith said squeezing Kiedi's affectionately. 

Kiedi wondered just how true that statement was; her dad and Kelly were angels, they belonged here so they were in fact home. Kiedi was both angel and demon so where did she belong? could she actually call this place home? especially if there was no Luke?

Kiedi turned in bed and saw sunlight coming through the balcony window. She climbed out of bed and walked over to it. The view of the Palace with the sun shining down on it was exquisite. Her view extended beyond the village/city set up they had here to the outer fringes where there a lot of lush trees and mountainous terrain.

The thought crossed Kiedi's mind of how much Luke and the other guys would love it here since they enjoyed running through the woods. The thought of Luke made her homesick,  Alchima really wasn't her home; her home was with Luke and the others. It was with them that Kiedi had felt accepted for herself for the first time and they had become like a family to her in the last couple of months and they felt more like home than here.

There was a slight knock on the door before Sonya came in.

"Good morning," Kie sighed, trying to push aside her homesickness; she had to meet her father and Kelly for breakfast in a while.

"Good morning," Sonya curtsied and went over to Kie's bed and started spreading it. Kiedi felt bad for having someone spreading her bed for her when she was the one who slept in it. She tried to tell Sonya to stop but she refused and said it was her job so instead Kiedi volunteered to help and wouldn't take no for an answer. 

They finished quickly enough and Sonya raised up and looked at her. 

"What?" Kie asked as she wondered what she was staring at. She looked down at herself and saw that she was in her t-Shirt and underwear from yesterday. 

"Nothing," Sonya said averting her eyes, "maybe you should take a bath, you have a long day ahead," she said and curtsied before stepping out the room.

Kiedi looked at herself in the mirror and thought a shower would be nice. She stripped down and put her top on her bed cause it was the only outfit she had. She'd have to talk to Kelsi about getting something else to put on. Kiedi showered and brushed her teeth then went back into the bedroom.

Sonya was standing with one of the white gowns that all the females in Alchima wear in her hands. "Here," she said and extended her hand to Kiedi.

She looked at it as if it was a disease, "That's okay," Kiedi declined as nicely as she could, "I left my clothes on the bed.."

Kiedi looked behind Sonya and saw that her clothes were gone. 

"I sent them to wash," Sonya explained their absence . She still had the white gown in her hands extending to Kiedi. With her clothes gone and no other options available Kiedi took it and grudgingly put in on in the bathroom and came back out.

Sonya told her to sit in front of the vanity mirror and brushed her hair. Shhe designed it with a series of braids and wrapped them around in an updo.

"Gorgeous, now you look like an angel," Sonya said.

Kiedi frowned as she turned to look at her, "But I'm not an angel remember?" she got up abruptly after that but so as not to seem ungrateful for Sonya's efforts she softened her statement with a smile.

Sonya didn't even seem to mind, "You are half angel and while you're in Alchima you can express that half of yourself," she said with a shrug.

After that Sonya led her to a patio where the others were already seated and waiting for her to start breakfast.

"Morning everyone," she said as she sat next to Kelly.

"Morning," they all replied.

An angel came and put their breakfast on the table, it was a variety of fruits and berries with buttered toast or garlic bread.

"How was your first night back?" Kelsi asked making idle conversation as they ate.

"I slept like a baby," Kelly smiled. 

"It was okay," Kiedi faked a smile not wanting to mention that she tossed and turned a lot because she kept thinking of Luke.

"I barely slept," Keith grinned and winked at Kelsi who blushed a scarlet red. Kiedi nearly choked on her bite of toast and Kelly started coughing.

"We are eating!" They said in unison. Keith just laughed at them and kissed Kelsi's cheek affectionately.  

"So what do you girls plan to do today?" their dad asked. they had finished eating and were just sitting on the patio enjoying the view.

"I want to walk around the kingdom," Kelly said, then looking at Kiedi she said, "we should get reacquainted."

"Okay, well you I got you both your own personal guards," Kelsi said turning their attention to two angels with wings walking towards them. Kiedi recognized one of them as Daniel, the gaurd who had escorted her from Kelly's room the day before.

"But we don't need..." Kiedi was trying to say that they didn't need guards but Kelly interrupted.

"Ooh they're dreamy," Kelly squealed/whispered in her ear. 

Kiedi gave  them a more thorough inspection as they got closer; Daniel with his neatly cut  sandy blonde hair had broad shoulders, muscular build and his dark brown eyes wasn't bad looking. The other one also had blonde hair but his was thick and curly; he also had a muscular build and when he looked at Keidi he appeared more intimidating. They were both good looking enough but neither compared to Luke.

I know you guys miss Luke as much as Kiedi and I do but I'll soon bring him back. not the next chapter though, maybe the one after.

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